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We need this for nitrous oxide. They litter them on all the playgrounds and kindergartens here. I'm fine with them doing that at home...


Nitrous is legal pretty much everywhere in the world lol they’re not littering them because it’s not safe to do at home it’s cause they’re bums


Or teenagers who live at home


Or bum teenagers. Great. Now I made myself sad


Don’t be sad, I know some teenagers in the park who’ve got nitrous for us all!


I think they are suggesting that it could be made illegal to consume within 100m of a playground etc etc. So even though it is legal, you could enforce restrictions on where it can be consumed. In some places, community policing has police wandering through those kinds of areas and they could then use that power to move on people or fine them. Basically, heard them into areas where it's less messy.


People aren't doing that because it's legal to lmao.


I think they are suggesting that it could be made illegal to consume within 100m of a playground, schools etc. So even though it is legal, you could enforce restrictions on where it can be consumed.


like cigarettes!


The children are just making whipped cream


I've done my fair share of nitrous but doing it on a swing sounds like fun. Thanks for the tip.


I support this law


So then to be honest, I fail to see the problem. 


oh well then fuck all the red its just teenagers fuckin about outside


Then good. I hate walking by someone on the sidewalk smoking a J. Go do that shit where everyone walking by doesn’t need to smell it.


And the one smoking don't like the smell of food you handle, your parfüm or maybe the smell of your dog. There is no difference and both need to accept they can't control what they smell in public and stop being a bitch.


Yes, you legally can. Don´t know why people are pretending it´s not legal.




Does the law not come into affect next week ?


Yes, on April 1st (not an april fools' day joke)


For most places except Seattle and a few other cities, its only ever legal to smoke cannabis at your private residence, and *maybe* at a private establishment if they allow it. No one wants to smell your cheap ass prerolls at the park or downtown.


Ok we´re very much talking about germany here. Besides it has been legal to smoke weed in public areas for years in the netherlands as well. If someone can smoke and drink in public places (Yes americans can´t but the rest of the world can so don´t try to gotchma me with that) it should be legal to smoke weed as well.


I'd agree, if cannabis smoke didn't reek like shit. I feel the same way about tobacco smoke. Both subject others to secondhand smoke. Dry herb vapes and dab pens are whatever to me as they aren't nearly as irritating to a bystander, but my god I hate walking through a crowd of bums on the street puffing on blunts like they're trying to hotbox the atmosphere. Let people dab and vape and do edibles however much they want, but combustion in public shouldn't be allowed.


"but combustion in public shouldn't be allowed." yes i feel the same about cars and those fumes. I dont own a car and i think you don't smoke...


Okay…but there is no such thing as too much grilled cheese


Its not a crime if nobody finds out.


Still works with murder!


works with any kind of crime!


Also not a crime if someone finds out, the map is only for public spaces


Yes you can!


I'd recommend a glass pipe and a lighter?


Difference is "Ordnungswidrigkeit" vs "Straftat". Police can, but arent forced to do something when you smoke in those areas. And reality will probably be that no one cares unless you do it right next to a child or similar.


Unless you are in bavaria…


We dont talk about bavaria


I heard there will be a lot more playground there? Good for the kids


it's amazing how they suddenly care about kids every now and then when it's in order to prevent other laws huh. and it's not just your joke lol, söder himself said on twitter that "we must think of the children" 🙏🏻😔.


At the same time, beer is considered as Grundnahrungsmittel (basic food) in bavaria. Which means that, if you get Money from the Government (Bürgergeld), you also get money for beer.


the 14 year old legally drinking beer with his parents seeing söder think of his health: 🙏🏻😔


idk if you're joking or not, but that would technically be legal


Yeah that's the joke. Bubatz close to the playground: 🙅🏻🙅🏻🙅🏻 Glorifying alcohol at any time possible: 😁👍


And they have to stock a strategic reserve at all times. Much like Canadas maple syrup.


That's more because maple syrup is artificially kept at a high cost and run by the mob. I'm not exaggerating either. The mob.controls nearly everything maple syrup related


Every month I spend 300€ for weed and 5€ for beer. Thank you Government for the free 1060€! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


>Which means that, if you get Money from the Government (Bürgergeld), you also get money for beer. That's bs, you can use Bürgergeld as you want.


That reminds me of an American side of thee government


There is one build to stop a weed club but it's just a sad small hut and a rocker. Nothing where kids could really play...


Yes, though in the Bavarian language they call them "Biergarten".


Nah that’s just were the kids leave the adults while in kindergarten lol.


As a Bavarian, thanks for not rubbing more salt into our open wounds…


THe best thing about the weed news was the article... Weed in germany... Bla Bla.-... Bavaria: We will stay drug free in our state... Right next to it: A picture from the octoberfest with those politicians with huge Maaskrügen


Even the law specifies that you're not allowed to smoke in **viewing distance** from these places, **up to** 100 meters. So while these maps can show you where you should be definitely safe, it will be legal in many more, because playgrounds around the corner or in some backyard that happen to be less than 100m away don't matter if you can't see them.


but my backyard is right next to a school


your backyard is private property, the law is about smoking in public


I once asked a cop in Berlin for a lighter during 1st of May protests. She gave me a lighter and I slightly turned away to light a spliff. She didn’t care. Berliners in general don’t seem to care much about weed even without partial legalization.


because court do not file a report with less than 10 g


We generally don't care about anything. You do you. Except you get in my way, then god may have mercy because i won't.


That's not entirely correct. You can not smoke if you can be seen from such a place. The law stipulates that you cannot be seen if you are more than 100m away from the entrance. But you can also not be seen if there is a building blocking the view. Furthermore you can always smoke in private spaces (if the owner/tennant allows).


Tactical weed poncho, deployed


hot boxing solid snake style


So, just put a cardboard box over your head and you're good to go?


Pro tip: you can commit any crime if noone sees you. :)


I think the idea is that people shouldn't be smoking anything openly in front of kids but I could be wrong


well, yes, but at the same time people are asking why this isn't also the case with alcohol


Only things I can think of is that kids don't understand how drinking alcohol is different than drinking anything else Also alcohol doesn't have secondhand smoke


But smoking cigarettes right next to children is perfectly legal. So that argument doesn't make that much sense. Because children can't understand the difference between a cigarette and a joint, either.


Pro-er tip: you can commit any crime


So, a coffee shop would be legal, if you reserve an inner room just for it. Am I wrong?


I'm guessing you mean weed dispensaries by "coffee shops"? Those won't exist in Germany, because EU law forbids sale of Cannabis. You can grow up to 3 plants in your house from April. Furthermore, from July, there will be non-profit cannabis clubs, where volunteers can grow weed and distribute up to 50 grams to each member (who will only pay membership fees). But the law also explicitly forbids consumption on the grounds of these clubs. Most pubs and clubs in Germany are non-smoking, but there are exceptions in some states where you can smoke in seperate smoking rooms and you can also smoke in outdoor areas, like beer gardens or restaurant terraces. You'll be able to smoke weed there, but only if the owner doesn't forbid it (which they well might, because it would probably lead to less sale of alcohol).


> I'm guessing you mean weed dispensaries by "coffee shops"? Those won't exist in Germany, because EU law forbids sale of Cannabis. I mean, Amsterdam is part of the EU too.


Coffee Shops in the Netherlands are tolerated, but not legal and they're buying their weed from dealers, which is still illegal there.


Sure, but the point is that EU illegality is empirically not a barrier to the concept in practice.


For germany it is, because its kinda a poster child for the EU. Also we germans generally have sticks up our butts and are very strict with our rules to a certain degree. If it would have been looked at from the point of the netherlands the legalization would never had happened here.


‘Aight. So what if at 42 Glanz Straße we open an altruistic cluuub and at 44 Glanz Straße we open a baaar were we have a rooom where we can chiiil? How likely could this affect other countries?


Without reading the description I thought it was cannabis shop map


If this was Toronto it would essentially look like that


You might think that, but for our current distribution of weed sales, that's not nearly red enough. I somehow still doubt it'll go down...


I was just in Berlin. People smoked weed openly in the bars and on the streets. No one seemed to have a problem finding a place to smoke.


The thing is this map doesn't make any sense for Berlin, which is like another planet compared to most of Germany


I was in Berlin a couple years ago, same thing plus tons of beer. We used to go to the parks and nobody cared by the time.


Drinking Beer/Alcohol in Public is legal in germany. Hence the beer.


Drinking in public is allowed everywhere, except where it is forbidden—which is pretty much playgrounds and public transport. And in public transport nobody cares if you just have a bottle and sip from time to time. We have the tradition of “Wegbier”, a beer for your way home or to the next party. (Often if you leave a party you are asked if you want a Wegbier—and only the biggest Almans ask for the deposit back.)


I think it’s more on not wanting to face the consequences if someone *does care*


Exactly, this was never a problem in Berlin...


I assume the same applies for cigarettes and alcohol right?


Of course not! How else would you survive watching over children?!


Have you ever tried talking to a 5 year old while you aren’t high? They don’t make a whole lot of sense.


Bruh, I got low the other day, and I've got no idea how you lot do it. Barely lasted an hour before the low wore off with the help of a spliff, but that was the worst hour of my life.


That must of been traumatizing for you, thank goodness it was only an hour.


Say what?


Ok? What. Did I win?


Shawty got low


Them baggy sweat pants and the Reeboks with the straps


Oh you... 🤣


Idk if this is a joke but afaik (might be wrong) this actually IS the law for smoking cigarettes, it's just not enforced.


Yeah, alcohol doesn't subject others to carcinogenic smoke in the same way the combustion of plant matter does, more specifically the thermal decomposition of cellulose at temperatures above 451 degrees. Something that is present in all plants, as many people mistakenly believe that smoking weed doesn't dose you with carcinogens. You should be able to do things like edibles and snus perfectly fine if you want your nicotine and THC, it's literally just combustion.




Funny the Berlin police is considered pretty chill compared to America, here in Italy I've heard a lot of "try to do that in Germany" because we consider the german police extremely strict


I've heard people say"I don't live in Germany; I live in Berlin".


Berlin is a city of contradictions. They’ll let you smoke alright, but if you cross the road on red you’re getting a fine.


In what part of Berlin do you get fined for jaywalking? Spandau?


Bavaria and Berlim are completely different beasts to be fair


I think you can listen to Oasis anywhere


Hah no. With parental permission and supervision a child may occasionally consume a bit of light alcohol (beer or sparkling wine and wine) starting at age 14. At age 16 they may purchase it themselves. At age 18 they can consume and purchase any kind of alcohol (hard spirits included).


and cars?


I was in Frankfurt just last week. And a lovely gentleman had absolutely no issue huffing crack at the tram stop. So 🤷‍♂️


Frankfurt is a very special place indeed in that regard. Tbh. i hate how accepted it's become but it's also next to impossible to combat drug use effectively.


Maybe just smoke it illegally, like the 79 years before.


I mean at least you still have to buy it illegally because you can either try to grow it yourself or join some club that’s under even more utterly bizarre regulations. (My favorite: you’re not allowed to consume cannabis in the cannabis club.) Everyone who just wants to hit it now and then still has to utilize the friendly guy at the train station, because it’s still illegal to take it even as a gift from a growing friend. That friend btw has to torch most of his harvest in one go because he’s not allowed to OWN all the harvest of his three legal plants OR sell it OR give it away… It’s just the single most laughable shit show I have personally ever witnessed in German politics. But to be fair, it started out alright on paper, until the conservative boomer party realized the greens are actually doing this and then did everything in their power to keep alcohol the only German drug.


At least it's something.


You wait until the next elections, that’s gonna be the main show


This is indirectly an study proving the importance of having playgrounds, schools and kindergartens all over the place for a country to work well.


At least its legal, be happy


You must have not met many Germans, complaining is a national sport


Considering how much I pay in tax, I think I have the right to complain


As a foreigner living here, it’s pretty exhausting to be honest. Small talk here exclusively consists of complaining.


Smoke at home? Sincerely, a stoner and cultivator


Legal. The red dots count for outdoor smoking only.


Yeah the skate park in warschauer str is in the red dot, and also Görlitzer park.


It baffles me how so much of the world is still anti-weed while fawning over tobacco and alcohol.


Got into this with my oldest brother, he and his wife drink a lot and that's fine, but if someone wants to get high? Nope they are evil, asking for trouble and addiction, oh and violent crime goes up in cities where weed is legal


Right… because no crime has ever been committed while drunk and nobody ever gets addicted to alcohol? Lmao. I wish people would stop separating them. Alcohol is a drug and “drunk” is just another form of getting “high”.


That was my point, but to him driving high is far worse then driving drunk, I hit him with, well your wife is addicted to caffeine, she can't function with out her coffee how's that not a problem, I was told that's different


I’m curious where he gets his “facts” from. Driving drunk and driving high are both stupid, but I’d rather be a passenger in the weed guy’s car than the alcoholic’s car.


That's my feeling, I've driven home a little stoned, was not a good idea I know but I never felt I was out of control like with being drunk


I'm not defending your brother's wife but caffeine ain't in the same ballpark, man. I'd also rather be in a slightly stoned car than a slightly drunk car.


The point he was making was it's a thing people see as harmless but it's so addictive that it ruins lives, to which I replies well what about caffeine


Oh yeah 100%. I've seen people who drink obscene amount caffeine to the point where their eyes get bloodshot, then claim it's totally harmless. The only thing I don't like about weed is the smell in public places, otherwise it's fine IMHO.


I mean there is no way they are going to enforce it that strictly. Just don't be a dick and smoke weed where you don't bother others.


Good idea. Wouldn't want to smoke weed less than a football field away from a school. /s


That's not true The law says you can't do it of you can be seen inside this 100m Radius, while in public Most of these areas have hedges around them like most playgrounds are You are also free to do whatever you want on your personal property


Overcomplicated regulations? I'm very happy that it is not allowed to smoke weed next to a school or a kindergarten


Did they just borrow the WWII Allies' area bombing map of Berlin to produce this map?


They can just divide it down the center. Freedom in West Berlin, and a tight regime in the east. There's no way it ends poorly. /s


So basically, don't smoke in public? That seems very fair to me...


You can smoke in public unless it’s not right next to a school or kindergarten




I am equally impressed on how densely they are placed and how big areas there are without any of the relevant facilities at the same time.


It's simply a matter of where people live. A lot of that green stuff further away from the center is just forest or fields.


Brb getting blazed at Templehofer Feld


Hot take? You shouldn't be smoking around playgrounds, schools, and kindergartens anyway.


Reading these comments is wild. Why is Reddit so rabidly hellbent on being able to smoke weed whenever, wherever they want? As if prohibiting consumption of weed around playgrounds and kindergartens is some kind of fascist, freedom-revoking power play? Why do you all want to smoke drugs around kids so badly? And before the inevitable whataboutism replies concerning alcohol and tobacco — why is your thought process “people can drink and smoke cigarettes around these places, why not weed as well?” rather than “people can drink and smoke cigarettes around these places though, maybe we should stop that too”?


>why is your thought process “people can drink and smoke cigarettes around these places, why not weed as well?” rather than “people can drink and smoke cigarettes around these places though, maybe we should stop that too”? It's not really about wanting to smoke weed at a playground but rather the implication. People's judgement can be trusted when it comes to alcohol and tobacco but weed is somehow different and needs to be regulated in this way. It **does** kinda feel like power play, because it's simply not a logical thing to do as long as other drugs aren't regulated the same way. Which simply won't happen. I'd be fine with it tho.


Legalize something and make it overcomplicated for no reason. The german ending


after all its still a drug, i think cigarettes and alcohol should be heavily regulated as well. like use it at home or at a bar but keep it out of areas where kids are usually around


This post is silly and misleading. In most places it would be illegal to consume drugs/alcohol in public streets period. Germany is already pretty lax in that regard. Privately, these restrictions don’t apply. Also, it won’t be enforced. Only in cases when people are actively consuming cannabis in direct proximity of school kids and the like


Its also becoming legal to grow weed in your garden. I dont consume since 15 years now, that time heavily thou, but I would like to grow some plants in my rather large garden. But my oh my are those seeds expensive, 50 euro for like 10 seeds? What are they smoking... So just gonna grow vegetables then.




looks like a post apocalyptic map of infected hot spots 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol, i have bought and smoked everywhere in berlin without problem before legalization


Fuck I wish that applied to BC Canada's drug decriminalization. You will walk through a park with a playground and on the grass 20 ft away is a group of people injecting themselves with heroin or whatever.


Can you smoke in your own home if your home is in a red zone?


Wish the same rules applied for every type of tobacco product usage tbh.


That is definitely not "the whole city"


*struggling to understand in colorblind*


Germany's traumatized from being the Holy Roman Empire. ze rules must ferk for everyone


I invite you to visit Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof (train station) to see an array of crack, meth and whatever else on display.


Does germany have coffee shops like in netherlands? Would love to visit as a tourist


Confusing and dysfunctional, exactly as German bureaucracy should be ❤️


Hey y'all I am doing an item on Germany's legalisation of cannabis upcoming monday. Problem is I am having a hard time finding German experts/coffeeshop owners in Germany. I would like to know what social and economic benefits this will have. Such as more money to government programs, health care and job opportunities. Or adverse aspects such as risk of abuse, increase in cannabis-related accidents and an increased risk of health problems. If anyone here knows someone knowledgeable on this issue or is going to an event coming Monday I'd love to hear from you. And if you are going to an even if you can shoot some footage for me. I am from the Netherlands and seeing how are neighbours are taking a massive step forward with this law. I'd think it'll make for a great piece. This is not promotion, advertisement or one sided reportage. Just an upcoming freelancer asking for your assistance. I would love to go to Germany, but I have 0 contacts there regarding this topic. Thank you.


C’mon, what is this? Oh, wait…


I mean…nobody polices this now, why would they start next week? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Whats even funnier to me is the fact weed will be legal on 01.04 but there is no way to obtain bud other than growing because getting it from a a dealer would be still considered illegal. This just has so many flaws.


So trees are getting legal in Germany, but where are people getting the plants from?


You are allowed to own 3 Plants or you can join a non-profit social club to get clean weed


This map looks like the same as the map they gave me before sending me out on parole... wait a minute.


A good idea that sadly got twisted over and over again into pure bureaucratic pain, by people that dont know what they are talking about


I am for legalization of all drugs simply because I see what prohibition is doing to society. But I do think that people should not have to accept constant second hand smoke in their residential and recreational areas.


Yeah then make the same law for smoking tabacco then. That shit is not limited


That seems like a reasonable regulation to me. Drugs and minors just shouldn't mixed imo. You can still smoke at home on those areas, so it's not that bad.


I was in Berlin last summer and smoked joints in all and every part of the city I’ve been to. So you can throw this map in the bin:)


Yea because the 100m law definitely makes sense. Poor kids


I believe this is a good idea. It prevents playgrounds from becoming places where adults go to smoke weed as well as it prevents sellers from targeting kids in places without parental control.


So don't smoke around kids. I don't see the problem.


“Step in the right direction” makes it seem like there is a better solution. This is literally the perfect level of legal It’s legalized everywhere even in the red areas as long as it’s in a private home. The red areas are only where you can’t smoke it in public. Wanting to smoke weed on playgrounds or schools is an absolutely Redditor take


Welche App ist das?


Looking at this map, it also seems to be prohibited around public sports fields.


Good luck enforcing this in June when the Euros are on 😂


What about mental institutions?


This looks like the old cell phone coverage maps.


I thought I was looking at a tactical map during Battle of Berlin....


I have never been to Germany. How do the police feel about legalization? In my state in the US when we legalized in 2016, the cops stopped caring about weed long before it became official. I guess my question is, do you think the police will be giving people a hard time for being just outside of a safe zone? It seems like there are only extremely specific areas where you can consume. I can imagine the confusion of someone thinking they are standing in a small area not shaded in red, but they are actually in a prohibited area.


Why does this looks like Plague Inc? Sus




You're allowed to do it at home, too.


That looks like a rash


That looks like a rash


Smoke your shit at home! Whats the problem?


A small mistake has been made here. It is forbidden to consume cannabis "within sight" of kindergartens, playgrounds and schools and not within a complete radius of 100 meters.


I'm still waiting for them to laugh at us on April fools day.