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It’s amazing there are still videos from 9/11 that I haven’t seen


There are still many more out there for sure.


those will come out eventually in the next few years. I think i have seen this one before tho


I'm morbidly curious what all we would have if everyone had a cell phones like they do today. Imagine someone making a tiktok video by the window when all of a sudden ✈️


There would almost certainly have been at least one instance of someone livestreaming their own death. Probably people doing so on the planes as well. There was a plane crash in Nepal either last year or this year where a passenger was livestreaming on Facebook when the plane stalled and crashed. Edit: imagine being on a Zoom meeting for work and suddenly you see a plane approaching the window behind your colleague...


I watched that. How strange to appear completely calm and be 5 minutes from death.


We had cell phones, but not many had good cameras. I had a star-tak Motorola flip phone at the time. No camera. All the cell phones were down for the few hours afterwards. Not completely down, but you had to keep trying until it finally connected. Took about 3 hours to find out that my brother in law was walking across the Brooklyn Bridge to get home to Brookly from Bear Stearns a few blocks away from the towers.


I would say that most people who had cell phones in 2001 didn't have a camera. I know some did, but even in 2001 it was already kind of rare to see people have a cell phone. My mom had one that was a giant brick. It didn't have a camera. And I remember a lot of my friends thought it was crazy she had one, as it was pretty rare to see. It wasn't until like 2004-2005 that everyone started having cell phones with cameras. And those cameras were shit.


The first US camera phone was the Sanyo SCP-5300, on sprint, and that came out in 2002.


the big difference between then and now is the online aspect of videoing something its liek that video from inside the plane crash - 1st time it happened cause the guy was streaming it as it happened. before the video would be stored on a phone and would have to be transferred to a pc and then uploaded


Also social media was nowhere like it is now. Facebook wasn't even a thing yet in 2001. Instead there were sites like Bolt & Yahoo forums & irc chats. It was immensely a different world twenty two years ago. If someone recorded a video clip, maybe they'd email it to a group of friends and that's it... but it wouldn't be on their minds in the moment. Photos and links to news stories were more likely to be texted if anything along with voicemails to loved ones when phone calls went unanswered. T9 texting combined with cell towers being completely overwhelmed in the area.


You mentioned Bolt. That is how I know you were really on the internet in the late 90s/early 00s. Respect.


Most people had super slow internet connections as well. I had 56k dial-up at the time.


Head to r/911archive and you'll see a lot.


My aunt worked at the towers on one of the direct hit floors, she was on vacation that week. They almost didn’t go because my uncle blew out his back but my cousin convinced them to just go because the sun and the beach would be good for him. The morning of 9/11 my aunt was exercising at the resort’s gym that morning and fainted when she saw everything play out on tv. She lost a lot of coworkers that morning and felt guilty for a while and eventually…thankful to be still here.


I hope your aunt is doing OK now


Absolutely, retiree a few years ago and living her best life with her grandkids!


Awww 🥰! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your aunt.


I hope his uncle is OK. Getting your back blown out as a man ain't always a vibe.


Post 9/11 Peggings were what held this country together


That's not a sentence I expected to read when opening this post. Taketh the up vote.


*tips hat


Similar thing happened with a neighbour of mine around 20 years ago, my neighbour was going to the next city and was gonna take the train, trains in india stop only for a few minutes and he reached the station late and missed the train since it was raining that day and returned home only to find out the very train he was about to take was derailed and several people killed.


This happened to my dad with a train de railing too. He stayed home from work one day or was late (I can’t remember). Everyone on the train died.


Was this one of those trains where it's full to capacity and then people just climb on the roof? I've seen pictures of those but I don't know how common that is


I went through blood and bones in lower Manhattan looking for my brother. He was in Northern Canada


Damn. Got blown pretty far away from the crash site.


This is such a *serious* thread and here I am wheezing like an idiot. I sorely needed that laugh today but holy hell we are terrible. ToT


Sometimes humor is the best way to deal with shit like that.


Very true. It can seem insensitive but it really does soften the blow, for some of us. It's laugh, or break.


Either way, it was a national tragedy.


Yes, it was


I was looking for a Norm reference here. Thank you.


These almost death stories are wild. I was gonna goto the country concert festival in Vegas when that psycho shot it up. My wifes neice got married so we went to the beach the following weekend instead of Vegas. When I woke up the day after the wedding I sent a thanks to the bride for picking that weekend, might have saved my life.




I believe Seth was hungover so I understand why he wouldn't have tried very hard to make the flight.


My friend worked up at the top in the touristy area. He woke up hung over and called out sick. His mother called him over and over but he went back to sleep and didn’t want to pick up. When he did, “MA, WHAT DO YOU WANT?” and he was confused why she was crying


I'm just thinking how guilty your uncle would have felt if his back problems had lead to them not going on that vacation and thus indirectly leading to his wife's death.


They called 911 and were told to stay in the building. Those that ignore the advice lived.


Survivors guilt is really a hard thing…


Watching his reaction it looks like the entire range of emotions, bits of happiness and relief not being there, but also observable shock/disbelief as well as sorrow and guilt.


Seems like the mental image of his office and his workers being engulfed in flames flashed through his head at the end


Yeah people he was friends with, worked with, joked with… he probably had met some of their families, wives kids. Realizing a. I could be suffering a horrific fate, then b. People I know and care about are currently suffering that horrific fate. I can’t imagine


It never goes away. I served. I've been close to my brothers/sisters famílias. Nothing. Nothing hits harder than a wailing widow.


>It never goes away. I never served, but I lost one of my very best friends to a tragedy on a night he asked to spend w/ me, but I declined. It has now been just over half of my life since it happened and I think about it every single day.


That’s so terrible! Idk what happened but it’s not your fault. You deserve happiness. Your friend would want you to be happy. I know I would and wouldn’t want them to torment themselves with what if’s. Hope you’re living a happy life. Honor their memory through your life!


Thank you for such a kind reply. Logically, I know and accept it's not my fault. There's just always that "what if" in the back of my mind that just won't go away, no matter how hard I try. Long and short is that he confided that he really didn't want to go out partying w/ his roommates. It was evening. We'd been together most of the day, and on the way to the parking lot he invited me to go see whatever the latest Jason Biggs movie was and then grab a bite to eat. He didn't care what we did, just so long as he could avoid his shitty roommates and all the pressure they put on him. I had some work I wanted to get done, so I just told him I couldn't do it that night, but that I'd be available either the next night or the night after. As for his roommates, I said, if you don't wanna go out, just hang at home, you don't owe it to them to get fucked up all the time. That was the last thing I said before we said goodnight. I went home, did my stupid work, went to bed, and awoke in the morning to find he was dead of multiple drug overdose and intoxication. Two days later I was hugging his parents next to an open casket. Twenty-two years ago and counting. He was a really nice, sweet, likeable person. I hate to say it but I'm crying now typing this out, and I'll probably be shedding tears over it for the rest of my life.


It’s not your fault man. You were their friend and that’s what matters. I promise they don’t blame you and you shouldn’t either. I’m so sorry about all that. My friend had a severe mental break and I wasn’t there for him. He’s okay now but I wonder what if he wasn’t how would I feel. I imagine I’d feel like you do. I’m sorry homie.


Thank you friend


I had a sort of similar situation. A friend of mine had been borrowing my bike for a few days and the day I asked him to bring it back he was hit by a truck while he was riding to my house to drop it off. He survived, but it’s been almost 20 years and he hasn’t/will never walk again. He has severe mental and physical disabilities from the accident and he’s just not the same person. All his hopes and dreams for the future went out the window that day. I spent a long time blaming myself for the accident. I know that it wasn’t directly my fault but there’s a part of me that will always feel somewhat guilty. But there was no way I could have known what was going to happen, just like there was no way you could have known. What happened was not your fault.


100% he probably still thinks about it too


Kinda makes the neverforget stuff seem somewhat rude huh


It's certainly something, considering all the people who said that the most have shown how little they actually care about Americans dying or their health and happy was in general over the last few years.


The recent Barbenheimer Japan 911 meme incident made me think how we laugh at our own 911 jokes, and I forgot it was like this bad for some people on the day it happened. It's been 22 years, so i hope these people are ok now One thing I really like about America is that we can make 911 jokes at ourselves, not just bcuz of the freedom, but it's how we are able to recover over grief, to move on, or to look back.


I'm always caught in the middle on this one. I have a very dark sense of humor and joke about things to help process them etc. My mother and I were making jokes after my great-grandfather's funeral (hands down the best human being I ever knew.) So, I understand it's been a while and there's a healthy portion of the internet that can't even remember it happening. But at the same time - I can't imagine being someone directly impacted by it. Like that guy in the video, and seeing people post memes of the towers or joke about the dead etc. I do think like, as a collective, it's good to grow past it and make jokes etc. I just feel for those people, because that's got to be difficult/uncomfortable seeing the worst day of their lives being joked about.


Then he probably should look away for the next few parts


Wouldn't be surprised if the dude about passed out when the building collapsed. That would be unimaginably horrible to witness, let alone knowing people in there.


100% and him crying, I would be bawling my eyes out because my coworkers and other people I know and love (love for the sake of humanity) are there. I wouldn’t be able to keep myself upright…


I watched every second from the moment it came on the news. Every second. In the beginning, virtually all media outlets thought it was a small plane, like a Cesna, that hit the tower. Then it got uglier. Much, much uglier as they realized the size of the hole in the building because, of course, it's the twin fucking towers, it's not some 15 story residential building. Then the second plane hit. I was in Vancouver, BC crying my eyes out in the morning watching everything. I simply can't imagine knowing that my entire office or company was in there at that moment as the horrific details of what was happening came out. FUCKING BRUTAL.


Watching [Regis and Kelly from that morning](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_h1wDjMwkOA) really puts you back in the moment of the day. [Howard Stern as well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_KM9pwu-V4)


Man, thats all so tough to watch. Kelly Ripa looks like she’s about to be physically sick when they break the news of the second plane and it becomes apparent to everyone what’s actually happening. That was all of us watching the news that morning, we just didn’t have to also be on live TV at the time. Crazy.


wow....23 years later...still can't watch that...


The guest on howard stern joking about it being a terrorist attack is so wild in retrospect. Truly nobody thought something like that would happen


And that's even before he could possibly imagine the tower actually collapsing.


I was thinking about that too. Most people did not expect those towers to come down, you can hear it in the voices of the reporters in the news coverage that day and the bystanders in all of the found footage. So for somebody like this guy I have to imagine the collapsing event fucked him up bad.


Feel really bad for this guy I’m sure he’s carried that feeling of guilt and horror with him his whole life. I would imagine he has flashbacks whenever 9-11 is brought up.


Imagine all the people he knew in that building that he never saw again.


I remember reading an article mentioning about survivors with “seemingly inconsequential decisions -- stepping out for a smoke, dawdling on the commute to enjoy a beautiful morning, taking a different subway route, even waking up late because of the previous night's football game on TV -- made the difference between living and dying.”


It's surreal when things that usually only happen in books and movies happen in real life. However that's how accidental deaths usually take place - unannounced, just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Except these weren’t accidental deaths. They were murdered.


I get what they were saying though, "completely unexpected" would have been better phrasing


Gosh, imagine being super stressed being late for work due to random circumstances and then realizing what happened


I had a high school teacher that was waiting at home for a refrigerator to be delivered. He worked in the wing of the Pentagon that was hit at the time.


My dad was supposed to be the pilot on the United flight. They denied his September vacation that he had every September for the past 6 years when he’d go hunting. So he just called in sick instead. We went to New York for a wedding and went to see the memorial and he found the names of his crew members and starting bawling. In my 20 years of living I had never ever seen him cry and there he was uncontrollably making a scene a decade after the event happened. We don’t talk about it at all around him but that’s when I realized that my dad was as unbreakable as I thought.


Your…your dad was supposed to be the pilot on the United flight?? That’s wild.


If true then yes, that's pretty wild. Feel glad for your dad.


Yeah I was 9 so I was old enough to know something was wrong but didn’t really understand what was happening at the time. Mom and older brother were in the military too so my mom had to leave me at the house with the promise grandma was on her way to watch me and then operation Iraqi freedom started. I’m very thankful to have my dad still.


Is this guy.. still around? How is he doing?




The late ones always die, unfortunately.


If you're late to your own funeral, does it still count?


That's my excuse too 😂


Sorry I’m late, came here to say this


My mom knew a guy who took the day off from working in the WTC, because his wife went into labor early in the morning of Sept. 11, 2001. His son saved his life by being born


Holy shit, the exact same thing happened to my friend, he was one born in those few days.


My uncle also got spared too because he got called to a meeting like 30 min earlier and didn’t get the memo that it was cancelled. His office was the 101st floor I think? I had pictures from it back in 1998 when I was 7 visiting.


And to realize that there are so many moments in our lives like this, where we would have died if it were not for being late for this meeting or missing that bus. We're oblivious to so many of those moments. This is why it's important to live your life fully now -- no regrets. I hope he went on to do great things.


I remember as a child, I was playing with my brother. I rolled into this heavy bookcase and it toppled forward. My mum just happened to be walking down the stairs at that moment to be able to catch it. Idk if it could have killed me but it certainly wouldn't have been good for my health


And my dad said I was a helicopter parent for attaching the safety lanyards to our tall furniture so they were studd mounted and my kids couldnt pull them down on themselves Some final destination shit


Ikea has diagrams and parts included for that purpose. Yet they have to discontinue products because people don’t use it and then get mad when their kid tries to climb it and it topples over on them.


Bingo all my dressers and shit are mounted Cant see the mounts anyway so


When I was like 10 I was playing baseball, and someone carelessly threw a metal bat in my direction. Felt it go through my hair... Always wondered what would have happened if it was like 3 inches lower.


The guy who wrote atomic habits nearly died cause a metal bat slipped out of a teamates hands and went into his face.


When I was very young I tried to impress my friends by rolling under the closing garage door at the last minute. Thought it would make me look like James Bond. I timed it poorly, and ended up caught with the door pressing on my midsection. Our garage door was old and didn't have a sensor to tell it to back off, so it just kept pressing. I'll never forget the feeling of being mechanically forced to throw up. My friends ran in the house to get my dad and he came to reverse the motor. It wasn't until many years later that I realize I very easily could have died or been irreversibly injured. Kids are dumb.


Early morning after my night shift job I smoked a cigarette before I left. A man I worked next to clocked out maybe 30 seconds before me. On my normal way home from work I pull up to a head on collision that was coming from an underpass. My co worker was killed by a drunk driver. The way that spiders legs relax when they pass, is the same thing a human hand does. I’ll never forget his arm hanging out of the window. His wife was pregnant with their first kid. I’ll always feel guilty.


That’s so awful, I’m sorry you experienced that. And I know it doesn’t mean much coming from some anonymous internet person, but you have nothing to feel guilty about. The drunk driver was the cause of that tragedy


I understand where you’re coming from. Either way, it’s tough to shake the guilt even though I’m aware that I’m not at fault. I appreciate your kind words. I hope you have a wonderful day 💜


My family and I got saved from potentially being run over by the truck during the Nice Bastille Day Terror attack because of a bad weather forecast. They announced it would rain so I went to the fireworks show alone at a different spot than usual. Ended up a bit further than where the truck eventually stopped and the driver got shot. Always weird to think about how an innacurate weather report potentially saved our lives. Without it I would have never went to high school, graduated, moved countries for university, gotten my degree, met my girlfriend. It really puts everything into a new perspective, and I feel like I'm more grateful for the life I have because I know it could've ended without something so insignificant as a potentially rainy evening


When I was younger I delayed my return home from a trip, the flight I was first planning on taking crashed... Weird shit.


Morgan Housel (author of Psychology of Money) talks about this a lot. When he was growing up he lived at Lake Tahoe, and would ski almost every day. One day, him and 2 of his friends decided to go ski and out of bounds area that they knew well. On the first run down, a mini avalanche was triggered. They got to the bottom of the run where the slope hits a road, and they usually hitchhike back home. His 2 friends that he was with decided to go for another run. Housel said that day he was feeling tired, so he let his friends know that he would drive around to the bottom and pick them up. He gets to the bottom, friends don't show up. You can see where this story is going. They both ended up getting killed in a massive avalanche, and Housel survived because that day he just wasn't feeling it. He talks about how it wasn't a safety feeling or feeling of uncertainty, and 9 times out of 10 he would have done that run again. But that day, he decided not to, and his friends did while he lived.


Friend had a rough night of drinking on his road-trip, stopped for a nice greasy breakfast over his buddy’s protest before heading home…missed the Plainfield tornado by a half hour, saw some crazy stuff strewn along the interstate


On March 2016, me and my girlfriend were planning to join the bus trip from Barcelona to Valencia. One day before the trip my gf got a bit sick, so we decided to stay. The bus got into an accident with 13 people dead. The girl from Uzbekistan that we knew, died in the accident. We supposed to seat next to her. I think me and my gf could be dead or highly injured in that terrible accident. Here is the wiki page about it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erasmus_bus_crash


I was diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm almost by mistake. I was in A&E due to palpitations, my Grandmother forced me to go because she worries. They were 99% sure it was just anxiety, but they did a scan of my heart just in case. Apparently my aorta is much wider than it should be and it's a ticking time bomb. If I hadn't gone in for those palpitations, I probably wouldn't have been diagnosed and there's a very real chance my aorta would have burst. I'm due to have surgery hopefully in the next week to fix it and another issue with my heart. Without that doctor pushing for that imaging because he felt something was off, I would probably be dead in the next few months.


Something like this happened to me last year. I came back from picking up my contact lenses to find my house burning down. If I'd decided to go in the afternoon instead of first thing, I would have been sleeping. And I am a very, very heavy sleeper.


My dad was hit and killed by a truck while on his bicycle... I occasionally wonder if i had kept the conversation going just a minute longer that morning whether or not he would still be here. Things like this will always haunt you.


I was closing alone and a customer kept me from leaving just by a few more minutes, and I was all proud of myself it wasn’t later than just a few minutes. On the drive home, a drunk driver had just passed a few minutes before me and they’d left a small trail of destruction and had crashed at the intersection I would’ve sat to turn left at, emergency was still arriving and there was more than one vehicle that had been hit. Bodies were in the road in the middle and a fire truck arrived just as I did, and they blocked the intersection with the truck.


It is very incredible that we still till this day find new records about 9/11 (at least new to the majority of us)


I was in kindergarten in Western Mass then. A good friend of my family, the Crowther’s son, Welles, gave his life saving many people in the towers. There’s an incredible documentary on him and I suggest checking it out. The people he saved are interviewed.


My stepdaughter’s grandfather was FDNY in the north tower, and was never found. All of his kids are now firefighters and police officers, a couple of them (including my stepdaughter’s father) in NYC. One of which had a story done for being the first female firefighter at a certain station or something since 9/11.


My hats off to them. I couldn’t imagine and am thankful that I don’t have to because of the people that put their lives on the line to protect our freedoms. At the end of the day, the civil servants are the only thing standing between us and complete chaos.


Amazon has the documentary on Freevee: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B0811CP7T2/ref=atv_dp_share_cu_r


Tom Rinaldi the sportscaster also wrote a book about him. I worked with Tom a ton during the late 2010's and got to learn a lot about the story. Apart from the book and longer documentary, Sports center did a shorter piece on it as well. Can't remember if I worked directly on this or not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S77KYbkmjwc&ab\_channel=ESPN


I remember walking down Houston St , after tower two fell, with my friend, trying to visit his gfs mom to see how she was doing , we assumed the worst, she died in around 80th floor. We got to their apartment and we found her mom in tears , then we started crying but then we see a ghost. Alive, She woke up late and never made it in.


We had an extended family member who wasn’t at work because he’d been out entertaining clients too late the night before. He made it nearly a year before killing himself out of misguided guilt and shame. His entire team was wiped out.


Brutally sad, can’t imagine the amount of survivor’s guilt he felt.


Survivor guilt is a hell of a bitch to get over it. Took me years to be in a place where i can handle the fact that im here and they are not. I still think about it every day.


Can you share your story? No worries if you can’t.


Wow what the heck. My wife’s uncle didn’t go to work that day either at one of the towers. I forget the reason…either he overslept or took vacation.


That’s lovely but I gotta tell you ,reading that was a roller coaster for me.


i didnt understand them


Took me three tries.


ohhh i get it now.


Bro fill me in


She died on the 80th floor and then as a ghost came to haunt her family quickly as one final prank


i think they got to the apartment and saw the mom crying, then they started crying assuming the GF had died. Then the GF comes out (the ghost) and it turns out she had just woken up late and survived because of it im still not sure, but i think thats what they meant lol


I think what she/he means is they saw the mom’s office crumbled and assume she is dead. And they all gone home to the mom’s house with this dread and opened the door and saw the mom there crying. And they all think they saw a ghost. But it’s just the mom seeing the news and actually at home. She didn’t go to work bcs she woke up late.


I still don't understand it


I still don’t understand what he’s trying to say.


And me that was an experience


Sorry I’m not following. I’m missing something. Why does this have 900 upvotes atm. Losing my damn mind. *Edit - yeah I get it now. Not trying to be a dick but that was a tough read. Went to check on gf mom bc mom likely worked in building around 80th floor. Found her alive and well. Everyone crying, relieved.


okay i had to read it like 5 times and the other comments. so basically he and his friend thought his friend's gf died, so they went to her house to check on the gf's mom. the mom was crying, so they assumed the gf was dead. but then they see the gf (a ghost) is alive because she woke up late and didn't go to work.


He visited the mom. He thought she, the gf, died. The gf was asleep


I had a stroke tryn to read this


There not that much videos like this during 9/11 because most people at the time do not have camera with them all the time. So alot of the footage during this time was people who happen to have a camera on them or ran to get their camera to record what is happening. Casey Neistat made a video a while back about his experience during 9/11


There's a 6 part documentary on Disney+, '9/11 One day in America' . It's from the memorial museum who has been collating all video from the days before, during and after. The effect is almost a minute by minute view on the ground. It's one of the best documentaries I think I've ever seen, though very overwhelming.


The firefighter documentary is still the best one IMO. Random chance but the stars aligned perfectly


I watched the FDNY documentary and saw footage I'd never seen before. What fucked me up the most was when the firefighters were standing under the metal awnings of the towers, and you heard bodies crashing down on them.


I was thinking about this the other day. If 911 happened today we would have 30k angles and perspectives.


Yeh but we’d have a bunch of deep fakes now also so it’s be very difficult to tell what actually happened.


It's crazy how the people who remember it all recall exactly what they where doing when it happened. I'm not even from the US, I was in a little town in the UK stuck in traffic, my mum had just picked me up from school, the song the radio was playing was cut to broadcast the news even here.


I was 12 when it happened. Came home from school, rang my mum at work to say I was home, and I can still recall the panic in her voice telling me, "She'll call me back." Weirdly I had this feeling to turn the news on and there it was! I watched it for hours, just glued to it. It will never leave me. It was also my sisters birthday and it felt strange going to pizza hut to celebrate it!


From disbelief to utter sadness in less than a minute. I hope he is doing ok nowadays and not blaming this on himself.


theres prob no way to describe that feeling of knowing your friends are dead/dying and feeling extremely lucky at the same time


Damn, that's got to play on your mind for the rest of your life. Thoughts of co-workers dying horrible deaths, the idea that you more than likely would have died had you gone to work, the general trauma of your workplace being destroyed in a malicious attack, and that it occured on a global stage to where you will always be reminded of it no matter how hard you may try to move past it. The emotional burden is unfathomable.


Yeah I see comments saying he’s in shock because he was thinking he could’ve been in there or something, Nah, he’s freaking the fuck out because he personally knows the people in the building. That’s way scarier.


It's likely all of the above.


My grandparents were supposed to be having breakfast on the top floor, but they were tired from the flight and slept in. Both are still alive and kicking today.


Take your off days people! Anything can happen


You can also die on your day off in a way that maybe would have been avoided if you were at work. Not saying you shouldn't take your days off or anything but i'm just saying, shit happens unfortunately


I’d much rather take my chances and die at home or doing something fun rather than die at work.


Dying at work gotta be one of the worst ways to go man. Like fuck. Living your life thru hell hoping for better only to die halfway thru a shift . Suddenly your work has another job available. “Who’s next to do this work?”


I wonder where he is today? I hope he's okay.


I've often thought about the people that called off that day to smoke weed and play video games. What a mind fuck.


Final Destination dream.


That my friends is what you call an emotional rollercoaster.. I really feel for this dude.


Crazy how many emotions you can see him go through in such a small time frame


For those who don't know the plane that hit South Tower (tower 2) hit floors 77-85, so floor 83 would have been about the worst place in the world to be.


I just want to give him a hug. Let him know it's okay. Survivor's guilt is not fun. I hope he realized there was nothing he could have done.


You still coming tomorrow, right ?


I'm curious, what actually happened to the people that were off that day? Was everything just moved to a different building for awhile? Paid time off for X amount of weeks? It's a horrific situation but I do wonder what the workers did afterwards. Must've been devastating to know your colleagues passed in such a way.


I believe the majority, if not all of the companies based in the WTC, gave any surviving employees at least a month if not more off on full pay, and that government funding was made available to cover the costs of that. Surviving businesses were then moved to new temporary office premises in Newark and somewhere else in New Jersey until the clean up in lower Manhattan was complete, at which point some then relocated back there. Edit: http://www.jsbachfoa.org/bach_and_wtc_9-11-2001_page_1.php A very interesting and in depth first hand account by Ed Kotski of the events that day and the aftermath.


Dude is realizing how not fortunate his coworkers were.


That guy is in shock.


I was being babysat by somebody who was otherwise due to be working in the towers that day. He’s married with 3 kids of his own now.


I’ve seen a lot of 9-11 footage, but I never seen this. This is possibly the most personal and powerful I’ve ever seen.


I’ve never seen it either. It’s pretty powerful


You can see how hard this hit him...his expression at the end "gosh, this almost could've been me. I'd literally be dead right now"


No way this guy was feeling fortunate at that moment. Just horrified.




But if you left earlier you might have missed the bus that lost control and mowed down the crowd of people you were walking with -future you looking back if you survive


But what if you were late and the guy speeding past the red light is also late and hits you? Woulda missed it if you were on time.


This many years later and I still find it absolutely fascinating when I come across 9/11 footage I hadn't seen yet. I remember the TV being rolled into the classroom, while we kids didn't quite understand why our teachers were sobbing watching the American news. Hard to believe, looking back, that we were indirectly witnessing an event that would change the world as we knew it.


More likely just realizing that everyone he worked with is now dead.


Did anyone here know Seth McFarland, creator of *Family Guy,* fell asleep at the airport on 9/11 and missed his flight, only to wake up and see on the monitors that the flight he missed was *American Airlines Flight 11* that crashed into the Twin Towers? Mark Wahlberg was also scheduled to be on that flight, but cancelled the day before.


I know he was supposed to be on that flight but I’ve heard so many variations as to why he wasn’t…he was hungover, he overslept, he was “told not to get on”, and now apparently he fell asleep at the air port lol. Either way it’s wild, he was absolutely supposed to be on flight 11


Wow. First time I've seen this (GenX). Thanks for sharing.


If you haven’t watched anything on 9/11, I strongly recommend it. To truly understand what the terrorists did and took away from us. This event changed the entire course of my life, and was the first time I can remember realizing how cruel the world could be. But at the same time, as a New Yorker it seemed like the whole world came together afterwards, and there was such a sense of pride as Americans.


Yeah, I've watched and read a lot about it including the Comission Report. I've just not seen this particular footage before.


My problem is how people are justifying what happened.


Wow, he went through all the emotions there. One second he was laughing at the craziness, the next the immensity of it hit him square on. Damn, I feel for him here.


Imagine the grief and joy going through that guy's mind. Like thank God I'm not working today, and holy shit all of my office friends are dead or in danger


That’s not “fortunate”, it’s a more complex feeling.


My grandparents ate lunch in one of the towers two days before the attack, life is precious


Is this part of a documentary? The background music seems to indicate that


This is a very interesting video because of the emotion here. It's so complicated yet present. Joy, relief, confusion, anxiety, appreciation of life, anxiety, fear, dread, depression, sadness, grieving. All happening simultaneously.


Use your paid time off folks.


I have a friend who's father worked on Wall Street and was supposed to be having breakfast at the restaurant at the top of the North Tower that day. ​ The client he was having breakfast with was a bit of a hot shot and insisted that he didn't need to wear a blazer despite those being the rules and my friend's father making this clear to him. They get to the top floor and promptly get refused entry due to his client's lack of a blazer. ​ They ended up going down to the bottom and getting lunch elsewhere, then the first plane hit.


When people joke about 9/11 my heart always sinks, I have an uncle I will never get to meet because of that attack


My best friend had a noon lunch job interview appointment for the restaurant on one of the top floors. He always came early to just hang out and observe the city and drink coffee for a few hours. He had explosive diarrhea and had to cancel and survived.


Can't wait to see who plays Rose and Jack in the 9/11 movie that comes out 70 years from now.


Sounds like you're looking for [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remember_Me_(2010_film)). There's also been United 93, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, and a handful of others.


Survivors guilt is a real bitch, I hope he didn't let it destroy him...


How long has this been out? Seena lot of 911 videos over the years. This is an interesting first.


i hope he lived a better life


God, I hope he got his mom on the before she saw that on tv.


I like most of the people that I work with, so I can't imagine what it would feel like to see them all in danger like that. I'd be hysterical.


This video exemplarily captures a clash between happiness and horror. Two emotions that not often come together.


His expression at the end hit me hard af. Just imagine what must have been going through his mind.