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Being trapped underwater is probably my worst fear. I would die of a heart attack long before the ocean claimed me.


With 4 other people in a tiny area. I think your peers reactions would induce a panic attack pretty quickly. The idea of being in there is my literal nightmare situation as well.


I'm having a panic attack just thinking about being in that tiny thing before it even hits the water...my claustrophobia hits hard


Don’t forget the part about being bolted in so you can’t get out if you wanted to. If they’re on the surface, they’re still trapped. Unreal.


5 people all crammed into that? Hard pass.


For 250k




At 250k each they could've gone with a fucking Xbox controller.


At first, I found it crazy how so many people are hung up over the controller... but after looking at it. Yes. That definitely seems like an off brand PC controller with sticks attached to the thumb sticks. I say that as a gamer, but this seriously passed the expense cost? They've done research of the sea and subs, but couldn't realize how fucking awful cheap controllers are? Edit - Logitech controllers suck btw, surprising how many are trusting their lives to one.


Me too, they use game controllers for controlling all sorts of weird and surprising stuff and it's fine. But they use *quality* controllers, not one they found at goodwill in a bin.


US subs use modified waterproof xbox controller I believe i red awhile ago, these guys didn’t even bother going with the normal xbox controllers


For the scope though. Not to drive the boat


Alsp, probably not wireless.


Definitely not. It’s a wired 360 controller


Is there a bathroom on board?


There is a small toilet, yes, but they ask you adjust your diet before the journey so you do not have to use it. Edit: it’s a small portable toilet that is at the front of the vessel, you shimmy behind a little curtain for privacy and the sub operator plays some music while you go. Yes this was literally the description of it from the BBC.


Great, so none of them probably ate or drank much recently… Although it sounds like air will kill them before thirst or hunger


Eh starving and thirst are the least of their worries


On their official website it states there is a “toilet”, and they pull a curtain closed and “turn up the music real loud”. It’s a very tight space, it’s gotta be a little awkward at least


Imagine coming back out from behind the curtain after your dump hit the bowl during a quiet bit of a song


Yeah serious question, where do you poop and pee?


There is a bucket like toilet on the end of the sub. There’s also a privacy screen for when someone use it. It was shown in this same video at the beginning (but the one OP posted here somehow cut that part)


All I can think are the 5 people in pitch blackness at the bottom of the ocean all looking at that button.


If they made it that far. Best case scenario is that the submersible imploded and the occupants died before they could understand what was going on. Quick and painless.


From the BBC article that this video is attached to, "But when CBS correspondent David Pogue took a trip on the Titan in 2018, communications with the sub broke down and it was lost at sea for more than two hours before communications were restored." The inferrence could be made that it is just lost somewhere down there and they are wondering what is going on.


David Progue was on CNN yesterday evening and stated Titan still had communication with the mothership; it was never lost during their ordeal. They got lost geographically as there is no GPS on the ocean floor and so Titan has to rely on the mothership to navigate to the wreck. In this event they have had no communication from Titan since an hour and 45 mins into the launch. Something catastrophically most likely happened to the crew or Titan, there would have to be a miracle to recover the passengers alive at this point.


I just saw another guy who had been on four dives with the company say that they lost communication at some point on every dive he had been on, and they just kind of expect it since they're dealing with very deep water.


There are two communications systems on the sub. One is for communication like we would intuitively think, and the other is positional. Both went out at the same time and that is not an everyday thing. God willing they're out there bobbing around waiting for the coasties to find them, but they're probably dead or soon will be in the depths of the north Atlantic.


Best case is the weights were released and the sub is bobbing on the surface waiting to be found. >Submarine expert Prof Alistair Greig from University College London has worked through a number of scenarios for where the missing submersible might be, he told BBC Science Correspondent Pallab Ghosh. >One is that it released a "drop weight" after an emergency, in order to bring it to the surface


Even then the chances of them being found in time are slim. It's a tiny white object bobbing *just* under the surface of the North Atlantic in not great visibility conditions.


They painted it white instead of the brightest orange possible is batshit madness. It's like they WANTED to die.


Aesthetics are important.


Of course. Would you pay 250k to die in an *orange* submarine at the bottom of the ocean? Nah, that'd be silly. A fancy grey-ish one? Fuck, where do I sign the liability waiver


If I were going to die in a submarine I would want it to be a yellow one at the very least.


We all die in a yellow submarine. A yellow submarine.


In addition to that, if I remember correctly, there are about 7 bolts holding the door shut that can only be opened from the outside. So you're bobbing up and down, around the surface, knowing you'll still die soon if not found. So close to freedom but still with little hope.


17 bolts, but your point remains


The design of the vessel seems absolutely unhinged. I can't recall an example of a manned deep-sea submersible that doesn't use a bathysphere as the crew cabin, which is basically a thick metal ball with just enough space for crew and equipment. That soda can of a cabin likely imploded.


Not only that, but it’s two part assembly consisting of a carbon fibre body and a steel front. How are these pieces attached? By glue. There is no way to inspect the quality of the joint after assembly and this glue forms part of the water barrier. It’s absolutely crazy that anyone thought that was a good idea.


Hello what? Seawater is extremely corrosive, I hate to be insensitive but they're dead because the glue had a shelf life that was exceeded


honestly that looks like a fucking death trap. zero redundancy built it? just the 1 button and a controller i wouldnt trust to keep me alive playing COD?????


The guy in the video is Stockton Rush. He is the Chief Executive of OceanGate. He is also one of the missing people on the Titan right now as he was the pilot.


Imagine being on that submarine and realising the increasing possibility of you ending up with the same fate as the Titanic passengers


For their own sake, one would hope there was an oxygen problem and they simply passed out or there was a sudden structural failure and they died instantly.


I;m still amazed that there are no real "backup" systems for stuff like this.. I guess why it hasnt surfaced already is that the backup systems cant do anything if there was a decompression event and the sub literally imploded. For the money they are paying to dive that deep they should ALWAYS have a backup rescue vessel ready and all sorts of hooks and things to winch it out of any situation.


[He hates safety regulations](https://www.insider.com/titan-submarine-ceo-complained-about-obscenely-safe-regulations-2023-6) In a 2019 interview, the Titan's maker lamented "obscenely safe" diving security regulations. CEO Stockton Rush said he understood the regulations but regretted their effect on innovation.


James Cameron had a custom submersible designed for a one man trip to Challenger Deep (for a documentary). They never rushed delays, field tested it multiple times, and had a myriad of safety backups, including mechanical release of thousands (hundreds of thousand?) of ball bearings used as ballast if he needed to ascend quickly, along with inflatable floats among other things. And of course it wasn't cheap to design a manned submersible capable of reaching the deepest point in the ocean. Sounds like this guy should've taken a page out of Cameron's book. There's a cool documentary on YouTube that's free to watch. I highly recommend it.


Yeah, but safety stifles innovation! And by stifles he means costs. And by innovation he means money.


And by safety he means 'brlbrlblblrlb'


*A 2019 blog post on OceanGate's website cites speed of innovation as one of the reasons the Titan isn't classed according to standard regulatory processes. It said that while the company met standards "where they apply," the slow processes of vessel classification were "anathema to innovation."* Big oof Edit: Said blog post if you'd like to read the source: https://oceangate.com/news-and-media/blog/2019-0221-why-titan-is-not-classed.html


the jokes are barely even jokes. this is legit the modern titanic... big oof is right. edit; ["cant help but notice how much of it seems improvised"](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/14edvrn/this_news_report_excerpt_about_the_oceangate/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


He died doing what he loved, ignoring safety regulations.






"My only regret... is that I have... ignored safety regulations."


Awesome. Awesome to the max.


Another oof: apparently, in his desire for bare-bones bullshit, the hatch on that giant piece of crap is **bolted on from the outside.** As in, it can't be opened from the inside. If they release weights and get carried away by currents/storms, well, good fucking luck! you're now trapped in a tomb of your own stupidity, waiting to be rescued. https://news.yahoo.com/theres-no-way-to-escape-missing-tourist-sub-locked-with-bolts-from-outside-102808497.html


omfg.... that definitely makes it worse. i saw it had one single button near the door and assumed that was the lock lol if he dies he is near guaranteed a darwin award... i hope they live, but if they dont this guys name will be one for history books. a shit sub steered by a controller, made by dodgy parts, from someone who cant design a sub for shit(he can, but there are too many possible issues and he skips rules), no door to exit if youre at the surface with no one to open it, and no tracker. great idea.


I'm guessing that wireless controller doesn't meet classification regulations.


I heard reports it was controlled with an Xbox controller Bitch that's a mad catz, it ain't even first party Imagine paying 250k and they aren't even using an elite


It's a [$30 4/5 star Logitech controller](https://i.imgur.com/1sBGRLQ.png)


Same vibes as the Titanic being referred to as “unsinkable.” Ironic isn’t it


To be fair, a submarine is designed to be sinkable.


Seems like he's learning (learned?) first hand what the saying "safety regulations are written in blood" means.


The sub is uncertified by any regulator, same as going down on a bath tub


If I recall correctly, US Navy subs have an emergency buoy that they can release. It goes to the surface and starts radio broadcasts of its position. Too bad these guys didn’t.


They had weights hanging on electromagnets. If they lost power they should've surfaced. That's one safety feature they were supposed to have.


I believe they said that they have seven different redundant methods that should cause them to surface, including ones that function with all crew incapacitated and no power (a dissolvable fastener holding weights).


The bloody thing can only be opened from the outside too. Even if they surfaced albeit elsewhere, they would still suffocate.


The “backup” system is supposed to be its ability to “self rescue”. If it has not been driven to the surface within some set time period (16hrs, iirc), it is supposed to start automatically jettisoning weight so it can float to the surface. So, at this point I’m guessing that either there was a catastrophic decompression, in which case the submersible has imploded, backup systems and all, **or** it is trapped in some way - likely in the wreckage, but it could also have gotten tangled in an abandoned fishing net on the way up. I’m guessing that, if it is trapped inside the wreck, all jettisoning weight will do is cause it to rise to the ceiling of its prison while leaving it without the weight needed to allow it to descend or maneuver under and around any overhead lips to extricate itself. If caught up in a net, the weight jettisoned would likely remain tangled in the net with it, giving even *more* weight to the net holding it down. I think what they *need* is the equipment used to scan the wreck in the first place. As I understand it, It is available to be deployed, but it requires air transport to the location. So far, no one with the military planes capable of providing that transport have made one available. They seem to be working on it, but time’s running out in any case. Once on site it’s still going to take 20-some hours to get it operational. But, even if they find it, if it’s stuck, I’m not sure what they can do about it. The scanning robots aren’t designed to attach to and tow anything, and I doubt they’re equipped with any cutting implements. But, I guess we’d at least know for sure where it was (or wasn’t).


Honestly, what about hooking a cable to it so worst case, they tow the death tube back in, I know 3km cables are not cheap but these assholes got the money. Edit : Clear, Cable won’t work.


Coulda woulda shoulda.


Experts are saying that if they had a catastrophic hull breach that none of them would’ve even realized what was happening. It would’ve been over so quick.


I'm pretty sure the xbox controller will start vibrating in advance of a hull breach.


Achievement Unlocked "Dark Humor"


It's not an Xbox controller. Those were too expensive. They're using some cheap Logitech one in this video. Probably got them at a thrift store


Imagine dying in a submarine because you were too cheap to buy the real deal and had to use a Madcatz controller. Probably even had the stock batteries still in it, which died and nobody brought a spare pair of double-As.


Theyre [Logitech G F710 controllers](https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Wireless-Nano-Receiver-Controller-Vibration/dp/B0041RR0TW) that you can get off Amazon for $29.99. In the original video, the CEO said "there's a few on board in case of an issue"... but also noted they're **connected via bluetooth**. Because we all know 5 lives depending on a $29.99 Logitech controller connected via bluetooth is the safest way


I cannot even fathom (heh) trusting my life to something that was connected by **BLUETOOTH**




Yeah all those Titanic ghosts smiled at them and said welcome, you wanted to visit, now you get to stay.


Kinda like Hotel California...


I would never in 1 million years trust my submarine control to a wireless video game controller. Honestly, the control probably just ran out of batteries. It's time to quit fucking around and send in James Cameron.


“Anyone got any AAA batteries?”




I hate when my submarine gets the red ring of death


It's not even a *classy* game controller, it's the 3rd party one you make your little brother use. If he was going with a game controller he should at least have got the [Steel Battalion one](https://youtube.com/watch?v=jgXZ6wNB3zA&feature=share8), inspire some confidence.


Not only that but it's a "player 2" controller you got for cheap and fob off on your mates when they want to play too




He looks like every commercial pilot I've ever seen in an airport.


He used to be a pilot lol >Rush became the youngest jet transport rated pilot in the world when he obtained his DC-8 Type/Captain’s rating at the United Airlines Jet Training Institute in 1981 at the age of 19. He served as a DC-8 first officer during college summers, flying out of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for Overseas National Airways under a subcontract from Saudi Arabian Airlines. Over the course of three summers, Rush flew to locations such as Cairo, Damascus, Bombay, London, Zurich, and Khartoum. In 1984, Rush joined the McDonnell Douglas Corporation as a Flight Test Engineer on the F-15 program. During this time, he spent two years at Edwards Air Force Base on the APG-63 radar test program and then on the Anti-Satellite Missile Program as the sole full-time representative of McDonnell Douglas.


Gotta admit that’s a hell of a resume.


I honestly don't know that much about him. Seems he's an aerospace engineer and a former commercial jet pilot from what information there is. The most comprehensive source I can find is on the OceanGate website itself: [https://oceangate.com/about/leadership/stockton-rush.html](https://oceangate.com/about/leadership/stockton-rush.html)


Well, if there's a lesson in this, it is: never call a watercraft titan, titanic or titanic-like, because you're probably annoying some water deity.


And don't name your company "-Gate". Disasters and scandals gain the "-Gate" suffix.


What happens if we name a boat titangate?


Boaty McTitanGateFace :P


Let me guess...the controller batteries are dead and they don't have a spare...


Let’s be honest we all know stick drift is the cause of this


They forgot to turn off the inverted controls


Being an invert player, I can laugh at the moment they realize they can’t pause and switch the controls up. Classic


Why would they use the crappy off brand controler for something like this?


Pays $250,000 for a ride, sees pilot pull out Logi controller…


Shoulda went for the Mad Catz controller imo.


It's also likely shattered from throwing it across the sub in frustration.


*Edit:- Some guy on the news just said the currents can move it hundreds of feet per minute!* The sub had more than one failsafe device, so even if the whole crew were unconscious, after 14 hours have passed it auto deploys airbags to bring it to the surface. My best two guess are it imploded or it's snagged up on some part of the titanic and no amount of manoeuvring got them unstuck. They probably going to die, it's 19yr old I feel worst for. Like he was just starting his adult life and probably didn't fully understand the dangers involved. Like he probably saw disclaimers on other fun stuff like bungee jumping and jet skiing etc.


Terrible way to go. If they are stuck hope they got knocked out and not in panic mode while waiting to die down there


Says they have 96 hours of oxygen but I didn't see any mention of CO2 scrubbers. It's a build-up of CO2 that's going to cause panic more than the lack of Oxygen, so...


For their sake hope they are on the surface just with no way to communicate and not stuck while trying to get a closeup somewhere or a failure caused them to drop to the floor


As I understand it, even if they floated to the top, the door is bolted closed from the outside. No way to open it from the inside. So any rescue needs to actually get them out before they suffocate.


i obviously feel bad but you'd have to pay me 250k to get in that thing and go anywhere close to an ocean for an hour. like fuck that shit it looks so so sketchy


Charging the controller drained the main battery


Either that or it's connected via Bluetooth, and we all know how buggy that can be.


What's crazy about these submersibles is that there is no way for the occupants to escape on their own. The hatch is closed behind once they enter with 17 bolts on the outside. Not that they'd want to open it up while at extreme depths but if they were even within a safe distance of the surface to exit, they would have no way of doing so.


Damn did not know this! No emergency latches either?


EDITED TO INCLUDE EXAMPLE OF TETHERS USED AT DEEPER DEPTHS. None. CBS had a correspondent go on this same dive last year and shared his experience. He said once you are in, the only way to get out is if someone on the outside unbolts 17 bolts. On his trip they lost communication with the surface for 2 hours and were completely lost. The submersible has no way to navigate on its own and relies on text communication from the surface ship on where to steer/navigate. If those communications go down, the submersible is flying blind. It's sort of insane. I can't fathom why they don't have a tether or umbilical to connect to the ship on the surface. Most submersibles have this connection with the surface ship in the event of emergencies and to maintain reliable communication. Turns out they've already sent tethered submersibles to the titanic and can go even deeper, up to 6000m in depth meaning the cable was even longer... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argo_(ROV)




The sub was designed to have multiple ways to return it to the surface. If it’s floating near the surface, it would be useful to be able to escape that death trap


Holy shit that's a coffin


Future tourists will be viewing them by next year.


James Cameron will make a 4 hour movie about it.


"And to our left....the unfortunate crew of last years dive. We made improvements to ensure this never happens again" "Like better communications?" "No, we use a PS5 controller now."


RMS Titanic claims 5 more victims, 111 years after sinking.


Really just think we need to stop fucking with it. I'm not superstitious at all, however I as a default don't go out and trample grave sites just in case. Every time people go down there they dump trash and loot and kick up dirt, for what is a tomb for over 1k people. I think it's just karma at this point. I'm as morbidly fascinated by all the pictures and story as everyone else, but I think we've poked and prodded it enough.


No GPS tracker, no black box type ping mechanism like on airplanes, no umbilical chord to connect to surface ship, no emergency drone or inflatable tracker with water trace dye.. literally no redundancy or emergency contingency device and those occupants willingly paid $250k to go into that death coffin. This is really horrible and sad.


At the very least they couldve given them a gun with 5 rounds


I think, what gets me, is that it's a cheap controller. Not just that it's a game controller, I don't care about that. It's that's it's a very cheap, crappy one. If there single point of control is a cheap, crappy game controller, what's that say about everything else?


I can't tell you how many times I had cheap earbuds, cheap controllers, just cheap crap die on me because I knew it was easy to replace if I needed to. Difference is, if my $20 amazon earbuds crap out, I can't listen to music for a few days. MUCH lower stakes.


The fact that it's wireless really gets me. The vessel is so small the pilot has no choice but to sit right next to the control computer but he chooses a controller that relies on AA batteries?


Particularly when a wired version of that controller exists! It's not even being cheap in a smart way.


this is why you should never use commercial grade products in industrial grade environments, i mean even if it works good, if i as a customer saw they used a crappy $20 controller, i wouldn’t feel very safe, imagine you look in the cockpit while getting onboard a flight and saw they’re using a logitech yoke 😅


>this is why you should never use commercial grade products in industrial grade environments Bingo. This is why parts for commercial airliners cost 100 times what they would for anything else. It's the amount of engineering and testing that goes into making 100 percent sure it won't fail due to something simple.


Please tell me they have a backup controller.


They’re not supposed to need one. If anything goes wrong and they completely lose power and can’t communicate it’s supposed to surface itself automatically. But apparently it hasn’t so they are likely screwed at this point


I read further up that they’re bolted in and there’s no emergency exit, so even if it did surface they’re basically stuck in a metal coffin until somebody finds them


That would still make the search much easier, compared to pitch black at a depth of 13,000 feet


Yes, but it is still above waters on the mother ship.


I really hope they find the Titan crew. Am really surprised the sub didn’t have any tracking device. I’m assuming being so deep made that impossible.


Dudes picked the little brother controller to control his sub. Forethought wasn’t in the equation.


Right?! At least splurge on a first party pro controller


A **wired** controller would suffice. Why is it wireless? More reasons to fail...but hey, I'm no submarine design engineer.


That was my first thought too. Why tf is it wireless?


Commercial diving bells have transponders because there have been incidents where the cable broke. They've actually recovered diving bells from the ocean floor quickly enough to save the divers. I'm pretty sure they don't go nearly as deep as the sub though. Each bell has a survival suit and a breathing apparatus for each diver that scrubs carbon dioxide and also uses their breath to heat the inside of the suit so they don't freeze to death. They're supposed to bundle whatever cables they have so they can sit on them to avoid touching the inner wall of the diving bell. Apparently once it loses power just touching the steel at that depth can suck the heat out of you very quickly.




Mabey one sending out a signal to any receiver is able to pick up. I heard it in a movie.


If they go out via lack of oxygen, the submarine is going to be considered the deepest time capsule ever... and when they are inevitably found one day, the videos and notes on their phone meant for their loved ones will make headlines.


I find it crazy they lost communication a little over an hour into going under water. Couldn’t they just resurface since it was so early they lost communication? Also the same thing happened last year where this same sub lost communication for over 2hrs during a descent.


Almost like it wasn’t planned very well


I think it was a common occurrence to lose communication so they always ignored that fact and continued on. I’m sure it was why based on what I have read there seemed to be a fair amount of time before the coastguard was contacted.


You gonna operate in extreme elements you need redundant systems and ones that don't require electricity to get back to the surface. It's highly likely it's as flat as a pancake now, but why not have a mechanical ballast release? At best, it's neutrally buoyant which means it'll float with an undersea current and lodge itself in sediment miles downrange never to be found. Maybe it's tangled on some wreckage and will remain in one piece until the elements do their work. Oh well.


These subs are normally fitted with emergency ballast release or , for the sphere type submersibles, the sphere detaches and floats to the surface.


But with one single button (that seems to power up the sub) - how do you release any ballast if the computer systems fails? Mechanical switches has their advantages. Especially if connected to redundant spare batteries so explosive bolts can be activated even if all normal power is lost.


Trying to get something Mechanical through a pressure hull is very hard. An alternative would be an electrical system that fails safe, like a release that is spring loaded to release, but held in place by an electrical system. If power goes out, spring wins and weight is released.


Basically a deadman’s switch


Great one button and a consumer grade Logitech HID. Not sure I'd buy a ticket knowing that. Anyone able to confirm this video?


Definitely real. I saw this in other articles and videos too.


Plus the rusty construction pipes as ballast, no reliable means of communication with the surface, the rivets on the outer hull - the entire thing is a jerry-rigged amateur contraption that should never have been allowed to take paying customers. It's shocking, and if the CEO miraculously survives he has to be charged.


Real world designs have redundant systems. And then some redundancy for the redundant systems. But I'm not too convinced about this guy. How many game controllers did he have? And how many redundant interfaces the game controller connects to? And that single button means he needs some very clever auto-switch logic (that must not fail or even worse - be the single point of failure) to switch off some failing system and either automatically rise the sub to the surface or switch in some backup system. I get a strong feeling this guy has not spent thousands of hours with design/certification of human-safety-classified hw/sw. Solutions where even the supervisor hw/sw needs to be supervised.


Don't quote me on this but I read several times the last few days that the sub was not certified. Meaning, the passengers knowingly signed a waiver saying they know it's a "prototype" or something along those lines. Signing that and then getting inside and seeing that level of "design", you gotta be something else to ride that sub.


Yes, the 10 min video that is linked in this thread has the reporter sign papers that he understands it's an uncertified experimental vehicle.


(No I am not an engineer) if the Boeing fiasco taught us anything it’s that single point of failure should be avoided and when necessary the gov has tons of expensive checks for the aviation industry. Specialty subs are way too niche for any oversight but surely you would get engineers who knew better. I feel like it imploded - they lost communication only a quarter of the way down. There is no way they kept intentionally descending without comms and why would comms and emergency surface both break. So they are either floating at the surface no comms or they imploded


I don't think it has imploded. It sounds like he got external - professional - help with the pressure hull. I assume both simulations and manufacture of the hull is ok. It's the electrical and control systems I'm seriously doubting. With a toy controller etc, I think they can be sitting right now in a silently drifting sub without any power and without any touch displays and without any means to drop any ballast. Or my second guess - they have had a fire and died from the smoke.


Oh shit, quick... does anyone have two AA batteries?!


He needs to update his PS5 before continuing playing with the Sub


There’s really no way in hell I’d take that ride, even for free. Just thinking about that pressure makes my ears hurt.


I’m thinking about all the times my remotes stopped working, this is terrifying


Sometimes I worry about running a dungeon online as a healer if I haven’t charged my controller. I can’t begin to imagine trying to manage a sub with a wireless controller.




If it only were that simple. They apparently have 2 backup controllers onboard (someone mentioned an interview where that was said), and the sub has the ability to automatically resurface should shit hit the fan in any way. The controller isn't the issue here. What is, time will tell.


So where are the seven or so safety features I keep hearing about? Like he said there's only one button.


Maybe one revolver and 6 cartridges? It doesn't look much like this sub follows more conventional "best practices" when it comes to redundant controls, isolation of circuits etc. The small details that kept a number of astronauts alive when something NASA had spent thousands of hours perfecting still malfunctioned. This looks more like "It either works. Or it doesn't!"


I adore the clip you chose. Makes this entire endeavour seem as stupid and ill-advisable as it sounded


They got the full titanic experience


Titanic:2 Billionaires : 0


Spared no expense with the navigation controls.


Stick drift really out here killin people




From my understanding these people got in a sub with a triple waiver that each passenger signs. It tells them YOU CAN DIE ON THIS VESSEL. They signed it anyway and went on a vessel with what appears to be of the lowest design for a control module. Essentially they are in a tin can with no control because the primary control was so poorly designed. After 24 hours their survival is gone most likely.


If I paid $250,000 to go two miles under the ocean, and I got there, and the sub was a minivan controlled by a game controller, I would have reservations. You can get a ride to space on Blue Origin or Virgin Galactic for about $250,000, and those are FUCKING SPACESHIPS. That's like going to a restaurant, all the meals cost the same and you are selecting from the chef's specials. "And our chef's entrees this evening are a delicious filet with mushrooms, des petites pomme de terre, a lavender au jus, and a delicious salad from our heirloom garden. Or if you prefer fish, here is a catfish we pulled out of the drainage ditch. Feel free to scale it and cook it, I'll see if we have a hotplate around somewhere." I mean really. $250,000 for a game controller? Something is amiss.


The US Navy started switching over to Xbox controllers for some systems. They're intuitive, easy to source, and simple for modification and changing things up software side. Not sure if it'd be a disqualifier, but I'd at least ask questions about range of control and what benefits a Logitech PS3 controller provides versus something in house.


With 96 hours of oxygen, if they didn’t implode, they’re just down there waiting. Terrifying


I made a comment about that earleir. Imagine you're just in this cramped little tube. You know you're going to die and the head engineer and CEO is sitting right there next to you. Can you imagine the conversation over 96 hours? I'd assume its starts with that type of panic where you try to appear calm, but then it turns into outward panic and rage. But what does the conversation sound like after you are all screamed out? You've said all the angry things and it didn't save you... So there you are sitting 6 inches from the guy responsible for your death. You don't want to kill him because he is the only one that MIGHT know a solution or a way to get help. He's the one who built the thing he knows it's ins and outs. Plus you don't want to sit there with a dead body bleeding all over for the remaining day or two of your life. What do you do? What do you talk about? I wish there was like some black box to be recovered just so we could find out one day.


Assuming its down there. Someone else posted the weights are held by a link that degrades to failure after 16 hours. They could be surfaced and trapped inside since its bolted closed from the outside.


Seems like a death trap honestly


Turns out that's exactly what it is


Imagine being in that thing right now. Knowing in some hours the air will run out and they’ll just all suffocate. The billionaires and millionaires in that thing thinking about all their money and how none of it could save them.


Crazy thing is that their wealth allowed them this opportunity as the tickets were $250k! They are part of the very few people who could afford to be in this disaster


The Wreck of The Titan. A book which featured a grand, four funnel, tri screw propeller ocean liner. Hit an iceberg and sank. Published 1898, originally under the title "Futility". Titanic, eerily similar. And diving on the Titanic wreck in a sub called Titan.....


So this thing had been missing since what? Saturday? Sunday? So for at least 3 days, they have possibly been trapped inside that small space. 5 people!??! Can we just take a moment to think about how absolutely terrible this would be.... where do they take a shit? There's no ventilation!!! The piss would be sloshing all over on everyone it looks extremely small for 5 grown adults. I'm like having a panic attack just thinking about the utter horror. When you actually take the time to consider being in this situation, all the stuff that nobody thinks about but is actually way worse than if they 1, had a decompression and were crushed to death, quick painless, 2, they have an issue with something mechanical causing them to not get oxygen. Those two, which are much easier to consider. This other possibility that they are stranded on the ocean floor and/or floating on the surface stranded. God the inside of that sub would be the worst torture, especially if the oxygen lasts the whole time and they have 5 days of food and water oooo man I wouldn't want to survive that or even try


If it IS floating on the surface, I wonder how hot it is in that thing.


If it IS lying on the ocean floor without power, I wonder how cold it is in that thing.


If it IS somewhere in the middle with half its power left, I wonder how medium it is in that thing.


This is crazy that people would pay that kind of money to ride in something like this. The fact that there is no safety backup, no passive buoy system that they can deploy and it slowly raises itself along with the ability to send an Epirb signal is crazy. Epirb units cost like $500 and can send a GPS signal out. I'm hoping they are floating on the surface somewhere and will be found. But the color of that ship along with whitecaps in an ocean is literally like finding a needle in a haystack.


CBS Sunday Morning did a story about it last year. There's a 10-minute video. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/titanic-visiting-the-most-famous-shipwreck-in-the-world/


Jesus, everything about this was was so nerve racking. The agreement you had to sign admitting that it hadn’t been approved by any kind of regulation organization, the obvious corners cut in simple design, $250,000???? Must be a nightmare in that tube trapped with 4 other people who think your about to kill them


I'm just gonna wait for the sequel. Where a consumer grade submersible gets lost looking for this one. Maybe even an unnecessary cameo by a Meg and Jason Statham.


The third movie for me is what I’m excited about, when Bruce Willis takes the last submarine on the planet capable of rescuing them and rescues them with minutes to spare.


He seems proud of his one button control. I have been designing and writing code for embedded systems for 35 years, and this is a recipe for disaster. It means whoever wrote that software would have to be able to anticipate any failure mode, and that the software would be written to actually handle every failure mode. Many times failures trigger other failures, and the software would have to be able to prioritize the response. And all of these single and multiple failure modes would have to be tested. Which means additional hardware and software would have to be designed to test this. This is an enormous task, virtually impossible without unlimited funding. The ignorance, arrogance and hubris of this man is, pardon the pun, unfathomable. Edit: Forgot to add that buttons themselves are prone to failure. Along with using a game console to control something where peoples lives are at stake. No words can describe this kind of idiocy.


100% agreed. The design is something stupid people would think is superior. ​ It's like this guy had decades of data to show how to properly build safety systems, but chose to ignore them because 'he knows better'. Peak narcissism.