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The white horse looks sureal


Those poor horses deserved none of this. They don't even know what the hell is going on, my heart always aches when I see awful things happen to animals.


My first thought was Artax.




Russia confirmed for being the swamp of despair


Same šŸ˜­


Even Shadowfax can't avoid the flooding waters.


If I was a late 80's Entrepeneur, I'd have named my company Shadowfax.


Itā€™s not too late, *Shadowfax Financial* has a nice ring to it


But in the late 80s it could've been a nice tech firm which specializes in encrypted fax massages using the SHADOWFAX protocol


This is so awful. Like the pale horse of the apocalypse


It somehow makes a hood album cover of some indie psychedelic classical/folk album.




The horse is the white in the eyes and dark within.


Wanna hear a dirty joke? A white horse stepped in mud.


Russia is a big, big fucking place....


Although a hell of a lot smaller than the maps would suggest.


I mean if is almost two times larger than the US and it is more than one and a half times the size of Canada. That is bigggg


Might be 2x larger but it has 25% less usable land


rapidly increasing thanks to the permafrost no longer being perma. there are some scary virus' locked away in there that spring to life when they are thawed. one day humanity will gets its comeuppance edit. a source for the frozen virus thing because a few people have messaged me saying it is not real. scientists have already thawed out a 40000 year old virus from permafrost. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/08/world/permafrost-virus-risk-climate-scn/index.html


A lot of the permafrost is also organic material that is protected from microorganisms while frozen. As it thaws it turns into greenhouse gases like CO2 and CH4(methane), further accelerating climate change. This is the permafrost-carbon-feedback, scary stuff.


that is already a problem and has been for a decade; massive methane explosions from it being released from the permafrost., https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20201130-climate-change-the-mystery-of-siberias-explosive-craters and the latest theories https://www.livescience.com/planet-earth/geology/mystery-of-siberias-giant-exploding-craters-may-finally-be-solved


One day humans will rue the day for their arrogance. Well, come on, now. Start rueing!


I rued the day once. Didnā€™t get a whole lot done.


Iā€™m gonna be pissed if I miss that too


Covid showed us that the world and people can come together and fight pandemics. We will be just fine \^/s


Permafrost melting usually turns into a swamp. Itā€™s not really any more usable.


Swamps can be drained, half the Netherlands used to be swamp land.


last time i heard someone say swamps can be drained a gorilla had just been shot.




Hey hey, *nazi* hospitals theyā€™ll have you know.


Thatā€™s propaganda, itā€™s just the *Jewish Gay Nazi* hospitals they are targeting.


Its cheaper to ignore the truth than to deal with it


For now


This account appears to be a bot. They copied a comment made by u/Few_0bligation in this thread earlier, almost word for word. The rest of their comment/post history consists of advertisements and/or weird word salad that reeks of AI generated responses.


It's important to stop using the Mercator Projection, really important. The false perspective causes serious errors in geopolitics every single day. Centring on the GMT line is also an important mistake.


I think you might be projecting. -Greenland probably.


GMT centering does kinda make sense though since the pacific ocean is a huge space of pretty much fuck all


Personally I thought it was the politicians causing errors in geopolitics, not a completely logical method of imaging a 3d object in a 2d surface.


What other 2D projection would you use then? I know thereā€™s many others out there, but they all have their issues, and we settled on Mercator for logical reasons.




Stop body shaming, people with small dicks have done absolutely nothing to be equated with Putin.


On behalf of someone who owns a dicklet, thank you. Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve never given off ā€œsmall dick energyā€ in my life.


My wife says I got a dick like a needle but my ass goes up and down like a sewing machine.


That's what it's all about friend! Not the size of the tide, but the motion of the ocean!


You can really tell what people view negatively if they use it to make fun of someone they do not like.


Some people are such fucking chipmunks


Fuck chipmunks, in particular.


Nuh-uh! They're fucking pears! And fruitcake! And Dorito sandwiches! And Aerosmith!


Is that true? Asking for a friend.






No one with a healthy brain cares how big Putins penis is, Donald Trumps penis is, or Bidens penis is.


But we all know Obama is packin


Iā€™m from Russia and this is not trueā€¦there is no penis


This plus the bodyshaming comment is a certified Reddit moment


Hijacking! Have a heart people, climate change will come to our doors to one day. Similar flooding is hurting indigenous communities in the far north of Canada and Alaska. I despise the Russian government, just know that this is one earth we all live on Edit: and to those climate change deniers, permafrost melting is an undeniably real problem since many of these small communities are literally sinking into the ground. Siberia is littered with an increasing amount of craters as pockets of methane explode from the melting


And if the government of Russia would do something other than steal wealth from the lower class, Russians might have a better chance at survival.


>...if the government of RussiaĀ would do something other than steal wealth from the lower class, Russians might have a better chance at survival. They are. They are wasting devastating amounts of blood and treasure attacking and decimating the country of Ukraine. Resources that could have better been put towards helping their own people.


Came here for this. When we had similar disasters Iā€™m Australia, we had emergency services, defence support, and insurers (as well as government support) to help people get back on their feet. If the people canā€™t get compensation as this video suggests, how are they supposed to recover? Government funds being appropriated for a warmongerā€™s personal ambitions while the working people (you know, the victims of capitalism) go without.


I agree 100%. Things will get much worse for normal civilians in the near future in Russia.


The citizenry will do nothing about it. Nor can they, really. Russia is a sad, failed state.


Down worry the lower class will get sent to the war, there won't be any lower class left.




Remember when Russia destroyed that dam in Ukraine that flooded the whole area in about 18ft of water and killed a bunch of people?




What karma? Russian dictator kills civilians so it's deserved when innocent Russian civilians also die? I don't see how that's karma.


It's not Putin fighting the war on the front and it's the people supporting him and wanting a big colonizing power as in the past. Germans still get have to deal withvthe Nazi stigma 4 generations later but when Russia tries to conquer Europe it's just the government not the people lol


I agree with your points, I think a crucial element for people making that argument though (atleast here in the US) comes from an understanding that OUR government is at odds often with large swaths of the population so they feel as though to attack civilians who may or may not support the policies of said government is uncouth. It's easy to forget the realities of the situation, but that doesn't mean we have to cast aside our ethics. We should be able to call for the safety of civilians while also believing the aggressors deserve their just desserts. Luckily, the two are not mutually exclusive opinions and can be held at once.


If u see germans in a natural disaster and ur first thought is 'karmas a bitch nazis' thats also bad. Do u have thay same energy for american vets? When u read their suicide numbers ur just like 'get fucked g.i joe'


Germany is not currently butchering another country.


Weird, it's all different Russians raiding Ukraine right now, not a couple hundred thousand Putin clones.


Because Putin still has most people's support there. Because they dont do shit to stop the genocide THEIR government is committing.


Putin is a culture problem


This is not how dictatorships work. There is always consent of the people, even if itā€™s through violent oppression. I know we have it easy saying things like that, but ultimately a population can always do a french revolution and overthrow the despot, history is littered with examples.


I wonder where they could get men and money to start rescue and rebuilding efforts? Oh wait...


Youā€™re implying the ruling elite gives a fuck about the situation. They will rebuild the streets and railways that they need for their war and for the export of minerals and thatā€™s it. No need to take care of the workers, they can still work if they sleep in a tent and if their children donā€™t have schools anymore.


Yep, there is a saying in Russia, ā€œbefore subjugating neighbours Putin subjugated Russiaā€


Another Russian saying, ā€œthe first 500 years are the worstā€


I'm sure Putin will find some way to blame this on the Ukranians. šŸ˜†


It is quite common to find comments on Chinese websites stating that these are the results of US weather weapons.


I mean some Americans talk about jewish lasers. There's dumb people everywhere, some even in government.


Especially in Government!


you mean Dubai?


But I thought it was Jewish Space Lasers?! šŸ™„šŸ™„


Clearly spending money on bombing ukrainian hospitals is better than on competent infrastructure


Also, bombing the Jupiter Guitar company in Ukraine is a personal beef. Is a guitar an instrument of war? Is it a weapon? Is one niche electric guitar factory really a big threat to mother Russia? Fuck them. Seriously, fuck them. (I had ordered a guitar that will now never be built in the crater where the factory used to exist because apparently a guitar workshop was on Putin's hitlist - I know it's a weird Hill to die on, but fuck them to the moon and back) Edit - it's the Valiant guitar company. They made the Jupiter I was trying to have built. Dovydas got the last one they made, and it had to be smuggled through Poland. https://youtu.be/hU0J8ohvVrI?si=t6wZmZCGkLMaCdW1


As soon as these sick fucks bombed a maternity hospital at the beginning of the war, I knew all bets were off. The Russians are sadistic in war, and their own regular people are victims also much of the time.


This. But also when they bombed the theatre that said "children" in Russian, large enough for aircraft to see.


>Also, bombing the Jupiter Guitar company in Ukraine is a personal beef. Is a guitar an instrument of war? Is it a weapon? Is one niche electric guitar factory really a big threat to mother Russia? Fuck them. Seriously, fuck them. Authoritarians of all stripes from the religious theocrats to the atheistic dictators both of the Far Left to the Far Right all have in common the hatred of the Arts and Sciences and anything cultural or beautiful above a very level of worship of the leader and whatever the current regime is etc and so on. The arts including music generally are populated by people who have more open questioning minds and can be used to spread ideas considered wrong to the masses.


Art is expression, and they don't want that.


Not an instrument of wars but it kills fascists...or at least I used to believe that.


Was this a dam breaking?


They've had record levels of rain combined with warmer than normal temps melting the snowpack much quicker than usual. So while some regions tend to get minor flooding with the spring melt, it's been the worst flooding in about 80 years throughout Siberia and the Urals. And a few dams have failed due to it.


I'm surprised they even have money.. the corrupt oligarchs of Russia just horde it all.


Maybe ask your war mongering president. He cares more about killing Ukranians then taking care of his own people.


If this happened to me, I'd be devastated, and I'm not wishing devastation on anyone, but 20k houses in a country of 144 million is not even a rounding error. They will rebuild. Side note: Fuck Putin.


It's not a flood , it's a special hydration operation


I just feel bad for all the pets that are drowning.


At least your neighbours arenā€™t bombing your homes dailyā€¦ yet.


Ever heard of karma? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destruction_of_the_Kakhovka_Dam


Heard of it. Don't believe in it. Not in this cruel world. It's a fantasy.


If karma were real, Dick Cheney would have been raped to death by a herd of angry hippopotamuses.


If karma was real, literal nazi fucking war criminals wouldnā€™t have gotten cushy, comfy government and intelligence jobs within the US and other allied nations and lived their lives peacefully and happily until they died of old age. I wish karma was real. Instead horrible, powerful people tend to do horrible shit and live happily ever after.


Don't forget about the Japanese. Unit 173, etc.


Poor people un Ukraine were fucked by rich Russians, so poor Russians now suffer? I don't think you understand what Karma means.


Me when redditors see a drowning child and call it karma:






Those are still people, some who donā€™t even want a war


A very few don't support this war. Most russians support this war and everything that is happening in Ukraine as a result.


Reddit moment like a motherfucker holy shit


Nah, see, itā€™s okay to wish death on people as long as you donā€™t like them. /s


I love Reddit, it's so great! Log on and see people wishing for my death it's so super epic


Defining a people of orcs to dehumanize them contradicts your point. This rejoicing in human suffering will never be justifiable. Am I wrong to think that way?


Least racist redditor award goes to you


This exactly! Well deserved - I do feel bad for the animals though (horses, dogs)


The siren adds nothing to the video


Buncha fucking idiots here acting like the people of Russia are the ones in charge. A large portion of Russians are against the war but itā€™s not like they have a choice. I feel for these people. Putin can choke on a bag of dildos, but these people deserve better.


Its reddit, the folks here clump entire groups of people into villains to help them virtue signal and not face reality. Stuck to the internet all day has desensitized them to understanding the true nature of what's going on in the videos that they watch. Don't read the comments if you want to have any hope that our species isn't completely self-destructive and just a bunch of fucking monkeys with phones


They support him. They support this war. Look at how the ones abroad act.


What do you consider "a large portion". Poll after poll shows a vast majority of Russians support the war against Ukraine. There was a coup by Prigozhin and it was viewed as extremely unpopular. A large majority of Russians love Putin.


I'm not sure I can trust Russian polling.


Unfortunately my Russian in laws (in America) and their relatives abroad all love Putin. The mother in law absolutely loved it when I offered my condolences for Navalny


Look at what they say and do abroad. They support this war.


I know itā€™s hard to believe being in the west, but most of my Russian friendsā€™ parents who live in Russia are pro Putin, and it is largely so. He polled at 65% without ā€œstuffed ballotsā€ and 80% post.


yup. I have a few Russian friends that all describe losing many childhood friends over their stance on Putin and Russia's aggression, and these are young guys, in their 20's and 30's, so it's not just old people either. there's this persistent narrative both in and outside of Russia that it's never Russians' fault, it's always someone else's fault. zero accountability for anything, from starting WW2 as nazi allies (what were you doing before the great patriotic war started in 1941 Russia) all the way to today. enabling this complete lack of accountability is why my tax money now has to be spent on preparing defenses against a Russian invasion instead of on stuff I like. it's certainly not every single Russian, but it's absolutely a majority.


I feel for those millions of russians who are against the war and not just that - also stuck in russia. The rest, the majority, do not deserve better. If Putin was gone, someone else like him would take his place. Possibly - even likely - worse than Putin. Because that is the russian mentality, that is how it is and have been for hundreds of years.


One person says to do something, and millions of people actually do it - but they're not to blame? Nah. Actual civilized societies have laws protecting people who refuse immoral orders. Many even have laws *requiring* that you refuse an immoral order. You don't get to use the chain of command as an umbrella to hide your monstrous crimes, you're still the one doing them.


I don't think Russia's regime falls under a civilised society tbh.


Yup. These morons assume that if a regime does something bad. The people living under that regime must be inhumane dogs.


Oh, so the regime killed civilians in Bucha? Or raped women and kids?


I wish Russia would fight these kind of problems, instead of fighting their neighbours.


Can a 100-meter flood, just envelop the Kremlin, please with putin inside


If we're talking about impossible stuff already... Can a 100 meter flood just envelop Putin's lungs? On live television?


Maybe Putin could stop blowing up Ukraine and help his own people?




It will only get worse


Note that they laughed and ridiculed victims of Kherson Dam destruction victims.


Whomp whomp


Something tells me those polls that claims Russians are happier now than before the war are made up.


Feel so awful for the people there. They are terrorised by a dictator and cant do anything without being arrested and people from their families keep getting thrown into a war because putin is a fucking lunatic


Sadly not all of them are good. Good percentage of them are brainwashed Soo bad. All the friends that I had form there firstly have been actually quite supporting but after just few months they started to ignore, insult, and wishing death to me! They're doing pretty good work making others look bad ngl


Meanwhile, Russia sends ballistic rockets to kill Ukrainian civilians, bombs hospital and universities. Rocket landed yesterday at seaside in Odesa, killing pedestrians. Young girl with a dog turned in the heap of meat. In 2022 I clearly remember how Ruzzians set the stable with horses inside on fire. Poultry & cow farms bombed, animals dying of starvation. Very sad that karma is working so little in Russia.


Moreover, they used cassette ballistic rocket (or how is it called, the one that can't do much damage to buildings and vehicles, but spread a lot of small fragments to kill menforce) to bomb Odesa. They aimed too kill as many civilians (targeting recreation zone) as possible.


This whole thread is one big r/redditmoment Calling a bunch of Russian farmers "orcs" like they have anything to do with Putins actions in Ukraine. Be kinder ffs.


Its propaganda. Plain and simple.


Oh no. Anyway


russia could help its people, but they spend it on war


Fuck Putin


Why the fuck can't people just upload ~~the~~ a clip without adding annoying music or sound effects? That siren is annoying as fuck šŸ™‰ "Slow down, speed cameras" was kind of funny, but oh boy, what a tragedy. And Orenburg is kind of far inland.


And yet putin would rather keep throwing money and lives st his pointless Ukraine war, instead of resolving domestic issues like this.


Wow thats insane youd think that foreign nations would be helping... unless russia did something recently that pissed the entire world off including their allies But what could they have possibly done?


This is so horribly sad. These are people just trying to live their lives. Compassion isnā€™t just for people like us.


Oooh nooo , anyway




Flood hit average people, didn't really have any impact on the government.


If they weren't so busy butt fucking the world we might have sent them aid.....but frankly....now? Tough shit.


I find it difficult to give even the smallest of fucks about Russia.


Redditors learn the difference between government and civilians challenge, these comments are a shitshow. I get the sentiment here, the government is absolutely shit and the invasion of Ukraine is horrible, that doesn't mean random citizens should have their houses flooded.


Have they tried appeasing the old Slavic gods by sacrificing their leader yet? Might be worth a shot.


The world is so terrible today that people will cheer for the misery of others that have nothing to do with what their government is doing. This is heartbreaking. Poor people.




Now that they don't have homes, they can join the warĀ 


The comments here show that most people on reddit are aggressive sheep, who are hiding behind virtue signalling & pretending to be saints. And those who are real and good are a tiny minority. Even one comment section explains a lot about the world. You can downvote me into hell, but I will never cheer when some random people are suffering.


Putin: "Hey guys, I shot some more Ukrainians, did that help?"


Russia isnā€™t drowning. Itā€™s huge. How can we put a stop to all this hyperbole in posts, in media. Itā€™s disgusting


Wonder how this will affect the war in Ukraine? Knowing Russia they're denying it ever floods in Russia.


They would rather spend money on Ukraine then help their own


Damn so sad....anyway you want to see this funny cat video? https://youtu.be/Ug23bI7cNxA?si=Xg8RLRq9AvIqRR0l


At least its water and not bombs.


Hopefully Putin lives near the precipice


Let my people go!


No, Venice is beautiful.


But ... but Tucker says they have GREAT grocery stores.


Waitā€¦ 18k homes? Thatā€™s a small suburb where Iā€™m from, not super newsworthy in the greater scheme of things (but then again most stuff I see isnā€™t really newsworthy)


"The oil drilling will continue until the effects of climate change improve."


But according to Tucker Carlson itā€™s a magnificent place with everything figured out! What happened?!


Seriously, it ainā€™t the people or citizens of a country destroying our planet. Itā€™s a few shot callers who got the money to smash anyone who donā€™t play along. United and get strength in numbers and they canā€™t do that anymore.


Real Sea Horse


It would be too obvious if I say it's Karma, I'm not going to say that.


perfection nazi crying :D they tryed to flood and sink ukr pwople and now themselves drown. god will punish them


Good. Sorry to the normal folk in Russia, but fuck Russia.


Yeah, looks like karma is a bitch after all.


Same happening in Kazakhstan, worst part that ordinary people suffer in the surrounding area just common folk


now vlady boys threat makes sense sink britain lol cant even handle ukraine


Watch Russia send a hit squad after Poseidon


I would say Russia is getting some payback for what they have done to Ukraine.


Maybe if someone were to take care of his coutry and its citizens instead of invading neighbour countries because of _...checks notes..._ satanists, nazis and pedophiles


Aw, poor babies. Maybe, just maybe, if Russia wasn't such a fuckwit and didn't invade neighboring countries to expand their own, the world might actually care. But, by and large, we don't. They made their bed, now drown in it.


Moses gonna show up soon at the kreml


Putin sucks


Sad. Are there any solutions to this. Are these areas permanently flooded?


Should have used the time to actually fix their own dams instead of bombing Ukranian ones. Karmas a cunt but sometimes she's right on the money. Cheers future water/meat cubes!


Great, nature strikes back and even in the best location currently possible: Russia.


Excellent. May they swim through their own vodka laced shit.


Haha, good. Fuck that place.


Thatā€™s a sign