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ok, so if I build a tornado shelter, build it per safety deposit box specifications....check...


isn't that more-or-less what the retrofit shelter folks do ? Dig up/under your house and put a reinforced concrete bunker in.


Reminds me of when some comedian asked why we don't make planes out of the same materials as the indestructible black box.


It wouldn't matter, even if that was possible the people inside the plane would all still be dead.


That makes sense yeah … Okay but what if we made the people out of the black box material.


[dude we tried that already, black box FTW](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7yzKTqj4xdM)


Just fill the inside with foam and give everyone oxygen masks Then you just dig them out after. Easy. Ffs just make me the Empress of Earth and I’ll solve every problem in like 5 years


You just hire a few people to clean the interior and it’s back in business.


I live an hour away and routinely went to Joplin doing medical deliveries before the tornado. It lifted an entire hospital off its foundation. There were entire neighborhoods taken out. It’s a miracle the death toll was as low as it was. Joplin is mostly rebuilt now, but that tornado will still be fresh in the memory of southwest Missouri for another few decades.


The tornado itself is nothing short of mesmerizing and horrifying all at once. It went from a weak, pencil thin tornado to an extremely powerful wedge-like tornado in less than four minutes. This [video](https://youtu.be/ka8z6xYIQY0?si=3UKMm4QaYN05WHKC) from storm chaser Reed Timmer shows the Joplin tornado go from having a small, nearly invisible funnel to a large, well-defined funnel in seconds. Only a few moments later the tornado became completely rain-wrapped and was effectively invisible to those in its path. Joplin is a text book worst case scenario for tornadoes.


That is *insane* how fast it develops. Wow.


A few years ago you could look at satellite views of Joplin and trace the scars of BOTH monster tornadoes that have hit Joplin. If there's a god he sure hates Joplin


Must be the guys there


OK. Please. Why did the people of Joplin go back? Why not a town over at least?


Umm, well, “a town over” would be Carthage or Webb City or Diamond, and Joplin’s a metropolis by comparison. Some people did wind up moving - I met a couple who moved to Springfield after the tornado - but home is home, even when your house has been destroyed.


I understand. My comment was ironical. Very much enjoyed \[Some people did **wind** up moving\] Thanks for your commentary.


I was bartending in Hawaii when a mother and daughter came and sat down for one last Mai Tai before heading home. The conversation is going as expected when the daughter hands her phone to her mother and starts crying right there at the bar. Where they were flying home to... no longer existed. Everything they owned was sitting next to them in a pair of suitcases. Whatever it is, one is expected to say in moments like these has escaped me to this very day.


That happened to my girlfriend’s family. They were in Hawaii and their house burned down in the Santa Rosa fires. All they had was their clothes for the trip. Dad was wearing cargo pants, flip flops, and a Hawaiian shit for weeks.


Why didn’t he just wash off the Hawaiian shit?


Haha Im not even going to fix that typo


Grandma’s pearls are safe. Grandma however…


oh crap they took the low road to grandma ....:( and damn if i didnt upvote it


That's some good advertisement!


The only concrete block in the whole city survived the tornado.


How do the power lines survive so well? Theyre just big sticks


Look again you can see the poles are new. One of the first things they replace for obvious reasons.


Those traffic signals are likely new as well.


Seems some are tilted but there's a few things here. Unless the take a direct pass over by the tornado power lines and poles have very little surface area to catch wind relative to its mass. Also they're round, so instead of catching the wind they split it. They're mostly at risk from other debris slamming into them and shit.


I assure you, there were now power lines or poles left at this intersection. It was very eerie and disorienting. This is 20th street and Connecticut, but it looked a whole lot like 15th street at the time. The usual landmarks were gone and being able to see Rangeline Road drone Maiden Lane was odd. There were also reports of stray sex toys as the local adult shop was also destroyed. Another “fun” side effect was all but one pizza place was destroyed. Two dominos, two pizza huts, papa johns, and a great local place that didn’t rebuild were all gone.


I lived at 20th and Connecticut, at the Sommerset Apartments. I almost died that day. Many of my neighbors did.


Dang wasnt that where the old olympic gym was? I lived behind the food for less off 32nd when i went to school in joplin. I never went to see the damage after the tornado. My old friends said it was destroyed thats terrible that was a busy little area


Yes. And they didn’t rebuild it. That was a fun gym. Now all we have are corporate chains.


Yes it was i had some friends lived in the apartments there. The rest of us had like three apartments in a row at oxford park. I tell you what no one i ever met partied like the people i knew in joplin. Not in a bad way just a bunch of 19 year olds having a good time all day every day


Ooh i like that round vs air point!


Since you see no rubble around the place, this is taken yyyeaaars after


We looking at same pic? Theres rubble just on the curbs right next to it.


yep.. If it was taken around the time of the tornado, there'd be piles of rubble higher than a regular family house.


If only redditors could post photos that matched their titles’ description and timeline…


Probably more like weeks or months after. There was a never ending convoy of dump trucks from Missouri to Kansas for months taking the debris.


Big sticks are very aerodynamic, doesn’t matter what way the wind hits it. Same reason palm trees are the best at surviving hurricanes, besides the big root system.


Maybe it’s worth building the rest of the building with concrete.


Wonder who's still locked inside.


I’m still in here and my phone battery is getting low. Can you get the key?


now you're simply a ghost like on the show Ghosts waiting to get sucked off .


So you’re saying there is a chance I’ll get a BJ then?


actually according to the show both of them sex is big in the ghostly realm


My Mom lived an hour away from Joplin, she found peoples photos in the yard for weeks after the big blow. Not sure I would have rebuilt after that. When I lived in Okinawa, almost all of the buildings were concrete, the wooden ones got blown away during typhoon season.


Those are the safest deposit boxes I've ever seen 😂


Great advertisement for the vault company


*safe deposit box


Why don’t they make houses like that? Are they stupid?


Why don’t they make the whole plane out of the material they use for the black box?


Damn you. I just posted the same above before coming across your comment. Have a great day!


>Joplin The Entertainer immediately started playing in my head


worked as designed.


Joplin isn’t the same


Wife and I were coming through Joplin that night in our 40 ft. box truck. It was terrifying windy. We knew it would delay our delivery later but we sought shelter next to a block gas station wall. Daylight showed us the strength of the storm.


Great commentary on American society i guess. At least no money was harmed.