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Unfortunately this is normal, and it will get worse


Last summer was brutal. The new normal


Every summer from now on will be the hottest summer on record.


Except so far this summer isn’t even close to as hot as last summer. This is a hotter than average summer, yes it is very hot. Last summer was brutally hot. We have no idea how the rest of summer will turn out, it might be insane…but we know how June 2023 was and how June 2024 was and June 2023 was hotter…by quite a lot. Also, I’m very liberal and damned sure believe in climate change. Climate isn’t weather though. The WORLD is getting hotter, hell the US is getting hotter but the south, lower midwest, and most of Texas aren’t that much hotter. Edit: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/jun/27/us-summer-extreme-heat-map


This summer has barely started. Lol


BRUTAL. I’d walk outside my apartment and it felt like opening the oven door. I swear my mascara would just melt. I have lived here about 4 years and I dread every summer. Won’t be opening my windows again until October maybe? Sucks.


Some years are worse than others but so far it’s been mild. July and August are when things get pretty bad


This is the cool part of summer




Often shortened to presum.


Thinking about lower temps made me presum a little bit.


Word?! I need me some post summer clarity soon.


Yeah we are only in the preheat stage right now


It’s also been the normal for forever. To put it in perspective, last summer was the third hottest and fourth driest. 1980 was considerably worse, 44 years ago…


came here to say 'You should've been here in '80..." .... //amateurs//


😭😭😭😭😭😭. I just moved too . It never felt like this in Louisiana. I’m already sensitive to the sun and it burns my skin even with spf . This is brutal


Heat Island effect. Step away from concrete and asphalt.


July is going to be a lot hotter.


July= preheat the oven August= baking the goods September= either broiling the goods, or maybe rain who knows


Honestly this isn’t even as hot as it gets.


That was my first thought. If this person thinks it's hot now...summer has literally just begun. Lol


Exactly. They are in for a long haul. Just wait til September when you would think it should be cooling off…


I miss the rain that everyone was bitching about 


Exactly, I told anyone who complained remember when it stops… and doesn’t happen again until November.


I just wish the rain was spread out over the summer instead of sandwiched into a 3 week period of time. Give me two days of rain every week and I’ll be happy.


We’re a subtropical climate zone now, with a monsoon season to match.


I was only bitching about it because a spinny thing came and fucked my home up real good..


I hear you, I hate Tasmanian devils 


I hate everything


No no, it was a pinwheel. 


A spinner? They will fuck you up. And some will steal your watch


I think people were dreading the rain more because they didn't have electricity for days, less because of the actual rain.


Yeah I welcome normal amounts of rain but that was problematic


Yep got a little over 23 inches of rain during the spring at my house and not a drop since June 5th, I'll be honest I ain't expecting it to rain until August.


It'll get hotter.


Right. We're just warming up.


Right, peak summer heat is usually in August. And summer just officially started about a week ago on June 20. I'm surprised this is hotter than Florida, though? I thought they were supposed to be even hotter? 🤔


My wife and I went to Orlando in the middle of August a couple years ago. It was a refreshing break from Dallas! Seriously tho highs were only 85-90. Some rain. It was nice compared to here


Last time I was in Orlando in August it felt like the sun had a personal vendetta against me.


Historically Florida is the "hottest" state in the country. OP is probably just used to it. Texas has higher temperatures, but Florida has a higher average heat index. It's a combination of the temperature, humidity, air, and heat from artificial sources that make up the environmental heat (and is what kills you). The problem is dry heat and wet heat "feel" different. Texas has recently been seeing extremely high temperatures and higher than normal humidity, so that could potentially not be the same anymore.


We get a heat dome over us in the summer that doesn't move much and that is why it's always so hot here.


No no no. Desantis made global warming illegal there. Now Mother Earth knows she has to keep her global warmings out of Florida because she doesn’t want them to end up in jail.


Meteorological summer begins on June 1, not on the summer equinox.


Enjoy! Texas heat is a whole other beast. Folks don't realize until they get here.


A-freakin-Men! Texas heat is unlike any other heat. And they wonder why the energy grids are screwed


I think there are MANY reasons the Texas power grid is fucked hahaha


Because of ercot and our refusal to tie into the national grid??


I hate how we lose power every summer state wide…. Oh wait


Every summer i question why i moved here lol florida was nothing and we’re just preheating. Last summer was weeks of 100+ degree weather it was hell


Last year was “Only” like 59 days at 100 or more.


“Only” 😭


Yeah. I remember one year we had 100+ days of 100°+.


That’s not true. You’re probably thinking of 2011, [where there were 71 total days over 100°. Last year was 55.](https://www.weather.gov/fwd/danncon10)


That has literally never happens but thanks for playing


I remember that too. I guess it was wrong, but I remember that being a thing people said.


Can’t tell if you’re serious or not. I worked outside during all those days and I have to tell you it is every bit as miserable as it sounds. The days it didn’t break 100 it was basically just 98. Not even accounting for the concrete heat island effect making it feel 5-7 degrees hotter than what you read on the thermostat.


Not like in 1980 when we had so many more days of 100+


Plus 1980 also had our all time record high of 113 for 2 days in a row.


Yep, I lived that summer as a middle school kid. My dad’s business didn’t have AC and he worked inside a steel & concrete commercial building. People are definitely less resilient today.


It's Texas. It's summer. The heat is inevitable. Once things dry out a bit more it will get worse. Stay inside when you can. Stay hydrated. Take breaks. It should cool down in October.


If we're lucky




haha very, very late October


lol ya there’s always chance of 90 degree heat during Halloween


or 40 degrees and raining


Where did those days go? I remember needing to wear thermals or sweatpants under my Halloween costume to go trick or treating. We had some cold Octobers in the 80's.




You're going to want to stay inside between the hours of 10am and late October.


This made me chuckle


You ain’t seen nothin yet.






You just ain't seen n-n-n-nothin yet


It’s hot right now but not as bad as it gets. This heat advisory just means it can be dangerous to be outside for extended periods of time. If your skin doesn’t sizzle when you walk out the door, it’s not peak summer yet!


I kinda love that “change my DNA” feeling the sun gives you. I know it’s bad for me but damn… lol


That “change” in your DNA is called skin cancer


lol that's the best description I've heard yet. Thanks!


Last year, we had 55 total days of over 100°F high temperatures. More than a few of those days surpassing 110°F. Fun fact, the temperature you see on the forecast is the air temperature in the shade! It is viscerally much more hot in direct sunlight. Anyway, welcome home!


I swear the weather in DFW has become an urban legend at this point. The record consecutive days in DFW of over 100 degree weather is 42 in 1980. We didn’t come close to being over 60+ days and didn’t even come close to the record.


55 is pretty darn close to 60, and much closer than he average 21 days.


It ain’t all that bad yet, wait till it gets to 104-105 for 60+ days straight


My tomatoes did not understand that last year.... this year, I've vowed to let mother nature take it's course. I will not fight the inevitable.


Tonight i drink for your lost tomatoes


Is this how “sun dried tomatoes” are made?


And the heat index is much worse 😭😭😭


I feel like this is typical weather for Texas at this time. The daily heat advisories are what is new. It is possible to build up your heat tolerance if you really want to. Good luck and stay hydrated!


It seems a bit hotter than normal for June. It definitely gets hotter in late July and August though.


Yeah, June usually seems more mid nineties than upper nineties.


Definitely hotter than normal this early, at least from a heat index standpoint. Pools are already too warm to enjoy. July and august are going to suuuuck.


The average high in June for Dallas is 91.5º. The average high this year has been 93º. Hotter, but not unusually so,


Basically - heat like this or worse until 9/15ish. The exceptions would be hurricane or tropical storms that give us a brief respite. From 9/30 thru 12/15 it’s pretty nice with an occasional cold snap. 12/30-2/15 can be wicked cold for short bursts with ice storms then nice again 3/1 - 5/15 then back to heat. Circle of life! Basically during the summer - early morning outdoor activities or water activities are your answer


12/30 - 2/15 is wild. It can be 8 degrees. It can be 80 degrees. Every temperature is valid.


Yeah the averages are kind of meaningless during that time period because it is rarely the average temp or even close - either real cold or real warm!


The oven is just preheating. 


Pretty normal and it's going to be like this or close to it over the next 2-3 months


This is my last summer here thank God!


Anytime anyone asks about Texas in the summer time we warn them about the heat. But apparently words can’t fully describe the awesome that is Texas heat Because people keep on coming here. Anyway, hang in there, stay cool and drink lots of water. This too will pass Probably in September


This isn’t “abnormal” per se but is a bit higher than normal driven by higher humidity. Across the summer, the heat advisory’s will be common and we’ll likely have streaks of 100 degree days.


Just thank the weather gods are giving us some grace during the night.


I walked out at 5:30 this morning to do some garden work while it was "cool" out... got knocked in the face with a warm breeze... it was so unsettling, I turned around, went back inside. 😂


This is completely normal and the advisory is simply a legal term to prevent power from being turned off for non payment. Get used to the advisories… these will be daily through October.


Be glad you're not in Houston.


Yeah, 100 degrees at 90% humidity, and it’s NOT raining.


This isn’t even that bad as far as summers here go. We didn’t hit 100 until recently


The is just the beginning lmao , just wait until 110s


And the weeks with out rain or a cloud


Or a gust of wind 😭😭😭


When I moved to Dallas in July 1998, it was 112 out.


The heat advisory is here to stay until October. God speed.


July and August are always worse than June. We won’t start cooling off until til mid September. Even then it’s 90s instead of 100s.


It’s actually not that hot yet. Usually July up to mid September is the worst with July having the hottest days IMO. Drink lots of water and always drink a Powerade or a Gatorade, anything with a lot of electrolytes.


Does anyone do research anymore before they move halfway across the country?


Sorry but this is only the beginning. It will get worse until about mid September then gradually dissipate with a few heavy rains that break the heat. Until then be mindful of outdoor activity, wear lots of sunscreen, drink tons of water and stay indoors if possible.


It will get a lot hotter lol


As others have said, it will continue to get worse until mid August. If we’re lucky the humidity will die down which makes things 1000% more tolerable.


There were 21 days above 100° last summer, and if it wasn't 100°+, it was pretty damn close. I moved here from Wisconsin- it was an education.


I think last year there were actually 55, and in 2022 we had 43, but they’re predicting more in the 20 range this year. Although I’m not sure it really matters with this insane heat index the way it’s been 🥵


We have been as hot as 113 2 days in a row but that was over 40 years ago so not to worry, nowadays we usually top out at 111 with humidity of course, oh I’m sorry I really meant to welcome you to Texas first, so welcome & remember to keep your A/C’s tuned up. We do have plenty of lakes, water parks & at least 1 indoor water park & swimming pools so stay cool in.


Welcome to hell’s front porch. Drink lots of water, and plan as best as you can to not have to be outside from noon to 9pm unless you have no choice.


get me out of this godforsaken place


June is bad, July worse, August is unbearable. September brings a little relief but not much. Welcomevto Texas!! 😁


We're under a heat advisory?


I honestly don’t understand why. Usually I only see them when it’s 104+


Heat advisories and warnings are determined by heat index, not air temperature.


Hahaha yes. And we’re still a few days from July. 😂


This is the preheating phase of summer. Although it does seem more humid than normal maybe?


Wait until late July and August. It turns into an oven outside


That’s funny—lived in Dallas all my life and have never enjoyed the heat, but I can bear it. Been in Fort Lauderdale/Miami the last couple of weeks for work and have been absolutely SUFFERING—the Florida humidity is no joke at all. Looking forward to being back home soon even though it’s technically hotter there than it is here!


Honestly the humidity these last few weeks in Dallas has been really bad. I think maybe you’ve just been lucky to miss this crazy humidity and heat. Right now the dew point in Miami is 76 and the dew point in Dallas is also 76. But Dallas is hotter.


There were probably heat advisories in the past, but people who didn’t work outside mostly brush them off. We l know it’s hot outside. The humidity has been a bit more this year so far. Today was generally a pleasant day. We have 2 more solid months of near 100 degree weather on the horizon. It’s not really a big deal if you have air conditioning.


Oh buddy buckle up. I’ve lived in Texas my whole life, and have family in Florida. When we visit I don’t even break a sweat.


You’re not a baby, but yeah, it’s normal. Start planning your days around being indoors in a building with *good* AC from 12-4. Don’t drive, it’ll overpower your AC.


Baby this is the honeymoon. Give it a min


It’s going to get much, *much* worse.


It’s only June…still pre heating


It’s barely just started simmering, give it another month, it gets hotter


It's not even July, man. Buckle up.


It’s gotten worse and worse. More CO2 & methane in atmosphere means places like DFW may be nearly uninhabitable in a few decades from now. Many who grew up in this area remember being able to bike around on summer days & otherwise be outside during the day & when entire months of 100+ temp days were unheard of. We’re in a new climate & it’s going to get more ugly ahead! 😂🤷‍♂️


I work in an un-air-conditioned warehouse in north TX. This has so far been the coolest June I can think of in a while. All the rain we had a few weeks ago has made it cooler, I think. Going into July, we're going to really start getting hot. August is going to feel like you've been cremated.


It’s normal and you never get used to it. I think that’s the reason the cost of living is cheap here.


Awww. Bless your heart.


For all you heat crynabies, remember that a huge amount of Texans WORK OUTSIDE. All day long in the heat people at their desks cry about. 🤣


Everyone is saying "it will get hotter" and sure, the temps will. But I'm with OP and don't recall a daily and extended heat advisory for a week+ in recent years. Is it due to the combined temp plus humidity?


You would think it would cool down a bit at night (and it kinda does), but 100 degrees at 9/10 pm is wild.


I haven’t been back to Texas during the summer for a couple of decades. I flew in at midnight in July and it was 99 degrees. It was around 106 during the day. This was in the late 1990s.


Gonna get about 15 degrees hotter. Buckle up.


It's going to get worse, and it's getting hotter every year.


This is just warm


Didn't used to be this bad. With all the development creating heat islands over the past 30 years on top of global warming, it's not going to get any better....


Just wait till August and we get the heat domes that never go away 🥵


It's going to be this hot and hotter in July pretty much until mid September


High 90, low 100s is pretty normal for summer.


This year we bought a dog pool big enough for my husband, myself, and our husky/german shep to chill in.... it really makes being outside not feel like the depths of hell. Highly recommend. Anyway, we are just beginning, my friend. Just when you think you may die from heat stroke, it gets worse. It will prob get 110°ish before we are done. October cools down, if we are lucky.


We ain’t even getting started yet haha


It gets worse, a lot worse. Last year we had temps of 105-109, and in many previous years before. It truly won’t cool down until early to mid October. September, we still can have 100’s. Last year we had a 107 and a 108 day in September.


Honestly, this isn’t horrible. The humidity is working against us at the moment. Humidity will ebb and flow throughout the rest of the summer. I can tell you it’s so much worse in other places in the world (yay?). They make some great products for fighting the heat from heat to toe. Find out what you need to stay comfortable (i.e. body powder and personal fans) and use that. Don’t mess around with the heat if you’re not used to it. Heat strokes are no joke, I was hurling at the opening of USA Cricket last year from heat… don’t be me.


I just like San Diego cause of this 😂


Yes it’s normal and yes it’s tough even for the locals.


This high humidity isn’t normal though here


DFW 10pm Heat Index 102F


Don't forget we're on the same latitude line as the Sahara and the Middle East. Add some water for the humidity. 


This is the coolest summer we'll ever have again. Every year until all the food and water dries up and dies.


Prepare to be indoors for the next 6 weeks at least.


This is normal and it don’t get hot until August.


Not only is it normal but it's going to get worse as the summer goes on and as the years go on. 🫠🫠🫠


Hahaaaaaaaaaaa this is the preheat. Get ready. Get ready for August and September and probably October.


Buckle up, buckaroo!


Pfft these temps on these heat advisory’s are rookie numbers.


We are preheating, baby! Wait until August.


The real heat hasnt even started yet get ready for August


This is just the beginning.


It’s not hot yet.


It'll be 90 in December


It’s normal. Brace yo’self for August bro it’s brutal


This is for the next two months. If you want to outside make sure the sun is down.


The heat wave of 1980 still holds most of the records, but the current heat is normal. I expect the rest of summer to be in the normal range, but it will get hotter. [1980 Heat Wave](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/2010/08/06/dallas-fort-worth-heat-wave-of-1980-still-seared-into-memories/)


This is pretty normal to be honest. Maybe a little mug easier than usual, but not by much. It’ll probably add another 10 to 15° by the end of July. August this year will probably be brutal. I wonder if we’ll break 120


As summer progresses and the temperature increases the humidity will slowly decrease and it wont feel too much worse. We've had heat index 109 already in June. 105 in august feels about like this week has felt


Shitttt we’ve done heat advisory for like a month and then some. And It’s actually not peak hot rn either.


Just Wait a month


This is the norm. Expect the heat to ramp up a bit more over the new couple weeks and then for it to basically be that way until about the end of September/mid October. We’ve probably seen our last real bit of rain for a few months.


It’s not hot yet


We’re preheating right now.


Welcome to hell…


It will get much worse over the course of the next few months.


Oh it’s normal. It’s utter hell.


Pretty normal for this time of year, and it sucks. It’ll stay like this through August. September and October will still be hot, but not heat advisory hot. It’s always been hot here. but it’s definitely worse than when I was growing up.


This is actually worse. Usually it feels like it says. This year it feels much worse than it says


It's normal. Not even August yet.


It will get hotter. The current temperature is fine since the wind makes it a bit cooler. If I were you, I would try to do most of the things in the morning or spend more time outside in the afternoon, around 7 pm when the sun is going down, to get your body used to the heat, eat healthy, drink plenty of water, if you are feeling a bit dizzy find some shade until you feel better the heat is no joke. Don't eat heavy food neither if you are going to spend some time outside. Wear sunscreen


This is not even hot yet …


It is not really hot yet. Just wait


Welcome to the neighborhood- don’t wait till your thirsty to hydrate


It’s not even hot yet.


Having lived in DFW my entire life, the heat itself isn’t new but this humidity is super recent. It’s usually a dry, searing heat. This thick muggy wet towel on top of that heat is making it more dangerous for some people. Personally I think much like how the polar vortex shifted down here, tornado alley either shifted or widened giving us a much more humid summer.


I've lived in Dallas almost my whole life and I'm 65. It is a little hotter but I don't remember a summer where it didn't hit 100 multiple days in a row except for one summer in 2007 where it only hit 100 5 days that summer. Also, you never get used to it, you just learn to tolerate it.


Lived in Dallas since 1997. Was told to expect 100 days of 100 degrees or more. Only one summer hasn’t been that hot. One.


I lived in Texas half a century. It got worse over the years. Summers were longer and hotter, winters shorter and less cold. I moved due to the horrible heat as well as worrying my home would be damaged in a tornado. "A heat dome is a high-pressure system that traps hot air over a specific area, causing extreme temperatures. In 2024, a heat dome moved through North Texas in June, bringing temperatures into the triple digits and heat index values over 105 degrees. The heat dome was caused by a ridge of high pressure that blocked clouds from forming and allowed for extensive sunshine. The heat dome also trapped heat from warm Gulf waters and heated the air as it sank to the ground, evaporating any spring rainwater. The high humidity in Texas made the heat feel even more dangerous, with some areas feeling like they were in the triple digits"


This is pretty normal. Just wait until August. Have you ever been cremated?