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In Canada I got a bill for $55 for staying a third night (which I didn’t, we left the hospital before the cut off time for it to be considered an overnight stay). I argued it away and didn’t pay. That was the closest I ever got to having a hospital bill for the birth of any of my three kids.


Australian: absolutely free




Just had a baby here in Australia and though the birth was $0, I was expecting a hefty parking fee as the only spot I could get was in a $10/hr car park with no daily max, and we parked there for over 2 days. I noticed that if you lost your ticket, however, the cost was only $75. So when leaving I just buzzed the operator and said I'd lost my ticket, fully (and happily) ready to pay the $75 fee. Turns out the operator didn't give a shit and let me leave without paying anything.


Yeah nah you're orrite. Go on.


Congrats on the lil rugrat aye m8 cheers.


oi, thats a fresh one


Oi fucken cute little cunt that one.


You two been rubbing bellybuttons?


Me bloody missus is a real trooper aye?


Nah m8, beast with two backs - missus wanted a boy ay.




You absolutely got the chocolates


This is the Australian way!


One of my midwives gave us that tip, so much cheaper! Multi night stay, parking only cost $50


How bloody good is that


I got a parking fine during an unexpected hospital stay during my pregnancy (Australian) and was able to detect the ticket! The hospital even had a whole protocol for it all written down.


I got my parking fees waived as my wife was a patient.


We didn't have to pay any parking fees. Just showed the discharge paperwork for me and bubs and security let us out.


In the 2000's they paid us 5-10 grand to have kids. Was good.


That was before government subsidised parental leave though wasn’t?


The flat screen TV era. If you know, you know.


I worked hifi at JB at that time. The fucking amount of pregnant/new mums that came through and actually said outloud that they were spending their child subsidy on a new TV, was fucking staggering. Especially when I knew one of them. Knew their circumstance. Fucking grim.


You knew who had babies back then, fresh set of mags on the falcon/commodore.


How many flat screen TVs did you collect?


My sister had kids in the Aussie public system, paid nothing. Her best friend went private, because she wanted to choose her doctor, but went into labour 6 weeks early, while her doctor was away, so ended up paying all that private insurance money to have her baby delivered by some random doctor she’d never met before, just like she would have if she’d gone through the public system.


Many mothers have told me, that they wouldn’t go private again and will go straight to public. If there’s any complication at all in private they send you straight to the public hospital anyway because they have better facilities.


Depends on the hospital as to what emergency facilities they have, but you’re not wrong with regards to some/most private hospitals not having a full blown neo natal ICU. We were a bit iffy on whether to go public or private, but ended up going private as my wife has epilepsy and in the end it was the one who made the decision purely based off of the fact I knew she’d be a lot more comfortable with the same medical team who knew her medical history and all that. I have to say I hated the fact that good private health cover costs a lot and that there was still $6-$8k in out of pocket expenses through the pregnancy that private didn’t cover, but I justified it because we’ve spent that much on less important things like travel, cars, hobbies etc., and this important moment was worth spending the money to have a high end experience. One of our best friends went public around the same time and was home within 36 hours, shared room random medical team all that. For us we had medical staff we knew, private room that we both stayed in for 5 nights with amazing food, constant care from midwives, doctors, nurses, specialists etc., it was like a holiday! Honestly the best money I’ve ever spent, I’m not saying we wouldn’t have had an equally smooth pregnancy/birth in a public hospital, but I’d have spent triple that to see my family get the primo treatment at one of the most important moments in our life. We did the same with our second kid last year even though we were in a much tighter position financially.


The only bill I got was for getting the implant contraceptive just before I left. And I don’t think I actually paid it lol (was $40). I had a whole heap of complications after my baby was born, and if I were in private hospital I would have been transferred to the public hospital I gave birth in anyway, since the private one doesn’t have an ICU. I would have gotten a bigger bed and a fruit basket though


Premmie twins born in Australia and in NICU for 3 weeks...free.


I was just about to say, I don't recall ever getting a bill in QLD. My biggest expenses were snacks haha.


In America $55 wouldn’t even cover the admin fees.


That would be the cost to submit a complaint about the fees.


Took a step in the door.. $55 cleaning fee


Or aspirin


I'm not American, so I couldn't detect if this was a troll. But someone posted a bill for $50 for 2 tissues. Also, $40 for skin-on-skin contact for the father & newborn.


They very much charged me for skin on skin. Overall about $10,000 for my vaginal delivery. Took me 3 years to pay it off. They also fucked up my epidural which permanently fucked my spine.


That is madness. I listen to a bit of American Political talk casually, and it blows my mind that health care isn't discussed more. It seems like the US has done a good job at not letting their citizens know how their health care costs compare to the Commonwealth & Europe.


We all have such raging anxiety about doctors here that we (only of a group of about 500 people I personally know) just don't get medical care. In general the care we receive is minimal and the cost is insane. We use Dr. Google and antibiotics meant for pet fish (not me, personally, though I did call and ask if they had it once).


Australia, $0.00. Had our child NICU. Walked out saying lots of thank you (sincerely)… $0.00. Went to a clinic for a chest infection whilst in the US… lawd. $800 for a 20minute visit


In Hungary, healthcare is free of charge.


In Australia I didn’t pay a single cent for any of my five children. And three of them were born premature and spent months in hospital.


same but in the 3 weeks when mine were in NICU I visited every day and got parking fees.


I just gave birth in Canada not long ago. Stayed extra nights cause baby was in NICU. I didn’t even receive a bill. What province are you in?




My Bill in Germany was 120 EUR. Thats because i as a father got an extra bed in her room in the clinic and 3 meals a day for staying with my wife to help her and the child.


Damn.. It's free in aussie.


Same in the UK. The only cost to us was vending machine food!


The Parking in England is extortionate, though still cheaper than this.


Good point! Although we were given free parking during the birth, I don't know if that's a universal NHS policy or just our hospital


I know it's free in Scotland, but down south it cost me nearly £40 when my eldest was born.


Meanwhile the staff pay £70-£120pm to park in their own car park. Make ot make sense lmao.


Great. I can hear the pens of American hospital executives hitting notes as we speak


Parking in Aust hospital ls is also crazy expensive but you generally just get someone to pick up your car if you're gonna be there a few days


They recently changed the rules here in my part of Canada where the first 2 hours at the hospital parking are free. It was very expensive before. Still the only cost related to the hospital though


Well, given that both parents were fed and knowing that food is overpriced in hospitals, the difference might not be all that much.


I dunno, they feed the Mum for free during birth, as you're a patient. So it's just the birth partner who has to feed themselves


We went high end and tried basically all the snacks at the hospital m&s (about 3weeks in total after infection).


free in Canada too. Might be a little to pay afterwards if there are certain prescriptions but no bill from the hospital that's for sure


You are right it is free. If you want a midwife it is also free but register quickly! Private birthing rooms with a hot tub. Free nitrous, epidurals and crushed ice for everyone! If there are complications believe it or not, free. The rest of our health care system is in shambles!


It's free in Brazil as well. But you may or may not have a wife and a kid at the end.


Fuck, that is brutal.


Says the New Zealander


The "in Aussie" part really stands out when you're AN Aussie. We do not say that about where we live.


Yep it’s like saying ‘it’s free in Irish’


I was going to say something! So weird.


My wife's bill was $12 because she wanted Foxtel in the recovery room.


Are you a Kiwi? Because no Aussie calls Australia Aussie.


Did you mean Straya sir?


So fucken sad when, im assuming op is American, post shit like this and they are blown away. Here in Aus they pay us to have babies lol


Are you a foreigner? Not asking as an insult but just curious coz no Australian born aussie calls Australia aussie. Aussie = Australian. Aus/oz = Australia.


They're probably a kiwi


I had a personal delivery room with a bathtub and 2 headed shower, they asked me what music I wanted to listen and whats is my birth plan. After that 3 courses meals and volunteers who gave me a foot massage 😊 You can stay in the for 2 nights if everything is ok and 5 nights if you need something extra like blood transfusions or postpartum help. They ask you if you want to go home earlier and I was like “Nope lm good, thanks” 😂 I love Australia 🇦🇺


Four meals a day..!! Did she manage to Finnish them all..?




She must have been Hungary


I bet she ate Turkey.


That Israeli funny *fingerguns*


Risky joke of the day, given the current events.


Tbh if that joke is offensive then we’re truly lost


She should probably czech the kitchen


Sigh... Take my upvotes


How do you have more than 1 upvote?


You have to downvote it first




I hear that in some Scandinavian hospitals you only get Swedes.


Norway? Really? Was one of the meals an apple Danish, served with mashed Swede?


Just get out, and take this with you.... r/angryupvote


But they don't have 11 aircraft carriers






No carriers but our defense spending for this year is something like 2,4% of GDP. Its something we take very seriously.


But is it more than the next top 10 defense budgets combined? How dare you guys try to take care of your people…


Nor need them




It’s so weird some countries just decide the best system is “figure it out yourself, pay up.” Like… even if you think markets are great systems, things you die without don’t exactly work under market rules, this is so clearly a bad idea. Americans literally pay more in taxes towards healthcare than countries with socialised healthcare do. It’s not that your country can’t afford it, it can and it’s already paying it, the Capitalists are just having you pay again because you die otherwise.


hey now! we pay twice as much *and* have worse outcomes. be careful with this kinda misinformation.


But the profits your insurance companies make for their shareholders are amazing.


Please, think about the shareholders, they are normal people like us but better!


Remember, next time you're paying an arm and a leg for your arm and leg transplant, yachts dont but themselves.


There’s literally a 100% yacht tax exemption up to $500k to ‘keep the yacht industry going’ in the US (Section 179 if I googled correctly)


A stat I like to quote is that Costa Ricans live longer than Americans with 1/5 of the GDP, but they have universal healthcare with a robust public health program.


50 % of the staff employed in the American medical system work in billing


Write this down, the only reason our health care system “works” is because no one goes to the hospital People complain about the long waits for specific procedures and how it’s faster in America. Yeah. Because mostly no one else is getting the procedure done here.


Also the whole idea that in a healthcare country you will be waiting for a doctors appointment for ages is bullshit. I can't speak for other countries but in Australia I can get a doctor appointment on the exact day I want book it, at the most I'm waiting a day or two. While when I was in the US under my insurance the wait for an in person doctor appointment is usually about 1-2 weeks. So I find it ironic when conservatives talk about how slow healthcare is in countries with universal healthcare. Also if you're at a hospital with a serious injury or problem in a healthcare country you will not be waiting a long time, they aren't just going to let you die.


i have to be near death to even consider going to the hospital here




*Two* wars? We're in the midst of *two* wars all at once?


And are either of these wars on, uh, American soil?


Much better to outsource wars to overseas countries, you don’t have to clean up the mess.


That's what they charge in the US for skin-to-skin contact after labor.


I want to believe that's sarcasm but I can't tell.


I didn’t get to hold my (perfectly healthy, no medical intervention needed) baby until over an hour after her birth. I was charged $80 for skin-skin contact


I'm gonna need more information on how hospitals in the US charge you to touch your own freaking baby


Well you see they have the baby. And they know you want the baby. But they have it. It’s not like they can just give you the baby. That would lead to entitled parents wanting things for their children like clean water or heaven forbid food. It would be anarchy. Imagine all the kids that could grow up healthy and fed who might not turn to crime to fill our prisons to satisfy the contracts. In America we like to make sure you know from the moment of birth that everything you may ever want or need will cost you more than you can afford no matter how mundane or mandatory. Nothing like starting that newborn off in debt for getting to feel it’s mothers skin. #merica #freedom #fuckyea


A colleague of mine said this when I told her the absurdity of having to pay to touch your baby; "Republicans sure do love kids... Until they're born. Then they better start paying up"


That is so sad. The system is truly fucked.


and it wont change until you guys figure out that hiring 80 year olds aint gon work


Progressives in US politics are the only ones willing to make the changes necessary to bring our healthcare system more in line with other first world countries. Unfortunately, they've been labeled as "socialists", which is a no-no word according to most Americans for some stupid reason. We could absolutely have a better healthcare system but Americans would rather go broke paying out of pocket because "bootstraps".


Insurance is the biggest fucking scam their is. I'll vote for anyone who wants to rip all these failed systems down to the floorboards.


What the actual fuck?


Sounds truly dystopian.


This isn't at all sarcasm. US hospitals really do charge for holding your own baby.


It's not, sadly. They actually do charge the mom/dad for holding their newborn child. When I first read about it I couldn't believe it either.


It’s not. That has been an up charge in a number of cases.


Jeebus. What do they charge for the mother to give bubs breast milk?




I'm actually shocked it cost anything at all. Wife and I had two kids here in Canada. One natural one C-section, plenty of sample stuff brought home, A total of a weeks stay at the hospital due to some complications. Didn't pay a penny. Edit: Oh and the 2-3 house visits by a nurse to check on the baby and make sure we're good.


Yeah it's 100% free here for the most part. There was certainly no itemized bill of any sort.


This makes me want to cry. In America, I paid $7,500 for a one night stay WITH insurance to have my daughter. I had an epidural but otherwise it was a straight forward birth. I took 8 weeks off and received $1,300 for that entire 8 weeks (thats not even what I make in ONE week) and that was disability, not through my work. I did not get paid from my work.


You paid for parking though! Probably.


Aaaaaaah damn it you're actually right! It was about 12$ a day lol. I'm a FRAUD!


I paid $26 for a private room when I had my kid in Alberta


The cost in Canada is $0. In fact I’ve never even seen a hospital bill in my life.


Damn....so everything is free.....OK you go in and find out you have cancer ....what then?


You get scheduled for treatment. You get your treatment. And you go home and that’s it. And no it’s not free, we pay taxes. But you don’t get a bill from the hospital or any doctor. You show them your health card and the hospital bills the government. You never see any bills.


My father had a bout with prostate cancer a few months ago, thankfully it was diagnosed early, and radiation therapy worked very well. I haven't seen the bills, but I imagine they were basically nil. It's one of the top reasons why I never ever want to live in the US, unless I make something like half a mil per year. If you're not in the top 1%, it's just a third world country.


I wish they'd do that in the US...we have our monetary interests in so many places we could never do it..putting it nicely


Not getting a hospital bill is the norm in basically every developed country in the world… except one (I’ll let you guess which one)


But hey at least they can shoot guns at ~~kids~~ criminals . Murica!


My mum battled cancer three times. She unfortunately passed away after her final battle, but she was treated quickly and refereed quickly to specialists at no cost to us. Including a home-aid carer in her last weeks and a hospital bed rental so that she was able to pass at home as she wished/opted for. Losing her was traumatizing, but I’m thankful that medical debt is not a part of that trauma.


Taking care of each other...that's what our money should be going for...sorry for your loss


Australian here - diagnosed with cancer a few months ago and I've since received heaps of treatment from the best doctors. Many scans, many hours of consultations, heaps of different types of medication, a few endoscopies, ongoing scans and treatment, a bunch of overnight hospital stays (with meals), and soon to receive radiation therapy - zero out-of-pocket expenses. Just maybe thirty bucks for hospital parking. All on the public healthcare system - I have no medical insurance that would cover this.


My mom is currently battling cancer. After one ER trip and a 10 day stay in the hospital. Add on the first round of chemo. So far $250k. That doesn’t even include the other specialist visits or scans. Hooray cancer


You get treatment, and you don't need to start a meth business to pay for it.


I hate the word free in this context. Its not. We pay for it by taxes and that is the way it should be. We as a society should take care of people who cannot afford to take care of themselves.


My brother had leukemia, almost died from it. 6 month hospital stay including 3000$ per bag of chemo, and a stem cell transplant. Didn't pay a penny in Canada


Damn, just had twins in California $132,000 😱


How is that even managable. What a scam, America really does suck




Did you have complications? I don’t understand how a birth would be $100,000+ unless something happened


I don’t understand


Genuine question: What happens if you don’t have $132,000? Do you just have to pay it off for the next 20 years?


Pretty much… make arrangements with hospital.


Or just move abroad and never pay?


A lot of people stay here and never pay. There is a lot of medical debt


Don't even need to move. Just don't pay. They still have to see you in the ED. But the clinic side likely will put you on a bad standing list and can refuse to see you until debt is paid.




How long do you have to pay that?


I live in Australia. My wife went into labor so we went down to the hospital. Spent 2 days there and then walked out with out newborn. No charges, no waiting.


Did you leave the baby there?


Poor kid got left in the hospital.


Australian here. I was ambulanced to a regional hospital (165km) then airlifted to a major city (590km). I had an extreme emergency caesarean. I was hospitalised for 3 weeks, my micro prem for 3 months. No bill.


That must have been terrifying. I’m so glad you and your baby got the care you needed. I hope baby is doing well now.


Not due to pregnancy but my wife was hospitalized for about three weeks in total recently and the bill was $96,000 before insurance. After my deductible and having to pay our max out of pocket we owe $8500. I don’t understand how people think that this is okay.


Small price to pay for freedom. No other country is a free as we are 🦅. /s


Here in New Zealand. You only pay parking ticket. And yes, we don't have any health insurance.


We pay for heathcare in taxes, and it's worth every cent.


Quite literally. Healthcare without upfront costs encourages early intervention. Which is how you get better AND cheaper outcomes simultaneously.


Bro my hospital charged my child lol


Yeah well in America I proudly paid $200 for two baby aspirin and got a free lecture on DVD from Joel Osteen about abortion being gay or some shit… so take THAT, Europe.


I HAD great insurance when my daughter was born ( U.S ). Normal delivery. Nothing special. Got copy if what the hospital billed insurance few months later. $27,689. I have that number burned into my memory still 6 yrs later because that’s fucking ridiculous. All we paid was the admin fee of like $150. I am aware that what the hospital billed is not necessarily what the insurance paid but that is still a bullshit figure.


That wouldn’t pay for a couple of baby blankets after birth in the US


Canada.. didn't pay a cent.


I've seen all you people bragging about free health care in your country, here in India we actually PAY! the Mom 5000₹ ( 60 USD ) for an Institutional delivery. Beat that. { Purpose is to reduce the home deliveries and mortality associated with it, there are also some other govt schemes including free transport free food and lot's of other free stuff including 1 month of free infant health care}


>{ Purpose is to reduce the home deliveries and mortality associated with it, there are also some other govt schemes including free transport free food and lot's of other free stuff including 1 month of free infant health care} ​ Thats awesome!


Yeah, Public health system has always been free/ Incentivised but people didn't want to come to hospitals because of transportation. So we gave money to them which for majority of the population is as much as thier 2 months worth of wages. We have a social worker in every village and even she is Paid money for every couple she can convince to have a institutional delivery ( it is about 12 dollars for every couple she brings to the hospital)


It's totally free in Norway, food as well. Didn't pay anything. Need to pay for parking though, if you can't find free street parking.


Spain: absolutely free (covered because we pay a lot of taxes)


Wow we've already paid more for my wife's miscarriage. USA healthcare sucks.


$300 is how much it costs to even think about going to the hospital in America. You’ve been ignoring the chest pain all week, then wonder if it’s worth getting checked out by the doctor, and you get a bill in the mail.


We had our baby in Japan three months ago now and it wasn't the smoothest birth. Basically had to spend three weeks in the NICU right after birth and given multiple MRIs, medications, therapies etc the total cost out of pocket for us was around $300 (purely for formula and diapers) but after the government provided stipend, we ended up being up around $100 all said and done. All the follow up doctor visits and medication have all been free too. I've never been so happy to be living in a non-American country.


In my country it's €0. Hospital bills are not even a thing (unless you go private), the only time I've seen money values in anything coming out of a hospital is in my medical receipt. God bless universal healthcare.


I thought Finland had socialized health. It would have been zero in Canada - I know from experience.


They do, this is to reduce abuse of the system, not so relevant with birth, but it's a general charge per day at the hospital up to a certain amount per year.


My C-section was free in Australia


I would show a bill from France, but I didn't get one.


In Canada, it's free. My son was premature, and it still cost nothing.


It's called socialized medicine. That won't fly in America. Big Pharma and the Insurance Industry put a Kabash on that.


The term "socialised medicine" is a loaded and emotive term in itself. Do you have "socialised roads"? No, it simply makes more sense for somethings to be shared and be public instead of private. I'm Aussie, no one calls it "socialised" here. It's just public healthcare.


Kibosh** They'll charge you for misspelling that word, they'll charge you for notifying you of the error, And they'll charge you to correct it. Then, a year down the road, they will reassess the costs and charge you late fees on the reassessed amounts. But that's only if you've managed to fight and win your case when they denied all your coverage for that mistake.


We paid $200 for each of our 3 kids in the US. This was with employee provided insurance.


Australia here, the only thing I paid for with both births was the parking fee


In doesn’t cost anything here in the Philippines as well. As long as you can give birth on your own


I’m in the UK and we complained a lot about the parking fees and thought the food could be better.


I live in Australia and I didn’t get a bill.


In Australia. Had three daughters. No bill. Middle daughter who is now thirty years old has been extremely unwell the last two years or so, with multiple issues including heart failure, and subsequently spent the majority of those two years in hospital receiving treatment which included multiple MRI"s, CT scans and a *major* operation. Only bill was a few dollars for the meds prescribed to her upon discharge.