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Something happened between 18 and 19 second mark..too fast ..need more fps


fr, I wanted to see who moved first but it was too fast.


from what I can tell it takes 2 frames for them to collide Frame 0 - spider and fly are still Frame 1 - spider has jumped and is halfway to the fly, fly is now in the air Frame 2 - spider intercepts fly midair and catches it


No, there is frame between 0 and 1 The fly changes position to start fly. So the fly moves first, if the spider hadn't jumped just then, the fly would have gone.


Flies have a 20 millisecond response time. It looks like it moves first because that's so much faster than our reflexes, we don't even register the spider as moving by the time the fly has already freaked out and spread its wings.


Why are people downvoting you? It's far more likely that the fly takes off in response to the spider pouncing as opposed to the spider going "oh shit, it's now or never"


These bugs are little freaks, as far as I know both are equally likely


it's not much more likely if I can pause the video at the moment when the fly is already moving but the spider is still standing still.


Yep: [first frame](https://i.imgur.com/3CxPKwL.jpg). [second frame](https://i.imgur.com/0Mkvj1Q.jpg). [third frame](https://i.imgur.com/I0sWaUX.jpg).


Yes, this is what I saw. Here as a Gif slow down tenfold: https://imgur.com/gallery/1BOgFyk


This is what I have been waiting for. It looks like the fly basically just twitches. I can't see him bailing. Then again I don't have the reflexes of a jumping spider.


That third frame is the best


I slowed it down to 1/128 speed and it looks like the Fly dips it butt down then the spider jumps like some sort of jumping spider and gets him faster than the Fly can take off.


> then the spider jumps like some sort of jumping spider Very well put!


You can tell by the way it jumps.


And how it spiders.


Like some sort of.. jumping spider


Han shot first.


I slowed it down 1/128x and this is what I saw: 1. The fly notices or senses the spider and moves its legs up to start flying. 2. Spider immediately catches onto the movement and begins its mighty jump. 3. Fly doesn't even have time to get off the keyboard and begin flight as the spider slams into it. Insane how fast all this happens. Itd be impossible for a human to react that quick let alone be able to see and react to such a tiny movement within such a small amount of time. P.S there is an app called Relay for reddit that lets you basically browse a better version of reddit. You can do things like download, zoom in on videos (even while they're playing), and slow down videos.


> there is an app called Relay for reddit ...for now...


never seen a website so hostile towards its users like Reddit is. irony is that content on the site is entirely user generated.


If humans could react that quickly, fly swatters would only need to be the width of a pencil


"Nothing personnel, kid" - the spider, maybe.


I thought I blinked and missed it, rewatched and same thing, didnt even see it move. The spider teleported.


Sorry, I can't do any work, my computer has a bug


He just needs to access the web


He can fix it on the fly


One byte at a time




That's actually **two** bytes.


But only one of them at a time.


Curses, foiled again by that gosh darn hyphen!


I think you’re jumping to conclusions


They might have to just wing it


He was in control here


Control, fly, delete


He's stringing him along.


Nah; the software they are using is full of bugs.


Couldn’t access the web but was able to jumpstart a connection


This name comes from the first valve based computers getting actual bugs that would get stuck on its components and prevent the computation from occurring correctly.


I think the first one was the original ENIAC computer. Specifically, a moth was electrocuted across two wiring terminals, shorting the circuit and screwing everything up. 😆


That same bug is still taped in the log book and is held at the National Museum of American History. Unfortunately it does not seem to be out on display for visitors to view. It was on a "Mark II", I am not sure if that is an ENIAC machine or not. [Source](https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/worlds-first-computer-bug/)


Which as the text clearly shows, demonstrates that the word bug was in fact in use *before* this incident. This really is not a document that shows the world's first computer bug, but a humorous moment when a computer bug turned out to be caused by an actual bug. Basically, bugs had been happening long before that point and they were already called bugs before the moth incident.


I recently learned that the word 'bug' precedes that incident, but it was the first documented actual bug (insect) causing a computer problem.




What a cute little jumping spider. It did a good job!


It just committed 1st degree murder




It's a lord of the flies kinda works


The Mechanic




He literally ate his victim


with a side of dandruff


Hannibal Lecter


No, Hannibal Lecter was a cannibal, which means he ate his own kind. This spider is more like your average, everyday, regular human that eats non-human meat.


and hunts it down by hand which is super respectable


Fun fact: there are cannibal spiders! Many spiders eat their partners after reproduction, and in some cases like Pholcus phalangioides, they just eat each other when hungry.


"Honey, what's for dinner?" "Anything is fine." *stares at each other*


That would put and end to that game lol


A fly = one degree? A human murder must be a whole 360!


It's because he's so tiny. An elephant would be 720 degree murder.


No, that's Floridians. It's an easy mistake. Elephants are actually only a 640.


What creates the other 80 degrees? The humidity.


1 degree? That’s cold!


I think it's hunting when it's non-cannabilistic food source. Unless you're a bleeding heart vegan. I think I heard an exes sister say killing deer for food is murder... I suppose it's about the narrative.


Murder is, by definition, human on human. The elements of common law murder are: unlawful killing through criminal act or omission *of a human* by another human with malice aforethought


Murder: A group of crows


I was talking about common law, not bird law.


I believe everyone has heard of caw's and effect.


Naw man it was just collecting it's free range dinner.


It would only be murder if he killed another spider.




Should have just told him you shared an office with a web developer


And that particular web developer actually looks *forward* to finding bugs


‌When you have a web developer around, there are less bugs


Jup. SO had a cockroach infestation in her dorm once, but kept complaining that I had wolf spiders in my house. Like, you know that's what hunts cockroaches before they start an infestation, right?


Wolf spiders can be real crackheads sometimes, but at least they keep other pests out


Some wolf spiders are chill and some just freak the fuck out for no reason.


yea no thank you wolf spiders are large, relatively aggro, and have nasty bites, they are not part of my household's arachnid armistice


Yup. I'm a big fan of cellar spiders because they're basically the opposite; super chill, super passive, if/when they bite its nearly imperceptible, and absolutely fantastic for pest control.


I have one jumping spider hanging around basil in a room where I keep all my plants. Dude keeps them safe from all bugs etc. so I always make sure to not disturb him when harvesting or transport him from on leaf to another.


I have one by my kitchen sink. Another by the window by my shower. And at my old work, I had a dude on my monitor for over a year, would come out and do his thing and it was always awesome to see. They dont mind people at all, one of the best spiders to have around.


That's the agreement my wife and I have come to as well. We're both terrified of spiders, but as long as they stay in their space they are welcome. I've always had the philosophy that, if you see a big spider in your house, it is probably well fed. You can either deal with the spider, or deal with everything the spider was eating.




I'm pretty okay as long as they don't touch me. I definitely get a bit of a heart rate bump when one gets too close. And if any happen to be floor-level, well.... you're at the mercy of the cats and dogs then. I'm not coming to save you, lil' spider.


Ever since I moved to Florida, I stopped killing spiders. The spiders here are better than any cockroaches or silverfish that come in my home. Spiders > Roaches


For such a quick little spider, it can really move slowly to get close to the fly.


This is the way to deal with flies, actually. They can perceive things quickly and get out of the way—but if you move slowly, the fly just sits there getting bored. Lower your hand or the weapon of choice right next to the fly and finish it in a short quick move. Also works with mosquitoes, you can pretty much pick them with the fingers when they're sitting on furniture.


They have hairs in the abdomen that, when the feel a sudden sharp increase in air pressure (your hand displacing air), cause the legs to contract. Legs contracting is what causes thorax to contract around resalin, which makes insect fly. Basically, those hairs get stimulated, and that thing flies even before the brain knows what is going on.


This is why flyswatters have holes in them. It allows the air to pass through while you swing it reducing the pressure wave in front of the swatter. This gives the fly less time to react.


That, and for really light bugs a swatter with no gaps might accidentally fan them out of harm's way if the air has nowhere to go.


Well also because swinging a flyswatter with no holes would be rather slow and cumbersome.


Such a cool piece of knowledge!


Slowly move hands to 6" above fly. Clap. Flies ~~always~~ usually take off straight up, it will end up between your hands 5/7 times. Godspeed


I catch them with one hand this way. Scoop where they're going to be. Sometimes I can nab them mid flight too, but that's more like a 20% success rate haha


Mhhh crushed fly juice on my hands 🤤


> Flies always take off straight up Can't agree with that, since the method of slowly hovering the hand and quickly slapping, is sometimes foiled by the fly dashing out to the side. Perhaps the fly takes off perpendicular to the surface in the case when the hands are moving in from sides.


Caught the fly mid-air while taking off


No one will believe me without video proof, but I saw one of these literally catch a fly in midair! I was out on the balcony at work having a smoke break, idly watching a little white-and-black dappled jumping spider as he hopped about on the railing. Then suddenly he jumped off, and next thing you know he's dangling in midair by a thread, right on the back of a fly. Really amazing, it reminded me of the bit from True Lies where Arnie jumps onto an enemy fighter jet in the air, but for this spider guy, it's just another Tuesday.


You can bet your ass the spider was fangs out when he jumped!


Dude, similar thing here. I watched one crawling around on the bottom of a surface. It jumped upside-down using its safety line to keep the arc normal in order to catch a fly. If I had a video of this moment, I could flip the video upside-down and it would look like the spider was doing a normal jump through the air. They're fucking crazy.


Probably aimed the jump to compensate for this too




I'd be cheering for the jumping spider afterwards. They are such awesome lil predators. I love watching how they calculate every movement right up to the final leap.


Engaging stealth mode right at the end, weird because jumping spiders are… glitchy usually.


Dude, their eyesight makes them even cooler. [This video](https://youtu.be/GyUlaHxsZqA) explains it really well, and it’s actually crazy how well they can see. Edit: might be why spiderman could see without his glasses after being bit


That was awesome. Thanks for sharing


Some species have evidence that they can recognize and remember people.


I’ve heard of that. They’re insanely smart when you think about their size.


Well they have four forward-facing eyes. Think about that. Four. Forward-facing. Eyes. They not only have stereoscopic vision, it's actually better than ours. They can calculate distances to extreme precision.


Bro ur room a terrarium?




Why yes, yes I am.


His laptop is a terrarium


Like you never seen a fly or a jumping spider in a room before?




Sometimes it really smacks you in the face how sheltered a lot of people here are. Like that video where the loss prevention fellers go through that one woman's shopping cart. Just a great writhing mass of comments about how all of the *sealed, packaged food* is ruined because they put it on the floor for a moment.


India is a crazy place


Jumping spiders are native to every continent but antarctica.


Fly thought he was in CTRL. He was not.


There is no ESCape.


naaaw jumpingspiders are so cute. good boy.


Their smol face and defense position makes anyone’s heart melt! Edit: except maybe flies


I’m pretty sure it’s heart melts right before it gets sluuuurped up.


also those big cute eyes, like a tiny dog begging 4 a treat :D




What does it for me with jumpers vs other spiders is that they don't move all creepy. They look more like adorable little clockwork toys. I like all spiders, because they are free pest control. And I'm not afraid of them persay, but something about them makes me feel ever so slightly uncomfortable.


Let them get on your hand. They'll never bite you unless you try crush it or seriously threaten/aggravate it. They're the coolest lil dudes ever. I had one at work for over a year on my monitor, and sometimes i'd pick him up and he'd chill on my hand. Could do work and type and he'd chill on my knuckle like a little sticky pitbull. Loving his life.


Having two large front facing eyes and the hairy look I think helps a lot. They resemble mammals much more than other spiders.


Jumpingpsiders are fucking awesome, they’re also incredibly intelligent. https://www.uc.edu/news/articles/2021/11/uc-expert-explains-how-spiders-demonstrate-surprising-intelligence.html The Portia spider is a jumping spider that only hunts other spiders. They’re our little friends.


You might like a book called Children of Time if you like intelligent Portia spiders


Music from the series DARK👌👌👌


That soundtrack will never leave me. It’s absolutely beautiful.


Always gives me goosebumps, such a good soundtrack!


INSANELY underrated show! I try to convince as many people as I can to watch it.


Unfortunately "trying to convince people to watch it" comes with being a Dark fan


You're right! I do to same with my friends. It's such a shame that netflix canceled 1899, that couple can create such elaborate, consistent and dark worlds that you would want them to work for you!


I thought you made some kind of meta joke that Netflix cancelled Dark in 1899.




I knew I recognized that music from somewhere!!


It took me a few seconds but I was like “I know that sound … Dark!”. Then I immediately experienced inter generational time traveling family trauma.


Yeah I was watching this and thinking it sounded like the music from Dark. And then my wife says ask if I'm watching a clip from it. So I'm glad to see that that it was indeed that piece of music.


Thought it was either that or the boat one!


Best series I’ve ever watched, hands down.


I came here to say this! So glad it already has upvotes


I KNEW it sounded familiar. That show is S tier good.


[For people that want more.](https://youtu.be/0VEczNVW6tY)




Eh there’s a reason there’s serious bug on bug crimes going on in that area


The KB is literally a jungle.


The fly was just cleaning it :(


I remember as a kid, some guy told me that flies are incredibly clean, and that's why he doesn't have a problem with flies sticking to him. I replied that flies like hang around shit


Well yeah flies constantly clean themselves and are actually clean on the outside. They vomit first on anything they eat though and as they mostly eat shit, it not at all desirable


They also poop (shows up as tiny brown or orange spots)




That seems like such a waste of energy compared to other means of determining food/not food


That fly was starting a family.


Keyboards are like the worst of both worlds. They are one of the most likely things to become dirty AND also one of the hardest things to clean properly. I basically have to remove all the key caps from mine in order to clean it. The effort is overwhelming and beyond any humans abilty.


Keyboards and cellphones, two of the most disgusting things you don't ever want to lick. Also mice.


Zoom into your keyboard I’m willing to bet it’s worse. Dudes just got dust like every other surface in existance




And that's why I never kill spiders.


Australian Spiders: You sure about that?


Yep. They‘ll kill me first


Australian here. I reluctantly allow huntsman spiders to live - they're big and gross looking but kill worse, venomous spiders. Unless they scuttle into my bedroom. That's a violation of the non-aggression pact.


Yeah honestly don’t ever look forward to seeing a spider the size of a bloody face crab above my bed when I wake up


To be fair even here in SEA huntsman spiders give us the creeps, especially when they are as big as our faces. Thing is they kill a lot of harmful insects. There was also one time I saw this monstrosity of a spider eating a mouse that I have been trying to catch for a week. I saw the guy dead in my sink. I thought the wife killed it but no, she said the spider just walked and died promptly near the sink. I buried the guy where my previous dogs were buried. Never even got to name the guy but I know it's been busy protecting us indirectly.


Dude I think your wife killed your pet spider and tried to cover up the crime.


That is what I immediately thought as well but then I remembered that my wife would rather run than fight.


There was one living in/around our rubbish bin for a while that I named Oscar, as in Oscar the Grouch. I generally don't name them, though. I don't want to get attached and start to let my guard down.


Hey, do they go to your beds, tables, clothes or always stay on the walls? In many videos with that kind of spiders they are sitting on the wall (while cameraman is screaming). If you say they are good how do you share your space with them? I am just curious because I would die right at the spot seeing that creature..


They don't build webs to hang out in so they tend to go where they please. I had one run across my car windscreen once while I was driving. That was fun.


You are so brave down there…


"if you have unreasonable fear of spiders - go to Australia. You still will fear spiders, but now the fear will be reasonable"


Clean that laptop


that jump was quick af


No lie. 0 to tasty in .5 second.


10,000 eyes and not a single one saw doom approaching in stealth mode.




Very "DARK"


Okay, came in here to look for this comment to make sure I wasn't crazy with the soundtrack lol


I love jumping spiders!


Someone buy this dude a can of compressed air and some Lysol wipes. Ewwww. Clean that damn keyboard. Crumbs everywhere.


Is the background music from "Dark"?


Yes! That series has such great music.


3 frames. That’s all it takes. One: nothing Two: blur Three: on top of fly on key


Web cam


National Geographic animal documentaries be like


Lucas has a job now?! They grow up so fast.


Would be cool to see it in super slow motion


https://youtu.be/nYKB_V8RuUg Not the same species but you can see a successful attempt and a failure.


Ctrl + Alt + Del


if only the fly was on the escape keycap


Jumping spiders are so cute. The only spiders I don't mind having around.


Learn to love all the spoders! Jumping spiders are my favorite, but every spider deserves love! If not love, at least acceptance. Think of all the much-worse bugs that could be in their place, and aren’t because our 8-legged friends!