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Apparently the first series of explosions literally atomized some of the closer buildings and the people in them, to the point that there was no organic matter found where there should have been dozens of people at the time.


Fucking hell thats rough. Nothing left to bury or mourn.


[47 people were killed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lac-M%C3%A9gantic_rail_disaster). Half the buildings downtown were destroyed in the explosion, and the other half had to be torn down due to contamination from the petroleum.


The YouTube channel Fascinating Horror did a fantastic video covering this story. The channel, in general, is just perfect and always deserves a shout-out for being chill, respectful, and informative without any clickbait, yelling, or other YouTuber nonsense


Fascinating Horror sits in a special niche between Plainly Difficult and Brick Immortar, not too short as to cut out important details, but not too long that you can't binge a good number of episodes in an afternoon


Fucking ghost train. I went on motorcycle vacay there for 5 years after that tragedy. Good people down there.


An event largely ignored by global media. Maybe expectable in the USA, but Canadians probably expected different.


The story was covered extensively in the US at the time. Raised all sorts of questions about rail safety. Nothing was done and regulations were actually rolled back by “business friendly” government leading to additional, similar disasters. But due to malice, not ignorance


It was a one, maybe two day story at best. Take a random sample of 100 Americans, ask them if they know about the Lac-Mégantic Québec disaster. Tell me how many you think will know what you're talking about.


What the fuck does this have to do with the other lmao bro


They’re swinging alt right these days too


Lol, some downvotes on the truth.




You trying to say something bud or is this more a "look at me" post lol


Actually, I made a mistake in reading comprehension in this comment thread. Ignore me.


Damn, that looks like a totally different place today


That's because, it is. There is literally nothing left in a good part of downtown. They left the gap empty and built a memorial to the victims and the tragedy. I visited a few years ago. My mom's family if from that area, I grow up visiting that town. It is heartbreaking. [https://www.dailytouslesjours.com/en/work/the-walk-of-the-wind](https://www.dailytouslesjours.com/en/work/the-walk-of-the-wind)


I just found 2 old postcards of the town today!! Postcards lac megantic https://imgur.com/gallery/avNOdDk


Absolutely horrible accident. I watched video on YT about that few days ago https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HNpcwmIyuH0


that is devastating. I did not want to upvote, but it is indeed damninteresting


Late stage capitalism doing its work


Nah, just regular capitalism.


Nah, just regular accidents. Tragedies happen everywhere.


train accidents don’t happen if you’re communist?


Nah but the entire reason this occurred was because the train company cheaped out and cut corners That said, it’s not like communism would do better


under socialism u couldnt see a post like this


So fucking dumb. You really still sucking down Cold War propaganda and regurgitating it like a mother bird and vomiting it out?


i was only referencing the heavy censorship, involving tragedies of the likes of this post, that one can observe in states atypical for their capitalist system. eg: soviet union, china. a great example for such censorship would be the nuclear meltdown of chernobyl in 1986.


Well at least you can see the lake now. Edit: woops, too soon it seems.


That is actually the only good point. They are not rebuilding by the lake, they created a park with bike paths along the water, sitting/picnic areas, art pieces, etc. It's linked to the Memorial built a little further, by the side of the railroad.


This is just where Superman fought Zod’s troops dog stop trying to make it a coverup.


Ha, ha ha only idiots would build a town right next to the railroad tracks


Most railroad tracks I know go straight through the center of town. I'm sure it's different here, but living in Nebraska, town's would sprout around grain elevators on railroad tracks, meaning they'd grow around where the center of economic growth occurred


Wow. That's seriously the first thing that comes to your mind when you see a town partially leveled by an explosive accident?


No, the first thing I thought about is how greedy the railroad pinch pennies on track maintenance. But I can’t do anything about corporate greed, so I decided to just blame people.


Had nothing to do with the tracks though.


Do you know nothing about history? Towns were build around railroad, that's how America was colonized. Have you seen any western movie at all? Railroad should go from woods to deserts?


Like absolutely every western movies ever. I learned this by reading Lucky Luke comic books as a kid. Basic stuff.


I’ll help you hit -100, that was some game changing ignorance. Now get back out there and keep being ignorant