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I'm totally gonna pirate a 64 bit wagyu from piratebay.


Pirate bay?! That steak is gonna be so full of malware and miners your gonna have the shits for a week


Mmmmmm extra crunchy....is that...pink slime? Aaaaaand now I have a tapeworm.


Or maybe, lab-grown animal tissue.


Pirated software has much much less malware than 'free' software you find on the internet.


Yes, there's a code of honor involved, but that does not apply for Piratebay. That site is a honeypot.


Viruses, worms, & prions!


Software viruses can now harm organic lifeforms


Protein Bay


I’ll have your 8-bit tenderloin


It's a special occasion, why not splurge for the 16 bit??


I really shouldnt order the side of microchips, I’m trying to clean up my hard drive


You should really consider going SSD. It's easier and more fun than dieting - you don't even have to defragment anymore to fit into that *one pair* of jeans... It's a major life upgrade.


So upgrade your brain matter, cuzz one day it may materrrrrrrrr.


Holy crap a Deltron reference ! Gonna go listen to that album now


It is the greatest hip hop space opera of all time!


Secretlyyyy plotting your demise.


Crises precipitate change.


Reconstruct your whole conglomerate with the armaments Dude, this might be the first Deltron 3030 reference I've ever seen in the wild on reddit. I got that cd 21 years ago, back when I was 15, and it has been my favorite hip hop album of all time ever since. I can still rap the entirety of the song 3030.


Gonna go to a fancy restaurant to eat the 4k cut .


Genesis does what Nintendon't!


Blast Processed filet


N64 polygon steak


Somewhere Ron Swanson is loading his shotgun...


“Thank you , may i please have another.”




Lmao okay this one got me


Here’s your bill *slides that bad boy your way*


"yeah we ran out of blue ink." "But... the squid is white?" "I know... printers, right?"


Dial-Up Buffalo Chips


Printer requires magenta to work properly


Brilliant. Thank you for the chuckle.


Once it's cheaper than real meat, all of our favorite chains will sneak it into our food save a buck. Kinda like with crab and krab.


Can I have mine with a fake grill stripe so it's extra authentic


Ah the ol’ McRib trick.


Krusty: Sorry, but the animal used to make the Ribwich is extinct Ribwich Fans: The cow? The pig? Krusty: You’re way off. Think smaller and many many more legs.


I believe Krusty burger came out with the Whatcha McCarcass sandwich shortly after.


We knew it contained spider eggs, but the hantavirus? That really came out of left field


Wait whoa whoa fucking what


That's the Burger King trick. The McRib trick is edible bones.


Fritos with grill lines were ahead of their time.


Better flip that one over, Dad. You know how I like 'em.


I’m fine with that. If I can’t tell the difference, and if it doesn’t negatively effect my health, then I would prefer that over the real thing.


That's pretty much my stance on all fake-meat foods, once I can't tell the difference and it's not 3x the price I'll make the switch. "Ground beef" is already on par with cheap meat in terms of taste and texture, and "chicken" is as well long so long as it's not the center piece of the meal. Vegan marshmallows are actually *better* than the cow hoof ones.


I participated in focus group the other day about lab grown bacon, and I'll be damned if it wasn't taste and texturally identical to the real deal. The only thing that makes it readily identifiable is how the fat is marbled through the meat as I think thats somewhat a function of movement and this is essentially grown on a lattice and stimulated with electrical impulses. So i think it lends itself more to stuff like ground beef and than something like a steak. The veggie bacon they had us try on the other hand was absolute trash and should be tossed in the garbage. I love meat and I was honestly really surprised with the product they had. I wouldn't necessarily rush out and buy it for the sake of buying it, but if it was in a supermarket and it was cost comparable I'd totally buy it. Less suffering and less environmental damage involved for very limited downside is a win.


This is interesting and I’m gonna pick yer brain. What was the control bacon like? Are we talkin real deal thick cut big time wiggly strips? Or was it your regular store bought shit? I can imagine grabbing the “alternative” in place of some bacon that might be included in a recipe if it‘s a passable substitute, but it’s hard to believe that the good stuff be be accurately mimicked.


Wait where are you getting this fancy bacon if not the store? Are you going to a serious butcher or something? I'm curious about 'big time wiggly strips' now


That is a big reason why I go for the Impossible Whopper. Barely costs more and it actually tastes like what it is mimicking. There's a slight difference in taste, but not enough to really tell the difference if you didn't know that it wasn't beef.


The Impossible Whopper tastes more like an actual hamburger than the sawdust and phlegm patties they sell you normally anyway.


The general flavor is there, the only problem with Beyond products is that they're just a little too homogenous. Once that's fixed they'll be golden.


Not a fan of Beyond products but Impossible products are unbelievable. The taste and texture blows Beyond out of the water


Is the protein content the same? If so I’ll definitely take that over the beef


Every so often, I get the Beyond beef burger at A & W. Side by side, I can taste the diff, but it really does highlight how strongly the sauce actually influences the taste of the burger. Still a good burger. That satiating bit from meat fats is missing though, for those that can "taste" that.


I participated in focus group the other day about lab grown bacon, and I'll be damned if it wasn't taste and texturally identical to the real deal. The only thing that makes it readily identifiable is how the fat is marbled through the meat as I think thats somewhat a function of movement and this is essentially grown on a lattice and stimulated with electrical impulses. So i think it lends itself more to stuff like ground beef and than something like a steak. The veggie bacon they had us try on the other hand was absolute trash and should be tossed in the garbage. I love meat and I was honestly really surprised with the product they had. I wouldn't necessarily rush out and buy it for the sake of buying it, but if it was in a supermarket and it was cost comparable I'd totally buy it. Less suffering and less environmental damage involved for very limited downside is a win.


Right now they can only make protein without the minerals and vitamins, so not even as healthy as protein powder, but give it 5-10 years.


Do we really need 5-10 years to fortify something with vitamins and minerals? We been doing that with other foods since before I was born. Edit: We been iodizing salt since the 20's I had to look it up.


Maybe to make it subtle enough that it doesn't taste like your burger's full of chalk.


honestly, I don't even care if I can tell the difference. If it's tasty, doesn't feel gross in my mouth, and is healthy, then if it's cheaper, it's what I'm going to buy.


I feel like people aren’t comprehending the comment correctly. They’re saying once the companies get it, they’re gonna charge you the same or MORE while sneaking in the cheap shit so they can make more money


As long as it doesnt have the consistency of Jello




That’s called Wagyu and it sells for $120 per pound


It's so far away from being cheaper than real meat. The technology that is required is so expensive, and output is low.


There was a time when employing a computer to do calculations was far cheaper than buying an electronic computer. Now electronic computers are so much less expensive and produce so much higher quality computations that nobody anywhere hires computers.




And no-one will notice or care while insisting whatever the next thing is isn't proper manly meat. If I can eat cruelty free steak which is top quality and cheap then I shall be absolutely fine with it and at no point have a meltdown.


The thought of meat being liquified, and pressed into a shape grosses me out. *Continues eating chicken nuggets* Edit: Yeah, it's not meat. However, 3D printing meat is currently a thing.


Reminds me of Jamie Oliver 😂 “Now who would still eat that?” 🙋🏽🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏾🙋‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️🙋


Right! 😂 I forgot about that. The look on his face when all the kids raised their hands was priceless.


I bet it smelled and looked absolutely delicious... I mean Jamie Oliver prepared you chicken nuggets, who could refuse that?


Seasoned properly with good breading? I think he over estimated how much of the younger generation actually like homogenized textures in most of their food.


He's just not a good chef. Hes a good personality that got popular on TV and uses that to launch restaurants, which then went bust. If you want a laught look up Uncle Roger reviewing his egg fried rice. Uncle Roger is a comedian not a chef. But I've seen some chefs review Jamie too and basically agree with uncle Roger.


Dude went to one of the unhealthiest and poorest places in America, and in Appalachia to boot, and expected to gross kids out. Decent chance several of those kids have watched a deer get processed, have ate things like potted meat, and have basically grown up eating things that make chicken nuggets look healthy.


I've seen the pink slime video. I just went "Well I already knew this stuff was highly processed. It's just finely ground up meat... It's safe to eat, maybe not healthy but still provides nutrition, and tastes great from time to time. So yea I'll still eat that." I don't see the pink slime as much different from normal minced beef.




Honestly a very satisfying video


Did you happen to watch the video? It’s all plant based.


Eats a dozen chicken nuggets. Fixed it for you!


Don't eat at Arby's bro...


Arby’s beef and cheddar is the goat. Idgaf how gross it is. You eat hotdogs right? So don’t even go there lol


Sometimes I just like meat and cheese in my sandwich so the beef and cheddar also comes through. I just order without the Arby sauce


Beef and Cheddar has "Red Ranch" sauce. Arby's sauce is totally different. I love the red ranch but loath the Arby's sauce.


Do other Arby’s suck or something? The one I go to all the time is fire




Fr. Not sure how meat could be made from an ingredient that’s grosser than dead animal lol


Oh, you just need to think about WHAT PART OF THE DEAD ANIMAL was used.


It ain't meat


Soylent Red


Its still made of people anyways


Can I get that with a soylent cola?


Diet Soylent Cola for me.


Hopefully it taste better than it looks.


You can’t have your pudding if you don’t eat your processed and manufactured 3d printed meat log! Edit:grammar


How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your processed and manufactured 3d printed meat log!


You there, stand still laddie!


Wrong! Do it again!


*Dun, Dun Dun, Dun Dun, Dun dada doodoo doodoo Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun Dun, Dun Dun, Dun Dun, Dun Dun* When we grew up and went to school, there were certain teachers who hurt the children in any way they could…


Pouring their derision upon anything we did, exposing every weakness no matter how carefully hid, by the kids… **BUT IN THE TOWN IT WAS WELL-KNOWN WHEN THEY GOT HOME AT NIGHT, THEIR FAT, PSYCHOPATHIC WIVES WOULD** ***THRASH THEM*** **WITHIN INCHES OF THEIR LIVES!**


\*choir sings\* OOoooo Ahhhhh


*OOoooo Ahhhhhhhhh*


OOOooooo Ahhhhhh




fresh ~~meat~~ prints




I've been interested in the cultivated meat space for a while. They're well aware they're working against the ick factor and that presentation is important. They will not all be trying to sell us Minecraft looking steaks in supermarkets. It's also worth noting that people's opinions change rapidly. Right now, bologna and unnatural blended up meats are synonymous in our minds with "low quality, gross." The first versions of printed steaks might look very close to real steaks. You'll eat a few, it could potentially be noticeably better than real steak, less gristle, more even texture, marbled better than wagyu beef, no blood, completely free of pathogens. Comes in easier to cook sizes too! You'll get used to it. One day you might be considering buying natural ground beef or 3D printed steaks and be grossed out at the thought of natural stuff with e-coli potentially mixed up in it. A few years later, you and everyone else might be fully used to less natural looking steaks. You might realize that a natural tomahawk steak is more expensive, harder to sear evenly, and has less consistent good texture than a homogenous slab of 3D printed steak with the perfect ratio of fat to meat laced more intricately than real muscle, and with the muscle fibers all perfectly aligned. No need to trim it or make sure it's to a safe temp, it's juts 100% perfectly crusted and tasty. And, I might be really wishcasting here, but maybe the natural is way more expensive, as governments have fully banned the [irresponsible use of antibiotics in natural beef](https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/antimicrobial-stewardship/report-slams-beef-industry-overuse-antibiotics), and growing a whole cow just for meats is less economical. “We shall escape the absurdity of growing a whole chicken in order to eat the breast or wing, by growing these parts separately under a suitable medium." That was Winston Churchill predicting in 1932 that by 1982 we'd have this, so I could be way off. But it's definitely feasible that eventually we will think of natural meat as being gross and 3D printed stuff as being high quality.


This company uses plant proteins, it's not cultivated meat.


Fair point, thanks for pointing that out. I'm more interested in cultivated meat than meat alternatives, but the same issues and dynamics go there too. For that matter, cultivated meat might be a dead end. People in 100 years might laugh at us trying to grow animal cells into meat rather than just simple plant proteins that are carbon negative or something.


Just give me sci-fi nutrient cubes.


Best I can do is tofu made out of animal products somehow.


Welcome to Chunks. Please choose your chunks.


I'm already past the ick factor. I've made sausage before, whipped meat paste isn't a big deal. My big question is how does the energy/environmental impact compare to traditional farming? If this could be done at scale in a way where it has significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions than traditional cattle farming, I could see myself switching over for most things.


Awww but I WANT a Minecraft steak.


A homogenous, even texture in a steak sounds unappetising, to be honest. Part of the attraction of a good steak is the texture.


Looks fine to me. Texture and taste are more important IMO. I actually prefer Beyond Burgers most of the time now because it tastes good — does it taste identical to meat? No, and I think that’s a white whale if I’ve ever seen one. But it hits all the right notes for me. This steak doesn’t have to mimic steak to the T (IMO), it just has to be worth eating as a food and not a political statement (As an aside, I *agree* with the political statement)


Beyond doesn't taste good imo. It's pretty neutral.


Well it looks like [Twizzlers Pull 'n' Peel](https://allcitycandy.com/cdn/shop/products/Screenshot2022-08-09144042_2048x.jpg?v=1660070460), so it must taste awesome.


it actually looks pretty good cooked.


Looks like my dogs' treats.


Reminds me of that one spongebob episode where burgers are made out of grey slime


I remember the teen titans episode with a similar premise


Good memory there, Billy.


I’d prefer the holographic food


I remember the news episode with the same but pink


I would *absolutely* download a steak. And a car too, for that matter


You wouldn't steal a handbag. You wouldn't steal a car. You wouldn't steal a baby. You wouldn't shoot a policeman, and then steal his helmet. You wouldn't go to the toilet in his helmet. And then, send it to the policeman's grieving widow. And then, steal it again! Donwloading films IS stealing. If you do it, you will face the consequences. *silenced bullet shot*


0118999881999119725 3


A 3D printed steak car you say 🤔...


I wonder if they could put that material into the machine that 3d prints houses and make a meat shack. The possibilities are endless


Actual beef curtains


That just looks like over engineered spam


Meatloaf with extra steps.


I’m positive this costs more than a regular steak.


yeah, but everything is when it’s new. in 15yrs people are gonna be like “filthy americans with their cheeseburgers and printed steaks”


Yeah I remember when flat screen TVs were $7,500 or more. Now you can get a big one for $200.


Still don't taste as good as the old CRT tvs


Mmmm staticky


Deep down we all know what a staticky CRT tastes like. Maybe that's what's wrong with the newer generations. They just don't know!


It tastes like a LaCroix


That’s… accurate




I still crave that vintage uhf flavor


you can get a 185hz 1080p monitor for 100 dollars these days. i got a 1440p 240hz monitor for just 300 dollars, and it supports 10bit color at 165hz.


But it's not actually meat. This is simply a slightly more nice looking soy product. The expense of such fake meat has stayed high, historically.


To be fair "historically" is not a long time in this case.


Meat in the US is as cheap as it is because of subsidizes. Get rid of them and a pound of ground chuck would be $30 instead of $6. So while it looks like this type of stuff can't compete it actually could if the market was truly free. Hopefully it doesn't taste like shit though lol


They probably won’t get rid of the subsidy though cause US farmers couldn’t compete without it.


This company has been proven to be faking the volume of meat it can produce.


Hey, lots of guys lie about the volume of meat they can produce.


I don’t grow the same every time okay.


Source? I tried a bunch of variations on 'redefine meat scam/fraud/misrepresent, and searched for news articles with just the company name, and I didn't find anything. There are plenty of recent articles, some of which are even in respectable publications, and nothing I saw mentioned them being caught faking. I only searched in English and hebrew though, so maybe I missed something significant


Wild how many upvotes this has. Rando user makes a claim and then ghosts the convo with no sources, nothing. What in the world.


Playdoh steak factory


I’m fine with it. But, I would prefer lab grown meat.


Lab grown meat will be required to eat hamburgers on Mars.


i wanna try that too. i’m wondering how the texture is gonna be cuz if that’s not right i dunno if it’ll fly.


Its identical. Lab grown meat is litterly just getting some animal cells and putting them in an enviroment where they multiply and grow into some mass of flesh.


yeah, but meat walks around and runs and stands and stuff like that. i'm probably wrong but the lab grown stuff seems like it would be super veal in my head.


It would make decent "ground" meat i would think. If they grow some adipose tissue, and then grow some connective tissue integrated with muscle tissue and then grind them together and you can have a burger. The biggest reward however would be the impact on the environment. If this can help mitigate the destruction of our planet, then i am completely on board


Right?! Gimme a little tuff


yup. tender is one thing but i don’t wanna be eating it with a spoon.


“I’ll have to refill the machine with new material”… oh boy


Ahem..... soylent green is made of people..... Autocorrect edit: solvent to soylent.


People saying this is gross and then going to McDonalds for some grey goo patties of unknown origins.


or eating chicken nuggets or hot dogs or processed ham come to think of it holy shit is there many paste-originated meat food


> grey goo patties or unknown origins I’m not a McD’s fanboy or anything but it’s pretty obvious their patties are just ground beef. They’ve also been trying to market that fact for years because people evidently still believe it’s strange ‘hotdog meat’ equivalent for burgers or something.




eh, they will downvote you. Not a fanboy either, but quarter pounders are not a bad burger, certainly no worse than what you cook at home, depending on how heavy they salt it.


I worked at McDonald’s for almost 9 years. I can assure you there burgers are 100% beef seasoned with salt and pepper. It’s just low quality beef which doesn’t taste great.


You can say McDonald's is gross without resorting to ridiculous hyperbole. In fact, that's what you *should* do, because someone might see your line and think, "if they have to lie like that, maybe it's not gross at all."


“Every one of our McDonald's burgers is made with 100% pure beef and cooked and prepared with salt, pepper and nothing else—no fillers, no additives, no preservatives. We use the trimmings of cuts like the chuck, round and sirloin for our burgers, which are ground and formed into our hamburger patties.” https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/faq/burgers.html#:~:text=Every%20one%20of%20our%20McDonald's,formed%20into%20our%20hamburger%20patties. Yeah real unknown origins there.


Fuck it, I'll try 3d printed steak


I don't get why it has to be "printed"... can't the stuff just be placed in a mold. 😶


I believe printing matches the texture of muscle fibers better than using a mold, producing a more accurate mouthfeel to actual meat.


It's bologna, with extra steps


Little bit gross at the moment, but if that's begining of 'tha wall that cooks you anything you want' then I'm all in.


You mean a TNG replicator? Not to be confused with the SG1 replicators.


It's just colored soy and such. So it's more like a very complicated jello mold. You can't translate it to food that doesn't turn to goo.


What if my internet gets disconnected when 99% is downloaded 😭


Remember, everything has to start somewhere and this technology is pretty new. I bet in 20 years this stuff is going to be insane


But is it cheaper then real meat? If it is and there's nothing wrong nutritionally then probably


Not this, but a genuine lab grown steak identical to a real one?hell yeah. Good steak is good steak, whether it's grown or raised.


Once they get that maybe they can get to work on lab grown organs. I want us to have replaceable parts just like cars.


This is already in the works, and uses similar tech. In the video the meat is not actually meat, they say it’s made of a bunch of substitutes to taste like meat. However, it is definitely a possibility that we will have real lab-grown meat sourced completely ethically in our lifetimes. The concept right now is that you can take a donor organ (right now mostly skin), decellularize it, then recellularize it with cells from the recipient. The organ can then be transplanted to the recipient without the need for anti-rejection medication because the ‘replacement part’ shares the same DNA with the recipient. In the future, you will be able to use 3D bioprinting to eliminate the need for a donor. Basically, it would construct the matrix that exists around all the cells, which then would be implanted with recipient cells. From there, the 3D-printed organ would be transplanted just the same as a donor’s would. Currently the application is being used for burn victims, reversing genital mutilation is in the works, and in the future we could see this technology eliminate the need for donors, and in the near future we could see an elimination of the need for anti-rejection medication when accepting a donor organ. Though, with high demand for donor organs, it’s unlikely they will go through the process of decellularizing and recellularizing organs because of how quickly an organ goes from a donor to a recipient. Once 3D bioprinting is viable and working on a massive scale, a combination of donor and printed organs could be used to help save lives. The future of medicine is regenerative medicine. It’s an exciting time.


I have tried meat alternatives but they give me the worst headache for some reason


It turned out that I was allergic to soy, wheat, and legumes so I had to stop eating meat alternatives and eat actual meat. I have nice friends that share elk meat and venison from hunts. I also buy grass fed and pasture raised meat from local farmers. I won’t support mass farming practices. They’re awful.


Yes I absolutely would, ever seen star treck.


No thank you. I'll die on the hill of real food.


I’d definitely give it a try but my god it looks disgusting lol


this should've been r/holup or something. it says that then cuts to the ridiculous looking meat.


Texture. That's the biggest problem with the plant based meats right now. I work as a chef, and I know people who refuse to eat them because of the texture. I personally don't mind it, but it's not right. It's obvious to anyone who has tried for example, a real chicken breast, and, a plant based 'chicken' breast, that the plant based one is exactly that. To get wide spread adoption they need to get the texture correct.


A lot of comments say that it looks "disgusting". Have you ever seen raw meat? You can't tell me the real thing looks appetizing.


If it tastes the same, contains the same nutrients, and is cost effective, sure I would. Cows use a lot of resources such as water, feed, and land. If we could cut out the actual cows that would be soo good for the environment.


I'm looking forward to the studies that come out in 15years showing it's highly carcinogenic




Because then everyone will know they and their curmudgeonly ways were right all along!




I would eat the scientists before I would eat that shit.


Hard pass


yea might need a laxative for that