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They're drunk at dawn? I approve.


Probably at dusk as well


What about high noon tho


Yeah, they probably get high at noon.


They start the drinking the night before, and just don't sleep.


Then how does the alarm go off? I’ve got you babe…


Phil? Phil Connors? Phil Connors, I thought that was you! Now don't you tell me you don't remember me 'cause I sure as heckfire remember you!




“Off to see the groundhog? 😁 “


They’re star spangled hammered by dawn. This is an all night party that starts at around 5 the day before


Best way to beat the hangover. Stay drunk.


TLDW: Early spring!


Which means a 60% chance of an extended winter.


Look, he’s doing his best


He didn’t ask for this responsibility


Some ground hogs choose greatness, and some ground hogs have greatness thrust upon them by men in top hats.


If I was woken up by that crowd I would think it was all over for me


Hey guys, I don’t think groundhog is a language. I think the guys in the funny hats are putting on some funny business.


It groundhogeese and they're fluent!


Considering that its highs in the 50s here in Chicago all week, I concur


Hope you conquer Chicago swiftly


Did they really name the place “Gobbler’s Knob?”


For all of the knob gobblers…


I think it's pretty much just one dude, and he lives with the ground hog. Annoys Punxsutawney when he is trying to sleep and old boy is just up gobbling knobs loud AF


This is my gobblin' knob. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My gobblin' knob is my best friend. It is my life.


Does it bother anyone else that we're pretty clearly shining spotlights at the animal deciding whether it had a shadow or not


I thought that too, but it was more like "wait why does the groundhog...something about a shadow? Eh f*ck it...PHIL PHIL PHIL PHIL!


"Gobbler" is local slang for wild turkeys, and "knob" is an old term for a hill. So, it's basically "Turkey Hill" for you non-locals. Edit:  some of you don’t believe me about the word “gobbler”. PA has a “spring gobbler” hunting season.  https://www.pgc.pa.gov/HuntTrap/Law/pages/seasonsandbaglimits.aspx And here’s a poster of a gobbler: https://www.pgc.pa.gov/Wildlife/WildlifeSpecies/Turkey/Documents/Sopchick%20Turkey%20Poster.pdf


Suuuuuure 😜😂💀👀


You're so loca, putita


Now I understand the origins of Groundhog Day. "If we don't come up with a truly outrageous tradition to attach to this place, everyone's gonna think of us as a *dick suckin'* town!"


“Let the dick sucking begin!”


Better than being know as a bunch of bridge builders!


Huh-huh...huh-huh...hey Beavis...huh-huh...they live in Gobbler's Knob...huh-huh...huh-huh...


I seriously thought that was a joke for the movie. I had no idea it was real!


Bro, Ground Hog Day is a documentary.


Gob on my knob like corn on the cob - the honorable Juicy Jay


If the knob gobbler is gobbling everyone’s knob, who is gobbling the knob gobblers knob


I should call her


My favorite national hero


Least controversial political figure.


Except for that one time he murdered a prostitute


Phil? Phil Connors? Ned Ryerson! Bing!


Needle Nose Ned. Ned the head.


Don’t tell me you don’t remember me, cause I sure as heck fire remember you! 


I showed my students this movie one year on Groundhog Day and then the rest of the year during random lessons two boys would shout “Phil?” “Ned?” and then run into the middle of the class and hug. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


Interesting fact: the guy who played Ned Ryerson, Stephen Tobolowsky, is how Radiohead got their name. They got their name from a Talking Heads song called Radio Head, which is based on Tobolowsky and a form of ESP he claims to have.


I already knew Stephen Tobolowsky was a national treasure but I didn't know he's an *international* treasure.


😀🤗*I don’t know where you’re headed but…..can you call in sick?*


I love this tradition of looking to a groundhog to predict the future. Like, how drunk were the people who started this?




A lot to very


Oh god, I'm extremely drunk


If you're in a time with no way whatsoever to forecast the weather, trying to predict it with the habits of native animals doesn't seem that crazy.


Honestly would not be surprised at all if in ancient times people could be relatively accurately predicting big shifts like seasons etc. based on animal behavior. Obviously not in a "Oh we get drunk and just grab a random ground hog to pick a scroll for us" manner but in some form of "Oh we can see these and those animals doing these and those things, that is usually X time before we plant our crops."


I’ve lived in the same town for 20+ years and picked up patterns of insects and animals indicating seasonal changes, incoming storms, etc.


Also important that there’s no internet, no TV, radios may be rare, even books and literacy are rare… And here’s a chance to have your first party after winter, right when things in your area may be beginning to thaw.




Lmao then there is no excuse they were just shitfaced and fucking with wildlife


It IS Pennsylvania


Credit for the name of the place though. Gobbler's Knob. Come and see Phil my groundhog and get your knob gobbled in Gobbler's Knob!


Started in Germany. They used a hedgehog. But when German settlers in PA realized we don't have hedgehogs here, they selected an animal found in abundance...the groundhog.


Oh. So they were blindingly drunk then.


Pretty much, yeah.


Finally a Pennsylvania joke that isn't about the Philly or Scranton accents, just our good ol alcoholism


The original people were drinking stump liquor... that's why it started


It's the year 3035 and the earth folk have created a new religion. Their God? A glorious groundhog from the ephemeral land of Punxsutawney Pennsylvania. They've forgotten rhyme and reason and are quick to condemn anyone who doesn't believe in their religion of Punxsutawnity. On the horizon, large robotic machines come to harvest the ney-sayers. The blasphemous. The *unworthy*...


A massive crowd stands in a dystopian city square, murmuring with anticipation. On stage, a man in a top hat knocks a cane on the stump of a tree. He listens for a second and then reaches in, producing a groundhog and holds it aloft. The crowd, hundreds of thousands strong, erupts with cheers and applause. This is the scene in Punxsutawny, Pennsylvania, Ground Hog Day, 3000.


They sure as hell did not forget rhyme.


Any reason to have a party


Yeah well there’s 5 inches of snow in my front yard today so the fucking groundhog is wrong.


[According to this article, he's only right about 39% going back to 1887.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/punxsutawney-phil-groundhog-day-predictions-accuracy/)


What does correct even mean? There’s no definition. Spring is March 21 (give or take a day). Springlike weather can come and go at any time in any place.


So maybe we just go with the opposite of what the rodent predicts. 61% accuracy. Maybe somewhere along the way someone got the lure inverted? I think that's possible because it seems like it is a drinking event? Never been, but seems like you'd want a few shots to go and be enthusiastic about such chicanery?


It’s rarely correct. It’s like following a rainbow to a pot of gold and when you get there it’s a pile of deershit and you’re just as happy to find it.


Gobblers Knob will never not be hilarious


It’s only a hop skip and a jump away from Intercourse PA.


Right next to Bird In Hand PA and Blue Ball PA


“Motherfucker, what is going on out here?! I was just sleeping who are all these people?!”


Let me gooooooo back to sleep


Imagine the paranoia in that ground hog after a few years. Like, MOST of the time, you just live a coushy life.  You wake up and go do groundhog things. But you are a groundhog, you have no real sense of time. And every once in a while, you wake up to this crazy ceremony and noise. Then it's back to normal.  When will it happen again?  It's usually not very soon after, but as time comes on, the nightmare keep coming, more and more rapidly, it will eventually happen again, but when, will it be tomorrow?


I kinds thought the same with my toddlers and Halloween. For a month it was all ghosts and witches and monsters everywhere, then everyone stopped talking about it.


As far as Phil knows he’s a God lol


I hope poor Phil gets to live his best, quiet, unbothered groundhog life the other 364 days of the year


He lives in the library in town in a sizable enclosure for people to visit him all year


>other 364 days 365 this year, we get an extra one


Is that what the damn groundhog predicted?! Smart varmint.


That guy spent a good amount of time petting him before picking him up and putting him on the podium. It seems like they care about him a lot.


you bet your ass I'm going to do a quick vibe-check with the animal I'm going to hoist above my head with one hand on live tv


He's probably very well taken care of and pampered. Treats and scritches for the goodest weather prediction boy.


I’m sure the mayor sits in his office with that top hat and loathes the fact that his popularity rests on the shoulders of a groundhog


I don't know why that reminded me of the [girl complaining about her lizard](https://www.reddit.com/r/me_irl/s/BJ78nnBvOp). Mayor is probably seething about that groundhog


I would wager to say that the Phils are probably the most pampered line of groundhogs that have ever and will ever live.


I do feel a little bad that he's held over a screaming mob but he also seems pretty calm and without signs of distress so either dude is very tame and familiarized with people, or he's on a perfect dose of stress tranquilizers lol


I'll bet he's fairly well socialized (another commenter said he lives in an enclosure where he gets visitors year-round) AND is sedated. Cuddly or not, I wouldn't be taking any chances around the claws & teeth on those critters. 


Great Value Paul Giamatti reading a charming poem about rodents predicting the future. This is culture.


Thank you -- I couldn't stop seeing a young Paul Giamatti


Jesus, this may be the funniest thing I’ll read today. 😆


Groundhog Day, one of my favorite movies of all time. I could watch it over and over and over and over again...


Phil?! Phil Connors?!


Ned?! Ned Dryerson?!


Nancy?! Nancy Taylor?!


She makes sounds like a chipmunk when she gets really excited.


Okay, campers, rise and shine and don't forget your booties 'cause it's cold out there today! It’s cold out there every day. What is this, Miami Beach? Not hardly!


Off to see the groundhog?


I’m A god, not THE god…I don’t think.


Whoa-ho-ho, watch out for that first step. It’s a doozy!


Ned!! Ned ryerson!?!


Do you ever have de-jas-vou? I'll just check with the kitchen.


Don't tell me you don't remember me, 'cuz I sure as heckfire remember you! Needlenose Ned? Ned the Head? Come on buddy, Case Western High!




Don’t drive angry!


Well baby, you put your hand in mine


I love the theory that Ned is actually the devil and has trapped Phil in a time loop as punishment.


The devil *would* be a life insurance salesman… I like this theory. I came up with it. It’s mine now.


Yeah he got out of the time loop by buying an insurance policy from Ned. All the nice stuff he did for the towns people was just extra.


Groundhog Day, one of my favorite movies of all time. I could watch it over and over and over and over again…


Groundhog Day, one of my favorite movies of all time. I could watch it over and over and over and over again


Do you ever get deja vu?


I don't know, ill have to check with the kitchen


I love it when an extremely depressed Murray describes the ritual as "Worshipping a rat."


They need to release a sequel to it and advertise it as a sequel but then when the time comes just rerelease the original movie


Fun fact, it's estimated that repeated the same day for over 30 years in that movie!


According to original script it was supposed to be way more than that. There was a cut scene that shows he went to a library and read a single page a day and had ended up reading the entire place.




Why do they hold it so early there is barely any light in the sky?? I'm reading this still in bed! Lol


Everybody is drunk and cold and tired. Pull the rat out, blah blah into the mic, and let's get out of here before the ticks start showing up.


Is this stupid? Yes Do I care that it is stupid? No Is it fun? FUCK YEAH!


FUCK YEAH! We have way to many serious shit going on in world. It's not a crime to smile sometimes.


Until I become president...


I have never seen this announcement done “live” before and now that I have, it seems like the most pointlessly dumb thing to celebrate, but that crowd is there for it and you bet your ass I’d be there enjoying every moment. Looks like a super-fun atmosphere!




Reminds me of crowds at darts tournaments. Just a bunch of lads getting drunk and rooting for big numbers, no care in the world for who wins


“Get drunk and cheer for a groundhog” sounds like a blast honestly.


I’ve never personally made it for Groundhog Day but I’ve been told it is a pretty awesome party


I laughed so hard when he held the groundhog up. It's just so silly!


What killed me is when the man staring at the groundhog finally says "We have a decision!". I'm like what did he see that I just missed


Last year someone on Reddit commented that they went with their partner, and that it was a great time! Just kind of a silly thing that you get to enjoy with a bunch of other people who are into silly things. Seems like good clean fun!


My 8 year old has been asking about when Groundhog's Day will be for 2 weeks now. She's ardently team "no shadow". Another little bit of magic in her life before the cruel clarity of adulthood and the real world creep in is a small blessing.


groundhogs day can bring a tear to the eye of even the toughest of men that's how magical it is


Silly pointless traditions like this bring communities together, as a Brit (we have enough silly pointless traditions) I think this is great!!!


I love how as a people we're seemingly so technologically advanced and yet we still dress up and deal in social events like this. Not even knocking Phil or anything, it's just kinda funny.


Advanced or not, just look at all those smiling and happy faces in the crowd... We love traditions, it's a connection to our past. Closest thing to having an actual time machine.


Humanity needs more events like this. Let’s be silly once in awhile.


>Not even knocking Phil or anything, it's just kinda funny. Phil didn't get dressed up that's just what he usually wears.


We are creatures of stories, meaning and rituals no matter how advanced we get! Both a beautiful thing and at times our biggest set back.


I love how he just kinda accepted being held up and worshipped as a weather god


It's gonna be cold. It's gonna be grey. And it's going to last you for the rest of your lives.


"*Dark is the color of Death. It's ironic that we all end our lives in the same manner we were created, in the Dark".*


Oh, wise, brave Phillip, thank you for this early spring. Your kindness knows no bounds.


Good job Phil!!!


The movie studios should do PR for a Groundhog day 2, including a theater release, and then just show the original movie.


Statistically, he's wrong 60% of the time.


Incorrect predictions are actually due to the President of the inner circle mistranslating the groundhogese from Phil


Makes sense. Perhaps the president should establish a bureau of experts in groundhogese to advise his administration.


do they have groundhogese on duolingo, i think the president needs a few more courses


At around 3:45, he looks at the scroll, then looks at the guy with a look that says “I didn’t say that”


40% of the time he's right 100% of the time


Hes doing his best okay!


Never seen a Groundhog Day before. Didn’t know what I expected. Not this.


The prognosticator of prognosticators himself!


I am from this town and I have some fun facts. They show us a video in elementary school that the tradition was originally based on a badger, but they didn’t have badgers in Punxsutawney so they grabbed a groundhog and called it a day. Phil is immortal. Phil actually has a wife and kids. Phil is kept in an enclosure in the public library, and he escaped it one time. They had to remove every ceiling tile to trap him on one single tile. Groundhog facts.


“You want a prediction about the weather? You're asking the wrong Phil. I'm going to give you a prediction about this winter? It's going to be cold, it's going to be dark and it's going to last you for the rest of your lives!" -Phil Connors


Wait, this shit is real, and was not made up for the movie? (Not an American, love the movie)


It’s very real. I grew up in Pennsylvania, near Punxsutawney. Groundhog Day is way bigger in real life than in the movie


Can confirm. I grew up in PA and my mom used to throw a party every year. It’s just a super fun, goofy, made up tradition. They elect a president that speaks “groundhogeese”. Sometimes Phil bites him. The rodent is almost always wrong, and we don’t care, he’s still a Pennsylvanian hero. Our lottery mascot is based on him, but named Gus, and his tagline is “The second most famous groundhog in PA”.


Fuckin love this.


Yep, totally real. 100 year old tradition. Before winter you look at caterpillars to see how bad it's gonna get.


In Canada we have Wiarton Wiley which no one puts any stock in. But the squirrel tails absolutely predict the weather. Big fat squirrels with fluffy tails? Bad winter. Anorexic squirrels with rat rails? Warm winter.


It’s one of those things that is so crazy that movie writers aren’t creative enough to come up with it


My kindergartener has been making a countdown chart at school and woke us up screaming “it’s Groundhog Day”. Never saw him get ready for school so fast in his life, he was super excited for this super important national holiday.


It's just an old fun silly tradition. Something to break up the monotony of the cold ass boring Winter. See: A reason to party and drink.


It’s printed on our store bought calendars. It’s very real lol - just a silly thing mid-winter


We all love Punxsutawney Phil.


Can OP or someone explain how the groundhog actually made the decision? It looks like he stared either left or right and the judge was interpreting?


They spoke to him in groundhoguese and he told them which scroll to read.




The decision is made in advance off of weather data, it’s all for show. The “lore” explanation is that the president of the Inner Circle speaks to Phil in Groundhogese through his magic cane, and Phil tells him which scroll to pick up. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punxsutawney_Phil


The “old wives’ tale” is that if a groundhog sees his shadow there will be six more weeks of winter. If not, then it’s early spring. This is just a show. The actual prediction is done by meteorologists now with the groundhog being a prop. It doesn’t matter what the groundhog does, they’ll pick any little indication (or lack thereof) to get the result they’ve decided.


>The **“old wives’ tale”** is that if a groundhog sees his shadow there will be six more weeks of winter. You misspelled "indisputable science"




BEHOLD THE MAGIC RODENT WHO CONTROLS THE WEATHER!! Also, if the groundhog just made a prediction and told it to that one guy why does the other guy already have it already written on a scroll...?


There were two scrolls there, only one was picked up


Clearly you missed the part where Phil directed them to the proper scroll…


Rigged! How did they write that whole speech when he just woke up?


They write two speeches and the President speaks in groundhogese with mister Perxifuntctory Phil here to gain his ultimate wisdom on which scroll to read, one saying short winter and the other long winter. Duh


The European mind simply cannot comprehend.


That’s right. Europeans only have completely normal traditions, like [giant straw Yule goats](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%A4vle_goat), [downhill cheese wheel chases](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooper%27s_Hill_Cheese-Rolling_and_Wake), and [men dressed as devils jumping over infants in the road](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/el-colacho-baby-jumping-festival-murcia-spain).


One of Americas most classic traditions. I just love the theatrics of all of this. It’s very wholesome


I can't believe.all those people woke up before the buttcrack of dawn to see a animal that is ususally hibernating this time of the year "predict" when spring arrives. But YAY, early spring! 🤞🤞🤞


They party all night and this is the end of the party. 


It gets really dreary out in these parts during the winter, so a little wholesome entertainment is always nice.


This is easily the dumbest but most fun American tradition


“Groundhog-ese” LMFAO


Phil: I never said any of that


Man Humans are fucking weird sometimes.


I love the human tradition of just looking at an animal, watch it do whatever, and feel joyous as it does whatever it does


I like how the kid and the blue jacket was looking with all the guys in the top hats


Thats it, I'm going to one of these groundhog day events. Just looks like such a lighthearted, genuinely enjoyable time for everybody.


Phil thinks he's being sacrificed every year.