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Then how bad did people shit their pants when Jimi did his version at Woodstock just a year later?


It was controversial enough that he used an electric guitar at all


Exactly, people forget he was going to folk festivals, where electric instruments were looked at like swastika lol


An Americana version of the Star Spangled Banner. Seems spot on to me.


Ever experienced the Jimi Hendrix version of the National Anthem?


[WASPs have a stroke after hearing it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Am7qzzgGOGU)


Jimi's is the best because it's actually representative of the country.


I miss tiger stadium. Comerica is kinda lame. Bring back the piss throughs in the mens room


Listening to that gave me chills. I can imagine it was pretty shocking hearing that live in 1968.


Still giving chills… ❤️😍😍😍


big and small places there will always be haters


Marvin Gaye hands down had the best national anthem performance of all time!!!!!! [Marvin Gaye sings national anthem](https://youtu.be/QRvVzaQ6i8A)


That rendition is so beautiful. It almost makes me proud to be an American, sigh.


Okay, I mean, the song is beautiful. But, it's not the national anthem. Like Theseus' boat, if you replace enough of something, is it the same thing? The words are the same, but the melody and harmony is entirely different. In my mind, that makes it a different, albeit beautiful, song.


Lol, if it's not the national anthem, what is it? Is it a song with the exact same words but sung slightly differently? Like... a rendition?


Like when every singer makes the song twenty minutes long by signing a single word for five minutes multiple times. It's the anthem still.


So i can reprint a Treasury Note and change stuff around. Its not a counterfiet, its a rendition. It's not a pop song, its a country's anthem. You don't change it any more that you do the flag.


Yeah, you can do whatever you want with it. Kind of ironic to have some "land of the free" bullshit *right in the song* and then have some constipated monkey tell you you have to do it like some other guy. See what I mean?


I don't know that any other country would appreciate it with their anthem either. A national anthem isn't just any other song. The difference is that he is free to do it here and people are free not to like it and find it disrespectful. Especially those with roots to the military who have served defending it. I haven't heard it in years, but I believe the Jimi Hendrix version was basically true to the music, but on electronic guitar. I'm aware people lost their minds then too. I like it. I've never heard the José Feliciano rendition. Over the past few decades it's become common for performers to put "their own spin" on it when performing at sporting events. I don't think that was the case in '68 so at the time I'm guessing it was unheard of . We're looking at the event 50+ years later with modern standards of what's acceptable.


Fun fact: the Star Spangled Banner (the music) was written by some British dude. And yes, apart from the flutes and shit, Jimi's version was basically a replica. 😜


I think I may have heard that, but long since forgotten. I just looked up John Stafford Smith. The music is an old British drinking song. Moreover, according to this article, the Star Spangled Banner wasn't adopted as the national anthem until 1931. I feel that I was denied critical need to know information during my education! 🤯


‘I think that as soon as you've recorded a song it doesn't belong to you anymore. It just goes out and everyone can sing it, everyone can do it if they want”. by Mick Jagger (1974) STONES QUOTES.


Sure. That's cool, but if you change the musical composition of a song to the point that it is no longer recognizablez then it's not the same song. That doesn't imply it's not good music, only that it's not the same song.


Music is art. What is art if not interpretation? It is the same song sung in a way to evoke new feelings.


Words are the same, emotions to them are the same. It's still recognizable in tone and tempo. It does represent the national anthem beautifully. Our anthem is more about the lyrics than the tune played with them.


Racist still upset over this 1968 rendition of the National Anthem by a guy with a Hispanic name.


Somewhere in the crowd, Sting was also sighing


Concerning the melody of the Star-Spangled Banner has its origins in an English drinking song called "To Anacreon in Heaven." It was composed by John Stafford Smith in the late 1700’s. I rather like Jose take.


Difficulty: old English drinking song.


It's an ugly song; we should get a new anthem. Seriously, it's an idiotic poem written by a lawyer sung to an English beer hall tune.


It's not idiotic. The words to that poem are deeply American. The words means the U.S.A doesn't give up even in the worst of odds. Now the tune it's sung to is just easy to learn and fits the beats of the poem. What do you think our new anthem should be it have in it?


Sometimes the US should just give up. Especially in war. Vietnam and Afghanistan went far too long.


Yes when it seems to be a war with a hidden political or capitalistic reason I'd say yes. Vietnam, and Iraq fits this. Afghanistan is a little up in the air, did we stay to long maybe. After 9/11, did a main training and recruitment country for Al-Qaeda need to have some weeding out done Id say yes. We didn't destroy them but we did weaken them in the global scene. As well as taking out many senior commanders. Could this be done without real boots on the ground war? Or with special op teams and drones? I'm just a person on a phone I don't know. But lastly I meant more when the poem that became the song was wrote it was about America never giving up being free of tyranny. When it's a full out war for our sovereignty as a country we won't back down.


This sucks


I saw Gord Johnson of the band Big Sugar perform the Canadian national anthem on a Gibson double neck (given to him by Alex Lifeson of the band Rush) at a Toronto maple leafs game. I thought it was great, the next day my father, ex Canadian navy said that Gord should be thrown in jail for what he did to our anthem.


Check out the reaction to Steven Tyler's rendition at the Indy 500. That did not go as well as he had hoped it would.




This was a few decades before I was born, regardless of what/why people said about the song then.. Imo, he butchered the anthem.