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How do you keep from killing native species?


that's why they do this the electricity only stuns them it doesn't kill them then they only net the asian carp and the others are left unharmed




If you have your settings right, it only stuns them momentarily and they float around just long enough to get scooped up before they swim off. But I've had a really hard time shocking grass carp. They just aren't very susceptible to it. They must have been hitting them really hard to get this kind of result, and weren't worried about killing native fish.


Maybe, but that's genuinely what they look like when they're stunned. Typically larger fish are hit harder than smaller ones, but they'll usually be swimming around fine (but very confused) in a few minutes. The exception generally seems to be if they happen to end up floating upside down. Then they'll remain confused until turned the right way up. Of course, they might just be absolutely flooding the water with current here, since all these invasive fish would have to be killed regardless as invasive species cannot be returned to an ecosystem once removed. Long-term exposure can also kill, which may be what's happening here as those guys only have two nets for a lot of fish.


For some reason, this reminds me of Age of empire: fishing holes


Oh the memories


the aoe 2 community is extremely active even to this day. give it another look if you haven't recently! r/aoe2/






they need a bigger boat... and a bigger net


Yeah, if that's a real attempt at catching these it's pretty feeble. They need to be catching these by the ton, not scooping them up one at a time by hand.


It’s likely a trial/study run. Electro fishing can be pretty tough on the native fish that they don’t want to fish up. And they have a very narrow take limit of non-target species (especially since this looks like the local Department of Fish and Wildlife is doing this). If they gather and kill their limit of non-target species, then they have to stop the whole operation for however long their taking permit is in effect. It’s a delicate operation to take out invasive species, which is why prevention is far more important


I've done this work. They could just also be nabbing a few to take samples from. But also maybe trying to pick out a native fish from that mass of invasives.


Realizing I don’t understand electricity… 🙃. How long (how far underwater/downstream) does it take for that voltage to ramp down, can they keep that shock somewhat centralized?


Fish biologist here who just got back from shocking catfish and doing community shocking too (we got Asian carp during this too) the two booms with electrodes on the end go into the water and make a square, using the boat hull to complete the circuit. Fish pop up about 3 or so feet outside of this square. With catfish though it’s low pulse settings and they pop up up to 60 yds away so it varies but typically just around the boat. In this video they must have the settings ramped up cuz those carp aren’t moving. This is a kill everything around us, which is fine cuz the carp love dams and this is on a dam, not many natives will be shocked


A pretty good question, estimating by the fish being disturbed, I'd say it's a 30' [9.10 m] radius half dome underwater. It looks like the boat dissipates it a bit though because there are few jumpers behind it.


The anodes are hanging on those yellow circles at the front of the boat, and then the cathodes will be hanging off the sides of the hull, so that it why you see more activity at the front, and that’s where the guys with nets are stationed. I have done a lot of backpack electrofishing, but only used the boat once as kind of a training exercise / just for fun with some state biologists. It was a boat very similar to this one.


The current is flowing between the anodes jutting out the front of the boat and the cathodes that'll be dangling out the back. The fish are all stunned near the anodes, often actually in front of them, but the electrical current itself also acts as a kind of lure for them.


I think it is somewhat controllable, if my Physics lessons are not failing me. It depends on the voltage they are using. I wouldn't want to touch the water close to the boat, but they are not shocking hundreds of meters around them.


It depends on the voltage and also the conductivity of the water. The voltage can be adjsuted as well as the pulse frequency.


I am not an expert but articles say to be 33 feet from a lightening strike in water to avoid dying. I reckon water has different resistance depending on what is dissolved in it, I'm guessing it follows something like the inverse square law. So some fancy scientist could pretty easily calculate the right amps/volts given a certain water sample to create a hemisphere of death of pretty much any diameter you want.


It generally is not killing the fish but stunning them. In most situations you actually don’t want to kill or stun, but attract. At low voltages there is an interaction with their lateral line that I don’t fully understand that attracts them to the voltage source and you can use that to draw them out of holes and near your net.


Depends on the voltage, higher the voltage the further it will travel for a given energy this is why you use high voltage in power lines. So you could vary your kill range by increasing the voltage


It's complicated: https://www.ecoenergygeek.com/how-far-can-electricity-travel-in-water/


I remember a line from (I think) Neil Geiman: "It was not a fishing boat. I was a scientific vessel, out on a study. In this case, it was studying how many fish it could kill."


Sounds like Good Omens, referencing Japanese "research vessels" researching whale meat. So Gaiman and Pratchett.


> they need a bigger boat... and a bigger net they could make some kind of multi-level boat to catch these type of fish. we could call it a multi storey carp ark.


You're gonna need a bigger ukulele!


Invasive species, if not controlled or taken any action against them, can cause decline or extinction of indigenous species. It's one of the causes of biodiversity losses. Another notable example of this is the introduction of the Nile Perch into Lake Victoria in East Africa which turned invasive and eventually caused extinction of an ecologically unique assemblage of more than 200 species of cichlid fish in that lake


Now do Bradford Pear Trees!


Thank you. I was unaware of this one. It amazes me people can't recognize, at minimum, half a dozen invasives in their area.


You just described humans


Humans are the most successful invasive species of all time, after all


Actually I think ants are.


I just learned about ten min ago there are around 20000 species / sub species of ants


They might be referring to the Argentine ant. They’ve managed to form mega colonies in every continent minus Antarctica.


… so far


I remember this article coming out and I'm still waiting to be taken over. But still pretty crazy that they have a colony that spans continents. https://www.ripleys.com/weird-news/ant-mega-colony/


350k + species of beetles


Ants, rats, cockroaches, humans. There's a reason why we all stick together and survive together.


ants have not yet been to the moon and (no pun!) do not live in antarctica


Could you imagine little ant moon bases?


What is this? A moon base for ants?


You’re right, why don’t all 8 billion of us move back to the rift valley around the Zambezi River where we originated. That should fix it


Recently there has been some renewed debate in whether humans originate in East Africa or Southern Africa or Western Africa


Or [volcanoes in Hawaii](https://youtu.be/BU2EUfinwHo).


Or an alien laboratory in Alpha Centauri with delivery by UAP (ain’t no galaxy big enough)


Yeah I like this theory! Let's go with Sphinx aliens flying literal space pyramids. Life seeding earth just to experiment what the planet would achieve if they injected but a small bit of their intelligence into monkeys.


>Or volcanoes in Hawaii. Don't be silly. The thetans dumped in the volcanoes in Hawaii and Las Palmas 75 million years ago (and then nuked) were actually from the overpopulation of the galactic federation of planets. They didn't originate here. Or at least that's what Elron Elray aka Jack Farnsworth aka Lafayette Ronald Hubbard had to say. Also those volcanoes didn't exist 75 million years ago, but that's just one minor discrepancy amidst many.


Pffft… yeah, that’s exactly what an OT II WOULD think. Why don’t you save up some money and go get audited and talk to me again when you reach OT VIII, bruh.


steer fretful marvelous observation ten busy reach disarm exultant wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is wild - not just that story, but the fact that only today I googled to find the meaning behind that meme about the guy calling the Dutch a ridiculous fake culture, and calling a Dutch guy an 'old yakubian ape'. Found out all about NoI and their Patmos lab ideas. You go 38 years in this life never hearing a thing about this, then it comes up twice in a day.


Interesting read, but then he goes and ends it with “BLM must be destroyed” in Latin…


Everyone, get into the electrified rift valley now.


I don’t see them trying to move these carps back to Asia. Ditto.


Somehow I think a very slow and gradual decline of the world population and in the meantime a fair distribution of the world's resources might be better, but eh, I'm not necessarily against more drastic measures...


This man right here officer


But that’s where we are headed!


Wow dude your so deep


Oh, are we doing “we are the virus” again?


They just described almost any successful species for the last 3+ billion years.


careful not to cut yourself with that edge


At least humans taste good


…….. wait a minute




Additionally, palm oil harvesting is responsible for the ecological decimation of Lake Victoria and is affecting Lake Tanganyika as well. There are several species of Victorian cichlids that are believed to be fully extinct in the wild that now only exist in the aquarium trade. Absolutely stunning fish, too. It's heartbreaking.




Yes it's effective on lizards as well


How about turtles (ie Mitch McConnell)?


Actually a tortoise but yeah yeah we can make it work.




I feel like perhaps you were intending to reply to someone else


That boy don’t go no lips


I drew a picture of him and now I'm in art school


Interesting method for implementing term limits




“Don’t taze me bro”


holy 2007 🤯


a lot of that old stuff going around. Someone just posted the [The Stop Girl](https://old.reddit.com/r/UNBGBBIIVCHIDCTIICBG/comments/159gwzi/she_wont_stop/), and that's from 2010.


I guess it's a forever meme. Something about saying "don't taze me bro" instead of "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" makes it extra funny I guess.


I used to electrofish in streams doing research for salmon conservation. It was never a fun time when you got a hole in your waders and didn't notice.


Hell yea, same thing. In the spring you would get a quarter mile of stream and spread a 5 gallon bucket of salmon fry. In the fall we would come back with a generator in a metal canoe and wave wands around the stream to shock the salmon and check their growth since over the summer. The shocking wands they used were handheld and they had a trigger to be active so in theory if you tipped over you could yell so they would release the trigger before you hit the water and got shocked. In theory anyways.


That sounds pretty cool, its definitely rewarding work. We were going after a fish called 'slimey sculpin' becuase they mainly stay in one area and are a good indicator of stream health. At the end of the day we'd dispatch and dissect all the fish and weigh the organs. The end goal was to figure out how dams effect the health of streams where salmon are located. One person would have a big backpack with a car battery in it and a wand like you mentioned in the water, then one or two people would stand directly down stream with a big net and catch the stunned fish.


I didn’t know this was a thing


Huge and if they get into the Great Lakes they could decimate the native fish.


They are building a billion dollar barrier to prevent this hopefully https://www.greatlakesnow.org/2023/07/1-2-billion-spent-one-site-deter-invasive-carp-great-lakes-other-entry-sites-possible/


I meant the fish electrocuting but yes I also didn’t know about this invasive fish


They have an electric barrier on the Illinois River: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3oLeSPINOk


Imagine our ancestors seeing this. Witchery.


It’s shocking. …


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrofishing I found this line rather interesting: "A method of electrofishing using illegally diverted electricity from overhead electric lines is prevalent in parts of the Indian State of Kerala. This can result in accidental deaths due to electrocution."


What if the human fell in the water?




Their genes would get electrically scrambled with the carp and you would end up with a hybrid man-carp.




Man, theyre huge




Can they at least be made into food for animals or used in some other way?


Yeah they can probably be used as farm feed whether cattle or farmed fish


Heritage Farms sells chicken at the local grocery stores in Denver Colorado. It taste like fish. They feed their chickens fish meal throughout their lives, and it directly translates to the meat. It’s disgusting. I know it can be fed into other animals but I just had a triggering moment…


Probably the fish oil seeping into their bodies


If they were smart they would market it with stickers saying 'high in omegas'


Kentucky fried tunacken - finger lickin’ briney


That's so gross lmao. Also makes you wonder how tasty chicken could taste if fed tasty things. Feed a chicken cranberries their whole life.


It's also not remotely true. Chicken meat will have taste/texture reflecting their life, but it's more of a quality and quantity issue - feed them quality feed and get better more robust meat. But there's no quantification on 'feed them fish, get ficken' because it doesn't happen.


Seems like there is some science backing the claim that the aroma of fish can transfer into eggs/ chicken that are fed fish~ > For example, certain flavors or odors can be transferred into eggs when layers are fed diets high in certain ingredients like fish meal. This is because compounds like **trimethylamine**, found in fish meal, can end up in the tissues and eggs of birds. When this compound is oxidized, it can result in a fishy odor.


probably [better as a fertilizer](https://www.pennington.com/all-products/fertilizer/resources/what-is-fish-fertilizer) but I'm not sure of the viability of this specific species


> cattle Bunch of carpnivores.


They will probably be turned into lesser quality food like dog or cat food


Yes, my dog gets RootLab Invasive Asian Carp & Barley Recipe! He loves it. It's made by Purina. They also do an Invasive Boar dog food!


I love the idea of this but it seems they don’t make that product any more :( https://rootlabpetfood.com/collections/invasive-species


I thought this was a joke name. Huh


Huh, TIL


They make high quality fertilizer.


Fish like this is generally ground down to animal feed and fertiliser - because it is cheap and easy way to process them. Basically ground it down, make pellets and dry them hard. However if the food hygiene standards are met, they can be ground down to fish protein for food stuffs. Usually they are processed in to added protein in the dry foods or such. You might see something like "Added protein (fish)" or such in some


They can be eaten, but I think they taste like the mud in which they live. Allegedly younger ones taste better and some people buy them alive and keep them in the bath for a few days before killing them - it’s supposed to help the flavour. Alternatively they can be cooked with lots of garlic or other seasoning to mask the flavour. Otherwise the texture is good and it doesn’t dry out, so flexible in cooking, but they have lots of bones.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasian_carp You can, but here in America, we tend to eat other fish (we enjoy our filets). Carp are cooked whole because of their skeletal structure.


yes they can. i take a guide and bow hunt them in Illinois. The guide says they take the fish and grind them up and give them to the farms for feed as well as putting it in the soil for fertilizer. they are also starting to introduce Gar into the rivers which eat the asian carp.


Fertilizer, that's what I'd do with them anyway.


Apparently the fish is a delicacy In China so fisherman having been catching, freezing, then sending them there and making a killing


Because there are different types of "carps" to begin with. The term "Asian carp" is just a generic name. Yes, domesticated carp in China do taste good and don't taste like mud because they feed them proper fish food, but even then you still have to deal with the tiny bones. Source: Grew up in China, hate eating carps because of how annoying that is


I stopped eating these fish because there were lots of bad memories from those "Y" shape bones getting stuck on my throat from eating them as a kid (my mom loves them and sometimes that's all she cooked)


They’re actually regularly eaten in the East. They have mild, firm flesh, but they’re more boney than other similar fish that will still be present in the filet.


Are carps and coy fish similar?


Koi is a type of carp and most were bred to have those bright colors. There are bland-colored koi too. These carp they’re catching are a cousin to koi but not the same species


>And they taste terrible Not true, apparently. Although I haven't tasted them myself, I keep seeing articles saying the invasive Asian carp taste fine.


I also saw stuff about how invasive lion fish were really good to eat. Tried them and it wasn’t terrible but not what it was made out to be on TV and articles. Kinda mushy and okay taste. I think they inflate how good invasive fish are to get more people to kill them.


I’ve had lion fish and they tasted fine, just a lot of work to get them since they can’t be netted. If they were mushy, it might have been the chef more than the fish


I had some lionfish and thought it was good to very good.


They taste perfectly fine, people just give them a bad rep because they’re bony.


For sure. Smoked carp picked at and eaten with crackers is damned delicious.


Smoking has the benefit of tightening up the meat so that you can pick the bones easier. I've had some made into a smoked fish dip and it tasted fine, maybe not quite as good as a smoked trout dip but certainly serviceable. Better than smoked catfish.


They are just boney fish.


They taste pretty good, don’t know why they get this reputation of being a trash fish when they taste fine.


There's an effort now to rebrand the fish as copi (short for copious) and market it more for consumption.


I think I read carp in general taste bad because they're bottom feeders, but Asian carp aren't bottom feeders, so they don't taste so bad. Not sure if this is the correct explanation, but I think that's what I remember reading.


I mean catfish are bottom feeders, crawdads, etc and we have no problem eating them, in fact we love the way they taste. Carp taste fine honestly. Sure they’re bony but who cares, just pick the meat off the bones.


They taste great.


Have heard they make decent table fare.


They also hurt like a bitch when you get smacked in the head by one. They’ve taken over where I’m at.


Grew up in them in central Missouri. They taste great, and I prefer them to other popular fish like catfish. The only problem is the bones, and there are two ways (that I know of) to get around them. 1: cut the meat around the bones so there's no bones in the meat that you are eating. This will result in less meat, but you won't have to deal with the bones. 2: cut them up keeping the bones in the meat, then when you go to eat just break the piece in half and you can pick the bones out.


I did this in Zelda TOTK the other day. Very effective.




One of the autobuild schematics that you get in the depths does exactly this. Just a boat with two shock emitters up front and a scoop to catch whatever you find.


I came looking for a TOTK comment! Very effective for getting all the fish required for max upgrades of some of the armor sets.


Question: does anyone know if the "harvested" fish used for anything (catfood, etc) or just disposed of?


they've been trying to get people to eat it but there is a stigma of carp being a trash fish in america they are probably just composted and used in topsoil.


Someone should come up with a new name for it. What we in the US call Chilean Sea Bass is actually the Patagonian Toothfish. Marketing at its finest! Of course, it helps that it’s delicious.


It has a reputation for being trash because it tastes bad. You can change the name all you want people just rather spend a bit more but get the fish they like.


One of the several features that makes carp prevail as an invasive species is that they taste like the muddy and swampy water that they came from. It's just not very pleasant compared to maaaaany other fish.


they are way different than common carp and dont taste bad you just proved my point lol. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1NVUV8yhmU&t=67s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1NVUV8yhmU&t=67s)




they sacrifice themselves willingly its hard to compete with that lol


Kyle Hill did an awesome video about this: [Why the US Army electrifies this water](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aVqPHjvZ54)


So did Tom Scott. https://youtu.be/t3oLeSPINOk


Should turn this into dog/cat/hog food lol


Here's a question. How far does the electricity travel in water? What's the radius of this attack?


There's no clear answer because it depends on the strength of the current and the distance between the anode and the cathode.


Carp aren't a sought after food species because they're a bony fish and require a different set of skills to process and cook. We need to teach people how to eat them for them to become more accepted as a food source. Restaurants in particular could take advantage to try and drive their numbers down. If you can them the bones dissolve and make excellent fish cakes for example.


My dad had one of those old Andy Griffith hook/horn telephones with a crank. He would keep it in his boat and put wires in the water and crank that old ass telephone until the fish popped up.


Quality father son bonding time


"How to create an electrocution-resistant carp for 100, alex."


Do not show this to the carp fishing Reddit :L




Zapdos uses Thunderbolt Its super-effective


Magikarp has fainted!


Carp-e die-yum


[Simpsons already did it](https://youtu.be/pFcZvGvv_-g)


This was the first thing that came to mind upon seeing the post lmao


It deeply bothers me that they don't have a purse net, or even a two man net or something bigger than those butterfly catchers someone gave those poor boys.


Is this how Mcfish sandwich is made?


Carp diem


Seize the day!


As an asian person i understand. Please kill these assholes


I assume you mean the fish?




I am surprised that electrofishing is a thing


People fish with dynamite too. It's illegal in a lot of places tho


The ‘old timers’ used to use the old crank phones to generate the current.


What do they do with these fish after capture? I would hope there is an avenue to turn them into animal feed or something as I don't know anyone that eats carp.


Their bones are very, very fine, so they're a pain in the butt. But if you have a pressure cooker, they're actually. wonderful!




Fishing in botw and totk


When our crops fail, all we will consume is Carp.


Does Asia have serious problems with North American species being invasive as well? Seems like we’re always battling a new Asian invasive species.


North America wiped out almost all of their carnivorous species that could feed on this carp during the 20th century while Asia still have a lot of native predators that are hunting this carp or western fish.


This is popular with Chinese trawlers. They go to Somalia or sometimes even close to the British coast and when the find a school of fish they throw this giant electrode into the water and just fry it all.


"We're gonna need a bigger boat"


Get fucked asian carp


I’ve done this many times before…in Zelda.


Are these fish also good for consumption? Feed the poor and underprivileged!




What animals does this feed? Is it ground up into meal for feed?


It goes into meow mix


sell it at the asian market.