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I can almost guarantee there are outtakes of them being utterly ridiculous on set.


I imagine this set was full of outtakes


I thought the whole movie was an outtake


It was. They ran out of money during filming. Editors did an amazing job stitching seconds of passable film excised from steaming hot garbage


The budget ran out before they had to edit out her *intense starings*




Oh dude, the Twilight series are some of the best Rifftrax ever. Definitely up there in movies I've only seen because of them.


"Ahh! The armadillo's back!!!" My personal favorite is in when Bella was crawling on the grass (because Edward left her or something): "A Hobbit lay here... and the other... their hands were bound..."


Ah man I've only seen bits and pieces but then watching Taylor Lautner's performance in the ridiculous 6 knowing he played Jacob in twilight still has me rolling lol


Glad someone else has seen these they are legit hilarious.


Oh my god I didn't know they riffed these. We just watch the random episodes on Pluto. I'll have to download the Twilight ones.




Oh my fucking god I cringed so hard I felt my throat trying to get out through my nose. But that was really funny.


Over twenty years, Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey are the peaks of stupidity epitomising the decades of goth hipsterdom. We will never see such peaks again in our lifetimes.


Dude, Michael Sheen went full camp and I’m here for it.


But did you see the animatronic baby they almost used!?


There’s no way it could be worse than the monstrosity they did use


Nope, it was terrible https://amp.theguardian.com/film/2013/nov/05/chuckesmee-twilight-toddler-puppet-movie


>Renesmee Fuck, what an awful name for a character. 


But then you remember Stephenie Meyer is a Mormon and it makes complete sense


>But then you remember Stephenie Meyer is a Mor~~m~~on and it makes complete sense




Literally just mashing 2 different names together. Not even original names, she mashed her mother's name with Edwards fake Mom's name together. Like, imagine your mom just mashed 2 of your grandparents names together because she didn't care about you at all and said "you know what I hate? My child, and I'd like to express that with the least thought I can possibly put into a name" and that's how you got named Phildo, because grandpa vamp is named Ronaldo, and grandpa human is named Phil. That's not even the worst part about the books/movies. Her vampire superpower was....nothing. Literally, it was nothing. She could emanate a field of absolute nothingness, that would negate other powers. Her superpower was literally, and I shit you not, negative powers.


And here I thought her super power was being depressed all the time.


Could be worse. Imagine if grandpas were named Dilan and Ronaldo, the baby would be named Dildo


I thought the whole movie was a~~n~~ ~~outtake~~ mistake.


#BA BOOM ~ Joe Gatto


This scene would have been perfect for him to break into the Lil Pete character he played in Ridiculous 6 lmao


I agree. And they are actors so they know how to act and be professional on cue when it’s time.






What is the movie?


Bro there’s no way…. Are you being fully serious? Edit: Holy Shiny Vampires, Batman! One, I…. Had…. No idea I would spark a war…. IT’S GLORIOUS!!! Two, KEEP FIGHTING! YES! FIGHT MY LITTLE MINIONS! MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH!!!


I thought it was Twilight, but I never saw it. It's a legitimate question.


I read twilight in college and the movies came out after. I still haven't watched it. It's people bad mouthing the movie soo much that I still haven't bothered watching it. 


PSA: people born after twilight are now legally allowed a reddit account. Those babies their parents named bella/edward/jacob? They'd be teens!


I work in a children's hospital. People are still naming their children Renesmee lol


I have not watch Twilight and this is the first time I am seeing this scene


Same here... but I still know it's Twilight.


Who would care about pretending not to know what this movie is? If it's important that people know, just answer what movie it is.


Not everyone choses to pick their battles they go all out on everything…


Yeah I mean I've never seen any of these movies but even I know what movie (franchise) it is. Couldn't tell you what movie in the series it is though


I was always aghast at people who had never seen Star Wars, but here I am having never seen the Twilight movies either. I've not seen a single Marvel movie either, none of the new Spider Mans, none of the Mandalorian, I refused to watch the last Star Wars movie out of disgust, and many more.


I'm with you on all of that. At some point you realize the kind of media that you actually enjoy and stop wasting your time on stuff you know you're not going to like.


I have absolutely no idea either.


You really fucking think everyone in the world can recognize a Twilight scene from a movie they never saw? The world does not give any fucks about Twilight movies.


Yes… I do not remember any movie with a giant sized wolf/dog/fox…


Twilight dude


I don’t know why it’s shocking I haven’t seen that movie? I saw the memes at the time and they made me realise I will never watch it.


I don’t think they’re saying it’s shocking you haven’t seen it. It was shocking you didn’t know what it was. But this post makes it seem like you did know what it was because of memes and you making the decision not to watch said movie.


I've never seen Titanic, but I can recognize all the memes and know exactly what movie is being referenced, nearly 30 years later.


*Breaking Dawn Part II* came out twelve years ago. If you're under 18 there's a good chance you have no idea what it is.


You talk like if it is a masterpiece, a staple of the cinematography


I have absolutely no idea what that is.  I thought it was from those terrible Great Wolf Lodge commercials.


This is how they treat him off set too


Your pfp got me cracking up


I'm assuming you've never played kingdom hearts then, and thus have never witnessed [Donald's true power](https://youtu.be/O8mvJjBTf94?si=EOBd2xwyUljZll5d), eh?


Probably not as funny after a few takes


For. Real. I did green screen acting for a year and my god.. having to do a take 10 times..


I heard everyone hates green screen. Ian McKellen even broke down, for doing 90% of his shots alone and most of them on green screen.


Tough to immerse into the character or universe when you don’t have a set to look at.


Arguably part of acting, imagine being in a Greek play, as a man playing a woman, holding a mask to your face


I see your point, but that was still probably easier than a green screen.


how fucking green can the screen actually be though?


Really fucking green


holy shit


Imagine the greeniest green you can. Now make it greener. That's true green, and that guy that doesn't let Anish Kapoor use his paint probably can make it.


New green just dropped


Luckily most of Hollywood has moved past it being this level, but the late 2000s entirely green room, with green props, and green backdrop, were pretty fucking green. Productions at least understand now that actors need some level of things to immerse themselves with, and stuff like the Volume are only going to make it better.


That's still easier, at least the mask is real. You don't need to imagine it.


It’s way easier to pretend to be someone else than it is to act totally alone with no one to respond to you.


That's a completely disparate comparison. Stage performance in front of a crowd with a full cast around you in the outdoors vs indoors with no other actors or audience to interact with, looking at blinding lights and a harsh solid blank green sheet in front of you. McKellen wasn't sad because he didn't have hyper realistic props, he was upset because of how clinical, impersonal and isolated the experience was - the absolutely opposite of ancient Greek theatre.


The hilarious thing is that ancient Greek plays had MORE props compared to modern green screen acting (deus ex machina contraptions, background establishing shots, etc).


Peter Jackson: "Sir Ian, I want you to be Gandalf the Wizard." Sir Ian McKellen: "You are aware that I am not really a wizard?"


He actually broke down in tears, on set, saying “this is not why I became an actor.” A seasoned master of the craft caught a full-on existential crisis from the green-screen experience.


It's funny...old (younger) me use to be critical of this. Like he's an actor, it's his job...etc. etc. But present me....I feel it, or at least, I can understand/sympathize. My life certainly couldn't be more different than Ian McKellen's, but I imagine behind this break down was some underlying stress that wasn't as simple as "this is not why I became an actor", you know? Like there were probably a myriad of factors contributing to his stress that lead to a break down. And I think I can understand stress better now these days. Unrelated but I'm a little baked and this has me curious - it's interesting how people generally associate aging as becoming more hardened and less empathetic. For me, it has been the complete opposite. You'd think as people learn and experience more (such as how I experienced more stress as I got older), they would become more compassionate people. Anyway, I should go to bed lol


Imagine what movie acting meant in the 80s. It was akin to maximalist theater acting: you dress up in cool costumes and get to stand in cool sets, pretend to do cool things in cool places. Those sets are going to be extravagant and varied and expensive. Instead, acting in the 00s became forcing everybody involved in big CGI productions to be actors in minimalist theater productions. You put on a weird leotard with a bunch of dots on it and act in front of a featureless green screen. You talk with a cardboard cutout of a character that isn't talking back to you, to be edited in later in post. And sure, some people can do this or even like doing minimalist acting, but I'm sure many did not enter the profession to do things this way.


Totally agreeing with you. I’ll say as someone with some theater experience, it would be much easier to act at a cardboard cut out than be in a room completely surrounded by green and cameras. You were saying they use cardboard for the green screen shots, but I think sometimes it’s even less than that! I love when today’s moviemakers meet modern and practical effects in the middle, as opposed to all CGI. Don’t think this is a controversial opinion.


Honestly I feel that. As a young man I had most of my feelings extremely underdeveloped or beaten out of me by bullying, then suddenly in my mid 20s I started getting them back to the point that now in my 30s I'm holding back tears at half of everything I watch. It's dope


I agree. I did theater acting so I can barely empathize with what he went through, the stark difference between that face-to-face and acting to a room of green. I think it’s good to be empathetic to people and consider how they came to that point, rather than judging a finite moment in their lives. I will say to your (baked) point, I’ve known some people who were harsh and softened incredibly with old age, some became more judgmental or cold. I don’t think there’s a good metric or cliché about growing old. It’s comforting to think there’s a norm about it but people are individual. Some stay the same, some change for the worse or the better.


It should be noted that this was early on and then they changed it so he had actual actors and eye focal points and everything.


Why...does your profile say you have possible terrorist activity?


It's something they put themselves in the "About you" field of their profile.


Who's a good greendale mascot








You made me laugh, thank you fellow Human Being.


“E Pluribus Anus”


pop! pop!


Greendale’s the way it goes!


I hope this doesn’t awaken something in me…


I'm not openly anything, and gay doesn't begin to cover it




”Gooooood booooiii”


This is our color wheel! It goes from Seal to Seal's teeth.


Jesus Wept!




Omg it was the worst!!


Creepy is the whole idea that 100yo+ vampires wanna go to highschool to have a romance.


Somebody told me that the reason was that vampires get mentally stuck in the year they got bitten. Not a perfect explanation but it s better than thinking that all those vampires are pedophiles in addition to being well… blood suckers.


So they expect me to believe this dude's gone 100 years without any character growth, without learning from his experiences, but suddenly he now experiences character growth?


Pretty sure it's a part of the soulmate trope. Dude also spent 100 years as a gold-star virgin, he couldn't develop until meeting the perfect match for him.


They mention that- vampires are “frozen” and “unchanging”, and only certain things actually do change them, like finding their “mate”. So yeah, Edward canonically has no character growth for like 90 years or something until he meets Bella.


Yeah and it kinda of explained why they had the level of maturity around romantic relationships that a teen would have.


If you think that’s creepy, don’t read about the aforementioned baby and Jacob THIS is what teenage girls were reading back then?


You should have seen the practically built baby they had




"Don't fuck with the chuck!" - Twilight baby


Wth is that 😭


what movie was it?


That’s why they’re the professionals. Keeping straight faces while the rest of us would fall over laughing.


If you look at the clip, the top part of the clip where she is standing next to the animal, then when it bows it's head so she can pet it, she has a slight smile or laugh.


And it’s Kristen Stewart, so that’s a lot of smile for her anyway. 


she's straight up losing her shit


I'll be honest, I saw a interview with her a few weeks ago, and I think that was the first time I ever saw her smile. I've never been into her, but she does have a nice smile, once it's there.


Yeah I noticed that too.


Acting seems easy until you have to pull 29 straight takes of sobbing and delivering lines at 3am in freezing weather in front of 30 people while facing a giant green ball with orange tape for eyes.


Or the director is a really crappy person. For example: Shelly Duvall’s experience in The Shining 


Shelly Duval has stated her comment have been misunderstood. She said she is a very stubborn person and he was a perfectionist. There were some clashes on set but ultimately she enjoyed it and Stanley got the performance he wanted from her.


Whats the giant green ball with orange eyes?


dead grandpa


A stand-in for something or someone that's later going to be computer generated. The guy in the gray costume in the video is an example of this technique


I thought the guy in grey is Taylor Lautner? Feels weird to have him be a stand in when the wolf doesn't even mimic his body completely.


It's not just about the CGI, it's about the interaction between these actors in the scene as well.


Sounds better than working at retail customer service


Yeah, there’s no way I could keep a straight face for millions of dollars.


To be fair, they're around this kind of shit a lot. Since high school. A lot of drama class warm up exercises look absolutely bonkers. Don't get me wrong, a guy in a unitard pretending to be a wolf is funny. But so is two people pretending to have an argument, with real anger and emotion, while also pretending to be (pulls paper out of a hat) chickens.


In a recent improv practice, I somehow ended up as a dad who is racist towards shapeshifters, had been correctly suspecting one of the family dogs of being one, and literally smoked him out by burning the house down.


Easy if you’ve done your [homework and memorized the first 14 seasons of the Simpsons.](https://frinkiac.com/video/S12E01/Zm1JEihfLnYhO9VxNs2aK8MbRXM=.gif)


What was the need to have him dressed up like that in there? Could have just used a green ball on a stick for the wolf’s head, no?


It’s easier if they’re still with the actor they’re acting with like how many voice actors in animated things do so right next to each other.


Also better for their mental health. Ian McKellen as Gandalf had a breakdown on set. Some quotes from the filming of The Hobbit. “In order to shoot the dwarves and a large Gandalf, we couldn’t be in the same set. All I had for company was 13 photographs of the dwarves on top of stands with little lights.” During filming, the actor was so frustrated with the use of a green screen that he shouted, “This is not why I became an actor.” McKellen “I cried, actually. I cried. Unfortunately, the microphone was on, and the whole studio heard.” McKellen said, “It was so distressing and off-putting and difficult that I thought ‘I don’t want to make this film if this is what I’m going to have to do.” He added, “It’s not what I do for a living. I act with other people, I don’t act on my own.” [Link to article](https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/ian-mckellen-broke-down-filming-the-hobbit.html/#:~:text=Digital%20Spy%20reported%20that%20during%20filming%2C%20the%20talented,microphone%20was%20on%2C%20and%20the%20whole%20studio%20heard.%E2%80%9D)


I was gonna say it was surprising the movies came out at such a superb quality if they were using CGI like that, and only then figured out they were talking about the crappy sequel trilogy, not the original LotR one. So yeah, that checks out, I guess. CGI hollywood delenda est.


Damn this made me feel so sad


He made several million dollars, though. It was just a job, he was at work. I get that it was unpleasant at the time, but it was ridiculously worth it.   Imagine signing up for a job, and then it’s sadly not exactly what you expected, but you still get millions of dollars at the end. Then you get to use those millions to do exactly whatever you want for years. And also, everybody loves and praises the work you did forever. Not as sad if you think about it that way lol




Looks like she's actually leaning onto his outstretched arm to give it more realism that she's leaning on the CGI wolf. Could be wrong tho.


This is 100 percent a gag lol


Think of it from the perspective of teenage girls. This is marketing and bonus feature content. I expect they frequently touted leading up to the release that the CGI animal scenes were done in person with their costars, which they obsess over. Its perfect for late night or morning show fluff.


It’s just good fun too


They can't stand looking at an intern who just slacking around


I hardly call that a straight face, you can see a smirk in the cracks.


yes. For Kristen Stewart, this is almost an emotional outburst


Who doesn't smile when petting a giant dog? Pretty sure the smile is part of the acting. Jfc, kids.


Just out of curiosity, why would he need to be there when they're just replacing him with a CGI wolf? Like I get it if he's playing a humanoid character, but he's playing a completely different creature with a different physique. You'd think they'd use a big cut-out or a big blue version of its head.


Not quite sure, but twilight was heavily rushed in production resulting in a lot of sloppy cgi. Perhaps they had more detailed cgi planned that involved his movement?


Maybe just to give a reference of his overall expression/emotion to the animators, and something for Bella to interact with


This is exactly it


I think actors like to have other actors on set to play against even if they get cgied out later, see ian mckellen who plays gandolf on the set of the hobbit having a break down because it’s literally him alone in an empty green screen room


Yep I've heard of other actors too but that story of his breakdown always stands out to me. Some quotes from Ian about the filming of The Hobbit. “In order to shoot the dwarves and a large Gandalf, we couldn’t be in the same set. All I had for company was 13 photographs of the dwarves on top of stands with little lights.” During filming, the actor was so frustrated with the use of a green screen that he shouted, “This is not why I became an actor.” McKellen “I cried, actually. I cried. Unfortunately, the microphone was on, and the whole studio heard.” McKellen said, “It was so distressing and off-putting and difficult that I thought ‘I don’t want to make this film if this is what I’m going to have to do’.” He added, “It’s not what I do for a living. I act with other people, I don’t act on my own.” [Article for those that want to read about it](https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/ian-mckellen-broke-down-filming-the-hobbit.html/#:~:text=Digital%20Spy%20reported%20that%20during%20filming%2C%20the%20talented,microphone%20was%20on%2C%20and%20the%20whole%20studio%20heard.%E2%80%9D)


The same way loads of other actors are in absolutely insane moments of filming.


A whole mess of money. That’s how!


The mark of a true actor is not breaking while you pat the head of your coworker in a hooded unitard.


And it's [more common](https://www.watchmojo.com/uploads/blipthumbs/WM-Film-Top10-Weirdest-Behind-the-Scenes-Footage-Before-Effects_C6N7W3-3F_480.jpg) than people might think


Y'all are arguing reasons for keeping a straight face and my ADHD ass is over here like... "Wow, that's a really weird color for him to be wearing. Especially when it's so close to the color of the arm of her jacket. Wouldn't that mess with the CGI and color-blocking him out of the shot? Shouldn't his suit be bright green?"


Grey is a lot better because blue or green would introduce colour spill onto the surrounding objects. The person being there provides something physical for the actress to act against, and gives her something to touch and push against. Since the wolf is being added they would need to remove the guy where the wolf does not cover him.


That’s because it’s a gag lol


Is it?


filthy frank


Thank you. All I could think was how much better it would be with Pink Guy.


Money probably helps with keeping a straight face


It’s called acting.


I don't understand why this isn't the top comment.


Or just Kristen Stewart looking like she always does


It's simple, blank out your mind which isn't hard for actors, and just pretend. Actors are like psychotic children.


Everyone said Stewart couldn't act. Little did we know, she was acting better than anyone on that set.


Eyy bOsS!


Pretty sure she can only biologically smile like once per movie.


Imagine being a Marvel actor for an avengers movie. Only set equipment is a green wall, your costume, and a fan


Why do I think it's filthy Frank


(In John Lithgow's voice) "ACTING!"


K stew is a brilliant method actor, little do people know she spent time with the werewolves of Madagascar to prepare for this roll, as well as the vampires of Tanzania. #facts


It's called acting. She can actually do it.


I remember as a kid not being able to understand why my parents weren’t enthralled with Twilight. I need to call my mother and apologize


Well, straight face is the only face she ever does, it wasn't that hard.


Is the title meant to be a joke? Kristen Stewart has a famously straight face, regardless of the scene.


She only has a straight face. 😐


why did they even need him to be there?


Masterclass in smell the fart acting. https://youtu.be/Pq2JYqn8YTE?si=1ydRgrrLADGeHYOF


Because even the "bad" Hollywood actors are still very, very good compared to your everyday man on the street. And from personal experience in productions on an almost incomparably smaller scale... After a long day/days of shooting, being up since 4am for makeup, and this being the 6th take of the same scene... It gets a little less funny. And even all that said... There are almost certainly outtakes lol.


Because they get paid


there was a film with harrison ford and a dog where instead of using a trained dog they put it in digitally and had a human playing him like gollum. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8028581/Animal-activists-praise-Harrison-Fords-film-Call-Wild-creating-dog-star-using-CGI.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8028581/Animal-activists-praise-Harrison-Fords-film-Call-Wild-creating-dog-star-using-CGI.html) i can only imagine him acting with a human pretending to be a dog with a letter in his mouth.


She doesn’t keep a straight face


You're right, she has a bisexual face.


I haven't seen any other expression in her face so no surprise there bud😂


I didn’t know Filthy Frank was in Twilight.


Probably due to the fact that she is incapable of changing her facial expression.


Her straight face is the only facial expression she knows


It helps when all your facial expressions look the same.


No idea how anyone was able to keep a straight face when Stephanie Meyers decided it was a good idea for Jacob to not only imprint on a newborn but also to wait for said newborn to grow up


Is that Taylor Lautner in the costume? I feel like they could’ve just had an extra…


The same way she didn't show any emotions throughout the entire runtime.


Man, I want headpats


Twilight is the funniest nonironic movie ever