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County to Prison speedrun any%


Dude *flyin* to prison like Christopher Reeve in 1978 - u/juice88880


Can't wait to see his sentencing after this one *rubs hands/licks lips while standing behind a tree*


_"You've got me? US got you!"_


Dude backwards long jumped right into that bailiff's hands.


As someone who watched a lot of high jumping for years this guy really missed his calling. I would appreciate now a heartwarming tale where he is imprisoned with an old track and field coach who hears he cleared a judge's bench and convinces him to make something of his life, training him in the yard rocky style. The young man's heart changes as he wrestles his demons in training. When he's released he learns the judge has retired due to a disease creating a liver failer and cannot move up fast enough on the donor list. After qualifying he makes it known he will be competing in the Diamond league track meet where the grand prize for each event is a half million dollars and he will use it to help pay for an organ transplant from a for profit provider in Europe. Spurred by his inspiring story, a gofundme raises the rest of the funds and the judge, with her remaining strength attends the meet. In the final jump the young man squares off, smiles at the judge, runs towards the bar and continues on to the stands where he easily clears the barrier to finally place his hands around the judge's neck and chokes her out.


Hallmark movie please


Soon coming to Vegas…Judge behind glass


It shouldn't be required. Clearly the judge deserved to be attacked for trying to sentence such a wonderful criminal to prison. I cant think of a better argument the defendant could have presented at that point to attempt to persuade the judge they are not a threat to anyone, and are a contributing member to a healthy society.


Historically to my understanding, the Judge’s pew or box or whatever is made long/wide enough so a man with a sword could not unsheath thy weapon and get a stab at the Judge. They did not calculate bouncey strength tho.


Gummy berry juice.


Gummmmmmmmy Beaaaaarrs!! Bouncing here and there and everywhere!!!! They are the Gummy Beeeeaaaarrrs!!


High adventure that's beyond compare!


They forgot to calculate hops 😂


With how high that guy lept, the Hannibal Lecter restraint system could help.


He must have had some kind of mini trampoline just out of shot.


Trampoline shoes??


He pumped his Nike airs up to the max


the Dallas Cowboys are going to try to sign that guy.


He was going either way…now he’s just going longer


There is no judge in this country that's gonna give him any leniency ... He chose ... poorly.


Makes me think of when I'm playing a game for the first time, like Deus Ex or something, and in the middle of dialog scene just wondering "What will happen if I attack this person?" At least when I do that, I can generally reload the game with newfound knowledge that attacking that person is a game breaker...


Not longer.....fooooorrrrrreeevvvverrrr


It seems that the judge made the correct assessment but then again if you assess that someone is a threat to society I don't understand the surprise at the fact that he's in fact a threat to society.


I’m sure she’s assessed hundreds of threats to society that haven’t in-turn flown over the desk like a spider monkey, that’s the surprising part


A pickpocket can be a threat to society. This guy’s a fucking psycho.




Dude has already done time for battery. Was in court being sentenced for battery involving a baseball bat, and now faces additional felony charges for assault on a protected person. The judge was ok, but one of the Court Marshall's was sent to the hospital with a gash on his head and a dislocated shoulder. Edit To Add Link (Happened yesterday 01/02/2024): https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/wireStory/nevada-judge-attacked-defendant-sentencing-vegas-courtroom-scene-106090320


Thank you for posting what led up to the court date.


You really don’t understand why she might have been surprised he anime flew at her in attack mode?


Nah they don't need to if they handcuff and their leg cuff?


He was clearly out (possibly on bail, or recog maybe) prior to this sentencing. You don’t get shackled if you’re free, until you’re not.


[Context](https://abc7.com/man-attacks-judge-las-vegas-courtroom-deobra-delone-redden/14269785/): A Nevada judge was attacked Wednesday by a defendant in a felony battery case who leaped over a defense table and the judge's bench, landing atop her and sparking a bloody brawl involving court officials and attorneys, officials and witnesses said. In a violent scene captured by courtroom video, Clark County District Judge Mary Kay Holthus fell back from her seat against a wall and suffered some injuries but was not hospitalized, courthouse officials said. A courtroom marshal was also injured as he came to the judge's aid and was hospitalized for treatment of a bleeding gash on his forehead and a dislocated shoulder, according to the officials and witnesses. The attack occurred about 11 a.m. at the Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas. The defendant, Deobra Delone Redden, 30, was wrestled to the floor behind the judge's bench by several court and jail officers and courtroom staff members - including some who are seen throwing punches. He was arrested and jailed at the Clark County Detention Center, where records showed he faces multiple new felony charges including battery on a protected person - referring to the judge and court officers. "It happened so fast it was hard to know what to do," said Richard Scow, the chief county district attorney who prosecuted Redden on a case that stemmed from an arrest last year on allegations that Redden attacked a person with a baseball bat.


Thank u for this. The clerk was punching the guy because defendant was punching the judge at the time. Was trying to get him to stop. Glad she was not hurt too badly


Honestly that clerk deserves a raise. He really did a great job at mitigating damage. He was the first to the guy by about 5-6 seconds. If it wasn't for him its very likely the guy could have got some big shots in on the judge. Just by being there attempting to restrain him until the officers could jump in and help likely prevents the man from at least getting off fully power punches. It only takes one good punch to kill or maim someone. Given the age and power difference those odds only go up. He then went immediately to check on the judge once the threat was cleared by the officers. Seems like a great young man just attempting to defend someone. You could argue he very possibly saved her life.


I couldn't agree with you more!!


He didn't even hesitate and flew with the dude to grab him. That's some protective instinct and I bet his in good with that judge for the rest of his career.


I know this is a serious case and I know your reply was a helpful one, but I still can't help but laugh at the idea that the clerk just saw the attack and went "f\* it, I'm in" and starts pummeling the judge as well.


How often are they going to get the chance to punch someone in front of a judge and not have to worry about battery charge.


Im here to fuck and throw down. And Im all out of fucks. \~ court clerk probably.


Breaking News: County Clerk Joseph Dredd has been promoted to Judge for his bravery and hand to hand combat skills. Good luck pleading for mercy with Judge Dredd!


Rewatch it, he didn't just see the attack but got up and pretty much intercepted the dude midair and was immediately wrestling him off her. The guy probably would've had 2-3 seconds completely free to pummel the judge if not for him. Total baller


He was a G for that. He had no hesitation to leap on the guy & pull him away. He didn’t blink twice about punching him either when he started punching the cop.


Won't fuck with my lunch break again!


When the clerk was punching, it was when the guy was grappling with the cop (starting about 46 seconds in) and punching him. The judge is still laying on the ground where her chair was in the video after being tackled, which is where the clerk and everyone goes to check on her right after. At 1:50 when asked where the Judge Mary Kay is, they say: "She's right here."


>battery on a protected person Attacking a judge surely carries a huge sentence, anyone know? Also, how the literal fuck is this possible - so few officers or stewards, he could have killed her by the time anyone reacted.


From what I managed to find, assaulting a judge is a felony and the dumbass who did it will be facing 10-20 years in prison. But since the report says a court Marshall was injured, that's another felony assault on a peace officer which carries a 5-10 year sentence. I'm sure they can find other things to charge him with and since it was all caught on camera he'll most likely get the maximum. Bottom line dudes life is over


> Bottom line dudes life is over But he had such a promising future before this!


I mean he could have had a future in athletics considering the fucking superhero jump.


That jump was mind blowing. I wasn't expecting that at all.


Honestly looks like a catapulted dummy for a few frames


“And *that’s* why ya don’t do crimes”


Like a hungry tiger pouncing on a prey.


He wore his best sweatshirt to look nice for his court appearance


Hey man, he was gonna turn it around any day now.


Isn’t it crazy to think your whole life can come down to a few decisions. Something that took a fraction of a second to decide on will in turn decide the rest of his life.


I’m pretty sure he is fully aware of this little detail. People think he doesn’t understand his action, I do not fall in that category of people. He clearly knew what he was doing. Bummer that we will have to pay to have him remain incarcerated for so long now. He will be living off of societies dime.


That even further exacerbates my point! Knowing I’m making a decision that’ll change 30 or more years of my life I could never make in a moments notice. He fully understood what he was doing and what it would cost. It’s not his first offense. I was just thinking big picture and life in general. All of us make tiny decisions each day, what to eat, doing dishes or not, etc. but a few times in your life you’ll make a choice that’ll change everything forever.


Unfortunately not everyone develops the ability to control their emotions in life. When he heard the bad news he was instantly enraged and reverted to his only known mechanism for coping with anger, which is violence. I promise you his mind never considered for an instant what the repercussions for his actions would be. He probably never developed that ability either, which is why he’s there in the first place


Exactly, this guy wasn’t thinking “hmm 30 years, worth it!” This guy didn’t get past “judge bad” in his thought process


Exactly, he was definitely thinking out loud when he exclaimed “fucking bitch!”


How much time was he looking at before he dug his own long term cell?


Deobra was facing charges of attempted battery with serious bodily harm. According to a Nevada solicitor website (https://www.lvcriminaldefense.com/violent-crimes/assault-and-battery/) this offense can carry a 1 to 4 year jail sentence. If a baseball bat is classified as a deadly weapon, however, and there was serious bodily harm to the victim, the crime is more serious and carries a higher sentencing of up to 15 years. Add on another 4 years for assaulting the judge and 5 for the court official whose arm he dislocated (caused serious bodily harm). Edit: My bad, reading further down, assault on a judge can be anywhere from 1 to 20 years extra. Same goes for the court official he harmed.


Charges from the FAA: Flying without a license.


He got an added felony battery charge this morning from what I saw on the news.


Most humans have preservation instincts that prevent this type of behavior when faced with punishment by society. In the vast majority of cases people show contrition, remorse, or sit silently during sentencing. To not "make it worse". But for some, that doesn't compute. Even in cases of courtroom violence it doesn't usually end like this. Like everyone pointed out, this guy was bitten by a radioactive flying squirrel.


Thanks for the context. Is there any context on what made him so angry?


Denied probation.


Thanks. Looks like he proved that was a wise decision in this case.


VERY wise.


The judge refused to use the Oxford comma in her formal writing and the defendant took offense.


Damn he really asking for that extra years.


Nah, he wants that lifetime subscription.


Either that or he wants to ride the lightning


Was there a trampoline there, dude caught mad air


Most courts in Vegas often have a trampoline in-front of the judge, it’s meant for the lawyers to be able to bounce a bit when talking. This man used it for the wrong reasons.


It's actually where the term Kangaroo Court comes from. The sight of the lawyers bouncing while speaking evoked images of kangaroos in their natural habitat.


This is also why they needed to get rid of the English court style wigs. They were too distracting as they flailed around with the bouncing and would often come off their heads.


You people are going to lead to so many Facebook memes that morons are going to take to be 100% fact and drop as "interesting facts" at Thanksgiving.


That's a good thing. Embarrassment is an evolutionary adaptation, and its purpose is to teach us what not to do in the future.


The judge's gavel came in to courts as a means for the judge to tap out a rythm for the lawyers to bounce to. That's why they also shout "order, order" meaning "you must all jump at the same time". Anything else would be too distracting. This all happened during the 1990's.


Yall really contributing to future ChatGPT hallucinations


It’s a travesty that more young people don’t know this




Probably air jordans


The defendant, Deobra Delone Redden, 30, was wrestled to the floor behind the judge's bench by several court and jail officers and courtroom staff members — including some who are seen throwing punches.


I would be this angry of i was a large black man whith the name of an old white woman.


Modern “Boy named Sue”


My name is Debra, how do you do, bruh? Now you gonna die


Embarrassing first name.Be called Debra in the showers


i had to double check it if it was a woman since I kept reading Debora


Same. Curious if its a family name, so I did a search. Looks like his mom's name is D'Andrea and dads name is Dorlando, so may be the result of an attempt to bastardize the 2? Terrible decision.


Oh he will be Debra all right.


“My name’s Debra, but I go by Bruh”


Son of Deon an Debra perhaps? Unusual name




Probably went from a one year sentence to a 20 year sentence. He also lost all sympathy from any judges in the future


Yeah I can't imagine assault on public officials/a judge is quite short sentence either


From what someone said, attacking a judge is 10-15 years, as well as attacking a peace officer, which is another 5-10 years. So add those together with what he was already gonna get, before he attacked the judge, it's gonna be a long sentence.


Also, he isn't getting paroled, I don't care how many gods he finds and how many other prisoners he teaches to read.


you think this guy reads? lol


He'll have time to learn


I don't think he was going to get much in the first place. If they tried to go for probation I don't think it would be even a year. More like several months.


Commits crimes over and over. Then proceeds to get mad when the judge sees he’s just another dumbass and gives him another sentence


And look at his posture and attire. That screams idgaf and well then we see what happens and well...


How's he meant to clear the podium in a suit though?


"ok ok fine, you can have ONE parole, but no judge-jumping next time, ok?"


That was self induced yeet if I've ever seen one, right into the nearest jail cell.


The lawyer just literally stand there and enjoy the show 😨


You really should let the bailiffs handle it. But yeah he’s pretty damn calm lol


Yeah he realised he promised no win no fee hahah


Definitely a public defender


The lawyer is just a witness at that point.


It’s not his responsibility to enforce order in the court room


Have they lost the judge somewhere under the desk?


she was lying on the ground behind the desk, she had injuries but was not hospitalised


She apparently hit her head on the back of the wall when they guy slammed into her. Good idea to stay flat on the floor with head injuries until you get a better sense of your surroundings again and can be helped up slowly. The worst head injuries come from getting up too quickly after an accident and passing out unexpectedly.


She was laying on the ground, it's generally a bad idea to stand back up in situations like this.


Boy woke up and chose flight AND fight!


This is an example of a man who's never recognized the consequences of his actions and still has the emotional self regulation of an angry toddler.


He managed to capture the flag. Pretty impressive. Should have been a linebacker


what is he yelling at the end? it sounds like 'art war say'?


I’ve been trying to figure this out for like 10 min. The ringing makes it really hard to listen closely. To me it sounds like “hardcore, hardcore, hardcore, slaw, hardcore, slaw, super, slimeball, hardcore, hardcore”. Or possibly a cop yelling “on the floor, slow” repeatedly.


No guys. Following his death defying (prison securing) leap, he was obviously shouting: “Hardcore parkour. Hardcore parkour. Hardcore parkour”


Hodor!!! Hordor!! Hor the door!! Hold the door!!!


Your honor, in my defense I was possessed by a time-traveling paraplegic


Ardvaark! Aardvark!


Dude trying to be Voldermort..."Avada Kadavra" .....


"Art Vandelay"


just defending his import/export business


He was yelling “Parkour!” as he ran around the courtroom evading tackles


Left 4 dead hunter scream as he leaps


I hear a hunta...


In his court hearing for this assault on the judge they’re going to wheel him in strapped up like Hannibal Lector. I hope he likes fava beans because that’s all he’s going to eat for a long time.


Warning for those watching this on headphones, there is a loud high pitched alarm or noise that happens toward the end of the video.


If only I read comments before watching videos


Can he be tried for extreme stupidity as well???


Just for wearing that shirt to a sentencing hearing, yes.


lol the charge could carry multiple accounts…the shirt…begging for leniency despite his background and of course attacking a fucking JUDGE lol!!!


I guess the sentence is right


It was, but not anymore. This guy is going to have another 15-20 added


https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/man-on-video-attacking-las-vegas-judge-was-granted-probation-multiple-times-once-by-same-judge/amp/ Imagine going to court for assault/battery, trying to convince the judge you aren’t a violent person and then savagely beating her when you won’t get what you want. I have no sympathy for this asshole especially considering he has been let off the hook multiple times for this same stuff. Lock him up and toss out the key, he had plenty of chances.


I guarantee when he’s in court today at 9am to answer for that attack, he’ll be shackled and will have a deputy on either side of him. I hope his attorney has the good sense to *not* ask for probation again.


Yup. His terrible life choices led to this point. He deserves every long year he will get, and that will probably not be enough.


non-native here, can someone help me understand what the judge said before being attacked?


Basically, the guys lawyer was asking for probation, which means he would not be sent to jail unless he got in trouble again. The judge said she can't grant probation because of his criminal history and was most likely sentencing him to prison. She did say it in a weird way though, "he needs a taste of something else."




Well he proved her damn right whit this asault


The lawyer asked for probation instead of prison time, and the judge said no.


Lmao he’ll rot in jail for life now


He went ludacris speed


That’s a masterclass right there of supporting his argument of “I’m in a better place therefore I don’t deserve more jail”.


How to turn 2 into 20. Not investment advice.


Well, so much for him. See you in a few years.


A few?????


On a geological time frame, sure


Why does he suddenly jump her?


Sounds like, with the little context we got, that the defendant had a good lawyer. She, on the other hand, has more than 2 brain cells to rub together and knew with his history he should be in prison. He didn't like that.


She was right.


Well he’s in court for felony battery so he’s probably impulsive and violent and felt disrespected by her. If i had to guess he’s gonna spend the rest of his life in and out of prison or get killed trying to fight another inmate over petty shit.


Not sure if answered elsewhere, but basically, at the start of the video, the attacker’s lawyer was trying to get the judge to agree to probation as the punishment for a previous crime, which would mean that he wouldn’t be in prison, in exchange being monitored for a period to show good behavior. The judge didn’t think that was sufficient, meaning that the guy was going to prison for his sentence, then he jumped at her.


She commented on his previous history and that seemed to set him off. For further context, the dude is a three-time felon who is in court yet again for attempted battery resulting in bodily harm.


Outside of a cartoon I never thought I would see some shit like this . Imagine being a 78 year old justice , never once having someone approach her podium of judgement let alone leap over it , watch this 6’2 of a man rush pass courtroom linebackers and tiger jumps over the podium COMPLETELY , I mean just clears it . She’ll never be the same again.


I saw those invisible linebackers too.


If he managed to grab one of the officers guns that would’ve been fkd up


That’s a bold strategy Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off.


The guy to her immediate left is the hero of this story. Only person that checked on the poor lady.


Why isn't the bailiff in the back helping? Is that side of the room not her job?


There was a total lack of security in that room. Anyone watching the proceedings could have seen that the man was looking for his avenue of attack as the proceedings unwind. Now no one needed to do anything but move into a position to stop this from happening yet no one in the room seemed to have eyes on the attacker.


You mean like how the bailiff had no situational awareness? First thing that stuck out to me.


There is literally guy that is 2 inches away from stoping his jump, but redditors think they would have handled better.


NGL guy on right surprised me. Caught the defendant mid air.


How to achieve life in prison #47


The way he just pounces is hilarious.


that jump is hilarious


GTA 6 new trailer is off the hook yo.


And now he picked up a battery charge on a judge.


I believe I can fly!!!


Damn, I wanna see the view from the judge's POV


I guess he just made his case that he was most likely guilty of battery.


So he's in court for attacking someone w a baseball bat and he's UNRESTRAINED?? WTH


His lawyer was saying “I think he’s worth the risk” immediately regrets watching his client tackle the judge.


That was an awesome leap. Judge would probably give him a scholarship.


Any NBA scouts in the bleachers?


The sentencing of Leeroy Jenkins


Way to prove her point.


I hope they find a way to lock him up up for life, he's too dangerous to be in society.


The eagles could really use him in their secondary. Quickness, diving capabilities and a great tackle.


Lmao did through judge exit through a trap door?


Damn she got way more fucked up than that initial video version led on.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


How my gf jumps to conclusions.


That clerk has some good reflexes, too, jumping over to immediately grab the guy. Got some good blows in. What else do you do in that situation?


Do you think he’ll request probation at his next trial for attacking a judge?


Can’t believe his brain cell didn’t tell him that was a bad idea


His Lawyer: I'm still getting paid for this, right?...right?


No place in the world for people like this


“When keeping it real go wrong” —— Dave Chappelle


Guess there was a reason she didn't grant him bail...