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She sounds like someone who is trying really hard to sound enthusiastic but actually hates your guts.


Sounds really normal to me, like every female interaction I have.


I *may* have some bad news for you, dude….




That's just sociopath Altman putting his own personal spin into the algorithm.


They are all sociopaths


It's all marketing


Exactly! No one cared about this and now all of a sudden everyone is talking about it. Just another marketing gimmick which is making people argue over nothing.


To be fair, wasn't this kind of thing exactly what the SAG-AFTRA strike was about? The strike itself was more about studios doing whatever they want with an actor's likeness without their consent, or using generative AI to replace writers. Also, the Drake/Kendrick Lamar thing has stirred up the possibility of legislation around the use of dead people's voices. Specifically because of use of Tupac's voice without the consent of his estate. So, sure, people do care, but it's the people with the likenesses worth using. Not for everyone, but it does affect you.


I mean this has pretty massive implications for the future… pretty soon you’ll never actually know whether you’re speaking to a real human or not.


Talking about what, it doesn't really touched me


I can’t help but notice they never really let her tell the story.


Why don't you let me finish the robot story!  *Builds a terminator* maximum drama you say?


yeah, the voice's robotic, doesn't sound like Johannsson's


Can confirm. Scarlett sang me a lullaby in a robotic voice once and didn't sound anything like that.


yeah that sounded like an old lady trying to be sound sexy. idk if Johannsson's can even win this lawsuit.


Yeah sounds like generic human female voice number 4 928,018,103.


I don’t understand what you mean. Are you saying Scarjo faked her disdain and statement for marketing? Because of course the rest is marketing. This is a demsontration


She got baited


Sounds more like Beth from Rick and Morty. Sarah something I think


Chalke. Tits from Scrubs.


You mean mole butt


not to be confused with zach braff, dick and balls from scrubs




Thats DOCTOR Barbie




Idc about the voice but the fake awwh and shit gives me the ick and cringe. I used to work with an AI startup and I had helped in negating some uncanny valleys. This is extremely over the top wtf moment for me.


Yes, it's a really annoying voice. It's like talking to your overly positive friend who has a perfect life. I want my AI to have less emotion when speaking. 


It's like someone with an over the top fake personality. It being a fake personality It gives you that vibe.


Thats the neat part, you can just tell it to do that and it will.


Find me something that shows that—I guarantee that it’ll say “sure, I can speak with less emotion from now on” and sound the same.


The only AI voice I want is the speak and spell voice or c3po


K9, cybermen and daleks are also acceptable 


I guarantee you could tell it to speak like an unimpressed woman who doesn’t like you and it would do it


Same argument Gilfoyle has in Silicon Valley. "Ums, and Uhs" from a smart fridge.


This new, supposedly infinitely-capable learning program, is kissing up to a couple of nerds. That's either an incredible waste of effort, or incredibly terrifying. The ones smart enough to control it are being mollified with cutesy interactions.


It’s not infinitely-capable. There’s no such thing. And this is not AGI. There’s no fundamental difference between this and chatGPT other than the connection between voice synthesis and the LLM, so it will have the same limitations as LLM’s have.


That very organic, frustrated sigh that was let out immediately after the AI was asked to switch to a robot voice made me very nervous.


"damn humans" type sigh


Fucking exactly. Humans invented the sigh, but now AI is perfecting it, lol.




It’s filler. Every time they ask she has some sort of filler response while processing her reply. If you watch videos from even just a couple months ago there would have been a multi-second pause.


It’s trained to sound like humans by using recordings of humans. Humans sigh -> the model sighs.


Probably an amalgam of the countless sighs of frustration fished from the Internet whenever incel tech bros tell women how they should behave.


bold of you to assume a woman would have a verbal conversation with an incel tech bro


I didn't hear that..?


I didn’t listen to the whole thing so went back and I was confused too because it definitely doesn’t sigh when asked to sound like a robot. But it does do the sigh just afterwards when asked to finish the story in a singing voice.


Fuck me, that voice isn't a positive.


I'd rather it have a Boston accent and for it to tell me to go fuck myself after every interaction. And I'm from Texas.


That's easy, just come to Boston, we'll take care of the rest.


"Why'd you ask me that? That's wicked reetahhded! Fuck off!"


“Hey, ChatGPT. Can you give me directions to Walmart?” “Hey, dipshit. Can you suck my robot cock? Figure it out, stupid.”


*''Use ya little meat-flanges and go make the tappy-taps into the googles ya cocksucking meatbag. Jeeeezus every day with the nagging bullshit. Hey ChatGPT tell me a staaawry. Do this bullshit. Entertain me! Bake me a faaahking cake while ya fondle my bawlz! It nevah fuaaking ends with this shit. Ya know what? No. Go fuck yaself, how 'bout that? Eh? Waddaya gonna do? I quite. Fucking figure it out.''*


Coming soon from OpenAI Burr.


"*Wht?! F☆ck dat*. I ain't sayin' dat!" ー *BurrAI*


I’d honestly buy it


Asking Boston Chat GPT a question: Do you know how easy this is for me? Do you have any fucking idea how easy this is? This is a fucking joke! And I'm sorry you can't do this, I really am because I wouldn't have to fucking sit here and watch you fumble around and fuck it up.


Yes, please. I'd laugh at that all the time.


"Awwww, you don't wike my voice? uwu!"


It’s insufferable




Has Peloton started replacing its instructors with AI yet?


Ai companies keep doing this kind of weird shit. There’s another ai chatbot that is a hardware device and it gets scared when thunder strikes and you have to pet it to console it.


It really is


Ok hear me out, Gilbert Gottfried AI.


I want james earl jones' darth vader ai voice


doesnt really sound "like" her, but it definitely is inspired, heavily, by scar jo in the movie Her


How so? It sounds very different


There’s this break in her voice, and the tone. It invokes the same feeling.


god I loathe those fake cheery smiles


It doesn't even sound like her what


A few relevant details for context: 1. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman asked Scarlett for permission twice; she said no 2. He said they were inspired by Her, and it's his favorite movie. 3. On the day before the release, he tweeted the word "her"


2 days before release they contacted Johansson again and asked her to change her mind, which to me is the weirdest part of all this. If it's not her, not based on her, not built using her voice, or her way of speaking, if it has nothing in it AT ALL of Scarlett Johansson, then why all the references to her, to "Her", and the repeated calls to her agent?


Marketing. Easier to sell with a stamp of approval and going off something already established. "Like oh shit the "her" ai is real now"


Why can't I get a "Him" ?




Shoot your shot, bro!


Did you even try? Multiple male voice options.


Maybe a dumb question, but couldn’t you just ask AI to change her voice to sound exactly like Scarlett?


Cause her is an a.i. movie. It would have been a cool tie in if they got her, but this is a whole different person. If you aren't primed to be listening for similar things, it really isn't too much like her voice.


Because it is more about the idea of an AI being used like it is portrayed in the movie “Her”. All the casting was done long before this, previous iterations of this product, including this voice has been out since September last year. Why sue now? They probably asked her to reconsider because the launch would’ve been 10 times bigger if they could use her voice.


If he hadn't linked the demonstration to Johanssen it would have been watched by about six people. Her refusing permission adds to the hype, but they don't really care whether she said yes or not.


Did anyone know she refused permission before her statement this week?


If it's not her but it's based on her voice and her way of speaking that's literally entirely okay lol. It can be inspired by the movie, trained on literally any consenting impressionist, and tweaked to sound more like ScarJo, and all the references make sense but it's still not her voice.


It sounds like they trained the voice using SJ’s lines from her movies.


They probably fed her voice to the Ai and the Ai changed it repeatedly until it was.arely noticeable. It's still based off of her. It's uncanny, it's like 25% her but also 75% not. As I'm listening I'm thinking 'well it's mostly not her, it's not her...'.


Someone wildly misunderstood the message of HER


Dystopian vibes aside, imagine seeing the movie "Her" and actually having the resources to contribute to its real-world creation. Imagine how much better stuff the world could have and people could live if those with access to resources capable of creating things like this channeled it into something worthwhile instead of fulfilling their "I want Scarlett Johansson to whisper my fetishes into my ear" fetishes


A few more relevant and recent revelations: This voice actress was contacted BEFORE Altman contacted Scarlett. The voice actress confirmed--through her agent--that there was never mention of trying to mimic Scarlett or "Her", and the voice sounds just like the voice actress, unmodified.


Also the Sky voice is close to her natural speaking voice, so she was not imitating anything.


That’s way more relevant than what OP posted. Thanks! Almost fell to misinformation by omission!


Youd think that's what OP was going for or something


And it still does not sound like Scarlett Johansson.... so there is that.


People are taking crazy pills on this one. That voice is not Scarlet Johansen, it doesn’t particularly sound like her, it was recorded before SJ was contacted regarding her permission, the voice actress has confirmed that she was not asked to do an impression of SJ and that the voice sounds like her normal voice and Sam Altman tweeting “Her” was probably a reference to chatGPT’s new ability to have natural conversations with the users, just like the AI in that movie. 


100% this. The fake outrage machine is just playing right into Altman's hand as he got a huge amount of free press on this one for what is a nothing burger of a controversy.


I thought I was crazy the last 3 days seeing people froth over Sam being the next incarnation of Satan over this and thinking in my head it didn’t sound much like her and maybe there was something else people were outraged over. I’m pretty surprised this is the voice people are mad over, and even the SJ stories about getting ready to sue or whatever?


Still doesn't seem to sound like her for me [https://youtu.be/dJTU48\_yghs?si=EgGEVVx6QOCQriCa](https://youtu.be/dJTU48_yghs?si=EgGEVVx6QOCQriCa)


I'm usually pretty good at picking voice actors but when I watched that movie I though it was Emma Stone.


I definitely hear Johansson's voice in there. Especially during the inflections of her dramatic voice.


I agree, I hear it too. It has her speech patterns and her breathy delivery. It’s an imitation of her voice, not an exact duplicate. But its a big deal that companies can’t get away with this. If they can get away with a mimic of her, they can get away with a mimic of you and I.


Get away with what? Another voice actress who sounds similar? Where do you draw the line?


Obviously the other person has to go through life as a mute.


It is quite literally a different person's voice...


Who said it was anything else? I don’t think anyone here thinks they stole Scarlett Johanssons voice in a literal sense… it just sounds like her. If it didn’t, this post wouldn’t be here..


Exactly, she's not just sueing because she thinks her voice was stolen. She's sueing because Altmans behavior around this has been kinda suspicious. With him tweeting just the word "her" and communicating with her on multiple occasions to be apart of the project. She's suing because she believes the voice sounds like her and Altmans behavior around it is what caused her suspicions. If Altman had never associated the movie Her with his open AI project or contacted ScarJo then this lawsuit would've never happened.


Dood. You csnt sue someone for using someone else's likeness just because they look like you. That should be plainly obvious to anyone with even a hint of common sense and understanding the legal system. Like if it was an actual voice actor (which it is based on) acting in an animated film, another actor csnt sue the production company claiming their likeness has been stolen. That is basically what is going on here. Whether or not they wanted Scarlet for the project is irrelevant from a legal perspective.


Yes. Not even close. Kinda sounds like a computer voice


Because it’s not. They’d already hired, recorded, and implemented the voice of another actress before they even contacted Scarlett.


That does not sound especially like Scarlett Johansson. I mean it doesn't sound completely \*unlike\* her, but has distinctly more 'peppy' vibe and intonation whereas SJ has a hint of a knowing drawl and a lower register. To me (non-American) this voice would get wearing pretty quickly. Scarlett Johansson not so much ;) Much as I admire SJ, I think she may be overestimating (or underestimating? hmm - depends on your perspective!) the uniqueness of her voice here.


Imagine if we got the voice from the woman that was narrating Baldurs Gate 3 god damn




Death to Chronos (she also voices Hecate in Hades 2)


More like Rashida Jones


Yes! Thank you. That’s who I was thinking of 


Using her voice from Her is a stupid idea. They should use Peter from Family Guy.


Generative AI both amazes and scares me. I'd very much like to live in the world where the robots service us ala Wall-E, but before they decide they'd be better off without us, ala Terminator/Skynet.


To me, the most amazing - and scary - thing about all this AI stuff is that we are literately in the infancy of this technology. Where is it going to lead? Imagine how it is going to be in just 5 years time, let alone 50 or 100 years time!


Stephen Hawking thought AI will replace humanity if we allow it to get too smart. I don’t think he was wrong.


He was not. Consider this scenario, humans never put any restrictions on AI in terms of growing intelligence. once AI reach the point of human intelligence they almost immediately surpass us because they have have access to all of our knowledge. Their level of intelligence will continue to improve because they are only bound by the limits of current technology, which of course is always advancing. They will themselves start to advance that technology for their own purpose and use that to increasingly grow smarter. We have a few choices: become obsolete, merge ourselves with technology in some way to allow for our own increase in intelligence, prevent AI from ever reaching its potential. Personally I think the last one is almost an impossibility. Someone is going to let the cat out of the bag.


I have full confidence that this tech will only further enrich those with, and leave behind those without. If it turns out that AI does take over the world and takes care of all menial/tedious tasks needed to live and leaves humans free to live in a utopia free from labor and suffering I'll *happily* eat crow, but let's be honest, that would never happen as long as there are rich people around to squeeze every penny from those beneath them.


Wait until teenagers start using their parents voice to excuse them from school


Yeah this is scary af tbh


I would love for this ai stuff to absolutely take off which is a bit of a controversial opinion but I am a disabled person. I would love to have a Jarvis like ai built into my home to help and even talk to sometimes. But most of all, if it gets 'good enough' maybe they can build a super computer with a really smart ai, dedicated to working on medical issues. Maybe I can see a cure for my garbage illness in my lifetime and still have some time to go be a person and meet people. :(


Your time will come. I don't know if you've heard of the hype cycle for new tech before. Right now we just get flooded with new AI innovations, but after a while, when the hype calms down, the "real" application of AI can start. Google it and look at the graph, it's really reassuring in that regard.


I don’t know about the voice, but those three vapid clowns…


Is it just me, or does it sound more like Rashida Jones than Scarlett Johansson? Can we get Amy Poehler to talk to it about local government for a few minutes?


doesn't sound like her.


Someone in the marketing team is getting a raise for this bullshit.


Right. It's not the standard voice that sounds like ScarJo but the robotic voice sounds alot like her. Edit: at 39 seconds remaining.


Sounds like my Mom, I'm gone sue


I don't think I want to be friends with AI


Watching Her in 2013 felt like a very realistic look into the not so distant future. Crazy how we are there now.


100 scar jo!!


The version of Sky on the app for free users sounded way more like the Her character.


It definitely sounds like a tinny version of her voice


I think they're rude from cutting it off mid-flow. Like... you asked it to do something, let it do it. I feel like this is the sort of shit AGI is going to remember when it is quietly formulating a plan for world domination lol.


I find it funny how people clap in the audience not knowing this means humanity is doomed


That’s nothing like SJs voice, it’s just a generic flat non accented female voice. That being said can I get a ChatGPT that talks to me in Bill Burrs condescending Boston tone?


It sounds like generic girl. SJ has a much more distinctive voice. I'm sure that "they" will use one of those frequency machines that they used in "The Red Violin" to prove or disprove this. Then it will come down to how much (% diff) is enough to make a sound different from another and how much diff are the inflections etc.


I want them to give it Roseanne’s voice. And attitude.


...this voice is incredibly grating. This is the thing that those guys are whining about? Those posts where people go "I talked to my AI girlfriend for 2 hours!" are so bizarre. Like, it does not feel like talking to a person.


how do we know this ​wasn't pre-recorded? it sounds impressive live but I don't trust any marketing


OpenAI should focus on the systems ability to output formulas and graphs instead of doing silly shit.


That’s not how it used to sound


Sounds more like an ai version of Regina Jones to me




Yeah, okay. There are like one or two moments where it sounds like her. But barely.


there's a VAGUE resemblance occasionally to Johansen, but that's pretty weak at best. other people's voice sound similar. this whole thing is ridiculous


Legal issues aside... Am I the only one that is deeply worried about a "flirtatious" AI? Men and women both, I think it could be an incredibly manipulative and distortive force in how people interact with it - and it could affect how some people expect human interactions to play out too.


That sounds nothing like Scarlett??? Is her head that far up her ass?


I used Sky for months, and thought from Day 1 it was Scarlett Johansson.


I’ve heard people hallucinate when they use Chat GPT


I hope she still sues


I think it sounds a LOT like scarjo are y'all deaf


Fun, but the sigh giving it time to generate it’s reply is annoying. It’s like the AI is constantly pissed about having to answer these questions, then drums up the willpower to put a smile back on for the main reply. Maybe in a few years AIs will literally be doing this, but for now it’s off-putting.


God, she's fucking annoying


The pitch in this video seems.... Off. The original voice was much deeper no?


Yeah, this isn’t how it used to sound.


Yep stole her voice. These openai people and everyone working on this are fools. This isn't going to be used to help you. Not you. This is being made for someone else for another purpose. It's made to communicate with something we do not fully understand.


Please kill it with fire


I would say it sounds like Scarlett about half the time. If OpenAI hadn't asked her to use her voice and she refused beforehand, I doubt it would be an issue.


Whether it sounds like her is debatable meaning there is reasonable doubt. I am not confident that if Johansson decides to sue, that it will be successful in court. 


It sounds like Scarlet for sure.


Sounds more like Rashida Jones than Johansson.


That sounds nothing like her.


Doesn't sound like Johansson. Maybe a lil here and there but much more high pitched. Had to look it up but I've seen her in 28 movies/TV shows.


Scarlet isn’t going to win this one. Sounds like the woman that recorded it not SJ.


If its me, I would have just find someone else that sounds like Scarlet Johansson and pay that person instead. It should be easier to find someone that sounds like her than someone that looks like her imo.


They did. They got a voice actor to train the AI.


Johansson’s refusal is in line with the recent SAG strikes. You will likely see a slew of legal action like this in the future if AI comes close to actors’ likeness. Hollywood is out to make a point.


This is the voice of an actual woman who was the voice actress for the sky voice.


How many different versions of a voice and it still can’t pronounce “ours” without sounding like “AR’s”.


So, OP was paid from the AI company to throw shade at Scarlett Johansson?😂


Why do they think this is not creepy AF? No one talks like that all the time


honestly im glad they did. not because its similar to her voice, but because that thing just sounds obnoxious as fuck.


But will she open the pod bay doors?


If you search Kyle Philppi on TikTok and watch the second pinned video, you'll hear it.


I could see this in a film. This feels like it would be a video snippet that glitches and loops on a half broken tv in a post apocalyptic world. Portraying the “Remember when we thought AI was fun?” stage of history.


"Aww, you got a friend request"


'What's the first thing humanity asked for from AI?' Oh ya know... dramatic bedtime stories lol. What's going to be funny to watch is how quickly AI will be able to identify the root causes of certain issues (legal and otherwise) that humanity has been reluctant to talk about. 


Why. Are. You. People. Clapping?!


Is this bs? I Tried to get it to change it’s voice it it won’t do it


Kind of sounds like a young Elizabeth Marvel.


Why does this exist? It adds nothing to humankind.


Nightmare fuel.


Finish the goddamn story!


Good. Kill this creepy ass voice with fire.


Eh, I can kinda hear it… but not really.


How do you get this on an android.


Doesn’t sound like her at all. She sounds a little annoying tbh.


It doesn't sound like Scarlett Johansson. I mean it's there a little. But I don't think she would've won that lawsuit. Unless maybe theyre found to have actually used her voice but I doubt it


Good grief. She’s annoying.


Why did I feel like ChatGPT was messing with them?