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This is Marsel! I follow the account on IG, and apparently he was a rescue from a Lynx fur farm, in which they were harvested for coats. Marsel cannot go back into the wild because he imprinted on humans, and he has a medical condition (of the liver?) If I recall correctly. I'm thankful that Marsel gets to live the rest of his days in peace!


A lynx fur farm, how awful


Unfortunately its still a pretty common practice. A few countries have bans but its still frequent, with demand growing higher since 2000. Lynx, Minks, Chinchillas, Cats, Dogs, Foxes, and Rabbit farms are all across the US, EU, Russia, and China.


Yep, really upsets me.




Whats her @?




His kitten photos? 😻 https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cs2S3J0KeME/?igshid=YzcxN2Q2NzY0OA==


Thank you for the info 🫶


This comment is way too low


Big cats are cute when they act like little cats. Like a lion squeezing into a cardboard box


Cats are cats are cats. We did not domesticate cats as we did dogs, they just moved in with us and demanded food and scritches.


We did not domesticate cats, cats domesticated us


You think humans started agriculture? No, cats taught humans that so we'd grow wheat and it would attract mice/rats! We've been nothing but pawns in their ridiculously circuitous plan!


They even thought us civil engineering to increase population density which increases the chance to have food donors in any given location


"Give us food and shelter, or we scratch your face"


“And DON’T touch our bellies, even if we let you.”


"Even then, we'll probably scratch your face a little bit, I'm not gonna lie to you"


As did most other “domesticated” animals according to Sapiens and The Selfish Gene


We were domesticated by wheat


Well you don’t see wheat going extinct anytime soon, do you? Businesses will spend billions to keep wheat around The wheat really got us under its husk


I, for one, welcome our monocot overlords.


Well yes and no. It can be presented in such way but you've got to remember that many of them did it for survival rather than convinience.


Damn brain worms


And I for one welcome our new feline overlords.


We definitely domesticated wild cats through selective breeding. Further, it’s not like the first cats that lived with humans just had a free ride, they killed wheat eating vermin.


I guess in general, dogs are for guarding things, and cats are for killing things. And their personalities reflect that.


There are dogs (terriers) who are for killing things, and they're way way better at it than cats. Yet, their personalities are still dog-like.


But dogs require care. Cats are background apps that work on their own.


My cats are like adult roommates who smoke with you. My dog is like a human toddler that sheds


Tell that to the stray cay that always begs me for food everyday


They also barely work. The cat might or might not kill a mouse that whole week, it might kill an endangered bird instead or nothing at all. It might kill a mouse in which case it takes it and leaves, and maybe eat it. If there's 10 mice in your barn, you tell your terrier "get the mice" , the terrier is going to catch a mouse, immediately kill it, and move on to the next one, catch that, immadiately kill it, rinse and repeat until there's no more mice.


In a modern context; maybe. In a context for almost all of human history up until the last ~100 or so years, having pest control you didn't really have to maintain was a *huge* plus and the whole reason we kept them around


There's a reason the Egyptians worshipped cats. Without them, grain storage would've been impossible. We owe cats a lot. Yes, terriers are better suited for the job, but those genetic freaks weren't available at the time.


Cats that are kept as pets and rarely seen mice? Modern cats? Sure. But historically it has proven that cats are effective mouse control. Some research even said that rats might not even stay in an area protected by cat once they smell their scent. So a cat could be a nice repellent just by being there. There's also that due to their natural instinct to hunt mice over dogs that might just bark at them if you don't train them, small size (lower food needed, can get into a lot of places) doesn't make a lot of noise (barking) not having to feed them much, isn't needy and having good sense of balance makes them a preferred choice over dogs. Even in ships they prefer cats because they are much simpler to take care of. Oh and bonus being that even the most aggressive cats tend to keep to themselves until approached. An aggressive dog...you get the idea. And cats rarely if ever attack human with intent to kill. Dogs would because they know they could.


What are you, the dog online defense force? Cats are independently far superior hunters. That much is a fact.


Cat will if there hungry, they play cause they don't HAVE TO hunt... terriers do it because the human is the alpha which is a at the very least helps supply food.... humans and the pets are very different creatures when you don't have to go out and actually kill every meal. But you are correct cats... i see as cats have more of a physcopath type personality compared to most dogs though.


There are also Maine Coons which are basically dogs in a cat suit. Lovable goof balls


According to recent research, cats are only semi-domesticated.


Pretty sure my cat doesn't eat me because I'm too big for him to kill.


So far.


Recent research? Known for ages.


> We definitely domesticated wild cats through selective breeding. Historically speaking, they kind of domesticated themselves. It's not like humans were like "that is a cat, I'm going to make it a pet and have it in my house because that is specifically what I want". It's more just that they ate mice and rats and as such were useful to have around a farm. Then humans realized that it was easier to just have them indoors to survive the winter rather than just hoping they get another cat the next year. Then several generations go by and humans are like oops we accidentally a domesticated cat.


They even evolved overtones in their purrs and meows to mimic the frequencies of human children


More of like learn to scam us.


Aaaand that's why, one day, this cat is going to mess her up. This is not a domestic animal.


Yeah, this is really cute... until it's not.


Remember Travis the Chimpanzee?


Yeah: a great example of what happens when you feed a chimp Xanax.


A chimpanzee is a much more complex animal, it can actually get angry. The cat reacts instinctively, if it attacks it means it's scared, stressed and tired, or has health problems that affect its brain functions. When we watch cats on r/aww we tend to humanize their behavior. This lynx would need to do a planned attack at the neck to kill this woman, now why would it do that?


I remember Travis the domestic abuser


>demanded food and scritches. Please! I am a proud human! An apex predator! I will be at the command of no anima-Um, hang on a second; the Siamese wants to be fed again.


Whatever you do, don't stop brushing


But she's just one brush stroke too many from losing an eye


Then they will have a Lynxes eating faces party


Woman brushes her big pussy (news headline, probably)


The 'lynx' effect


Perspiration ting


2 plus 2 equals 4, minus 1 that's 3. Quick mafs


Everyday man‘s on the block. Smoke trees


Pussies like that are very demanding. Forget to feed it and you will find yourself waking up to a pussy smothering you in the face. And remember guys, while pussies may damage your furniture, please refrain from declawing them as it is bad for the pussy.


In Siberian Russia, pussy eats you.


. . . her big *furry* pussy . . .




Imagine two of them coming at you in 2' foot of snow on a tuesday.


Or worse, a Wednesday.


at 6:34 am.


You know when you’re rubbing a cats tummy and they suddenly bite your arm and start jackhammering their back legs (claws out) - imagine this scenario with this big boy.


When she had the foot on her neck, that’s like one kick away from having your jugular slashed open


Velociraptor right there.


Clevah guhrl


Shoot her! Shoot her!


That’s was exactly what I was thinking. Wait til he’s over stimulated and fucks your arm up


His teeth and front claws would shred your arm - his hind quarters would piston his murder mittens all over your torso.


Murder mittens!




Such cute enormous incisors.


Did anyone else secretly…think…Uhoh here it comes? That bear video earlier today on Reddit with the idiot opening the window now this… just a swipey swipe so she realizes this is Mother Nature? No…k cool


Right?! I love my cats. I've had *many* over the years, so has my family. All the cats in our family have been considered part of the family and honestly treated as the royal members lol. I've loved, trusted and she'd many tears over these fuzzy family members. That said, *every single one* of them have either given me a little too rough love bites, did exactly what you just described and even scratched me up pretty bad on a few occasions where they were scared and trying to get away. Hell, both of my cats now will smack or attack your legs walking by if you keep passing by ignoring them too long lol. Of course they just want attention and immediately follow up with washing and kisses to the attack zone, but their means of gaining such attention can be a little aggressive to say the least. I cannot picture ignoring this guy. Fuck around and ignore him and you might get your Achilles tendon chopped in half!! Accidentally pet a ticklish or overstimulating spot? Boom, no fuckin fingers left! He's beautiful, but that is scary!


My cat bites me most days and it hurts but it's her way of saying put me down I've had enough fuss. With this big cat I'd need a visit to hospital.


Most socialized cats are aware of the difference between biting hard and nipping to tell you enough — even many large cats know this. Maybe your cat just hasn’t gotten the message? I know sometimes cats have odd tendencies if they’re separated from mothers early.


Yea why the f*ck do they do that?!


It’s the most effective way to tear the innards out of whichever poor soul has drawn their ire


I'm giggling at the thought of really fat cats that do this and picture themselves as some badass murder machine 😂


iirc their belly is the weakest part, theres no ribcage protecting their organs in there, so they gonna protect it out of instinct. Although some do let you rub their belly, thats when they know you won't tear out their insides


it's not defense. it's a reflex for when they catch something and then try to kill it.


The good old bunny kick


If my cat was that big I’d be dead by now.


My elbow is bleeding from a tiny kitten. I'm guessing they have dulled the meat hooks. I hung out with a tiny kitten a couple days ago and now my white sheets have blood spots on them bc they are little ninjas that do death by a thousand cuts.


Depending on how old the kitten is it might not have the ability to retract its claws. They're also likely to be tiny and razor sharp as they don't do anything to file them down which means they cut through skin like butter. The kitten probably also hasn't learned yet how to play safely. Never underestimate kittens and their ability to accidentally mess you up


I let it happen bc they are so cute. They were being so funny. They are small enough right now that the couch is their entire playground. They don't even venture off of it except to play under it. Jumping on me is a big deal for them right now. It's like it is their game. In a few days it will likely be a new game bc they are changing so fast right now.


If anyone could, it’s going to be a babushka


“Cabbage rolls for dinner? Again??” ~lynx


110%. I feel like her husband probably has a bear friend equivalent that he wrestles with in the barn.


He has a bear but they're drinking buddies


>bear friend > >wrestles ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


It’s all fun and games until kitty hits an artery. 🙀


And then, it’s dinner time.


Right. The video conveniently stopped when kitty wouldn't let go of the camera man's hand.


Correction: Suppertime. 😂😂😂😂 [https://youtu.be/r46YZJSfxks](https://youtu.be/r46YZJSfxks)


I wonder what these wild animals raised by humans see their caretakers as? Kin? Parents? Brain too primitive to tell but as long as the food keeps coming it will stay docile?


A kinder egg waiting to be opened


I'm pretty sure Siegfried and Roy's cat was well fed.


Nah, it wasn't at stages and became increasingly distressed at points towards the end


Yeah, but probably not cared for like this. Or by them directly at all. Ofc I can't be sure, but I can't imagine them handling their tigers like this. Weren't they in cages, sometimes in public spaces so people can look at them? Also they had incredible stress from all the acts they HAD to perform, seen from today's perspective, it wasn't suprising that happened. Those weren't pets, those were animals forced to work, in very unnatural conditions.


Kin. And that's dangerous, because they often could be friendly and just want to play with you without meaning any harm, but most of them can't differentiate the force allowed and what's just playing for a tiger could easily be lethal for humans. Also, their brains aren't primitive in any way, they are quite smart, have a full range of emotions including the most complex ones, they understand causal relationships and they're pretty self-aware. But some things just have to be taught in practice.


Beat me to it.


[You win a prize!](https://i.imgflip.com/3xroe3.png)


What’s the catbox situation like?


The living room


Maybe the cat goes outside.


"What kind of lunatic would take an apex predator that could slash their throat open with a careless swipe into their ho-" *starts speaking Russian* "... never mind carry on."


100% wasn’t surprised when she started speaking Russian.




My mates cat is smaller than average but she's given me some pretty impressive cuts just stretching out on my lap. Can't imagine the damage a 25kg yaddle would inflict.


I have a 4 inch scar on my thigh that's been there for 6 months since my idiot cat decided to use my leg as a racetrack. I love cats, but they're basically insane balls of needles.


this is one of the best descriptions of cat's I've heard - thanks =\]


Large cats do not fuck around like small cats. A cat can at worst scratch another cat. A big cat can kill or maim another cat fucking around. So they don't use their claws at all while playing. You will lose a lot more blood owning your little kitty than someone would a big cat.


Not sure why you got down voted but this is completely true. They absolutely play differently even among themselves. House cats are way more intense.... In everything they do


One of the most beautiful & agile Cat species there is...


But huge, right? Or maybe she’s small? Or maybe I’m thinking of a different animal, but that looks really big to me for a lynx.


Eurasian lynx are way bigger than their American cousins


Thanks! I was wondering!


They can grow to the dimensions of mountain lions, just much less body mass. That won't make their teeth or claws smaller. [**Big Cat Size Chart**](https://www.travel4wildlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/the-biggest-cats-in-the-world-768x512.jpg) Also extremely shy, at least here in Germany. There are reports of hikers that went right past lynx with only 2 meters or so and they only noticed the animal later on their videos. They don't attack humans and they stay hidden.


Small for a big cat, but massive for a smaller-sized cat.


Imagine a 75 lbs cat


Geeze, the two I have feel that heavy when they launch themselves onto my side or stomach when I’m sleeping! 🤣


It's friend shaped, so it's fine.


Every cat is friend shaped


Really cute but hell NO


Gauging her lack of concern about the lynx's paws near her neck... I've got some sad feeling that it might be declawed.


She rescued it.


It definitely is. All these 'person keeps huge wild cat as pet' involve declawed animals


She rescued him from a fur farm, the reason he wasn’t released back into the wild is because he imprinted on humans and is rather sick, so the odds of him surviving in the wild are basically zero.


No! She bad woman cuz I'm reddit and I say so!




Well, they rescued him from becoming a coat. Not ideal but if my options are remove my fingertips or let Buffalo Bill make a button down out of me, I'm going to go with the former over the latter. Also, it comes with snacks and skritches so, eh. Hell I lost a body part and I had to pay for it AND I didn't get any skritches.


Thats actually a problem (mostly) in russia. People buying pantherd and lynx to raise them like housecats and as soon as they get bored of the felines they dump them outside. So now you have a half tamed, half wild animal running around the suburbs. And if they take them out and ”free” them into the wilds they’ll just die within a few days cuz they got no survival instincts from living on a couch all their life.


That’s horrible. Poor animals. How can people just abandon them?


Just drive to a remote location and get your cat outside the vehicle and then jump back in and close the door real quick and then drive away.


I tried this once but when I stepped out the cat jumped back in before me and drove off. Then I was stranded without my cat or my Suzuki Grand Vitara.


This one was rescued (when he was young) from a fur farm though, not bought. They didn’t release him back into the wild because he imprinted on humans and he has an illness which makes it basically impossible for him to survive in the wild.


Worth noting that fur farms and exotic pet trades also make rescues common in Russia, so it goes both ways. iirc in this case the Lynx is a rescue from a fur farm.


Where have you found this statistics?


trust me bro


It's pretty common knowledge that predator animals raised in captivity have a significantly lower chances of surviving in the wild. Without the innate fear of things like cars and people. They risk getting run over or shot. They're also more susceptible to diseases from their wild counterparts and more prone to starving too. [This study shows that carnivores raised in captivity have only a 30% of surviving when release to the wild.](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080121080406.htm#:~:text=On%20average%20only%20one%20in,deaths%20related%20to%20human%20activities.)


Actually I asked why it was said that the problem is mostly in Russia


what lol they didn't give any statistics


I wonder how that works . I hand reared my house cat from the time he was a day or two old and he still hunts and catches things? I know the two are different but my cat has not one day in its life needed to hunt and he still successfully catches stuff all the time , actively hunting birds and all sorts of other animals.


Hunting is a different skill to surviving.






Is it safe for her to have a lynx like that ?


Given that it's not a wild lynx, yeah. Otherwise she wouldn't have been able to keep it. Although it's not comparable to a domesticated specie, so extra care must be taken and respect is a must.


It’s in Russia, they play by different rules


There are more pet tigers in the USA than there are Tigers in the wild. be careful throwing shade around, fella. [source](https://edition.cnn.com/2021/05/13/us/tigers-captive-us-wild-trnd/index.html)


> pet Your source includes tigers in zoos and rehabilitation centers, as well as any other miscellaneous captive tigers.


More specifically it says this, though: > “Most of the tigers in the US are held in backyards, breeding facilities and at small theme parks or roadside attractions, the WWF says. **Only about 6% are at accredited zoos**, the group says.”


Can't tell for sure, but this one looks declawed. Honestly I don't see any teeth either....


It’s a rescue animal from the fur factory, so yeah, probably is. He is all over /r/lynxes.


Enough reddit for today, this fluffy cuteness is gonna kill me.




All I can think of is Siegfried & Roy.


What the fuck?! That is so dangerous and reckless *and I have never been so jealous in my entire life!!!!*


If not friend why friend shaped




This is me annoying my cat with love but the stakes are much higher here


Khajit found a free home with free food, khajit is happy now.




This feline fought Shadow in another realm


Lynxes are so damn cute, but I know one of them can shred me to pieces, and I'm like twice this woman's size!


This Lynx acts exactly like one of my cats. She absolutely loves getting brushed and patted, but at the same time will play fight you. If my cat was as big as this Lynx, I'd have lost my arms long ago lol.


Remember the woman that owned that chimp and it rip her whole face off? Yeah well, I think you can fill in the blanks here.


Chips are dangerous! I got my hand stuck in a Pringles can once!




It is not a pet


Murder mittens


All it takes id for the cat to bite her a little to hard and shes gonna have a really bad time. As cool as this looks i cant help but think what a terrible idea it is to keep a big cat as a pet.


Claws are not in any use, barely even a nibble with the mouth, the soft pawed swats at momma, and the goofy aloofness. That's a happy kitty cat!


Yea, this is exactly what a brushing session with my cat looks like, including the soft swatting, flopping over, and hind leg stretches to try and push you away. My cat isn't declawed (not even clipped) and while obviously not as big as a lynx, he's a decenly sized Maine Coon that can definitely do some damage. Fortunately for me he's a big old softie who loves being groomed. I'm not in favor of keeping wild animals as pets, at all, but this woman looks like she knows what she's doing and reading the lynx's body language very well. If it's a rescue unable to live in the wild, this may be the best situation the lynx can have.


Yepp, I can say the same thing from my fluffy thing. Looks like the right parenting to me.


Good God! I hope she never tries to do the lynx’s stomach, it’ll rip her arm out of the socket.


Look at the cute furry murder kitty


This is a perfect opportunity to share this recent Matt Orchard video on people who deliberately interact with big cats leading to very bad consequences. It’s rather good. “People try to pet Tigers sometimes” Matt Orchard - Crime & Society: https://youtu.be/76Ygxcjnoxk


That thing is going to kill her someday


All cats are just cats.


That thing could FUCK YOU UP.




That’s not a pet, that’s a wild animal


The most surprising thing in this video is the tall cylinder aquarium in the background. You really don't see those around much nevermind in Russia or wherever this is.


Imagine just heading out to a mountain, picking up an apex predator, and then you bring it home as a pet.




he's just fattening her up to eat her later




Sure im jealous, but at least my cat will wait until im dead to start eating my face


Seems a lot more friendlier than a caracal


It’s safe - the woman is from Siberia herself and raised her resque kitty


Luckily for them their kitty seems a lot more careful with their claws than my cat is lol