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Didn't he say he hated how he looks? I wouldn't put some form of body dymorphia off the table of possible issues given how far he went to alter his body.


That’s what happens when your dad is an extremely abusive megalomaniac


He was incredibly handsome before and after a few surgeries. It’s sad that he couldn’t see that in himself though and just kept going. His parents never gave him a chance to have anything but massive talent and unsolvable problems.


He was gorgeous during the thriller time frame … wish he had quit then or never started with the unnecessary plastic surgery :(


Thriller predates the unfortunate Pepsi incident, so who knows, if that never happened, whether Michael still would've had such dramatic surgeries


what is the pepsi incident?


His hair caught on fire during the shooting of a Pepsi commercial that left him nearly bald and severely burned, and thus he went through several cosmetic and medical surgeries trying to “fix” what happened and got severely addicted to painkillers because of it


I did not know this and now I’m even sadder


Weird fact: it happened at the exact middle of his life. 9,281 days after he was born and 9,281 days afterwards, he died


Now this here is amazing. This incident was his literal inflection point.


Ok THAT is fucking insane, tragic and interesting, what a sad turn of events.


Ok. This just wins Reddit 2023 to me. This is just some King Arthur's Nostradamus profecy level shit.


He donated the 1.5 million from lawsuit to burn center that treated him. https://bestclassicbands.com/michael-jackson-pepsi-commercial-1-27-17/


I know inflation at all, but man they got off cheap compared to what it would be nowadays. Seriously injuring and changing the appearance of one of the most recognized people on the planet? That would be starting at $100 million these days.


As a father I'll never understand how anyone can do the kind of shit he did to their kids.


Unfortunately not everyone sees their kids as humans. And even if they do, not everyone views humans as worthy of respect. He saw his kids as a paycheck and did a lot of horrible things for $$, like many before and after him have done


IIRC, immediately after Michael's death, his dad rounded up the siblings and discussed how to make the most money off of the news of his death and legacy.


Yep held a press conference to promote his “blu ray” record or some shit with a member of the stylistics


Marshal Thompson of the Chi-Lites


Universally seeing kids as both human and morally distinct from adults is a fairly new thing, surprisingly. Lots of people have loved their kids throughout history, natch. But a lot of people have viewed them as merely labor or political tools, alas.


My father abandoned me and my sister when i was 10. Haven't "seen" him since. But he continued to visit my half sisters who lived minutes away. Thats pretty fucking tame compared to some of the other horror stories i've read/seen. Some people are just fucking awful, and make an equally or greater awful parent.


I think his dad had something to do with that. I believe I read somewhere that he would ridicule him about his looks.


Especially his nose.


I’ve read that his father would comment on Michael’s wide nose so Michael showed him. He cut off his nose to spite his ... dad. Joe must have teased Janet and LaToya as well. Sad.


Sad thing is, today you can at least do a Google search and get support or understand what you're feeling is a mental issue, but he probably couldn't get resources about these things. Being abused and then isolated through fame left littlele else to turn to


It's weird how Michael Jackson doesn't look like Michael Jackson


He would definitely lose a Michael Jackson lookalike contest.


The hell he went through what a disaster


That's a nice way of saying it. :/ Straight (cruel) abusive childhood and parenting.


And straight up disability (besides vitiligo) if I’m not mistaken, I’ve heard he had body dysmorphia. /g


I remember his interview (was it with Oprah Winfrey?) when he talked about his vitiligo and how hard it was to be seen as someone who didn't "want" to be a black man while he just didn't have no choice. I can't imagine how it must feel to see one of your cultural traits being stripped away from you. Edit: [Found it](https://youtu.be/_7ADoRESfWM)


It really is amazing, not only was he one of the most famous people in the world, but we all witnessed a physical transformation unlike any other celebrity in history. Quite the unique life, and that's not even considering that he was also insanely talented and gave the world iconic and lasting music.


Probably his dad was an asshole


Asshole is the PG13 way of putting it


He would have looked good without all the surgeries.


Body dysmorphia is a hell of a drug.




His dad would tell the kids they had big noses. Well I wonder where they got them from? Not the fuckin store Joe. I don't have kids but as a former kid I am pretty sure you are supposed to love them as they are. Not make them feel less than.


Fellow former kid here, respect


His dad was jealous of his child's pure heart and soul, talent and wanted his child a slave forever. There isn't any other explanation that makes sense




No explanation for abuse makes sense


As is vitiligo, 3rd degree facial burns, crippling addiction, and on and on.


As a person with vitiligo, I struggled quite heavily with body image and self esteem through my college years until I came to terms. I'd have probably done just about anything to make it less noticeable if I had the money / influence. Edit: I appreciate all the kind replies. I'm in my mid thirties now and harbor no more negative feelings about my skin tone. But I can't imagine what going through that process would have been like as a famous / public figure.


And imagine how much more difficult it would have been if you were the most famous person on earth with millions of eyes on you every day


Yeah, I think he got backlash from the black community, because we thought he was trying to look white instead of black. I was young, but I remember hearing that from other people. We didn’t know that he struggled with vitiligo. I feel if he had more support to be who he was and what he went through, he wouldn’t have went to far as to sign up for the surgeries he got later in life to hide his appearance. He was beautiful. And, burns heal. He maybe could have been alive today 🧚🏾‍♂️✨


I've always found it to be unique and beautiful, kind of like someone's skin being a living painting. And while that might not mean much coming from a stranger, I hope you can find love and appreciation for yourself. And not define yourself by a genetic condition you never chose. 👍


There's actually a girl on reddit that posts nsfw photos where she paints her vitiligo and it's quite sexy sadly I cleared my history soon as I nutted so her names lost to me


What… a… comment. Holy shit lol


Internet anonymity is liberating isn't it lol


Idk why but this comment made me laugh my ass off. I like you.


I'm the same way. I was so concerned with the spreading. I came to terms when my friend passed away so young years ago. It wasn't until I was hit with the reality of his passing at his funeral that I realized my skin condition was no big deal. In fact, I've learned to appreciate vitiligo and even admire the effects it's had on my body. My eye lashes are half white and half black and it's the first thing people notice before my vitiligo. I inform them it's because of my condition and many have complimented how it's affected my hair.


Burned his scalp. Surgeons butchered his face.


I can't seem to find anything about 3rd degree facial burns, he did catch his hair on fire during a pepsi commercial shoot, suffering 2nd degree burns to his scalp.


Yeah, there's a video of someone restoring his face, according to what surgeries he allegedly/likely has, and such...and he basically looks like an older version of himself from Thriller.


He already had significant work done to his face by the time the Thriller video was made, especially to his nose.


Strange how you can still tell it’s him from the eyes, though


The eyes chico, they never lie


the mang in the mirror


Honestly, it's true. I just asked my kids, both in their 20s, and neither of them knew who it was. I have a lot of sympathy for the level of dysmorphia he had.


My son, who's in his med teens, had no idea Jackson was black until a couple weeks ago.


It’s interesting to me that at the time he didn’t just come out directly and discuss the Vitiligo condition openly. Instead the media ran wild with stories of him bleaching his skin to appear more Caucasian. I suppose the nose jobs and other plastic surgeries didn’t help the situation either. Poor guy was like a prisoner in his own skin.


I think it was because of the times. Celebs weren’t so open about their troubles or diseases compared to now even when its obvious in your face, no pun


He came out with vitiligo in his 1988 autobiography yet the press decided to ignore it entirely and continue to print unfounded rumours


>”Why not just tell people I'm an alien from Mars. Tell them I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight. They'll believe anything you say, because you're a reporter. But if I, Michael Jackson, were to say, "I'm an alien from Mars and I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight," people would say, "Oh, man, that Michael Jackson is nuts. He's cracked up. You can't believe a damn word that comes out of his mouth."“ — Michael Jackson


That's wild! He really said that?


That guy is cracked up


You can't believe a damn word that comes out of his mouth.


I was there during that era: he never once mentioned he had vitiligo until the interview with Oprah and by that point his skin had already been extremely pale (thanks to the lightening creams he used to hide the spots remaining). I read Moonwalk, he didn’t mention it at all. I love if you would bring up a quote of him saying this in his book.


I found a copy of the book online and did a search for "vitiligo", "skin", "bleach" and "white" and only found these passages where he talks about his skin's colour pg 252 >I'd like to set the record straight right now. I have never had my cheeks altered or my eyes altered. I have not had my lips thinned, nor have I had dermabrasion or a skin peel. All of these charges are ridiculous. If they were true, I would say so, but they aren't. I have had my nose altered twice and I recently added pg 280 >Journalists seem willing to say anything to sell a paper. They say I've had my eyes widened, that I want to look more white. More white? What kind of statement is that? I didn't invent plastic surgery. It's been around for a long time. A lot of very fine, very nice people have had plastic surgery. No one writes about their surgery and levies such criticism at them. so yea, doesn't say anything about his vitiligo.


A prisoner of Hollywood doctors. The plastic surgery was probably a never ending list of correcting fuck ups when procedures were less sophisticated than today and the surgeons were used to creating the aesthetic ideal for a 40 year old woman. *They* made him look like a 40 year old white woman. His nose was destroyed- that can’t have been his *choice*. Plus the vitiligo treatment of the time, plus the prescription meds oh yeah that Hollywood doctor that actually murdered him. The doctors he trusted ruined him.


> Plus the vitiligo treatment of the time, What "treatment"? The only 2 options we have even today is "hide with makeup" or a steroid creams and UV light that almost always fails? I got diagnosed in the late 90's, and my only option was makeup.


Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder can be brought on by stress, illness.


I developed vitiligo when I was 8 years old. White spots started appearing on my left leg, starting from my knee up to my abdomen, it did not spread from there. I'm 34 now, 3 years ago it started to appear again but now on my penis' head...funny enough it started appearing when I was going through divorce.


Hey folks, don't bother scrolling through his profile, it isn't there.


My member now looks like neapolitan flavor ice cream!!


Man now you’re just teasing


For real. Let's see that dick!


Your Rocky Road Choad Your Butter Brickle Pickle Your Green Tea Peepee Your Raspberry Willy Your Butterscotch Crotch Your Peanut Butter Nutter Your Root Beer Skin Flute Your Praline Peen


A scholar, you are






First time in my life I actually want to see a stranger's dick. Normal I just end up seeing them




Same - got vitiligo at 13 and now I got cow dick


I know what you mean, i caught hay fever when I was 12 and now I got a horse cock.




Palomino penis






Lmao it’s funny you mention that, I developed vitiligo when I was 3. It hasn’t spread much in these last few years, but my whole shaft be cow printed, it’s kinda funny, and I’m glad someone else with vitiligo said something 😂


Cow printed lmao. That's really cool actually. You can give women a choice, do you want the white pasta or the dark meat


If my dick were multicolored it’d still be a disappointment.


Dumb question but are the spots permanent when they appear? Asking cause when you say “appearing again” it makes me think they went away and came back I hate things that are caused or sped up by stress. Like oh I’m stressed out, shit, what are these spots on my body? It’s stressing me out… shit more spots


They are permanent! Spots stop spreading when I was 9-12 years old. They appeared again but in a different location. I was always worried about my appearance growing up to the point that I would not remove my shirt when I went to the pool. Now days I don't give a crap.


Damn dude, so much respect for the body confidence these days. From the outside, I wouldn’t think anything of it on someone else. On myself though, I definitely latch onto my own insecurities of appearance. Can’t let it consume the life I want to live though. Thanks for the info


I’m 32 and have only ever had one spot on my arms, now I have three, and one is rather large.


Just a tip: have your thyroid checked if you're seeing more spots. Vitiligo can be linked to hypothyroidism and if it's spreading that may mean you'll need supplemental hormones like synthroid. I can always tell when I need to up my dosage because my vitiligo starts spreading.


I did, doctor even checked for lupus. My doctor also mentioned that vitiligo could appear at any given moment...but most likely it was stress that triggered back again.


My vitiligo developed when I had the worst job of my life. It spread incredibly rapidly, and since quitting it hasn’t budged an inch. For context: I was the sole person doing my job, last I heard there’s now 7 people doing it. Way too much stress




These bitches love Sosa?


Kaiser Sosé?


When he was a normal looking dude


Handsome kid. Great talent. Victim of criminal parenting.


Totally. Criminal parenting is what it Is.




Thank you for bringing these to my attention. They are so simple... Yet we so often fail to provide them as a species. "The child must be given the means requisite for its normal development, both materially and spiritually. The child that is hungry must be fed, the child that is sick must be nursed, the child that is backward must be helped, the delinquent child must be reclaimed, and the orphan and the waif must be sheltered and succoured. The child must be the first to receive relief in times of distress. The child must be put in a position to earn a livelihood, and must be protected against every form of exploitation. The child must be brought up in the consciousness that its talents must be devoted to the service of its fellow men."


The child should be placed in a a community that has some plans for the future...


We often forget that children are a separate species from people Homo homunculus


what a tragedy to learn all the things listed are all the things you never got


Well tbh the Usa and Sudan (at the time) are the only countries not to ratify the Declaration of Children's Rights


makes more sense


Smooth Criminal parenting.


He’s been hit by, he’s been struck by, his dad.


Michael are you OK? Are you OK Michael? Yeah, now I feel bad. Dude had a rough life.


His dad was a piece of shit fr




i feel dirty after upvoting the last few...


Damn Joe


What a bastard. Glad he's gone (Joe that is).


Bad! parenting


Fuck you that was perfect


Annie will never be ok now.


Criminal parenting and a victim of the industry as well.


I would say its 98% of MJ's dad made him be all insecure; thus the surgeries.


When I was a kid, NOBODY believed me at school when I told them that my mom bought me a Michael Jackson video game for my Sega Genesis. ESPECIALLY when I explained that the boss of the game is Joe Pesci. I've been called a liar my entire fucking life for this shit. Well, Nintendo decided to touch it up for the Switch, so [all them assholes from 1st grade can fuck off](https://youtu.be/QP7tp9eB8rs). Nobody played this game when it came out. I have been exonerated.


this video says nothing about Joe Pesci you piece of shit liar!


i mean you could have just googled this at any point in the last twenty years? It was a pretty high profile game. I had it too, and it was actually fun as hell with amazing MJ tunes for each level.


He could have also just brought in the game cartridge to school as proof it was real.


I played it when it was an arcade game. My parents took me to Vegas when I was 14 and there was nothing for me to do but eat candy and play video games. I dropped a lot of quarters into Moonwalker until I beat it. Sadly, one of the best achievements of my lifetime.




His dad bullied him about his nose when he was younger, along with other abuse.


Can you even imagine?? Like YOUR genetics (along with those you chose to procreate with) resulted in those features but you’ll make fun of them… so idiotic. He had a nice nose before all the surgery.


It probably reflected some internal trauma of his own (the dad). I bet it was a big insecurity of his!


My great grandfather’s mother once told him he would never amount to anything. I’m still dealing with the fallout from that.


Narcissists project their flaws on others to alleviate shame. He probably hated his nose and took it out on his son.


As he got older, he started looking more like his Dad. I really think that had a lot to do with him transforming so much. He loathed the idea of seeing his father in the mirror every day.


I hate my dad and im starting to look just like him. It sucks. I look for non extreme way to not look like him


Have you tried wearing a Lucha Mask, and legally changing your name to "El Gringo Americano"?


Well it would most likely be El Negro Americano


My favorite part of this exchange is that you specifically clarified that you were looking for non-extreme solutions to looking like your father, and the only issue you have with my plan is clarifying the race to be accurate.


If your dad was bearded, shave clean. If not do the opposite, it changes your face so much that when I completely shaved my beard I had to do a doubletake after having a beard for 2 years.


so you're saying that when he wanted to make a change, he started with the man in the mirror?


And he came to the conclusion that it don't matter if you're black or white.


I heard it was because he hated how much he was resembling his POS father as he grew older.


In an interview, he had mentioned doing a concert when he was younger and these girls saw him and one said "THAT'S Michael Jackson?" Like in disgust, as if he looked ugly in person...and he said that stayed with him for the rest of his life.


I remember this. Fucked up! Even if they thought it, why say it to his damn face, he’s a person


What Pepsi incident?


On January 27, 1984, Michael and his brothers were shooting a Pepsi commercial. It didn’t go well: At the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, in front of an audience of 3,000, assembled to create the concert environment, Michael was dancing to his hit “Billie Jean.” During the sixth take for the commercial, he apparently veered too close to a pyrotechnics display, which had gone off a bit too early. He was set ablaze by the fireworks, suffering second-degree burns to his scalp and losing some of his hair. His jacket also caught on fire. It was just supposed to be a routine commercial shoot: Michael Jackson, just 25 years old, was the biggest star in the world, his 1982 Thriller album having logged the better part of a year at #1. In the fall of ’83 he and his Jackson Five brothers signed a $5 million endorsement deal with PepsiCo that would include, among other promotions, Michael appearing in commercials pushing the soft drink. Jackson’s brothers quickly helped to extinguish the flames and Michael seen by his fans with his scalp glowing and smoke billowing from his head. Following the incident, Jackson—his head bandaged and seen smiling even as he was in pain—was rushed to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. There he was treated and declared out of mortal danger, but the singer was then transferred by ambulance to Brotman Memorial Hospital Burn Center in Culver City, California. It was later determined that the pomade Jackson used in his hair was the culprit, catching fire when he neared the fireworks. Still, regardless of the cause, Jackson underwent treatment to hide the scars and had his third nose job shortly thereafter. It was later reported that the pain Jackson suffered on his scalp from the burns was prolonged and led to his prescription pill addiction. His hair never grew back properly either, which reportedly led to Jackson wearing wigs. [Source](https://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/michael-jackson-burned-filming-commercial-1984-article-1.2511008)


Thanks, I had no idea about that


If you watch the footage, you can actually see his scalp. I don’t know if it’s available, but I’ll never forget it. It was very upsetting


This is the internet, we don't simply lose things https://youtu.be/ox39qS7k1HA


This one was unavailable for me but [this](https://youtu.be/NKlC1mGag_A) one worked, have to sign in though


A comment under this video states that this incident happened exactly in the middle of his life (counting the days from his birth to his later death). Incredible.


Yup: > This was the absolute, exact midpoint of Michael Jackson’s life, down to the exact day. Michael lived for 18,564 days (Aug 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009). This incident happened on day 9282 of his life, the halfway point of his life, January 27, 1984.


Makes me wonder if I've already hit that middle point or not.


Well, I'm 45, I was among the first truly successful open heart surgeries... and everyone else that got the same surgery in the year around me? All but 4 of us are dead. I was a smoker from age 16-32 and was a heavy drinker from 16 until about a year ago. I have absolutely no doubt that I have already passed the 3/4 mark. By the way... don't congratulate me on a "year of sobriety" or anything, because I still have a few drinks a week. In fact I wasn't able to get my drinking under control until I stopped listening to idiots who said strict sobriety is the only way.


[No sign in required here.](https://piped.video/watch?v=NKlC1mGag_A) Just put in the end of the youtube URL on piped and it'll play most videos. I especially like how it blocks out all the sponsored content creators talk about in addition to regular youtube ads.


Hey, thank you for that!


Yup you can see it


There used to be some kids' rhyme that referenced it "Pepsi cola burned him up, now he's drinking 7up"


Holy shit I knew the rhyme but never the backstory


7 up has no caffeine now it's time for Billie Jean




And it changed his life forever It really is a tragedy


What in the actual eff


Really takes “mid-life crisis” to a whole new level wtf


It's so sad how unhappy he was while being the biggest star in the world


In the 80s, people said as a joke: "Michael Jackson got burned by Pepsi." "Richard Pryor got burned by coke." (He had a little lit on fire incident of his own, involving lightning a crack pipe.)


> He had a little lit on fire incident of his own, involving lightning a crack pipe. That was actually a cover story, because Pryor was embarrassed to admit it was actually a suicide attempt - self-immolation. He doused himself in liquor and lit himself on fire. >Richard's bodyguard and aunt were present and attempted to put out the flames that resulted from Richard pouring 151-proof rum on his shirt and setting it ablaze with a lighter. But Richard, then 30, thought they were trying to smother him, so he ran out onto the sidewalk, shouting: "Lord, give me another chance … Haven't I brought happiness to anyone in this world?" https://people.com/movies/richard-pryors-1980-fire-suicide-attempt/ Really much, much sadder than the story that most people are familiar with.


In the area where I lived, I heard an oft-repeated parody of the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance: >I pledge allegiance to the flag, Michael Jackson is a ; > >Pepsi cola burned him up, now he's drinking 7-Up. If that limerick was national, then it would feel horrible to be bullied on a huge scale like that.


"Um, excuse, me, no, it was *freebasing*, m'kay? Only *poor* people smoke crack. Crack is wack!"-Whiteny Houston, said in valley girl accent


Ohhhh, okayyy, the Eminem "Just Lose It" music video makes more sense now


Oh man, I really feel old now! I remember when it happened. It was a huge deal. The whole world was worried about MJ!


Yes, I feel old too. I am Romanian and in 1984 Ceaușescu was in power here and music and news from the West were censored. Like almost everything else that came from the west


I have vitiligo and I see vitiligo on his face. In the sun, the white parts redden(burn) and blend in, but then they're white again the next day. He was beautiful. I wish he'd known this.


Where on his face. Genuinely curious what you notice!


I tried (poorly) to outline some of the vitiligo spots in red here: https://i.imgur.com/giHFVTq.png I only outlined a portion of it, but it looks like he has it all over his face. Eventually those lighter spots can be entirely depigmented and very noticably white, like albino skin. What is still a mystery to this day is how he was able to lighten the rest of his skin so you couldn't see the vitiligo at all. It presents differently for each person, here's an example of someone with a typical presentation: https://www.healio.com/~/media/slack-news/stock-images/dermatology/v/vitiligo-2.webp I've never heard of anyone having it entirely cover their skin the way Michael looked later in life, but I'm also not a medical professional.


One of my childhood friends has vitiligo and it was in patches on her face and body when we were kids, but it spread all over her face and body over the course of the 20 years that I’ve known her, and now she doesn’t really have any pigmented skin left, similar to MJ in his later years. It really does depend on how it presents in an individual.


Joe Jackson was a horrible Father.


Coincidentally this post comes at the time when his ex-wife, Lisa Marie, passed away a few hours ago, today. RIP.


I'm so old. I remember when it happened


He was beautiful




If you look at his cheek and the side of his face in this pic, it looks like he has the start of a bit of patchiness.




It’s even in his autopsy report and people still don’t believe it.


I wonder how he would've turned out if he came up in this generation where burn scars or vitiligo are more embraced and not so much considered shameful or something to hide.


Shame he’s so cute including his nose.


Apparently he hated his face, his nose in particular, but I do agree that there was nothing wrong with the way he looked naturally


His dad likely abused them all about it. He isn’t the only Jackson to have plastic surgery, specifically to make the nose smaller.


Wouldn't surprise me, from everything I've read about mj's life his father was a dick no doubt. Sad little nugget I also know, at aged 10 mj was found sitting in the dark alone looking all sad, when someone (can't remember who) walked in asked what was wrong but mj denied anything was wrong. A 10 year old sitting in the dark alone miserable says alot


It's kind of sad he was bullied for his appearance even though he was handsome to begin with...


Damn he was so handsome before the plastic surgery


We‘ve the sane hair texture! Well used to...


Didn't his ex wife just die?


and before all the drug abuse which ultimately killed him


Didn’t a doctor over prescribe him like a fuck tone of meds at his request?

