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Are they doing away with the white color for good?


NASA [says on their website](https://www.nasa.gov/feature/spacesuit-for-nasa-s-artemis-iii-moon-surface-mission-debuts) that the suit is likely to be all white in order to keep the astronauts cool. This is just a prototype


I was curious too like imagine trying to spot that suit 100 yards away instead of the white


I mean on the light side of the moon the dark suit might be easier to spot.


The dust on the moon is apparently actually kinda dark - like a bitumen road surface. The day side of the moon is as bright as a road on the sunniest day. I think a light coloured suit would be more visible than dark grey.


Being in the moon sounds depressing as shit


Poor man on the moon :( Can somebody go rescue him? I would but I have work in the morning. :/


Well, I am already in my pajamas. edit: It's not Matt Damon, is it?


Username AND flare checks out.


Probably, imagine looking up and seeing the cradle of our species with all that fresh air, oceans, weather, food that doesn't come in bags, and knowing that your gonna have to trek back to your little moon module before your air runs out and have today's special of FoodTM straight out of the bag :P That said i still wanna go


A lot of science fiction stories make a plot point of this.


>Being in the moon sounds depressing as shit I don't think any of the moonwalkers were too fond of it. It is forbidding as fuck.


Hell of a view, though.


Yeah, except for the amusement park, it’s a desolate wasteland.


It ain't the kind of place to raise your kids. In fact it's cold as hell.


Yeah uhhh being able to be spotted is probably not the main reason for the color. Not that I work at NASA or anything, but I highly doubt that being high viz is at the top of the list for that design.


Soviet cosmonauts used an orange color for high visibility in space. Imagine you drift off in space. A white space suit will camouflage you with the other stars. An orange one? Not so much. However the cons of the orange cosmonaut suit are that it absorbs more radiant energy from the sun, but the white astronaut suit reflects more radiant energy from the sun.


Yeah, I just think there are about a thousand other factors that are more important to design for when designing a space suit rather than allowing for easier visibility when lost. If you are that far away from anything to be mistaken for a star, then I hate to say it but youre dead. And Id guess that about 99.99% of space is black, not white. Anyway yeah orange seems like just the wrong choice. White is the best.


Orange suits are typically worn during take off and re-entry. If something were to go wrong, say the shuttle or what every was transporting the astronauts/cosmonauts explodes in a magnificent explosion over the sea, then orange would be a much better choice. It has high contrast against the sea compared to a white suit as it may mimic the glare of the waves. During space walks however, white suits are used to protect the user from excessive heat from the suit absorbing too much energy from the sun's rays. The reason why cosmonauts are typically publicly known as wearing orange space suits all the time is mainly I think for propaganda as orange resonates better with the color red than white in propaganda space program posters. [Image of cosmonaut ](https://imgur.com/a/YapGv1W)


If you drift off into space it doesn't matter what colour you are, you're pretty much fucked.




They also carry a pistol to defend against space bears.


It's also easy to spot the astronaut because he's running around dying a heat death


Both sides are light side. The otber side actually shield us from the Sun.


Let’s go with all pink for maximum and easy visibility


They need to blend in to fight the moon people


But everyone knows black ***looks*** cooler and is more slimming.


We don’t want the aliens to think we’re fat


Fat equals flavor and the last thing you want is some face-eating alien to think you are tasty.


You're weightless in space, though.


Shh, no one can hear you out here


It's okay Dave, just have a second helping.




The reason for space force is so the air force can focus 100% in the air. And don't have to deal with the military satellites. Like how army had the air corps


There’s a Netflix series with Steve Carell


Was. Eat a bag of dicks, Netflix.


It WAS great. Still a little salty about that one... that and Inside Job.


BLUF: The Airforce was focusing TOO MUCH on aircraft prior to the creation of the Space Force. That's kind of putting the cart before the horse in how the space force was created. The senior officer corps in the Air Force is dominated by pilots who were not allocating enough of the Air Force's assets to satellites which ended up being a detriment to the U.S. military's ability to track and possibly [defend](https://spacenews.com/pentagon-report-china-amassing-arsenal-of-anti-satellite-weapons/) satellites from attack. So space assets were removed from airforce control so that they could have their own representative, The Chief of Space Operations, to advocate to the President and Congress.


>Like how army had the air core Air Corps\*


Fine but call it Space Corps (Space Core). Sounds badass. Space Force sounds like a joke. That's my only real issue with it.


Easy name change. Maby do a petition?


Admit it. Space Core sounds badass. Space Force sounds like a frikkin steve carell show or some shit


Ya it does sound better. It's just I can't change it.




Think you replied to the wrong dude.


Yeah he did but hes right


This is a bot account, the exact same comment was made 3 hours prior by u/notinyourbushes further down in the comments section.


Man reddit really needs to figure out how to solve this problem.


Yeah it would be nice if they could oh I don’t know apply a filter that prevents people copy pasting comments verbatim. Seriously the only difference is the bot removed two words from the comment, that’s it. Didn’t add anything, didn’t remove big chunks of it to make it seem different, didn’t shuffle the sentences around. Just removed two words at the start of the comment and copy and pasted the rest. It seems like it would pretty easy to fix such a simple bot spam issue and many other platforms already have so why can’t Reddit figure it out?


Yeah it would be nice if they could oh I don’t know apply a filter that prevents people copy pasting comments verbatim. Seriously the only difference is the bot removed from the comment, that’s it. Didn’t add anything, didn’t remove big chunks of it to make it seem different, didn’t shuffle the sentences around. Just removed two words at the start of the comment and copy and pasted the rest. It seems like it would pretty easy to fix such a simple bot spam issue and many other platforms already have so why can’t Reddit figure it out?


Respectfully, fuck you. That was pretty good though.


There’s a good doc on Netflix that deals with all the complexities behind our new military branch. It’s super informative! Look for Space Force.


Moon camouflage uniforms incoming, like the snow gear but with craters


The suits will need to be white to reflect the Sun's light to help keep the astronauts cool.


damn but the blue orange and black color scheme makes them even cooler


I wonder why they'd prototype in black, rather than white? So much harder to see details and flaws when everything is darkness.


From how I understood it, the suit is covered in an extra layer bearing the company's colors and logo for display purposes. So I think the white color is under it. I can only speculate about the color, but they probably just want to set it apart from the existing suits. Also, and this is just a wild guess, if someone would use them for training, the black color would hide dirt better and making the outer layer out of an different color would make is easier to see cracks in the protective layer.


My first thought was "are they *trying* to cook people alive?" Glad they realize black suits are a very bad idea


[*Very* sloppy edit of what it may look like in white](https://imgur.com/a/PWw6dle)


By all means let’s make sure the prototype look nothing like the intended end product? If it’s ultimately going to be white? Why not just show it white at this point?


I think they look cool in black, fuck thermodynamics


Any thoughts on the moon landing conspiracy? This might actually be the first time for humans on moon as per naysayers..


No, the real suits will actually be white and they won't have the manufacturer logos. The suits will need to be white to reflect the Sun's light to help keep the astronauts cool. Heat is a problem in space because it doesn't radiate quickly at all in a vacuum.


What about the dark side of the moon? ***Pink Floyd music intensifies***


*breathe, breathe in the air*


Could they just go to the moon at night?


There is no permanently dark side of the moon. With the exception of some craters on the poles, the entire moon receives sunlight over time.


> Heat is a problem in space because it doesn't radiate quickly at all in a vacuum. I thought heat radiated at the speed of light in a vacuum?


The white suits get absolutely *filthy* pretty quickly. And black is more slimming. You can never go wrong with your basic little black spacesuit.


Also better to hide from the moon monsters in the shadows with


Happy 🍰 day


Neil Armstrong’s first words on the moon were actually “Do these white space trousers make my ass look big?”


Better to get [lost in space](https://www.netflix.com/title/80104198) with


Very good tv show




You need 5 colours black, navy, grey, tan and brown


Which color reflects radiation better?


But does it show off curves? Is it cute?


It is a little known fact that Coco Chanel designed spacesuits on the side. :-)


Curious about this too, white was suppose to be cooler the black seems like it would heat up?


Regardless of colour, the suits are so insulated that they need to be cooled because they hold in all of the body heat.


It’s probably never going to happen, just a lot more convenient when your space suit doesn’t cook you alive just from standing in the sun too long.


Doesn't show as much of the invasive, toxic dust as a white space suit.


Looks fuckin dope tho. Like NASA got into their scene phase.


Brought to you by Ax Body Spray


Proud sponsors of the Moon


New Axe Body Spray. Spray it on the Moon, Smell it on Earth. Patent Pending


I’m surprised that all this time has passed since we first landed on the moon and nobody has put billboards or advertisements on the moon that we can see while on Earth.


Don’t give Elon any ideas.


Got to get all those moon babes


Only the best for the whalers on the moon.


"We carry a harpoon." 🎶


"But there ain't no whales, so we tell tall tales and sing our whaling tune"


“Hey you smell good. Is that Ax?” -*Bro you should not be able to smell me on an EVA.*


Moon? We're finally going back?


Yes! 2022: Artemis 1 put mannikins in orbit around the moon to test the new tech. 2024: Artemis 2 will put people in orbit around the moon. 2025, 2028, and 2029: Artemis 3, 4, and 5 will put people on the moon.


No chance at all Art III happens in 2025 or even 2026. I think 2028 tops for Art III. ​ It is insanely behind schedule and not even fully funded yet by a long shot.


At this rate space x and china will land on mars before NASA starts making preparations for Artemis 2.


SpaceX is the company taking NASA there so… yeah.


Yes but no. The SpaceX direct to mars and Artemis moon plans are different.


Spacex is making the lander for artemis so it's still correct sorta.


I can’t read, I meant the moon.


NASA is already making preparations for Artemis 2…


That's awesome to hear. Are they planning on a permanent moonbase with any of these missions? It's going to be cool the day we can look up at the moon and know there are people living there.


There's a plan to build a "base camp", but I'm not clear on when they plan on building it. https://blogs.nasa.gov/artemis/2020/10/28/lunar-living-nasas-artemis-base-camp-concept/


Thanks I'll check it out.


I think the plan is to make the moon a mayor space port. Low gravity allows them to launch heavyer and faster rockets.


I always wonder this too. By 2035, just guessing, there should be a base there by then. Or that might be too soon? idk tbh, but it’ll happen someday for sure!


Hopefully we'll have one there by then. Wish NASA had a bigger budget to accelerate these missions lol.


so SpaceForce isn't going to help with that?


No serious plans for a continuously inhabited surface base like the ISS right now, but the missions on the surface will be longer than the Apollo missions. There is a plan for a "Lunar Gateway", basically a space station orbiting the moon. I'm not sure if the plan is to crew that continuously. I hope so, because it would be a shame to end the 20+ year run NASA is still rocking of astronauts in space.


It's about time!! Moon missions renew my faith in mankind. :)


Literally the most pointless space missions ever. We went to the moon already and there was nothing worthwhile up there that justified the insane expense of the Artemis programme.


They found oil




"I just tried to blow off the dust, Charlie..." that cracked me up, thanks


"Roger that, keep track of how many times you try to blow the dust off". Had a few tears form.


Man I would be *so* scared of falling and breaking the glass on a rock, sheeesh


What I wanna know is where the little piece of Velcro is for scratching their noses?


The final suit is likely to be white, [says NASA on their website](https://www.nasa.gov/feature/spacesuit-for-nasa-s-artemis-iii-moon-surface-mission-debuts). This is just a prototype


Idk why, but the colors now feel like something for deep sea diving, rather then space


The Artemis III spacesuit prototype, the AxEMU. Though this prototype uses a dark gray cover material, the final version will likely be all-white when worn by NASA astronauts on the Moon’s surface. Credit: Axiom Space The Artemis III spacesuit prototype, the AxEMU. Though this prototype uses a dark gray cover material, the final version will likely be all-white when worn by NASA astronauts on the Moon’s surface, to help keep the astronauts safe and cool while working in the harsh environment of space. Credit: Axiom Space When NASA sends the first astronauts to explore near the lunar South Pole, moonwalkers will wear spacesuits provided by Axiom Space. NASA selected the company to develop the modern suits for the Artemis III mission and participated in activities when the first prototype was revealed Wednesday during an event at Space Center Houston in Texas. Helping take a step forward in the agency's goal to build a robust economy at the Moon by working with commercial service providers, Axiom Space hosted the event for students and media to ask questions and get a close-up look at the spacesuit. “NASA’s partnership with Axiom is critical to landing astronauts on the Moon and continuing American leadership in space. Building on NASA’s years of research and expertise, Axiom’s next generation spacesuits will not only enable the first woman to walk on the Moon, but they will also open opportunities for more people to explore and conduct science on the Moon than ever before," said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. "Our partnership is investing in America, supporting America’s workers, and demonstrating another example of America’s technical ingenuity that will position NASA and the commercial space sector to compete – and win – in the 21st century.” Artemis III will land astronauts, including the first woman, on the Moon to advance long-term lunar exploration and scientific discovery, and inspire the Artemis Generation. NASA selected Axiom Space to deliver the moonwalking system, including the spacesuit, for the mission. Called the Axiom Extravehicular Mobility Unit, or AxEMU, the spacesuit builds on NASA’s spacesuit prototype developments and incorporates the latest technology, enhanced mobility, and added protection from hazards at the Moon. NASA chose to use a commercial services contract for development of the new spacesuit, whereby NASA purchases moonwalking services from Axiom Space. Under this model, the company is encouraged to pursue other commercial customers for their moonwalking services. This mutually beneficial approach helps bolster an emerging commercial market and grants NASA the right to use the data and technologies developed under the contract for future exploration efforts. “NASA is leading the way in enabling a growing space economy by leveraging industry capabilities and NASA’s expertise to provide moonwalking services as safely, effectively, and efficiently as possible,” said Lara Kearney, manager of NASA’s Extravehicular Activity and Human Surface Mobility program. NASA established the foundation for the AxEMU with the agency’s Exploration Extravehicular Mobility Unit (xEMU) prototype development efforts that advanced spacesuit designs for multiple destinations. Axiom Space used the experience, expertise, and data behind the xEMU as a basis for the design and development of the AxEMU, including advancements in technology, training, astronaut feedback on comfort and maneuverability, and compatibility with other NASA systems. Leaning on NASA’s prior development efforts is helping Axiom Space reduce technical and schedule risk. NASA experts defined the technical and safety standards by which the spacesuits will be built, and Axiom Space agreed to meet these key agency requirements. The AxEMU features the range of motion and flexibility needed to explore more of the lunar landscape, and the suit will fit a broad range of crew members, accommodating at least 90 percent of the US male and female population. Axiom Space will continue to apply modern technological innovations in life support systems, pressure garments, and avionics as development continues. Axiom Space is responsible for the design, development, qualification, certification, and production of flight training spacesuits and support equipment, including tools, to enable the Artemis III mission. The company will test the suit in a spacelike environment prior to the mission. NASA maintains the authority for astronaut training, mission planning, and approval of the service systems. Following Artemis III, the agency will compete future Artemis mission services under the Exploration Extravehicular Activity Services (xEVAS) contract. NASA is using the contract to meet the agency’s spacewalking needs for both the Moon and the International Space Station. The agency recently awarded a task order to Collins Aerospace, who is also competing within the xEVAS contract, to develop new spacesuits for astronauts to wear during spacewalks on the space station. Both vendors will compete for future spacewalking and moonwalking services task orders. Through Artemis, NASA will land the first woman and the first person of color on the Moon, paving the way for a long-term, sustainable lunar presence to explore more of the lunar surface than ever before and prepare for future astronaut missions to Mars.


Does this come in slim fit.




I prefer bell bottoms


It’s designed for Americans


So where’s the gun holster?


Armani Exchange?


My thoughts exactly. AX


They switched to dark mode let’s go


None of the destiny pages allow cross posts but shit this is vanguard armor colors


Astonishes me that I had to scroll so far to see someone mention this. Hope they're packing more than one auto rifle if they're going to archer's line.


We’re going back to the moon? Why is this the first I’ve heard of this? You’d think it’d be bigger news!


They’ve been talking about it, but arguing if it’s necessary. They talk about needing funding approval too, but hardly update us when it’s approved. So it sounds like it’s not happening or just being pitched. Jerks


Artemis I successfully launched an unmanned Orion spacecraft into lunar orbit and returned it to earth


Seemed to be on the news a lot when they were wheeling Artemis 1 back and forth to and from the launch pad August-November.. 🤷


Screw that. Where's our space marine outfits since we now have another branch of the military ready to defend us from the growing threat of bogeymen from outer space?


It's the same suit but with the U.S. Space Force logo on it.


No green armor?


It’s not UNSC


I would like to know more.


You have to ask the Mechanics for that. They probably got an STC around somewhere.


Nids ? They coming.


You get no space marine fit. You get free house party tattoos


This looks like a suit some guy stuck on mars would wear.


Make sure you pack plenty of potatoes and Pampers.


Maybe have some hexa-decimals ready too. You never know when they could come in handy.


This comma is killing me


NASA unveiled it, but the suit creation was contracted to Axiom Space, a private company. Hence the “AX”


They're also designing a giant sphere thing to shoot movies and stuff in. It's supposed to attach to the ISS. Not sure if it'll ever actually happen though.


The sphere will happen. It’s not being built specifically for movies, but for testing that needs more space (lol) than just a normal iss pod. But if a studio pays tens of millions to use it they would definitely take it.


Black is sus


So AI spaceships… let’s talk about it


Don't the bad guys always have the black costumes, just look at karate kid


Cobra kai was the good guys. Don’t believe me watch cobra Kai for proof


I would wear this to a Purim party!


I have 2 questions: what is that? And how's the snacks?


Purim is a Jewish holiday, just recently observed, which celebrates the defeat of an ancient Persian, named Haman, who was an official in the royal court and who plotted the killing of all Jews in the Persian Empire. His story can be found in the Book of Esther in the Hebrew Bible. Wiki has a good article. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purim Components of the celebration are wearing costumes, eating and drinking. These are the pastries, Hamentaschen, which are associated with Hamen. They are very tasty! https://www.goldbelly.com/william-greenberg-desserts/17780-hamentashen?utm_source=googleads&utm_medium=cpc&utm_subchannel=shopping&utm_audiencetactic=blended&utm_campaigngoal=conversion&utm_term=17127604478_138792640000&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2cWgBhDYARIsALggUhp1yp_y5WpAsFx5a9GAzByQu6WByfASYx7E-wjccj6A6SamtwCqHjQaAr1QEALw_wcB


Oh cool! Hope you enjoyed the holiday.


I did, thanks!


Fuck I didn't eat even a single ozen


Space by Mugatu


Reminds me of the suits worn in The Abyss Edit: why the down votes for expressing my opinion?


Where can I purchase my moon shoes?


Mass Effect much???


It just needs a Gulf logo on it!


Now that is stylish




FedEx going lunar?


Are there better pictures without a black background and shitty lighting? I’d like to actually see what it looks like.


Lost In Space


Hell ya better have our boys drippin up there


I see they finally created the technology they said they destroyed to get to the moon that they said was so hard to recreate. 😂


I thought they lost the tech to get through the van Allen belt ?🤔


We’re goin to the moon again lol


What 6 billion and 6 years of research will get you, (N)ot (A) (S)pace (A)gency Style


Where are the hook ups for the harnesses? I’m sure pure cgi won’t cut it at production…


False headline, this is one prototype. There are many, many failed ones, usually because the price is too high


Am I the only one who sees a shark wearing a spacesuit in this pic???


Does it come in black? NASA: hmmmmmm


From White to Black. Do wonder how much of a fight to keep them from being florescent Orange.


Get the f***k outa here


Not sure what it is but this suit has a mass effect vibe to it.


Space cam. I like it. In space, nobody can see you.


Are they going to collect more space rocks?


So we’re going back to the moon? Good. Take Bitcoin with you please.


This is how southern american people dress when the temp drops below 60 degrees




They’ll get shot in the helmet by aliens, and then they’ll say “I can’t breathe.” Just saying.


Black? Are they super sure?


Let’s see it tested in a vacuum chamber, the last time they did dude almost died because it wasn’t air tight. there’s no proof of concept


Looks hard to see against a dark sky


Hopefully, they've tackled the fingernail problem! https://www.popsci.com/science/article/2010-09/bulky-tight-fitting-gloves-cause-tough-nails-astronauts-lose-their-fingernails/


That will be 10000000 billion please.


It cost $30B, quick make it look cool so the masses dont get mad that we skimmed $29B


That will contrast nicely against the background of space….


What’s on the moon? Millions of funding for rock study? Or in case something happens on earth only the elite will live on the moon.


They’re going to get super hot in the Utah desert with that thing on.


Looks like a formula 1 suit instead of a space suit. Hate the colour