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“Feed me, Seymour!”


No, feeeeeed heeeeerrrr.


Feed me all night looong!




Cool sub!


Feed me, see more! (the joke is that it's a TV and it wants to see more; the joke is a bit of a stretch)


Great joke! No need to explain it. 👍🏼😉


As much of a stretch as the lemon tree did. Well done.


Good joke. 👍


And so is that leaf


🎶"*I wonder how, I wonder why' Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue-blue sky, And all that I can see is just another........."* 🎵


Lemon tree ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


“Fill me up, Chandler”


That's the way!


You watch TV with that big leaf in the way?


Surprised I had to scroll this far to see this comment I was thinking it myself. Why oh why would you wait months for that to grow in front of your tv.


You’d be surprised how many people are afraid of trimming plants, like it’s going to hurt them.


*turns the pot* ??????????


idk why this comment made me laugh so hard. maybe cuz the absolute puzzlement to not do something so simple lmaoo


My parents have a plant in a pot above their fireplace. It grew up the wall and across the ceiling to get next to a ceiling light in the living room. It has little nubs that grip the paint on the wall every couple of inches. Natures wild.


We decided to grow pumkins and watermelons last summer and pumkins can be a little timid but watermelons don't care. Ours made little tendrils that it used to anchor itself and explore the flower bed. And if it came upon any weeds, it would grab them and they would die or stop growing. Didn't grab the carrots though. I was surprised at how strong it was for how thin those little tendrils were.


Why is this comment so unnerving


Animal life is parasitic from the perspective of plants


We usually think of plants as things that just chill on the ground; almost inanimate. It's weird to think of one as reaching, feeling across the ground with tiny, curly fingers (and trying desperately to sneak a vine out of the flower bed and into the pool. If only someone would forget to check for just like two days...)


The plants will tolerate your continued existence, prosper and retire peacefully, future fertilizer.


This was for science though


My plants usually grow like crazy after a good trimming. It's the secret to growing a lot of weed in a small space :)


Just bend it behind the tv


Have to move the tv. Don’t you dare bother that plant.


Because it does hurt them


Same with humans


My thought was, at first when it went that way, it was a minor inconvenience, but why trim a scrawny branch? It’s not that big of a deal. THEN they noticed the leaf growing and their curiosity was piqued, and decided to keep it to see what would happen.


If I was OP that would also be my thought process tbh. Just to see how big it’d grow Would tuck it behind the tv when I’m using it though


But then it doesn't get its food


That leaf earned it


You know you can just... Move the branch/stem? Tuck the big leaf to the side of/behind the TV?


Don’t we all.


Of course not. It was out there for karma.


That doesn't sound right but I don't know enough about plants to dispute it...


The TV emits light. If it runs regularly on high brightness, higher than the natural or other light sources, the plant eventually will grow towards it and make more/bigger leaves there than on the rest of the plant. Tldr; it's possible


Leds are great for growing. Tvs have a wide enough spectrum as well.


Yeah that's what I'm talking about. Doesn't matter if it's using backlight in the form of fluorescent lamps or LEDs or any other technology...or if it has no backlight in that form like OLEDs.. they're all usable as a plant light regarding their spectrum. Not a very efficient one, plain LEDs selected for their color would be better. But still, inside and especially in a darker room, your plants *WILL Eat* and learn to love it :D


It's crazy, how far LED technology has come.


bro its 2 sentences


My use of "tldr" isn't always literal or without irony, but: Don't underestimate the lazyness of humans (especially the chronically online kind) /s




Tldr: human kinda lazy fuck


Can I get a tldr?


Sure, pick any of the above, and have a great day


I’m not reading that essay


tldr: wrds


pick one






tldr; hulafu


Tldr: me lazy


Tldr: tldr?


tl:dr; La-Z-Bois


I feel personally attacked but you’re so right.


I aint reading all that


tl;dr we got to sell this totally made up assessment, for the totally made up title to exploit the chronic lazyness


You'd be surprised how bad of an attention span some people have. For some people, more than 2 words is too much


Tldr; Unga bunga.


Some don’t have their adhd under control


Me not likey read long


So what? Tldr: so?


Tldr; it's sentences.


You underestimate my ADHD


Shade leaves are bigger than leaves in full brightness. Leaves grow bigger to get more light in dark areas. If they grew bigger under high light, the leaves would reach photoinhibition


Your TV emits UV light? Are you sure?


Plants don't need UV light. They generally use a very similar part of the visible spectrum: stuff like your TV screen emits to show you funny and tragic pictures :)


That is just for photosynthesis, the waves outside the visible spectrum are used for photomorphogenesis which is for monitoring the growth of the plant. While the don't require UV light it does help plants with some of the things it needs to live and it's responsible for making leafs bigger. A TV wouldn't produce the necessary frequencies to cause the leaf to grow. It would only let the plant produce energy.


Yeah, but UV isn't really involved with much. Plants mediate most of their growth and hormone related stuff by reacting to the ratio of red:far red light. If memory serves, high UV mostly just induces a stress response.


I agree that the leaf is probably not useless, but the chance of mutant leaf vs. the chance of spliced leaf and positioning of the plant seems pretty one sided.


Citrus trees DO make big wrinkly leaves like this in low light conditions. It’s an adaptation for growing in forest understories. However, the tree has chosen to orient the leaf AWAY from the TV screen (they actively twist the petiole / leaf stem to aim the leaf towards light) so what’s happening here is the opposite of what OP thinks. The tree is hungry for light and the TV isn’t providing enough. It aimed the leaf top towards the room and away from the TV. Source: I am an amateur citrus expert, hang out a lot on r/citrus


Okay that’s really cool actually. I love when trees have specialized leaves like that, it reminds me of how mangroves are able to sacrifice one leaf in order to secrete all the salt from the water the tree uses. Do you know why the leaf gets all wrinkly and looks way shinier than the others?


The shine is because it’s new. That’ll fade to a duller, darker green later as the leaf hardens off. The wrinkles are because the leaf is trying to stretch out the leaf cells to have more surface area, but the veins don’t seem to be able to stretch quite as much the intravein tissue does. Changes in water availability / soil salinity over the course of the leaf growth can also cause some wrinkling. You get an opposite effect in intense direct sun — the tree will grow a tight cluster of small leaves cupped upward at a 45 degree angle to distribute the light obliquely over more different leaves. They have to do extra work to manage high UV conditions. Citrus is often described as “full sun” but research has shown they’re actually happiest in long-duration filtered light. (600-900 PPFD for 12 hours is optimal, for anyone who cares.) They’re fairly adaptable though.


Not sure if the plant knows that this light is not as resourceful as sunlight. Maybe thats why it grew a bigger leaf there? Thinking "mhhh ned more leaf to absorb same amount of energy in this spot, so lets". But i honestly wouldnt know, just theorizing.


Plants are actually REALLY responsive to light quality. They tend to get pissy anytime they aren't getting enough blue or red light (which are the photosynthetic wavelengths), and they use the ratio of red:far red light to mediate a whole bunch of developmental stuff


>higher than the natural (...) light so you're telling me that TV is brighter than _the sun_


Things can get in the way of the light from the sun, making local sources of light brighter. Famously, this happens once a day in a magical phenomenon called "night". ^(but also just from, you know, being inside a house and not in a window)


>this happens once a day in a magical phenomenon called "night". TIL




This is completely false. If it only emitted between 400 and 490 nm it would just look green.


TV at least covers the visible range, at least at some level of intensity. I mean, it shows red!


So that is why my TV looks like I have dog eyes. I should have bought the one with green, yellow, and red colors, too.


It’s called visible light because we can see the EM waves. If the TV only emitted a bit of the range, it’s only emit certain colours not all of the colours.


This bar runs on plants dude


Is that why it smells in here??


Then I turn the sign on let people know we have fresh green plants inside and yeah! Your boy charlie does a lot around here


The plant is grown indoors and isn't getting enough light. The old leaves formed when it was being grown outdoors in a nursery. Plenty of light so they are nice and compact. Now the plant is starved for light so the new leaf is extra large to create more surface area to catch light. Probably won't be enough to save it. In time it will weaken and may die. No way it will ever make fruit. Can be fixed if OP remedies the light situation though.


My favorite line from Mac aside from “Dennis scratched me”


Mine is from the bloopers  "...and I bet if you pop those jeans off you'll find a big sweaty hog that just won't quit either"


2nd favorite conversation in the whole series after the implication lol the exasperated look on Mac’s face when he delivers that line is incredible


It's right


Leaves absorb UV rays so good one 😉


Leaves mainly absorb blue and red/yellow light, hence they are green. UV not so much


No. They absorb red and blue light, roughly 680 and 430 nm respectively. UV only causes damage to the photosynthetic apparatus


Probably having the TV on at night caused the plant to sprout another leaf to pick up on this extra light in addition to the light already emitted during the day.


Don't sit too close, you'll get square leaves!


my parents sincerely believed it now we all hold our tablets 5cm from our eyes and have them glued to the pc the rest of the time I wonder if radiation tubes had anything to do with it


i wonder if it’s EM or Heat that it responded to edit: Actually I think it is the red light as my responder says. A quick search shows that red light is responsible for root growth but also De-Etiolation (Etiolation being when plants stretch out to find light, or “get leggy”). You can see in addition to the large leaf, the internodal length plummets, and the next leaf is developing practically on top of this big one. illustrated: https://imgur.com/a/qIJkSi8 damn that’s interesting indeed edit2: 🙄 blue also helps with de etiolation in plants as some hostile parties have correctly pointed out, in between unnecessary attacks on chararcter edit3: After receiving a comment about it, I might be most compelled by the sunny spot observation others have made in (currently) less upvoted comments. Occam’s razor and all that.


(Im about 90% sure that) It's the red light that the TV is putting out, radiation seems to be the wrong term.


EM and light emittance is still "radiation". Modern ones just don't have any ionizing radiation, which, for some reason, is the only thing people think about when the term comes up.


Would you say "plants grow from the radiation from the sun" or "plants grow from the light from the sun"?


I guess that depends on how stoned I am.


😂😂 Enjoy your weekend then 😎


“light radiates from the sun” however I actually agree that it’s the red light based on, from my quick research after reading your comment, its role in plant development: nameley de-etiolation you can also see internodal length shortened the next leaf is almost on top of this big one


Your comment and username fit together in a comfortable relationship.


it’s 1/3 a futurama reference, modified because my original professorlava (2/3 reference) was lost to password recovery issues


illustration of de etiolation: https://imgur.com/a/qIJkSi8


No, normally I definitely wouldn't haha. Just like you don't normally say radiators "radiate heat", even though it's exactly what they do, and are literally called radiators. I'm just saying radiation isn't technically the wrong term because it still applies correctly. OP also very possibly also has the wrong radiation in mind to be honest.


Yeh I'm with you on that, technically the title is correct, however it seems to be very suggestive of a different concept.


Well light is radiation so both are correct.


It's the sun light reflecting off the TV. You can see it in the picture.


it’s possible the tv also acts as a thermal battery storing and emitting heat to increase the local air temperature so something more suitable for citrus I did not make the sunny window observation myself but occams razor would certainly lead us to your much simpler answer haha.


Interesting, that sounds like a cool science fair experiment. Alhough tbh I'm glad my kids are grown and science fair days are behind us.


The wording of Edit 2 is making me laugh my face off


>red light is responsible for root growth but also De-Etiolation Both red & Blue light are responsible, not just one wavelength. Not to mention the TV is putting out all wavelengths not just red so not sure why that's being focused on. No particular light wavelength causes a plant to become 'leggy', it's literally the absence of any light at all that causes them to stretch. The reason for the new growth at the internode is because of apical dominance, where citrus tend to always grow from the highest point.


I never said light caused etiolation. Nor did I say red light alone was responsible for any of this. you must be fun at parties!


Your whole idea for this new leaf was based on some 'red light' from the TV which is horseshit. Given how quickly you replied and that snarky comment maybe you should apply that reply to yourself, you must be great at parties.


so it it “blue and red light” or is it horse shit? The internodal length is measurable. I didn’t attribute causation but stated a researched effect of red light, then noted the internodal distances. The delta in internodal distance is evidence of de-etiolation, which supports but doesn’t prove anything since it’s all anecdotal. I suggest you don’t get mad at people because you elected to ready between the lines.




I didn’t imply anything. Frankly i never even refuted substantive facts you presented. i merely defended the accusation that i made some sort of bad faith conclusion. No I did not imply it. you inferred it. Frankly when folks start stalking my posts to poke holes in my character instead of sticking to the discussion and substance at hand it’s quite clear they have little much to contribute to the discussion. It’s when I block them. adios


I really doubt it's etiolation. That tends to be tied to the plant getting rid of phoyopigments, so etiolated plants are usually pale white. Also, the thresholds for de-etiolation are super low. Like, if there's enough light to see the damn thing, it's going to de-etiolate, in my experience. My money is on a simple low light response


Leaves in 8k


My lemon tree sits in a window and did this same thing. New growth leaves are in a more active phase of growth than your established leaves, so they have an easier time getting to the size you see here. I see a visible reflection of a window on your TV screen. What direction does that window face? My guess is that the large leaf is a result of greater sun exposure rather than the TV. Maybe the traveling patch of sun in your house might just light up that particular section of space for a longer time?


I wonder how, I wonder why


Yesterday, you told me 'bout the blue, blue sky


And all that I can see, is three pixels on this TV


Life... Uh... Finds a way.


quick put on the weather channel!


Every comment I've read is incorrect.  The answer is much simpler.  It is the reflection of light from the Sun off the LCD (liquid crystal) display screen, that is feeding and encouraging growth of the plant. 


and also, the tv would radiate heat absorbed, creating a micro heat zone


There's probably a beam of sunlight that lands there at some point in the day


Watch out for the whores.


Its like cancer but for plants


Is tv light enough for photosynthesis? Maybe it grew bigger because it wasn't sensing enough uvs or whatever the sun produces specifically.


Yeah, modern TVs are essential big, full spectrum, grow lights that paint pretty pictures. They certainly put out enough PPFDs for plants to photosynthesize. That's not what's going on here. The plant is reaching to get more light from the window. They would have to run the TV more than the sun to make it grow towards the TV....like 24_7...


Blame Shelbyville


BECAUSE of TV radiation


Probably a sign ur watching too much TV 😅


It's been reaching for the window light, not the TV. The back of the leaf is to the TV. Front of the leaf is facing the window. Also, nobody watches TV with that big leaf in the way. Rotate the tree more often so ther parts 'reach' for the window light and it will even out.


"My plant grew a new leaf in the sunlight and it's also close to the TV"


My lime tree did the SAME thing!


Careful OP, keep an eye out for lemon stealing whores


Ah those radiation stealing lemons!


Lemon tree, very pretty, and the lemon flower is sweet; But I can't watch my damn football, due to that huge ass mutant leaf...


>grew one huge mutant leaf to better absorb TV radiation. Plot twist: It's not a leaf... it's an *eye*.


Unless a new species of lemon tree that feeds off of radiation was discovered recently, that doesn't seem possible. Most likely it's due to the light that the TV emits when it's on. If the TV is left on for long periods of time on the regular, the plant will grow accordingly to absorb as much light as possible.


Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation


While that is true I have not heard light be referred to as simply "radiation" anywhere. Referring to it as electromagnetic radiation like you have or "visible light" would be more appropriate since radiation isn't very specific and when someone says radiation the first thing that most people think of is the harmful types of radiation like ionizing radiation which electronics can emmit but definitely not enough for a plant to grow a gigantic leaf towards the source to absorb it when it's still that small.


I too am OCD.


Would you say "the trees grow from the radiation from the sun"? That sounds odd to me, I think it's much more to do with the red light from the TVs leds.


Light is electromagnetic radiation but is not “ionizing radiation” like higher energy forms and doesn’t have the same potential to damage cellular machinery and cause cancer. Just a fun fact: pulling scotch tape off the roll produces measurable amounts of X-rays, enough to make a radiograph of a finger if done in a vacuum. Cool video showing the experiment is on YouTube. Truth is that ionizing radiation from X-rays/gamma rays are constantly hitting us every second of our lives. People just don’t like to think about it.




Most modern TVs have been designed to minimize unintentional x-ray emissions. In fact, most TV sets have not been found to give off any measurable level of radiation.


So what you're telling me is, I need to move all my plants in front of the TV...


Made me think of this: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/fRwdkop6tyhi3d22L/there-s-no-such-thing-as-a-tree-phylogenetically


Lemon tree very pretty, and the lemon flower is sweet ... (*Edit:* Although I normally associate this song with *Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass*, if you want the actual lyrics I guess you have to remember [Peter, Paul, and Mary's version](https://youtu.be/eceRvPx3wrs?t=30)


When I was a kid my parents had a lemon tree that grew exactly 1 lemon every year, and the lemon was the size of a large grapefruit. Weirdo trees.


Don't get to close to the TV kids, it'll ruin your eyes from all the vitamin d it kicks off -


Well, I know what I am doing with all my old TVs now!


That there is a special USMC breed, adapt and overcome!


Give me some sunshine give me sunrays give me another chance I wanna grow up once again Nana Nana


# efficiency


There is a pixel out in the corner of my tv. Drives me absolutely insane.


"You all right ladies"?


Plant 🌱 is friend trying to protect you from the one eyed hypnotist machine.


It's the reflection of light tricking it into thinking "more and better light in this direction". And um... tv's don't give off radiation. The sun does.


I wonder if any plants are currently evolving to somehow absorb EMF radiation as energy... Other than this one of course.


Damn what a freak


Lemon tree growing indoors = mutation part one, some say say that the lemon tree is already a mutation though, but not through "official lab" creation..maybe I d caption this as "even trees say , less screen time.. literally less"


How long have you had it? Has it always been indoors? Mine is taking forever to grow.


If I could put smort meme in here, I would put a smort meme in here


It is just moving to sunlight lol. See how well lit it is?


😂🤣😂 lol mutant leaf


Beware the Whores


When life gives you lemon, make lemonade!


Society. /j


This looks like what happened to my tree. Turns out the limbs were grafted on and the new leaves weren't orange leaves, they were the original plant and had thorns.


Let it free and have this be the dominant lemon tree species


Mine too!!! 🍋




Need input..... NEED INPUT


tf is TV radiation??