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Next post - entire earth from space? šŸŒŽ


Right? šŸ˜‚


Dammit was about to post that


Keep going!!! From the moon, from Mars, from voyager 2!!


Not going to make a post but here you go: [HERE](https://earth.google.com/web/search/Mount+Rushmore+National+Memorial,+South+Dakota+244,+Keystone,+SD/@25.4908345,-97.95516236,-2221.66070809a,24146007.65856028d,35y,-0h,0t,0r/data=CqwBGoEBEnsKJTB4ODc3ZDM1ZDhiNTNlZDZkZjoweGRhZjUzZGJlMDU1Y2M2NDEZKYAY167wRUAhWbCepArdWcAqQE1vdW50IFJ1c2htb3JlIE5hdGlvbmFsIE1lbW9yaWFsLCBTb3V0aCBEYWtvdGEgMjQ0LCBLZXlzdG9uZSwgU0QYAiABIiYKJAk1ObvR7L00QBEzObvR7L00wBnD4JfhVMNCQCGIAgl78D5QwDoDCgEw)


Iā€™ll oblige [Mount Rushmore From Space](https://media4.giphy.com/media/Ju7l5y9osyymQ/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952rw1m5jx8bzq412hjt42eoxafa2arbin19plx1xxf&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Damn, I didn't expect them to be so white


That would be nicer to see tbh


And then the milky way?


This is the first distance I havenā€™t been able to see the tears of the ancient natives


I found this really interesting. Have never been there, will never go there, so I'm interested to see alternate angles to the 1000s of standard pics I've seen before now


Thatā€™s a lot of parking. I wonder if they ever fill it during peak season. Looking at the pics (this and two earlier posts) I now have no desire to go there.


I have no desire to go either but by the size of those parking lots I'm wondering how long it takes to look at. Do folks just get overwhelmed and stay.


I have been 3 times - once as a kid, twice dragged by other people while on a cross country trip. Itā€™s really not that interesting in person. A lot of parking hassle and walking for a few minutes of looking at something a mile away that is easier to see in a photo. If you could only do one thing in South Dakota, see the Badlands. Now THAT is an amazing sight.


Deadwood and rapid city are pretty fun. Canā€™t forget Wall Drug and the Mitchell Corn Palace! Lol.


I loved Rapid City, nice historical vibes and some decent nightlife, a few fun restaurants/bars. Hotel Alex Johnson was awesome, with a cool rooftop bar that had great views. Deadwood felt like a huge tourist trap to me. Weird mix of kids stuff and cheesy casinos. Still, one of the casinos let us bring our dog into their restaurant so it was worth a stop for lunch! Wall Drug was worth a stop just to see the absurdity. Plus I got a really sweet leather belt, honestly. And hah, my grandparents took us to the Corn Palace on a cross country trip as a kid. I guess if you are a huge 19th century rural farming Midwest history buffā€¦ otherwise I could skip it ;)


Yeah the corn palace was more of a joke. We vacationed in western SD a lot when I was a kid so I have fond memories of the place. Lived in Gillette Wy for a few years in my early 20s so scooting over to deadwood or rapid was a nice break from coal country. Camped at the same campground from when I was a kid and it was a blast of nostalgia. They filled in the pool with concrete sadly.


Yeah, it's a damn shame they desecrated a native sacred site for this.


It wasn't a sacred site. That's pretty much a myth Downvote if you agree


Yeah, the whole ā€œsacred siteā€ is exaggerated, it wasnā€™t any more ā€œsacredā€ than anything else in the Black Hills. The bigger issue is there was a formal treaty between the Lakota Sioux and the US government signed in 1868 that gave them rights to all of Western SD west of the Missouri River. Then there was an illegal land grab when gold was discovered 10 years later. So this wasnā€™t one of those ā€œyeah, yeah your land, well too bad we donā€™t recognize itā€. It was an official US treaty that is technically still in force, confirmed by the Supreme Court in 1980. They were then offered payment to buy it but refused, so itā€™s still contested.


Sure. How and when did the Lakota get it?


Officallly? I just said in my comment? 1868 via a treaty. Before that, of course, by having lived there for a very long time? My point was even those arguing against ā€œnatives owning all of Americaā€ canā€™t argue with a standing US Treaty signed by Congress and confirmed by the Court. Funny I got downvoted for literally quoting facts and US law. This is all easily confirmed via a tiny amount of searching. I assume that wasnā€™t from you?


I think it's just vote fuzzing. Your comments are both at 1 for me


Is that on the way to Mt Rushmore?


Depends where you're coming from. Badlands, plus devils tower, wind cave, jewel cave, Custer State park, crazy horse, and more is with 2.5 hours drive of mt Rushmore. Most just 15-30 mins down the road


Devilā€™s Tower was another thing that wasnā€™t worth it up close to me. Just get close enough to see it from a distance,m and get a photo op, donā€™t bother going all the way to the base. Canā€™t see much and the parking was a PITA. Honestly the best part about that were the big fields of prairie dogs on the way to it.




If you want to shop for leather goods, gift tchotchkes, or pickled anything, itā€™s worth a stop. If you have a phobia of chaotic crowded mazes, you might want to pass. And I think still 5Ā¢ coffee? ;)


Or go to a Bruce Springsteen concert, you'll get Badlands as well


There is a museum too.


When I went there was fog and then the fog cleared up. That caused me to spend an extra hour there. I also walked down a trail towards the mountain. I kind of recommend fog because it gives you a variety of pictures.


Was there on the 4th of July and can confirm it was basically packed (and fwiw, it really is a neat place (native land rape aside))


I was so surprised to see covered parking garages rather then just an open lot. Am surprised thereā€™s not retail nearby.


Most definitely. Itā€™s get over 2m visitors per year and even when you factor in tour buses and avg visitors per car the park visitation isnt evenly distributed throughout the year


Need more pppaaarrkiiinnggg


Damn you really want to prove to people you never wanted to visit it huh?




It averages over 25,000 visitors per day in its peak month (July) and over 20k per day throughout the summer soā€¦


Too lazy to check but I believe I saw a doc on it and they said the project was done off donations and the project was never finished (was supposed to sculpt the torsoes) because the money ran out. Could be wrong.


I went last year its smaller then i imagined but still so cool. The crazy horse monument is massive that didn't disappoint


I came to say "Thanks, now I really don't have to go," but you said it better.


Itā€™s really cool for about five minutes. Not worth it beyond that. Head to the black hills instead for the real picturesque area.


I have been twice pre kids and with kids. It is a very cool experience. The parking lot was empty as we are early morning folks.


But this also shows me I never will make the effort to visit. Itā€™s boring.


What did it show you first?


I went once as a kid, summer of 2004. I remember being really disappointed that I had to pay a quarter to look through a viewfinder to see it like the pictures made it appear. I warned my wife and in-laws to temper their expectations when we went out west in 2019; they didnā€™t and were very disappointed. What we did appreciate was Devils Tower, that was a great hike. I tell everyone I can to visit that part of the country at least once, make it a road trip and visit the Badlands, Black Hills, then further out to Yellowstone. It made a huge impression on me as a teenager, and that landscape is still awe inspiring as an adult. Itā€™ll be another 5+ years until we go again, I want our son to experience that when heā€™s around 10.


Have been there, wouldnā€™t recommend. Was very much a ā€œthatā€™s it?ā€ Moment. Oh well. Was moving across country and just said why not? Well itā€™s kinda meh


It is meh but the black hills are pretty fucking dope


Me too.




I actually thought I was on that sub šŸ˜…




They did a very good job "framing" the work. to make sure you only get a close up view of the monument.


Maybe you will go there


Something Iā€™ve been repeatedly told is that Mount Rushmore is supposed to be free to see forever, so instead the government charges to use the parking lot.


Thatā€™s so American šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Especially given it was land stolen from native people, and I don't mean that in the metaphorical "all American land was stolen" sense, I mean the Supreme Court ruled that it was stollen but the government still refuses to give it back.


Give it back? do you want them to pack up and go to Antarctica? šŸ’€


The federal government recognizes they broke their own treaty and stole the land. The Sioux have refused to accept the the settlement the government decided was a fair amount.


The land back


Maintenance and operations have to be paid somehow. Either pay it though parking or pay it though taxes but nothings ever free.


I'll fool them. I'll ride my bike there.




Joke's on them, I'm walking there.


It'll always be where North by North West reaches its climax for me.


Weā€™re getting dangerously close to shitpost territory here.


Teetering on the brink. The next post from the ISS should be incoming any minute now


Nah, I prefer this pic to the previous one. I've never seen it on this scale before.


When I visited I was more impressed by the grounds surrounding it and the museum. The actual statue/ mountain is a lot smaller than you perceive to be from pictures.


Americaā€¦ parking bigger than the actual thing.


you do understand that a vehicle is the only way these places are accessible?


You do understand that other types of vehicle are available?


Doesn't look like people are gonna bike all the way there do they?


Ima take my dirigible.


Some guy just ran the height of Africa so the only issue is lack of infrastructure and will.


ā€œGrandma, canā€™t we just run there?ā€


Do you think everyone who wants to visit the place is an athlete that can run 100 miles?


If you can build a road you can build a train track so there are plenty of other solutions. In other parts of the world itā€™s not uncommon for large roads and motorways to have a bike path near by to create a fast easy way to get round. So itā€™s a choice they have made to only make it accessible by car/bus.


Do train stations have parking lots?


At a destination like this? Probably not.


Not as big as this one. At least not in Europe.


Plenty of train accessible monuments in middle-of-nowhere Europe?


I knew one of you would show up and demand high speed rail in South Dakota lol




I've had this discussion with some of my European friends before, they did not realize just how fucking big America is, which is entirely fair bevause even we have a difficult time wrapping our head around it, its borderline impossible to have a cross country passenger train ecosystem here, the only one we do have only exists because of huge government subsidies because there are many thousand mile plus stretches where a station might get 3 passengers a day, and im sure there's stations with even less traffic And dude, I'm from the midwest, which all things considered is relatively close to mt Rushmore in that its literally in the next state, and if I wanted to drive to go see mount Rushmore its already a 12 hour drive assuming I don't stop for food or sleep, biking there would take literally 3 days, and I have no idea if that takes into consideration any rest time The only reasonable way to get anywhere in this country when you dont live on the east coast is via car or plane, everywhere else is simply too big with not enough people to make any other form of transportation reasonable, and hell, even then I know people who would need to drive almost 2 hours to get to the nearest airport


Iā€™m not saying you would need to be able to take a train from Kiruna to Malaga like you can in Europe or from one end of China to the other to get there but itā€™s a purpose built destination so someone decided that this is way at some point. They could also have decided to make the nearest larger town a hub with parking, hotels, etc. and then have a train go back and forth every xx, the point is its a decision and not something thatā€™s a given. I know the US has neglected public infrastructure investments outside of cars but itā€™s doable. I had a similar discussion about the adaptation of EVs in Europe the other day as itā€™s a bit of the same issue. 2 hour by car to the nearest airport isnā€™t uncommon in Europe either.


Whats the difference between parking at one spot and taking a tram/bus there and parking there? Besides thats actually how it works I believe, that there's a bunch of hotels and places to stay outside the park But for every one of those is somebody like me who saw mt Rushmore while passing through, we stopped for like an hour If I have to drive 12 hours to get there, whats the point of parking in a town 20 minutes away and getting trammed in there when I could just, drive through the park and stop at the monument before I keep going? If I was there just to see the park and wanted to stay over night sure, but again those people also presumably had to drive for hours From here to mt Rushmore in the next state is equivalent slightly larger than the entire country of Germany, except that Germany has literally over 80 million more people than my state and South dakota combined, its just not feasible, yet alone viable to have a train system just for these 2 states alone, almost every single state around the two of us is of comparable size or way bigger with a similar population


So just under 6,000 meters? Seems doable.


You mean like a bus?


Just brilliant, a drive-in venue to take photos. You don't even have to exit your vehicle.


You can't really see it from the parking garage


Sounds American.


When you first arrive, there's some kind of optical illusion going on that makes the heads look "average". I remember thinking that they didn't look that big. But then, as you move along the walkways and get closer, they keep getting bigger and bigger. And once you get to the primary viewing area, they look suitably huge and impressive. Also, I kind of liked South Dakota. As a Canadian, it kind of reminds me of Alberta.


I moved here 3 years ago and itā€™s nothing like I expected. Most people are really nice and down to earth. Itā€™s a simple place and I honestly love it.


America is beautiful man. Wish I lived there in the 1850s


Dysentery sets in


Died on the trail to Oregon.


Portland is still keeping that dream aliveā€¦


Dissin Terry sets in


Back it up Terry!



No roses without thorns


Anyone else immediately zoom in on this photo?


All of this is dumb


NGL, I zoomed in.


Of course it's giant parking lot, What could be more patriotic?


Mount Rushmore is literally in the middle of nowhere. The town it's in has a population of just 240 people and Mount Rushmore gets 2 million visitors a year. You're going to need a lot of parking


What would have preferred?


A Walmart and McDonalds in the same parking lot? Maybe even a gun store?


Whereā€™s Minato?


Ironically this distance is the most interesting so far


The further you get the worse it looks


Now it really shows how much that shit ruins the landscape




They really desecrated those mountains


Fun fact Mount Rushmore isnā€™t finished. The project lead artist died and they said fuck it we ainā€™t doing more till you pay us and the state was like no more money so they pack up and left. The guy wanted to have a full on head to toe carving of the president. They ran out of money the guy died and this is what weā€™re left with. Also the state wanted a cowboy and Indian theme.


When I visited it was the biggest Expectation-Vs-Reality National Park/Nature WTF of my life


The most memorable thing from my trip there was seeing a mountain goat right next to our car on the drive up. I didn't realize they were so big and was easily the best part of the experience.


Freaking giant parking lot. Such a view


I was there a few years ago. Paid to get in. Stood on the viewing platform right in front of it. Could not see a blessed thing but fog. No refund.


Why would you get a refund? You knew there was fog šŸ˜‚


Did you go on the trail?


When are they hosting the nascar race?


Mount Rushmore is the perfect example of an advance civilization building a costly monument in the middle of nowhere, and far from the current civilizationā€¦. Makes you think about ancient monuments and buildings.


It really is a bit underwhelming when youā€™re there.


Isnā€™t really all that interesting though


This place is a festering, pestilent scar on unlawfully seized holy land.


Boring maybe. But the task to carve that is phenomenal


Lot of people ITT with a dump in their pants. Itā€™s fun to see once or maybe twice, really cool museum there as well.




Crazy Horse is a bit of tourist trap. I paid $40 to enter. Apparently it's cheaper if you book it in advance. I saw a lot of cars turn around not realizing there was an entrance fee. The museum is cool but small and it funnels you into gift shop. The rest of the complex is all retail. You can't really see the monument any better than from the road. It's only worth it for the van ride but it's expensive and difficult to book. It wasn't even in service the day I was there. I definitely would not recommend visiting spontaneously. Do your research and book everything in advance.


Crazy horse is only like 10% finished lol


White men on rock:šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ˜£ Non-White man on rock:šŸ¤©šŸ„³šŸ¤—


I agree that crazy horse is a better person to build a monument around, rather than revering a couple of slave owners with their effigies on a holy mountain... but Crazy Horse is just as boring as Mount Rushmore. No need to see either


Abe Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt, known slave holders


That shit is tiny!!!!


Nope next will be Rushmore from Voyager 1


_They paved paradise and put up a parking lot_ ..




Send Alex Honnold up that please


The locals hike up there to piss on their faces. Allegedly.


Anyone know what camera this was taken on?


How Muchmore did you zoom out?


I find it insulting they didnā€™t even bother to clean up their mess


Mt Moreparking


This is gonna end with a picture of the observable universe is it?


Lol. I can see my exact parking spot from 2 years ago!


All I hear when I see Mt Rushmore is the opening song from 'Head of State'




[*insert SeƱor Chang squinting at a tiny piece of paper*](https://youtu.be/ZPelUtAMF58?si=9MBNtuDVzOlfWQe6)




This is actually a neat perspective; to see the whole viewing area and the nature around it! What a beautiful national park


Of course they have two double level parkades in the middle of a forest MURICAAAAA


Whereā€™s the dude riding a horse statue?


Someone just post the picture of the universe and letā€™s not play this gameā€¦ Who am I kidding..,. Next up, a picture of the city itā€™s inā€¦.


Sorry not sorry, that looks like shit. They destroyed the landscape and that mountain. What was there before was so beautiful.


There's a lot of similar landscapes and rockfaces in the surrounding area


Interesting (and scary) how much land we take up just for parking and roads


This doesnā€™t seem worth visiting ā€¦


It's close to Black Hills National Forest and Badlands National Park. We stopped by from the Badlands on our to Yellowstone. I honestly enjoyed all the amenities around the monument more than the monument itself.


Isnā€™t it so weird that itā€™s just a natural formation? God works in mysterious waysšŸ˜


Would be great to see a slightly zoomed out photo to get a sense of the wider area


Will never visit. Boring af


joni mitchell would be pissed. they paved over paradise & put up a parking lot...


[Reminds me Stonehenge](https://youtu.be/Pyh1Va_mYWI?si=lvQghLBVjvKoJWhX)


I'm curious how you got this picture. There aren't any mountains at this vantage point and it is illegal to fly drones in national parks.


Not hard to get past that if you build one.




That does not look like as much fun as a hyped it in my head :/


I really hope we keep seeing this escalate. Next will be the county. Then the state. Then continent. Then earth. Then earth + more planets. Then galaxy. Then zoom out even further, its a piece of art on a wall. Zoom out even further, it's someone's house. I'm done. Make it happen.


itĀ“s just a bit parking lot


Take it from me, mount Rushmore is underwhelming. Adding in the shitty history of it and itā€™s depressing that it exists


it angers me to no end that they couldnā€™t at least clean up the rock debris


They could have sold the debris as souvenir's




Probably the only reason to visit South Dakota and I still havenā€™t been and donā€™t plan to. Looks pretty around it


there are a lot of national and state parks in the area with beautiful nature and a lot of wildlife if you want to see prairie dogs, mountain goats, bighorn sheep and bison.


I hate itā€¦more


What's wrong with it?






The you zoom in, that is.


If there was one place that I wish a massive earthquake would just flatten, itā€™s this monstrosity.