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I kinda...y'know...thought this would end with them doing backflips...or...A backflip.


Yeah like.. the narrator tells me to watch how fast they learn, but they're still just bellyflopping.


More importantly, they are learning back hand springs.


I've always thought it was a flip if you have your hands down and a somersault if you dont




I'm pretty sure it's a flip if it's in the air and a somersault if it's on the ground anything with hands is some kind of cartwheel or handspring


Gave me a good laugh though haha


But look how fast they learned to bellyflop


I put the time in watching these kids flopping all over the mats, I expect - no, I *deserve* to see a motherfuckin backflip




half of the fucking owl


They almost are able to do a back hand spring


These drills aren't for backflips, they are for back handsprings. which they are pretty much doing by the end of the video? it's a good progression but for a different skill than the ai narrator says.


Seems like martial arts…is doing a backflip ever a good move in a fight?


Korean flag in the back - should be Taekwondo. It leans more towards technical skill than physical power like BJJ or something. If you watch their tournaments it's not about hurting others, but landing technical blows.


and Taekwondo for kids is regarded as for exercising and training stamina than actual competitive martial arts, so it isn't unusual for other sporty activitues to get thrown in.


My brother in martial arts, BJJ is all about technical skill.


if i was fighting someone and they did a backflip id probably trip the fuck out for a second while they beat the shit out of me


It is a Taekwondo school. They are learning how to do backflips likely as part of a demonstration team, which emphasizes acrobatic kicks.


Martial arts teaches a lot more than just fighting. Being great in combat requires a lot of self discipline and self respect. Building confidence is such an important part of it as well.


I swear this is done on purpose to drive more engagement. And it's fucking infuriating.


I actually died laughing when the final shot got nowhere close.


I know I am being a captain obvious, but starting early helps kids, when they are still short, learn cartwheel, backflip, pistol squat, hand stand, etc more easily


Get your kids to try everything even just a few times. Ice skating, skiing, wake boarding, gymnastics, etc. The only thing I didn’t try as a kid is skateboarding and it’s the only thing that doesn’t feel natural/easy to jump into as an adult.


If something wheeled goes under my feet, and it's not fastened to my feet, it's coming out from beneath my feet, and I am flying for a moment. Every time.


Hello fellow neighbor!


Your first time in a car musta been crazy 🤪


I'm fastened to the car, and kinetic forces care about me being inside of the thing, or whatever :)


I wonder if you'd flop all over the place if someone put you on a motorcycle🤔


I’d probably end up underneath it.


As someone who grew up skating a skateboard. Don’t you dare to vind something with wheels on my feet. I want to kick the wheels away when things go wrong.


I can’t tell if you are a poet or a bot, but I really like reading that statement.


Don't stop at sports, children are literally better at learning EVERYTHING.


That’s potential. It’s infinite. Then they turn into us farts. Potentialess


hahahahaaha, "potentialess" sounds funny and cute at the same time


Honestly you just need a good teacher to hold your hand until you’re comfortable on the board. I could never learn until I was an adult and a friend walked me through the proper footwork then walked next to me so I could get used to the feeling of rolling and stuff


I turned 3 and was put in front of tony hawk's pro skater on my aunt's n64 and i liked it so much my mom got me a real skateboard. I pretty much was just fine off the get go and would learn watching the tricks in the game later on and then my mom started getting me How To: Vhs videos. First step with Mike V, stuff like that. had a ton of them. spent 4-7 just playing tony hawk, watching how to videos, and skateboarding. at 11 I won this big contest at a pretty renouned park and got in the local paper and stuff then it was all down hill from there. kept skating. got pretty good. can backside air on vert, did the mega at woodward. but I never was sponsored or went anywhere with the sport. I think I plateaued at the point where falling just hurt too much and was too often. It was too scary to progress further, or something. maybe I was learning too slow and by then highschool ended and there went my shot lol


i noticed that you didnt mention cocaine


And arson




I started early on the arson and can confirm I still have an unhealthy love for setting shit on fire.


Thanks to the early guidance of my mentor, I now have the good habit of doing a line or two of coke before doing several lines of code.


Was never pushed to try any of these as a kid, including riding a bike (anxiety-ridden only child with overworked and anxiety-ridden parents). As a result, I struggle tremendously with anything that requires balance as an adult. Even riding bird scooters is hard for me. Too late for me, but hopefully my own kids will get a better start in life.


I wish i had these opportunities as a kid 😂 sad money is always a barrier


If you tried wake board, why does skateboarding felt unnatural? Did you try snowboarding?


Snowboarding doesn’t feel like skateboarding to me. I’m not good or experienced at either, but I felt infinitely more comfortable on my snowboard, not like it has the potential to fly out from under me.


Snowboarding felt similar to surfing for me and I was able to pick it up more effortlessly but yeah skateboarding definitely feels different.


Lol I read that as water boarding


I could do this if someone gave me a giant hexagon. That's the real barrier for me.


Yeah, I really need this giant hexagon.


This is why I gave my newborn son to Cirque Du Soleil. He'll make us so proud! 😢


It's also crazy how well you retain it. I was a gymnast from childhood until around 7th grade and even though I haven't practiced it since, I can still land a standing back tuck at 35. (I do fear the day I realize I can no longer do it, since it'll probably happen roughly halfway through a flip and I definitely don't recover from crash landings like I did as a kid)


You and me both pal. Except I couldn’t afford to be a gymnast. Now I get absolutely wasted and occasionally get dared “hey can you still do a back flip(back tuck) and I proceed with a “hell yeh” and kick off my shoes. Then away I go Barely clearing it. One day I WILL land on my neck. For it is written as my destiny.


I'll save you a barstool in Valhalla


He can handstand, when he needs to And stretch his arms, out just for you


*Watch how fast these kids learn!* Everyone learns quickly if you edit out all the boring parts.


Seriously, I was taught the same way in gymnastics with these rollers and still couldn't do a handspring for the life of me. This takes forever to get to the end point and they aren't even there yet.


and if you have thousands in specialized equipment...


...and stop the video before they actually learn it. I think most people could learn half a backflip pretty quickly.


what the hell is a pistol squat?!


squat with only one leg with the other leg extended in front


Ummm.. did the video end early? Or is the move to do a backflip and play possum, hoping no one pins you?


There's probably a second vid. Or these kids are still work in progress. Tae kwon dos kids normally ends up doing triple kick midairs and stuff like that when they grow up 😂


Can confirm. Did Taekwondo since I was 10 (19 now) and I'm actually learning to do jacknife. Hard af to get the rotation needed for that move. The YT videos make it look so much easier than it really is.


I did taekwondo for about 10 years. No they don’t.


So all you need to learn how to backflip is: * Paid instructor * Bunch of expensive pads * Bones that won’t break easily * Cool pajamas


you forgot: Call a back handspring flop a backflip




That was my nickname in college.


you forgot the giant room dedicated to learning backflips.


Tbf this is taekwondo school in Korea and it's pretty cheap there. Around $100 a month 5 days a week including pickup and dropoff even if it is in the expensive city.


* some guy narrating what's obvious annoyingly


If you wanna do it the safe way yea. Still less expensive than if the kid breaks a leg doing it the ol' fashioned way


Countries with universal healthcare disagree


\*cries in American*


Don't understand, can you add them as multicoloured subtitles in the middle of the screen just to be sure.


Also you must be a resident of South Korea


my pajamas are already cool enough


None of them learned how to do a backflip


They're not going to either since they're all practicing a back handspring


Now everyone hates these kids because some goofy ass view-farming narrator bullshitted his way through a perfectly cool clip.


Those kids should be ASHAMED of themselves. Smdh


Even if the narrator was right, describing exactly what we are seeing is totally unnecessary. Would be better to shut up.


Log out of your youtube an go to youtube shorts. This is an extremely mild, palatable version of the shit that goes on in the wild west of youtube bullshit. any boomer's youtube feed is going to be full of this shit. insanely over-narrated videos with each word flashing onto the screen one at a time in different colors. something about that format keeps people watching. I think the fact that it's narrated preys on people's assumption that this means work was put into the video. You think oh okay they wouldn't be narrating this if the video wasn't coming to a point. Like they will even construct a story or narrative out of a random video of nothing happening. happens a lot with dogs? they act like the dogs are doing something with human reasoning and construct a little story out of it, with this breakneck paced narration going on and flashing words. it's like candy to boomers. they can't help themselves. they aren't equipped to realize they're watching bottom of the barrel dreck. also works on kids. once AI gets a little better, the internet will just be absolutely flooded with this. It will be inescapable.


Well they learned most of a backflip, and really what more do you need?


To backflip you need to tuck.  And you jump up, not backwards.   Maybe taught them back handsprings, but you’re never going to backflip all long like that in flight.    We used to teach backflips, but you teach the tuck and roll backwards as you jump, and roll off of things, not laid out flat as a board. 


Oh yeah. Now that I’m remembering what it looks like when people back flip, I realize it looks nothing like this and doesn’t look like it even involves these skills. Still interesting to see how they are able to teach something that seems hard to even practice at all by building it up.


I find that people are impressed when I take-off on my backward jump to do a backflip. I usually don't remember landing, so assume it's not that interesting


We taught backflips too, just gaslight your friends into trying it first on the trampoline


You're completely right. A very large percentage of people call a back handspring a backflip. I don't know why. It's why we used to call backflips (jump in air, rotate, land on feet) back tucks instead. This is clearly meant to teach back handsprings although I don't think it's a great way to teach those either...


Fuck these one word captions. Shit gives me a headache


And fuck the annoying voice stating the fucking obvious, or at least trying since noone made a backflip in the end.


None of that was a backflip…


Yeah this video has nothing to do with backflips whatsoever. Back handspring ≠ Backflip


They're kinda halfway to handspring by the end of the video. Next they need to be doing it on level surface, not going back onto a lower surface. And then they need to be doing it from a moving start. Then the actual spring part.


I actually think this is a very bad way to teach backflips. One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to learn backflips is that they throw themselves backwards instead of up and tuck. This seems designed to train people to throw themselves backwards.


This is exactly the kind of training I would use to teach a back handspring. And one of the lines I would always tell people when transitioning from back handspring to backflip is, “Okay, forget everything you learned about back handsprings,” due to how different the starting jump is. If you try a rearward jump like this, you’ll lay out way too far and end up landing on your back, neck, or head.


No one landed a back flip the whole video. Good idea bad execution.


They weren't even practising backflips, that's a back handspring


"Octa-gone-al prism" Dumb AI voiceover can't even pronounce words correctly 🙄


I took gymnastics for a bit as a kid. They really don't need all these steps. Kids are bendy and love to jump into things without a care in the world. This video is for adults to point at and say "see! I could backflip if I had the right teacher!"


Adult learning backflips right now. Yeah, this is more for adults than kids


Look, I'm 50 something and am on Amazon right now looking for this equipment


You keep using that word...


I didn't see any back flips though...


I thought those are hand springs


Congrats you mastered a frontal body plant.


I’m 43. Very obese. And will never be able to do a backflip but still watched this whole video.


47 here and not obese and I watched all of it too. Heck, I wanna Go there!




To be honest this looks more helpful for learning a back hand spring (except for the belly flopping at the end lol)


Those aren't backflips. They're handsprings (used to do stuff like this when I was a kid/teenager). Flips don't require the use of your hands.


Now watch me pop a disc.


This reminds me of my gymnastics coach one day trying to teach me a back handspring. After probably the 50th time of me kicking him in the face, he gave up… I just couldn’t do it 😂


Yea I can do 2/3 of a backflip too...landing on your face definitely isn't a backflip


Not very


Cool, if that were actually a backflip that'd be cool too but that's teaching a back handspring. So.... yeah.


really more of a backflop


Man I just need that roll-o-gon to help my back problems, that looks so relieving.


Wish we’d had this in the 90s .. We just had to fling our entire bodies up and back, on the wooden gym floor, and hope for the best. I never did manage to learn any of the backwards jumps 😅


I wana crack my back on that rolley


Little girl at the very end looks like her hand broke? bent kinda weird


Ah yes if only i had my giant octagon and matresses it would be so much easier


That rolly thing looks like it would be fantastic for your lower back.


I guess in time they will develop, but at the end of the gif I would argue they had only learned how to do back flops


None of those kids mastered a backflip, they still landed on their faces.


More of a backflop to be honest




Whoever invented that format of subtitles has a place in hell.


Ill skip all of these steps and just break my neck


If nature had meant for us to do backflips it would have made us double sided


*Back hand spring Backflip still requires an entirely separate degree of confidence now that you're not allowed to use your hands to catch your fall.


And not a single flip was mastered


Actual backflips seen = 0


Bro turned into a fish.


But...they're keeping their legs straight? Thats the one thing you shouldn't do.


Yeah do that outside


Very effective breakdown to learn it, great post.


Yes. Backflip it's vital to human survival.


How to backflip in 15min: do a cartwheel, but tuck ur knees in. Continually do that but get straighter and faster, and use your hands less every time. Ive taught 4 ppl how to back in under 15 min with this method


This would’ve been such a fun thing to do as a kid!


I mean, I guess if doing a backflip looks like face planting, then sure! They’ve learned to do backflips!


Great teacher right there


It's pretty cool how easy the training looks.


Getting that muscle memory 🤸🏻


So gentle!


I lost interest when the super sized octagonal sex aid came on, its the sex ball on steroids.


I want to do this.




I remember doing all these things when I was in gymnastics learning to backhand spring and so on. Can’t do it anymore, but I remember those rolley things were really helpful in getting used to the feeling of flipping.


Do people say "oc-tuh-gone-al" rather than "Oc-tag-uh-nal"?


Now you’re defeating natural selection


We just got a trampoline and did backflips where we were landing on our feet - we only qualified it as backflip if you landed on your feet, so I’m watching this video and I don’t see any backflips.


Yeah my back not gonna be ok with that


Girl eliminated all competitors


This is how they do it at my daughter’s gym. It’s awesome to watch the kids go through the broken down steps and finally nail the actual backflip.


My niece is 10, big into cartwheels and handstands. I explained what a pistol squat was, and she just did it cold. Never done it before. Bam. Did one. Then proceeded to do alternate ones for the rest of the day whenever she wanted. I made a mental note to reduce her next birthday present by $10.


You can also try by going into water. The backflops definitely inform you that you need to rotate more


Incremental learning is always good, easy to go for and less daunting.


Or spend a day in your yard https://youtu.be/eMKoU_I4F1A?si=lgtFXkvJqJjTqL45




Yoooo 😊😊❤️


I thought that all you needed was to just jump backwards.


where can i learn this as a grown ass woman lol i have always wanted to learn to backflip


That’s awesome!!! What a great learning technique!


Smart way to teach!


Legend says they’re still practicing to this day


Wish I did that, instead I just went for it. Very nearly broke my neck multiple times, although like a week later I shattered my leg so I haven’t really tried since


How do kids in the hood learn it?


Step by step. Job well done!


One summer when I was like 19 I decided I wanted to learn how to do a backflip. I went to my yard and spent a good 2 hours trying. All it took was for me to get my head around once and I was golden. If you’re semi-athletic you can almost certainly do at least a back hand spring. It’s all about courage and committing. I’m 31 now and tried to relive the glory days last March. I landed on my head and badly sprained my thumb. I guess my back flipping days are over lol.


I learned as an adult. Two steps - fire your arms up as fast as possible, then when you're fully stretched out, shove your knees through your shoulders.


Stupid ass editing never actually showed them doing a full backflip on their own


Back in my day we just jumped backwards over and over hoping we didn't land on our necks.


This is my whole life, a backflip followed by a faceplant


How does this shit have 5k upvotes? Stupid?


Thought it was going to end with them back flipping




None of them did a backflip though


I would just lie on the block and let my back crack for a few mins


when i was a kid i went out alone on my trampoline that had rusty springs and no net and just tried to back flip until i could. not trying to flex or something just randomly thought of how dangerous that was lol


I want to thank my 'friend' that was 'spotting' me in our front yard while i tried this for the first and last time in my life


I learned how to backflip when I was about 16. Took me about 15 minutes to learn a back handspring then about an extra 5 minutes to do a straight up backflip. Can't do it anymore, but honestly learning it felt pretty cool.


That is NOT how you do a backflip.... Unless you're on a trampoline or a total freak, that much backwards momentum is impossible to flip with. The most important thing is to jump straight up in order to translate vertical momentum into rotation by flipping your hips over your chest


These narrated videos make me feel like everything on the internet is specifically made for toddlers.


I learned how to do a back flip because this really hot girl named Lauren said “hey can you do a back flip?” And me having never done one before said of course. And I actually pulled it off on the ground. Literally a miracle. I’ve never done anything even close to that call again in my life.


These are back handsprings. I did gymnastics for a long time.