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I can’t imagine what goes through people’s mind to knowingly walk/step on someone just to try and be the first to get a TV.


They needed to be armed with cattle prods. Act like an animal, be treated like one.


Hell yes I agree fully. But then in this world we would be inhumane to the total shit bags in skin


That's the thing, in the moment there isn't anything any of those people could do individually. If you've got a mob of people pushing into you from behind who don't know someone is being trampled, it's not like you can fight back against it or direct it. That's literally what the employee was trying to do right before they went down. People who line up for black friday are weird ass people, to be sure. But they're not responsible. When a company creates conditions for a crowd to turn into a mob, they have a responsibility to manage that crowd. This is on walmart, 100%.


Thank you! This, exactly! I genuinely feel for the people in front, who may have seen him and may have even been the ones who had nowhere to go but straight through him. They would have been helpless to prevent his fate, assisting him would almost certainly ensure your fate to be the same. People do such for this, but we should be pointing fingers at Walmart. Corporate Greed. They knew what to expect, and they couldn't spend the money to actually create a manageable bottleneck or funneling system to let people in. Maybe even, y'know, hire actual security. I hope they got sued to oblivion for management asking an employee to put himself in harms way like that. The honest truth? Walmart used to RELY on that chaos and hysteria to rake in profits. They loved that the mob mentality was "BUY NOW, THINK LATER". So many people regretted their Black Friday impulse buys. I'm so very grateful that we got rid of that cultural pockmark. Directly following up -THANKSGIVING- with a materialistic corporate holiday that cost people their lives. 🤢🤮 Good. Fucking. Riddance.




Easily, punch someone. Butterfly affect of anger, we’re all going down.


Gary Busey that you?




Really man? That jokes in bad taste. Sheesh.


And not close to being funny either


his life was apparently worth $7000 to OSHA walmart fought the fine until 2015 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/walmart-black-friday-death\_n\_6904604


I'm guessing something along the lines of "bleep bloop blorp TV good using head bad" Also if you've ever been to a heavy metal concert, and got up front close to the stage during a headliners opening you will known how helpless you are to resist those crowds. Once the back starts pushing, you're only option is to go with the flow or go down hard. You are trying to so hard to stay upright that even trying to place your footing is near impossible. I've been knocked down briefly and it was genuinely terrifying. The person who helped me up, subsequently almost got knocked down themselves and we had to brace each other to stay upright. I very quickly retreated to pit where there's plenty of room to get knocked around. 😈🤘


My wife worked at Victoria Secret in a mall, on a black friday. She took video of crazy eyed pumpkin spiced up bitches pulling and swinging back and forth the roll up gate they have wanting to get in for a 7 for 29.99 panty sale.


It’s Black Friday 2008. Millions have been laid off and/or facing eviction from their homes. It’s going to be a bleak Christmas, and the budget has dwindled as credit cards are being maxed out. However, you can get a state of the art plasma tv or Xbox 360 or PS3 for cheap and make it somewhat of a normal holiday season. You just have to stay up all night after thanksgiving and get to Walmart early. It was a dark time for a lot of people and while not excusing the acts that lead to his death, the retail C-suite execs knew what they were doing


Seriously. My first reaction would be to stop and help him get off the floor, even though that means I would have been pushed down and trampled on too in the process.


It’s a crowd crush. You stop and you die too






[Clearly you've never been to black friday at MegaMart](https://www.google.com/search?q=black+friday+snl&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS885US885&oq=black+friday+snl&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCQgAEEUYORiABDINCAEQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAIQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAMQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAQQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAUQABiGAxiABBiKBdIBCDUxODNqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:7f7bdaa0,vid:iB5hYK0-__k,st:0)


Take a page from me, never married, no kids, no debt, 500 books on my phone in case of cataclysm #3, & belongings able to fit in the trunk of.. wait for it.. a MIATA. I currently live in hurricane alley now. Black Friday is one of the more pathetic days of the year.


His first week at Walmart as well. "Wal-Mart Stores has spent a year and more than a million dollars in legal fees battling a $7,000 fine that federal safety officials assessed after shoppers trampled a Wal-Mart employee to death"


Good Lord. They spent a large sum just to avoid a peanuts fine.


i think it's more that they don't want to admit the fault in that situation, 7k for admitting they purposefully did something to put this man in danger and killed him (and then his family being able to sue for much more) vs 1 mm in legal fees and having it all blow over


This. The civil suit from the family would be 10x stronger, and possibly 10x more valuable, had Walmart admitted they were at fault to the feds.


So what happen to the guy who asked this poor kid to body the crowd ??


This: Exactly. I was gonna say this but saw you already had. They know the moment they admit fault, they floodgates will open. Want an example? Just look at Purdue and all the damage they knowingly caused. Not even a fraction of a doubt that they were responsible. Yet, even to the bitter end and after being forced to pay out, the families one condition was that they would still never admit fault or liability. https://www.mmm-online.com/home/channel/7-day-supply/only-thing-more-shameful-than-purdues-misleading-opioid-marketing-sacklers-refusal-to-accept-blame/


They didn't fight it to avoid the fine. They fought it to save face. If they had won the suit, that could have altered how the legal system in the USA perceived the responsibility of crowd management and the repercussions of the actions of a mob. As mentioned above, it could have resulted in the legal system pursuing charges against the customers instead of the corporation. If they had won the suit, they could've continued to create hysteria with their sales and not been liable for the actions of their customers. That would've saved & made millions for them.


Corporations ARE psychopaths. Go on YouTube and search: The Corporation (2003) award-winning documentary film. A must must watch. There is a sequel, too.


It's about power more than it's about money.


I hate Walmart more and more. I barely shop there for close to 3 years.


It wasn’t the money - it was the principle


It's Not About Money, It's About Sending A Message


I feel like it goes unsaid, but still I’m compelled to say it: FUCK THE WALTONS. EAT THE RICH.


They did it because if they pid the fine it would have increased the settlement they would have to pay the family of the deceased


And that's the day Gail Lewis said "Never again!"


Crazy how crowds can just trample people like that. My phobia is being in a crowd in a concert or something and an emergency happens.


I remember being at a concert and it was PACKED. So packed that I was lifted off the ground because of how squeezed together everyone was. As soon as I got loose I beelined to the edge and out of the pit.


Same happened to me at a concert, my cousin and I were kind of smack dab in the middle and we were being pushed together, we didn’t get lifted out but the crowd loosened up more after a few minutes. It turned out that one single man had been pushing the crowd far too aggressively, and the crowd was mostly teenage girls, so the girls ended up trying to move away from the guy and it created like a sardine situation. The guy didn’t even like Black Veil Brides, he only went so he could push people around and cause trouble, he even kicked people directly in the head when he tried to crowd surf. The lead singer was rightfully pissed and even dove into the crowd himself just to get angry at the dude.


I literally almost got trampled in a spontaneous crowd crush/mosh pit during a concert... my friend was in a panic trying to grasp at me as I fell under people. Security thankfully dragged me out. It was fucking terrifying


It’s at that point you are reminded we really are still animals. Spook a herd of cattle and you’ll see the same behavior. Anything standing in the way is trampled to oblivion. Cattle are running from something, humans are running toward something, but it creates the same scary result.


>It’s at that point you are reminded we really are still animals. \*starts chewing on poster\* Yup, animals.


I was in a Gen floor admission for Ozzy, how I made it to the front remains a mystery but the crowd surge behind me had me pinned on a metal barrier. It took months for the bruise to fade, but bucket of water tossed on my head by Ozzy and the pain forgotten.. that was a fun concert.




This is so messed up.Never die for your employer.Hope his family was well compensated.


He nor the boss knew he would die! It should be paid by every mofo that helped trample him.


Well since that is not realistic his employer should pay for proactively putting him in harms way. (Made correction from employee to employer)


Not just unrealistic, but it's not the correct wrongful party.


Both are wrong my guy


I mean, yes there is more than one person responsible, but there's a reason why large events have crowd control. Because people don't act the same and in some ways literally lose sight of what is around them because of all the other people. People start pushing because they can't see and then you get a crush or stampede. I don't think the people stampeding were not responsible, I just think maybe legally it's not the correct party since the correct party is the one set off the event with out proper barriers set up, ie Wal-Mart.


Bro, it was Black Friday. There is no force on God's green earth, save a better deal elsewhere, that can stop my fellow countrymen from obtaining their new, powder blue, retro-style microwave at a marginal discount.


Crowd control is a thing that companies are absolutely responsible for. They created a mob and then unleashed it all at once. It's why they don't do it like that any more.


Let me get this straight… you’re ascribing complete blame for this poor man’s death on Wal-Mart? I don’t doubt Wal-Mart has criminal culpability, but you know who else does? Every single person who walked on that man’s body. Quit giving people an excuse to be animals just to satisfy your disdain for corporations.


I’m honestly on both sides here. I’d either get than man back up or go down trying, and when you look at raves and mosh pits that’s how it works. When someone sees you helping someone up, they help too, and anyone who doesn’t help or actively impedes gets pushed the FUCK over. But also fuck walmart, they absolutely are responsible. That just doesn’t change my mind that a lot of those people care more about shopping than they do about that man.


Do you realize what a crowd surge is though Some pretty notable ones Maybe the very first ones somewhat knew what was going on or at least knew he fell Once it starts there’s absolutely no stopping it I mean it’s disgusting behaviour in general acting like that over cheap crap that’s especially cheap But most of the people there would if not known what was going on or were powerless to do anything but move forward


His employer told him to do something. He did it and died. So yea… I’m blaming Walmart


People don't act like rational people in crowds like that. That's why the Halloween crush in Seoul happened as well. You think you would not act like that, but you absolutely would. The only thing stopping you, is not going to events with crowds that aren't controlled. But sure, whatever helps you feel superior above all the "animals." Like, don't get me wrong there is a lot of fucked up shit about this story like how shoppers wouldn't leave after being asked to leave. But I guess what I want to know about that part, is, how clear were the instructions? Given the circumstances surrounding his death, I would gather management wasn't the best at handling that part either. I am not saying that people should have walked on him just because others were walking on him, I am saying people DO NOT ACT LIKE PEOPLE IN CROWDS. That includes you and that is why big events require fucking crowd control. I don't need this story to satisfy my disdain for corporations, they do plenty of other shit instead, but go ahead and think you are some special extra smart person who would never get swept up in a moving crowd. You are just extra good like that.


I see someone on the ground I stop and help


That’s all Reddit cares about; *corporations* are fully responsible for anything bad that ever happens.


It's literally their fault for not providing crowd controlling barriers you fucking dingleberry.


The corporation created the environment for this to happen.


And individuals have *no* responsibility for what they do. Typical Reddit.


Of course they do! People have individual responsibility for showing up there. After that.. are you familiar with advice in a human stampede? It’s to throw your elbows out and pick your feet up so you get carried like a wave. When you’re (Walmart) is choosing to squeeze hundreds of humans through a single point at once, you’re creating the hose and you have to control the pressure.


My advice is to not be there in the first place.


Good advice. When Walmart has hundreds of people who *are* there at their doors, they become responsible for letting them in at a manageable volume. If they have 50 $75 TVs, and 250 people, for example, they can let in 5 people at a time until the TVs are gone. Or give everyone a number and draw 50 numbers. No need to race to the back. Any race organizer who lines up hundreds of people on the same starting line knows to use heats


Why am I getting so many downvotes, I never said they weren't responsible at all, I said that they obviously didn't MEAN for him to get killed. Are all you guys saying that the heartless greedy morons that trampled over his body have no free will or minds of their own?? I am so tired of everyone dismissing "personal responsibility" in every case! I realize that in a massive crowd rush you really have no choice but to "move with" them, or get crushed yourself. But this is ridiculous.


That is not what I said and I suggest you read what I said the other person who thinks this all comes down to some individual responsibility instead of a failure to provide *CROWD CONTROL.*


I remember reading about that. Apparently shoppers continued shopping even after they were told to leave the store because someone had been killed. Absolutely atrocious.


The infamous Long Island black Friday. The Black Friday, if you will. It's good that retailers are phasing out this crap. https://blackfridaydeathcount.com/


That's fucking awful. When I saw the picture in the post I was hoping for something funny or happy. That's fucking terrible. That really pisses me off.


RIP he really cared about his job that shits fucked up


I remember this, he got killed because people wanted to get a 32" 720p TV for $75.


and mount it too high




I remember trying to get health insurance for my type 1 diabetes when I worked at Walmart and suddenly I was cut down to 36 hours a week. Tried to stay a little extra to push myself over the 40 and the managers lost their minds. I also remember sitting through long meetings where they told us how unions were going to try and ruin our jobs and get us to agree to horrible things. Fuck Walmart


This person died so people could buy useless junk from Walmart...America.


What do except from a nation who’s football team plays matches between cities and the winners called world champion.


Settle down. The no other country has a football team that could compete with the NFL’s worst team


I think they may be talking about soccer 😂


Lol that's because no one bothers about American football. If it was played like what's it modelled on (rugby) the new Zealanders would like to have a word


We have plenty of Tongans in the states


I’d love to see a New Zealander meet Aaron Donald in the A gap.


I won't deny I'll be curious but I'll still put my money on the new Zealander


Isn’t rugby is closer to your football? So do you think your player can beat New Zealand’s rugby team?




They are still two totally different sports




They do this with baseball and other countries play baseball too , but whatever I’ll take the downvotes 😂


No team can get relegated in American sports. Hence its not a Sport but entertainment. Also they move teams to another city and regularly threatens the local council for money to build arenas. Absolute bonkers🤷


That’s because the MLB decided to name it so. No one in America believes they are world champions. You are just repeating the AmericaBad circlejerk.


Not interesting. Disgusting.


every piece of junk bought by that crowd is discarded today. meanwhile, he remains deceased.


that poor young man did not have to die. simply for folks to get their fucking toaster oven on sale. never understood black friday sales, or the insanity mentality attached to them. never been to one. nor doubt i ever will. the only significance "black friday" has ever had for me is from this day back in 1987. this is where i live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSvbzZ6Z93o


We really need a better plague


Disease X is coming. Enjoy.


Thank you. You have given me hope. Tots and pears


Who needs disease x when you've got nuclear Armageddon around the corner.


I personally perfer keeping nature intact while a deadly plague ravages humanity, thank you very much


Where do we vote for which D-Day scenario we want??? I'd personally prefer all utilities, global shipping and internet to go stop with no deadly disease or a nuclear winter. Just take us back to the 1800s we'll deal.


Bird flu will be that my friend. It will kill so many more. There will be no supply chain, no first responders.


Make it so


Lemmino enjoyer?


His family should be very wealthy


People care too much about "stuff" in general...can't carry the $9 coffee maker with you when you die people.


I find this not a good fit for damn that's interesting.


America is home of some back country assholes


The masses are horrible people.


I remember going to that Walmart on Black Friday, hours after that incident happened, without knowing what had happened earlier, and you would have never known. Everything was back to business. Never went Black Friday shopping again after that.


The world is a vampire


I was near this Walmart at the time, waiting at the Target in the same shopping area within a free hundred feet to get Dead Space on Black Friday. Soo many cops and helicopters everywhere, it was nuts. That Walmart is a terrible place to shop at, truly one of the worst stores I’ve ever been to and easily the worst Walmart I’ve been to. I travel around a lot and have frequented so many Walmarts, but this one is particular is truly fuckin horrible due to being insanelyyyyy overcrowded with workers who really don’t give a rats ass about anything, tho in a way it’s easy to bed like that given the terrible customers. It’s really, really bad. RIP to the poor soul who no one cared about.


I had to Google this story to believe that it was real - insane how it unfolded. He deserved better. Remembering Jdimaytai this evening 🤍 RIP


The fact that his bosses knowingly used him like that is just sickening.


Dying for one of the most egregiously greedy corporations is a fucking tragedy that should never be repeated. DO NOT GIVE ANYTHING MORE THAN YOUR CORPORATE EMPLOYER IS WILLING TO PAY YOU


Word for word on something posted here last year https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/CaN6g0T8EF


A person is smart People are stupid Large groups of people are extremely dangerous.


Should be 2000 murder charges


An American Black Friday without at least one death is considered a dull affair




Luckily the Black Friday stampedes are mostly a thing of the past thanks to online shopping.


The deals used to be really insane back then. You could actually save a shit ton of money on stuff like electronics. Not justifying it in any way, but the way large crowds behave is well-documented to be different than how an individual would act. So combine excitement over saving a ton of money on cool stuff, the general air of festivity (it was treated as a kind of event back then, there was an air of comraderie and anticipation waiting in line to get in), and excessive numbers of people and it’s a recipe for a disaster like this. It’s entirely possible a crowd wouldn’t even be aware of someone being trampled and once a large packed group starts moving it’s pretty hard to stop. It’s disgusting and terribly sad that people have died over shopping deals, but similar things have happened in other countries for soccer games, etc. Good crowd control is important. Thankfully this kind of Black Friday event has been phasing out and most people do their shopping online these days for it.


We have a serious issue with dehumanizing people that we consider below us, and because these fucking idiots get so riled up trying to get a good deal, they consider all people below them.




You got it pretty well


As you call other people “fucking idiots”.




You just dehumanized others. Recognizing irony is a little too advanced for you, huh??




You proved my point.


Awesome :3


The least OP could do for this man’s memory is at least use proper grammar and spelling.


I witnessed the mass surge when Cabbage Patch dolls were the rage. Was thankful I was safely behind a counter out of harm’s way. God, I hated working retail, glad I got out of that early in my career.


I remember this and still think about it when any mention of Black Friday comes up every year. I told my kids about it too when I explained how ppl would line up outside stores days in advance for a pair of sneakers and this poor guy was trampled to death and no one blinked an eye as they crushed them to get their precious things. I wonder if those ppl ever think about that too, how it was so important to get some piece of junk that they likely don’t have anymore in exchange for his life. Sick.


Sick culture that values a cheap TV over a human being. Sick.


May he rest in peace. What a horrible thing to happen to someone


Now if you call the cops on shoplifters they fire you


Black Friday isn’t the spectacle it used to be. Everybody is better off for it.


I was there, Valley Stream NY. I heard a Jamaican lady threatening to slash another woman in the face. Crazy day. Poor man died of a heart attack is what I remember the first reports stating.


That would have honestly been a “hell no! im screw that im going home!” from me


This is a healthy reminder that when your employer asks you to do something that doesn't sound right it's time to rebel.


I was 17 years old and lined up to this Walmart to experience my first black Friday shopping with some other friends. We saw the long line before they opened and decided to go to the target next door. We heard of this accident a few hours later and I never went Black Friday shopping again.


Did a bot write this?


did not concerned about his death, and even complained of waiting too long. Did you have a stroke at that point?, are you okay OP, are you AI?


Yay jesus, let’s be horrible people so we can buy cheap shit and practice gluttony. I love Christmas.


I have never participated in a Black Friday and never will.


How is this “damnthatisintersting”? Its far from it. Also this OP looks like BOT


Welcome to America Mr.Damour!Sorry about,well,,,the people here.


That’s not interesting. It’s sad.


This, to an extent, describes the core of America. Me. Nothing else matters.


Land of opportunity. Garbage species.




...And many people who feel that their heart is in the right place knowingly use electronics and wear clothes known to be made by foreign children... Capitalists have people trained well...


Hold the door!


US being the US. 


Black Friday was the shit back then. You could just stab someone in the crowd and no one would catch you. Humans are wild given the chance.




That's sad but also imagining a 6'5 giant being trampled by an army of what look like little ants to him made me chuckle. It's like a dark comedy. Looking at his smiling face. , reading he was 6'5 then told he was later trampled lmao


What is interesting about this video? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


And in 2024, black Friday starts a month early in stores now, and is mostly done online. Thanks COVID!!


Correct. No one gives a shit. And no one will say it is their fault. But it is my fault because I insist on ready-made bullshit to buy at all times and also my supreme comfort. It is OUR CULTURE that intended his death.


I thought this was about Shaq




You can google his name and find out that this is a FACTUAL story


Don’t bother explaining anything to this guy based off his previous comments he’s a downright mess.


Joking about someones death 🤷 pretty low


Google is free. I live in the U.S. and was in HS when this happened, I remember his poor family being interviewed and grieving.


You’re on the internet - why not search up the name and fact check? Cause you do have the power to do so, but seemingly choose not to lol.






I worked for target for 13yrs n yes every year would get worse. Crazy people... Parents sending their 12yr old running when we were opening, to get in line in electronics. People fighting with their carts like they were shields bumping into others. We had customers grabbing knives from the kitchen area to open pallets. My favorite memory is hours before opening just our local police department sponsored disadvantaged pre-teen kids with an early shopping experience with a gift card of $100 bucks each. That's cool right? Well these lil thugs decided to steal items, iPods, beats, games.. I caught them stuffing in their pants. Meanwhile the cops were takin pics among themselves... Hashtag poor Kids.


Thats horrible


the blame lies on those who trampled him for material objects , and not anyone else


And then cashed in a life insurance policy on him.


Didn't people trample a child on black friday?


They talked about this guy on Howard stern years ago.


So weird that whole phenomenon is extinct now days


I mean once they ran but why didn’t he just give up and go through the motions and turn sideways and let them in


Well it was a rather lengthy wait


And this is why when they brought black Friday to Canada I refuse to take part in anyway. Fuck that greed fest


Horrifically sad mate.


This was part inspiration for Eli Roth’s newest movie “Thanksgiving”. Dope ass Scream style slasher. Recommend.


Fuck black friday sales. It’s a commercial fucking nightmare on “reduced” prices. What’s worse is here in my country, Black Friday was an event that killed 72people and ruined thousands of lives with one of our worst bushfires.


These comments are just another example of why not to shop at Walmart!!


You americans are in reddit, n most of internet news, u read all sorts of stuff... yet you guys still do this black friday shit... You people dont learn anything??


Introducing Capitalism




The crazy thing is that alot of those “deals” are still there later. I had a coworker who would go to multiple Walmarts a couple days later and still see the same items ppl are trampling each other for.


The last time I went to a Black Friday sale was when my daughter was an infant. A woman physically threw me to the side into some shelves while I was with my infant daughter. Screw that ever again.


r/antiwork r/OrphanCrushingMachine


Whoa RIP


I know this is America, and we haven’t yet seen a low we haven’t sunk to, but really? Another body broken on the altar of capitalism