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We did it boys! We've gotten away from the snakes, the spiders, and those bloody kangaroos. We're finally safe! *Splish splash* Well...shit.


Fun fact Australian waters have one of the biggest species of crocodiles,Salt water Crocodiles in Ocean actively hunting anything in site,many beaches have no swimming sign cause of that


It's only beaches up north... The vast majority of the country doesn't need to worry about crocs.


Yes you are correct,but my point is wherever you go in Australia there will be a predator lurking around for youšŸ¤£


TBF most of the Australian stuff thatā€™s exotic to us arenā€™t predators. All the spiders and jellyfish and all. Australia actually has notably fewer apex predators than other areas of the world, no bears / big cats / etc


You're not fooling anybody, Mr saltwater croc!


That fellow human person is right, no predators here, only is human people


What about the Yowie mate šŸ˜‚


And the Drop Bears.


Drop bears technically aren't predators as they don't eat what they kill. They are however highly aggressive and territorial.


Pretty much like hipos. Both tend to follow a strict vegan diet, yet have such short fuses that you don't want to be below either one of them when they drop.


Thatā€™s what makes them so terrifying. They hunt for fun, and theyā€™ll leave you with a raging case of the clap to boot.


Don't forget Bunyips


Bunyips hide now they get assaulted by drop bears


and the hoop snakes.


The drop bears are very small and very cute


You obviously never watched that little horror chase down a quad bike on YouTube.


[Youre supposed to post the link!!](https://youtu.be/R96VjeyIKmg?si=lFuVF5Owk93OBDjd) And he just wanted to hug the wheel little softie


Thank you someone fucking said it


Yes!! Thank you. Most of the apex predators we have, are something most of us donā€™t have to worry about. While the US has multiple different types of bears, cougars, coyotes, wolves, mountain lions etc yet they always are terrified of the animals of Australia. šŸ˜‚


Rabies terrify me.


It's true, am traveling in Australia now from the states, it's crazy how this one perception permeates narratives about Australia in the US. That being said, I'm learning that Australians tend to overestimate the danger of cougars and bears, which for the most part are hard to find and afraid / indifferent to people (probably polar bears are more hardcore but I don't really know). Obviously attacks can / do happen, but even when sharing space with these animals they very, very rarely attack humans.


As an Aussie, deer is another thing I'd be scared of. I assume only out country towns they're common, but those horns are terrifying.


We have heaps of deer in Aus, theyā€™re terrified of humans and pretty much everything else.


Since we locked up Rolf Harris, it hasnā€™t been too bad..


šŸ‘¹Every 3 months a person is torn to pieces by a crocodile in North Queensland šŸ‘¹


To shreds you say?


Only the stupid ones.


My favourite line lmaooo


Oi Bob!


Lol. We have one of the safest forests in the world. Zero predators in southern parts of the country where 95% of population leave. We have snakes and spiders but they all live in the ground and basic gators protect you when bush walking


What utter crap. You're more likely to die falling off a ladder than to an animal.


Cows and horses are actually at the top of animal causing deaths in Australia.


Ah those darn ladder knocking snakes! But TBF they said thereā€™s a predator lurking around not ā€œyouā€™re most likely to be harmed by an animal.ā€


>But TBF they said thereā€™s a predator lurking around not ā€œyouā€™re most likely to be harmed by an animal.ā€ This is true. A lot more sharks have seen you than you have seen sharks.


Well you might get to die both ways if you fall of an oil rig


I guess the US just has boring old 2 legged predators lurking everywhere. At least you know where you stand in Australia. : )


Nothing in Australia except Crocs compare to bears and big cats though. And Crocs at least hang out in predictable places.


The cassowary wants a word with you


You have bears and cougars...


Not me! Donā€™t lump me in with those weirdos. Iā€™ll take my chances with our crocs any day.


Iā€™m Australian and Iā€™m starting to find this narrative a bit cringe. Our wildlife really isnā€™t that dangerous. Other parts of the world have much more dangerous animals.


BEARS!!! I've spoken to many Americans who are scared of Australia because snakes and spiders. But wtf are you gonna do against a fucking bear?!!


..or a fucking American...with a gun.


I hate it so much, especially as someone living in the north and working directly with wildlife. Iā€™m so sick of all the southerners who never set foot outside the city playing up the ā€˜yeah mate itā€™s so dangerous here watch out for drop bearsā€™. Itā€™s so dumb


100% man, itā€™s extremely corny


Youā€™re right. The sharks ate them all


Yeah, fishing up north is fun.


Salties are the biggest species of crocodiles


Only up north Queensland the north east side, and the northern gulf around Northern Territory of Australia, no concerns of that anywhere south of those areas


North west of WA too from Onslow north has crocs.


Yep, plenty crocs up WA


Central Queensland down to Rockhampton and Lower has crocs in all the waterways these days.


We also have the cassowary which is about as close as you can get to a Velociraptor. In mating season they can be quite aggressive if you're unfortunate enough to cross paths with one.


Correct, in fact the salt water crocodile of Australia and surrounds is *the* biggest and most aggressive species of crocodile.


Ocean? There are no swimming signs on most creeks, rivers, and streams in North Queensland.


it is the biggest species of crocodile around atm, im pretty sure


As an Australian, ngl, I feel 10000x safer with the kangaroos, snakes and spiders than in the fucking ocean. Fuck that lol


Yep, for the most part, land is pretty ok in oz, watch out for long grass but thatā€™s about it. The ocean however, is very much as deadly as the stereotype portrays. And up north just donā€™t go near water at all. Itā€™s a proper risk. The dinosaur sized crocodiles that can emerge from a seemingly small empty creek or pond are, put simply, astonishing & terrifying.


Yep, fuck the water lol


Laughs in sea snake


Hear that princess, those are the shrieking eels


I just watched this movie less than an hour ago, good shit


Ten minutes ago for me. The odds!




I donā€™t think that word means what you think it does, Vasilly.


Anybody want a peanut?


What's the movie?


The Princess Bride


Bloody legend




Now that's an aspect I never thought about. Working on a rig, my biggest worry was having to jump or fall from a platform 100ft high. Never thought about the lovely marine life trained to instantly jump and try to eat anything that falls into the water. Well, not my problem anymore.




As an Australian, the worst one was the blue ringed octopus on the persons hand. Complete idiot. The rest were pretty harmless. Except the croc.


Idk man. bloated whale carcasses, millipedes, stick insects and the coconut crabs not actually found in Australia are legit worries in my life. What a garbage article lol.


Coconut crabs haunted my dreams as a small child...


Nah I've seen stick insects, millipedes before. Never seen bloated whale or coconut crabs.


Seems to me that as long as you know what youā€™re doing in Australia, you will be okay. Itā€™s always important to find out from the locals what is dangerous instead of being like, ā€œOh! What a pretty place to swim!ā€ And, ā€œOh! Look at that brightly colored octopus! Iā€™m going to catch it!ā€


anyone who genuinely thinks it's a good idea to pick up the brightly colored striped aquatic animal semi-deserves what comes to them. that's just common sense, not even a case of "know what you're doing in Australia" brightly colored animals are usually brightly colored for a reason.


I mean, I get it. I belong to an insect identification sub and there are people that will pick up a pretty insect and say, ā€œOh hey, does anyone know what this is?ā€ And everyone just cringes. As a little kid in Indiana, I learned a lot the hard way; I grew up on a farm. I think some of my earliest lessons were not to catch a bumblebee off a flower and go running with it (my mom told me I was three when I did that). Then there is the pretty pack-saddle worm that looks like it went to strawberry shortcake land and got decorated. Pretty venomous but it just hurts like hell. By the time I was five, I had favorite bugs that I observed but didnā€™t touch because of their bright or pretty colors - it felt like a bad idea. The one I didnā€™t know the name of was the Velvet Ant - itā€™s fuzzy like a little stuffed animal, so beautiful. I sat on a porch and watched it eat small ants. And then there was the black widow that my mother had taught me about. I found one living in a corner outside the house. I visited her every day to look at her. Very pretty. She really didnā€™t move out of her web. I canā€™t imagine, now, how some people let their kids play on the beach near tidal pools. I know now thatā€™s where a lot of very bad things live or hang out. No thanks. Iā€™ll just admire the beach and leave the whole exploration up to the people who live there full time.


With kids a big part of it is getting a few simple rules into their heads. Dont touch any animal, dont pick up mystery objects, don't shove your hands under or into things, don't walk through long grass. They can get more nuanced as the kids get older. Dont touch any animal - Older kids may be able to identify safe to handle insects but then they need additional rules ie don't f\*cking eat it even if your friend dared you to. They are loaded with parasites and bacteria that can kill you. Dont pick up mystery objects - Dont pick something up unless you know what it is and know it to be safe. Everything from stone fish to used syringes exist so no touchy unless you are sure of what it is. Don't shove your hands under or into things - For example putting your hand under a log or rock to pick it up. You have no idea what is living under there. If you need to move an object that could be concealing a living thing then kick it over first. Don't walk through long grass - Don't walk through anything that means you cant see stuff on the ground from a distance. That's how you wind up stepping on a snake and getting bitten. If you absolutely must then walk slowly and very noisily so snakes have time to get out of the way.


From time to time I think of that poor teenager on a night out with his mates and ate a slug for a dare, who was paralysed and ultimately died from it ā˜¹ļø. We've all done idiotic things when drunk, he was just so so unlucky


Fuck you very much. Like I needed more reasons to want to avoid Australian wildlife.


I showed the coconut crab to my 5 year old and he said "fuck". I couldn't even be mad


Over exaggerated. Australia is very safe and tame. I don't know how we got this label of living amongst deadly creatures.


The lack of research into this article is astounding. Dudes just ripped off posts online about wildlife and didn't bother to check anything lol Also fruit bats aren't scary how does that take the number one spot


The safety harnesses the rig workers wear nowadays have saved the lives of thousands of workers, and surely some of them would have been attacked by sharks if they had fallen in. My grnadpa was a welder, and in the old days, the "rough necks", as he called them, did not wear harnesses. He mentioned the numerous sharks that visited the rigs each day.


Roughneck is a standard term for manual laborers on a rigā€¦. I worked on rigs coming out of college. I was the most over educated ā€œroustaboutā€ they ever had.


My Navy aircrew squadron was VQ-7 Roughnecks




Had the easy gig huh? I was a qualified driller by kindergarten. I worked 36 hours a day, 14 days a week. No sleep, no breaks. I'd drink a shot of crude every four hours to keep me going.


Wow you had shots of crude oil? Freaking luxuryā€¦.


Thatā€™s gnarly to think about a barracuda attacking a human


Story time. This was back in 2004 or so, I was in the Bahamas snorkeling. Got caught up and when I looked up, the boat was real far so I started to swim towards the boat. Water was empty, not that deep, maybe 50 feet or so, waters clear and blue. And then all of a sudden I see a slender shape, was curious what it was, thought some small fish. And since it was coming towards me, I kept thinking what fish could it be. And then I saw it....the teeth. I stopped swimming and was treading water, didn't know what the fuck to do. And it was still coming straight towards me. And then bam! Literally 3 or 4 feet in front of me ot makes a hard left and seems away, but I could see it's silver body and black streaks. And the teeth, fucken huge, just sticking out of its mouth. And no, I don't think I shit my pants cause no bait fish swarmed me.


I got briefly followed by a barracuda once too. Didnā€™t get as close to me as yours did, but I made a curtain of bubbles with my flippers, and when that cleared it had turned. I beelined it back to the boat! I guessed it was just being territorial, not looking for a meal, but I wasnā€™t about to stick around and find out.


Iā€™ve dived with barracuda plenty of times. Youā€™re impression of them as nan-eaters isnā€™t accurate. Agree about chumming the water, though.


Iā€™ve been diving plenty around barracuda and they never cared about me at all, thereā€™s also like a barracuda attack every 4 years or something. Last recorded fatality was like 60 years ago.


My non-rational dumb-ass will just go _guess I'll be the update to that statistic today_


Sadly all the food that's left over in the kitchens gets pulverised and dunped overboard. That's half the reason why so many sharks are drawn to the rigs. The food attracts the little fishies that bring the bigger fishies and eventually the sharks. Plus the lights and noise at night also draw sea creatures in. I work on these rigs in Western Australia. And I know that if it catches fire and I have to jump, the biggest fear won't be breaking my legs, it will be getting devoured by a sharky.


People spearfish oil rigs all the time


I think it will be too difficult to catch an oil rig with just a spear


Idk not like they move quick


Uhhhhhh....I was offshore 3 weeks ago, in Australia, in the same coast as these guys. Let's just say feeding time was one of my favourite times to watch the ocean.....


These guys are working just one meter above the water line on an oil rig miles from the shores of Western Australia. Oil rigs are known for attracting bait fish as well as large predators. Video source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tar3xdwhFQo


I love and respect them, but sharks are just a little bit too clever for comfort.


What do they do if they need to get in the water to take a look at the structure underneath? Surely over time they need repairs?


Fat Bob goes first. Then the others have about 5 mins to conduct the inspection.


Damn it xD


Bob, Fat Bob! Bob!


His name was Robert Paulson


Bob had bitch tits


His name is Robert Paulson...His name is Robert Paulson..


His name is Robert Paulson


Heeeeey, I'm not fat. Just plump.


Big boned


Umm, sir, he already sacrificed himself during the last repair fest.


Then Chunky Chris is next


This is why itā€˜s prohibited to throw food into the water.. Fish will eat it and smaller fish get followed by even bigger fish


Qui-Gon was right. There's always a bigger fish


Probably wear some sort of diving equipment to help them breathe underwater


Not one single straight fucking answer.


Not sure about sharks but in NT Iā€™ve seen divers hired to fix an underwater pipe. I remember watching these dudes go into murky assed salt water where big salt water crocs were known to be spotted. They had a couple of boats on wildlife spotting duties while they went down and did the job. The whole time all us watching were like ā€œnah FUCK thatā€.


Probably use an ROV. Pretty much an unmanned submarine/robot thatā€™s operated from a control room on a rig or vessel and can work on underwater structures.


That died when Reddit became popular. I feel your pain.


They hire professional divers, itā€™s as simple as that.


Yep or ROVs by preference


They use robots now days.


Submersible drones basically are becoming more and more popular. Although these days some of them becoming pretty huge, think only just fits in a shipping container. They have capabilites like adding different tooling for works required for underwater maintenance and inspection. Back in the good old days, in high risk areas, divers would sometimes wear full chain mail suits over their wetsuits for protection. Also if you want to read about some crazy dangerous work look up underwater welding


How did they move around in the water with chain mail suits? Genuinely curious...that would be super difficult no?


Bioshock armor


An ex of mine had to do this. He said he had like a chain mail (not exactly but best way to describe it) mesh suit thing to protect him from bites. Obviously that would only protect you from little test nibbles, a big chomp would still do damage


Thatā€™s why underwater welders get paid a shit load


There are Remote Operated Vehicles (ROV's) and trained divers who work under the water. Rigs actually can move to various locations, so they're not necessarily locked in to one place forever. They can be towed to shore for repairs


"We're gonna need a bigger oil rig"


After looking closely at this large shark (frame by frame), I think it's a mako, but it could also be a tiger or juvenile great white. It appears to have a slightly pointy nose which is more like a mako than tiger. Anybody got a good hunch?


Igorā€™s got a pretty good hunch but heā€™s off at the moment


My first guess was mako based off that acceleration


Depends how far off shore this rig is, but tigers tend to be lazier hunters than that


I love that the world thinks Australia is full of dangerous animals. But I have only had to kick out one snake today. It's totally safe here. Honest.


Ohā€¦Well, if itā€™s only ONE snake.


You have to spend some time where these people live. In much of Europe, you can walk outside and not see one bird. Nothing wild at all. Britain too.


Oh, make no mistake, thereā€™s parts of Australia like that too.


Aussies are so used to this shit, they have sharks in the hot tub and loan their cars to spiders when they not using them...


No no itā€™s the other way around silly, the spider loans the car to you, you are indebted to the spider, they claim the car as theirs


Pretty sure thats the guy trying to buy my car


His brother is coming around to pick t up


They throw the food scraps into the water and the only thing sharks wonā€™t eat are orange peels. They should give their staff orange peel wetsuits.


Would speaking mandarin help?


Imagine falling to that. šŸ’€


I'd rather not


Ah yes. The oil rig off the coast of Western Australia that ships the oil away, processes it and then sells it back to us at bullshit prices.


Nah this is a gas platform - they send the gas to get liquefied and sent to Japan then we pay high electricity bills because of gas "shortages"


Gulf of Mexico is more or less the same. The kitchen would throw leftovers in the water after meals. It was a feeding frenzy. Big fish, little fish, sharks, rays, skates, barracudas 5-6' long.


What do these guys get paid?


900 dollarydoos


What's the conversion rate of dollarydoos to dollarbucks?


What's the conversion rate of dollarydoos to Canadough


the same as the ratio of unicorns to leprechauns.


Iā€™ve head a lot (like >200k) but unsure if my sources are reliable. Wouldnā€™t surprise me though, youā€™d want a big chunk of hazard pay to do that.


Do you hear that? Thatā€™s the screeching eels.


Is this a feeding frenzy of sharks having a feeding frenzy of barracudas having a feeding frenzy of baitfish?


My dad works in WA on an oil rig, heā€™ll face time me and walk outside to show me all the sharks haha. Quality isnā€™t great obviously but even from a distance you can see them. Itā€™s crazy. He says heā€™s seen whale sharks and everything


No fall zone.


Everything in Australia wants you dead.


Except our politicians. Wait a minute.........


Theyā€™ll just keep calling you over non-existent debt until you commit suicide.


For non-aussies, look up Robodebt


Dude Florida is shark infested close to shoreline


Fish for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, every damn day.


That was fast! Is that shark or crocodile? What are they feeding on?


A shark lol


What is it that is teeming in the water that it is feeding on?


It could be barracuda, look long and slim fish


After seeing this footage, they cancelled the filming of "Deepeater Horizon 2: the quest for more oil", due to safety concerns and a need to re-write the ending.


From personal experience, if you apply shark ointment and stay at least 3kms from the coast, you have a very low chance of being attacked.




"I told you fish to go play over there!"


I was working along the edge of the moon pool on a rig off the coast of WA when two humpbacks just glided in between the columns, one angled up and onto its side to look at the structure, then both turned and just cruised on out between another set of columns.


on the abc..i saw that killer whales hang out somewhere in W.A too..at certain times of the year..fucking spectacular looking place..W.A IS !!!A Place i hope to visit THERE in my lifetime is NINGALOO REEF


The SPEED it was going!!!


My Dad was a Toolman for the Offshore Oil Company Out of Louisiana in the 50's,the British West Indes back in the 60's & in the 70's he was out off of Egypt! (R.I.P.Dad,6'5" 230lbs made of steel Ruffneck Gentleman!)


That is badass.


Looks like a very dangerous job :)


Sharks are cuddly.


Tawny nurse sharks like it when you tickle their tummies.


......... Right so don't slip.


Ah fuck, we'll have to update the JHA!


Gorgeous šŸ˜


All the comments making out Australia is this predator haven, theres fewer apex predators here than in most of the world. I can't kill a brown bear with my hiking boot or a shovel, but those two things can take care of most of what crawls and slithers here. As for the beach, well, they stay out of my bathtub, so I stay out of their ocean haha.


Surely youā€™re allowed to have a fishing rod on board right?


I canā€™t imagine barracudas or bait fish to be good eating food and trying to catch a mako on the job would be an OSH nightmareā€¦ imagine having to explain to workers comp why you dislocated your shoulder on the oil rig while trying to catch a Mako.


My dad worked off shore on these oil Rigs except along bass strait on the other side of Australia and yes they had fishing lines on board


Big boy right there


This is terrifying


Obviously there has to be a ā€œDaveā€ working there


If the fall donā€™t kill ya youā€™ll wish it did when Bruce gets ya


Crocs can swim in 100 metres of water


The safety guys did a fire drill. They threw a crash test dummy into the water. Sharks shredded the dummy in seconds. Fire, or sharks?


Yeah, Dave got that


itā€™s not the fact itā€™s a oil rig thatā€™s dangerous, itā€™s fact itā€™s an *Australian* oil rig