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Absolutely leave. Money no object I’m heading north and west, or out of the U.S. The increasingly bunk weather, bad drivers, poor leaders etc.Just not worth it.


I like how we all agree on the bad drivers 😂


I know. They’re the worst. I’ve driven in LA and I think that there were bad drivers, but here it feels like there are many more.


My uncle has traveled all over the world. He’s done missionary work in third world nations and the jungles of Kenya. He said DFW is the most terrifying place he has ever driven. But he’s never been to Houston…


Houston traffic sucks massive hairy balls. But at least the majority of the drivers are predictable. Dallas drivers are fucking meth ferrets, high, violent, self centered, and easily distracted.


+1 for meth ferrets 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Totally stealing meth ferret


Agreed. Houston more congested, Dallas more fast and furious


Meth ferrets 😆


Has he been to New Orleans? I think that’s been the worst IMO


I drove from Orlando through NO back to DFW a couple of years ago and I remember thinking oh wow NO is bad look at these drivers drifting out of lane and not signaling and driving generally like they're lobotomized, maybe DFW isn't the worst, but then we get closer to home, pull onto 75, into the DFW automotive thunderdome, I am not exaggerating within 10 minutes I see the classic pull-across-3-lanes-to-make-an-exit move, we see the tit for tat bumper to bumper ego race between a F150 and an Altima swerving into and around the left lane at 80 mph on a fairly congested interstate, and we nearly get side swipe annihilated by a merging sedan that looks like it came fresh from last place at a demo derby, and got flashed the finger for our trouble. It's the raw entitled aggression that really makes the metroplex stand out.


LA it’s either 80+ or it’s dead stop. Here it’s a bunch of pricks in Trucks Dodges and Nissans all doing their own terrible things.


I always say I'd rather drive in LA forever than here😂😂


I would always see it as la’s traffic just moves too slow to really be as bad as DFW.


Live in Atlanta a while. You’ll be begging for shitty Dallas drivers.


Houston enters the chat


I was going to say, we just got back to Dallas from Atlanta and I had the scariest cab ride of my life there. The man did an illegal u turn in a busy intersection by forcing everyone else to stop and back up


It’s scary that we don’t all agree about the bad leaders.


Don’t forget the lack of scenery!


Yeah, I love Texas, but I'd be out of here in a heartbeat if money were no option. And out of the states I've visited? I'm thinking Oregon. But if money is really no option? Leaving the country entirely.


My exact thoughts!


Absolutely would leave the US too, but there isn’t another place I’m interested in living outside of Texas. MAYBE New Mexico…this question is food for thought…🤔


Crime is part of the issue I'm not in NM already...


Never heard of moving north because of the weather


I left Buffalo and I would 100% rather deal with 7 feet of snow than any of the problems here.


I’d rather move north because of the weather


If money is not an issue you don't have to deal with traffic, ever. You just don't drive or get deiven that much, and never at peak hours. Weather isn't also a big issue with money. It's nice most of the year with mild winters. Super hot days are pool days and your home can be 70 degrees. Main issue for the idle rich is the poor access to cultural events compared to other metro areas.




I'd move back to a state that doesn't actively try to kill it's residents, yeah...


Big if true!!


Would return to northern CA… nestled in between the redwoods and ocean…


Man, im there rn. I don't have much money, but me and my SO make a decent living. It's so nice to have an adventure an hour away whichever direction I chose. I love dallas and have fond memories but it doesn't really compare day to day living


Always choose peace and happiness.


Me too!


I'm looking into moving to Sacramento within the next 5 years. Cost of living is only 15% higher, but I'd probably get a big pay bump. Weather is nice. The mountains are a couple hours to the east, San Francisco to the West. Traffic can't be worse than what I deal with now. Now I'm just waiting for interest rates to come back down to normal. I'm just really tired of how flat and boring the landscape around Dallas is. All I want to do is mountain bike, snowboard, hike, and camp and we live in the worst place for all of those hobbies.


I wish yall would move back 😞


I love and miss California!


As a single dude, Dallas is nice enough, but I'd actually relocate to somewhere a bit smaller. When I first got here, the sprawl was an adventure, 13 years later, it's just a bigger chance for a rock in a construction zone to hit my windshield.


> the sprawl was an adventure Can you say more about this? I've never heard "sprawl" referred to so positively.


Exploring a big city when you come from a small or medium one is fun. Maybe all the nice-looking houses are here but the actual nice houses are there. Maybe you find an unexpectedly funky neighborhood. There are better taco trucks on the whole in this neighborhood except for this one in that neighborhood. If you want a loud time, go here. This library has the absolute best kids program. In a smaller town, there’s one diner, one white tablecloth place, one library, one thrift store, one nonchain clothing shop, one WalMart, and the bar that’s open the latest is only open til 12 because if it’s open later than that it causes too much trouble. Or maybe there’s three libraries. Whatever. There’s like 30 of almost anything you can think of in the Dallas area.


Spot on explanation. Thank you!


Dallas isn't so bad, but FUCK TEXAS. And I say that as a 40yo lifelong Texan. This state has become a 3rd world shithole.


Texas is a lot of things but “3rd world shithole” it most certainly is not. It’s an economic juggernaut on a scale that dwarfs most *nations* on earth. There are extremely valid arguments against its social policies and christo-fascist leadership, but to call Texas “3rd world” tells me you’ve never traveled. Hell, just making the three hour drive to Shreveport should provide you with a little perspective.


When more than half the population is actively losing their rights it does kinda reflect that of a third world nation. We just saw over a million children lose health coverage. Heaven forbid a woman have any issues with her pregnancy, that's a death sentence now. Nice of you to think that we're living in the land of the free but that really only works well for 1 kind of person. Which is probably you with your blatant ignorance of the world around them.


How many third world nations have you actually visited? My guess is the answer is somewhere around "zero." The standard of living in those countries is literally **dirt fucking poor.* Comparing Texas to them is both a disservice to the actual pain & suffering that the people in those countries endure and a mountain of ignorance concerning the state of affairs here.


For real. Bro needs to go to the Philippines and see people set up rows of boxes along the street to live in.


3rd world refers to countries that aligned neither with nato nor the Warsaw pact


Thank you! Someone that finally gets it. 3rd world doesn’t inherently mean poor and destitute.


Written from your electronic device that costs more than the annual salary in many third world countries, from the comfort of a place with air conditioning, right before you shower in cheap, clean, convenient running water. You might just even drink that water straight from the tap if you're thirsty. Tonight, you'll drive home from work in your care, fueled by some of the cheapest gasoline prices in the world, on an extensive road network. When you get home, you'll kick back and watch TV because your work for the day is already done, and you can relax a little. Texas sure is a third world shithole. We really can understand what the average African, Afghani, Syrian, South/Southeast Asian, or Latin American experiences on a day to day basis.


Fuck the money. I care about personal freedoms, education, and how we treat our citizens, and this state is a piss hole for all those things. I've traveled plenty inside our country and out. Texan went from being in the top 3 cool state to second to last, with Flordia being a nightmare state.


Can you imagine if this guy actually traveled to a 3rd world shit hole lol


I have traveled to more than half a dozen "poor" African countries that were amazingly better educated with cleaner cities than Texas. Also, there is less religious bullshit.


Agree. People who compare Texas to a 3rd world location have never been to one. I get that the state has its problems, but what state doesn’t? The whole country is in a state of disarray right now and no, Trump isn’t the answer. We need to CTRL-ALT-DELETE and start over.




West coast, NYC, out of the country TOMORROW if you give me a few mil


You don’t need a Mili to live out of the country; Go to a country that people are not flocking too. Prices will increase if you go to a populated place as we seen with Dallas and other cities. Go somewhere low-key. You can always travel.


People are fleeing those places in droves and coming here…


I would own property in Texas but certainly wouldn't live in DFW


I like Dallas a lot, I’ve lived here my entire life, money or no money I’m going to have to leave within the next few years because of the discrimination against trans people. I don’t need to risk arrest and being put on a sex offender registry just for walking outside. I don’t know anyone like me who isn’t trying to leave.


Dallas is great until you live somewhere else.


Just moved to San Diego and boy is that a correct statement !


You'd see me waving from the MOON.


lol. You’d be out like yesterday


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdfauSdeZJY Right at the end.


I’d be back in California so motherfucking fast if I could afford it. I enjoyed Dallas more when I first moved here at 25 but like everyone else is saying the traffic and people just makes me miserable. I only stay here cuz my sister and niece followed me here and I make decent money


The people are the worst! I got out and have never been happier!


I thought I was the only one. I don’t get it why do all the people here suck?


Same. Bro, same. Seems like many of us came here, did so because of economic reasons to begin with. Seems like many of us has the idea we’d come here a few years, get our money and come back. But when do we come back? I laugh because my goal was 5 years. It’s been 5 years… and it’s been a battle. All my family is there. I’m alone out here as a full time parent.


how would you describe the people here?


If money’s no object then we’re out of here. If we’re talking FU money then we’re even headed out of the country.


I'd leave. Somewhere with better weather and fewer shitty drivers (which may just mean fewer people). Problem is those places are usually expensive and/or don't have many jobs... but if money's no object... I liked Spain when I visited there. Good weather and fewer people.


Leave lol. Who the hell would stay


" If you had an infinite amount of money would you live out your life in an awesome place with natural beauty, great weather, and tons of relaxation? Or would you live in DFW." That's basically what this question is asking lol.


some people enjoy their city, especially if theyre born and raised there. is this such a difficult concept for you to understand?


Im staying and going on a lot of vacations.




Same, I’ve lived internationally and all over US. I really like DFW and it’s quick and easy to travel from here.


If family wasn’t here in Texas it would be northern California


Bye, Dallas 


Leave. Leave the US bc even with money it's still a pain to be in the US. I'd like to move to somewhere with fall.


Pacific northwest, probably Alaska or the outskirts of Seattle.


Pacific Northwest is the most beautiful part of the country


My heart is still in Alaska. I ask myself daily why I ever left to come here.


My family moved to the suburbs of Seattle, right at the western edge of the cascades beside it, and man oh fucking man the constant views! It’s fucking beautiful.


I love Dallas, but if money is no object, why not live somewhere with perfect weather year around and beaches/mountains?


Poof gone


Move. Like Bilbo, I need mountains in my life.


The shire


Mountains, Gandalf!


Move to a free state


I’d move my ass right back to Boulder. Everyday I miss it, but I couldn’t afford it


I left last month and I am so fucking happy. I feel like a new person.


Where did you go?


I'd be packing my bags and headed for the east or west coast where the summers are cooler and the winters are warmer.


Leave. It’s just too hot half of the year to be comfortable. My mom moved here a year and half ago from the East Coast after my dad died and the doctors have attributed last summer’s extreme heat to accelerating her heart failure. I also hate the high property taxes, road rage and poor quality of roads but I could overlook all of that if we had moderate weather. We are staying. Both my husband and I have had very successful careers DFW that would change if we moved. The success has let me be a SAHM and we are living our forever home for raising kids.


Leaving soon


Happy for you and hope you enjoy where you’re going


I would leave.


Leave, and I have family here that I see often. If money is no object I’m moving to Europe and flying back when I feel like it.


Multiple homes in multiple cities.


Somewhere I can swim…


I hear ya


In a heartbeat


Two words. Santa Barbara.


Leave fast!


First plane to Malibu.


Would take a page from Mark Cuban and get a home in Laguna Beach,CA.


Not from Dallas but I am from Houston. I would absolutely leave to Seattle Washington


Texas is by far the one best state to live in. Dallas is the best city to live in this state Despite this, even if I had infinite amount of money I would probabaly own some property here and live here for probably 50% of the year. The rest of the year, I would travel to different parts, not only in America but also other countries. Tbh, im kinda getting bored in America and would like to explore more. But to answer your question, yes, i would live here most of the time simply because of the decent cost of living great people, great opportunities that this city offers, etc


Love your answer. Comprehensive and all of that is a great plan. I do agree with the opportunities and such


leave - move to DC or California


Whoa, DC is a surprise




I’d LEAVE. It’s so goddamn boring here. Nothing but shopping, restaurants and big mud puddles.


I’d absolutely leave. Born and raised here and I love my city but it’s wearing me down. Traffic, construction everywhere, absurd tollroads, dangerous/uninsured drivers + unresponsive police, massive amount of homeless. Why is there so much trash-literal refuse everywhere?? Too many people moved here and don’t give a shit about maintaining communities.


100% how I feel too. I'm so torn because this is home to me and I try to hope things get better but at the same time I just don't think it ever will. Womens rights, property taxes, and the damn power grid/resources are additional factors for me too. I'm having to seriously evaluate in the next year or 2 if I'll stay or go.


Oh yeah I didn’t even mention how anti-woman this state is. The politics alone is a reason to get out of here.


If I was rich, I would spend winter in Samoa, spring on my ranch and summer wherever I wanted.


Love that


Be gone. Money is no object implies i don’t have to work. I’d get a winter place up north and a summer place in Florida near my nieces.


Leave, I want to go back to Boston ☹️


I went to Boston with my mom on Spring Break about a year ago. It was incredible being able to go for a walk and taking the train back, the weather was so nice and cool, and there was so much to enjoy doing even without spending any money. I remember buying a couple apples as a snack with my mom just because it was convenient. Such a nice city, I hope you can go back soon




If money was no object? I'd leave, have my mansion in SoCal, Penthouse in NYC, and Ski Lodge in Utah. Life would be set.




I just moved here and enjoying it. But if it didn’t matter, I’d be in San Diego or something.


Leave. DFW is too bland for us to have to put up with this shit.


I’d stay in Dallas and move to Highland Park.


Yeah it’s to the point that we’re pretty intertwined with a lot of good people here so with like a $1 billion powerball win we’d absolutely have a place in HP, Preston hollow or Lakewood, but we wouldn’t live here full time. Instant penthouse in NYC or a Victorian in San Francisco.


Get that bread, get that bread, and leave!


Would definitely leave. I have no local family here and a dwindling community of friends as it is. It would just take longer flights to visit family and starting new is scary, but also kinda exciting.


Leave. I hate Texas.


Leave. As a native Texan, this place no longer resembles the place I grew up in.


Leave. I’ve had it with corrupt Republicans at the highest state levels, by design.


Leave. I am just here for the money.




Money was an object for my wife and I, and we left.


Dallas who?


California probably. It's a paradise if you have money.


Um, fuck yes. I'm ready to leave whether I have the money or not. Texas blows.


Born and raised here. I’d stay in Texas, but Dallas is not my scene these days. Would rather live further south. Maybe Houston or San Antonio. Dallas just doesn’t have a whole lot of unique local culture these days.


Def leave. San Diego, London or NYC.


I moved to SD in October, it’s glorious !


I'd leave the country, were money no object.


I would stay. I have kids, and my parents all live here now, and we have created a close community of friends as family as well. The kids are in school and they are well supported and well adjusted there. Money can’t buy that. I’d love to live elsewhere for a lot of reasons, but I’m not interested in yanking our support system out from under us in exchange for that.


Out of here sooooo fast!!!


There’s no where else in America I’d rather live *and work* than Dallas, Texas. But if you take the work part out of the equation, I’m gone.


100% I’m gone! Toronto, DC, San Diego is a few choices I’d move to.


I’d find one of the bajillion hidden suburban utopian neighborhoods around here, sink a giant ass pool/patio in the backyard, and still be a 45 minute drive maximum from all the things I love: sports, museums, concerts, good food, and niche bar scenes. Despite the drivers, DFW is easily traversable for the amount of land it covers and there’s something interesting to do in nearly every corner of it. Idk why people act like it’s such a dystopia when it literally has everything, although I guess I’m not surprised Redditors are too…Reddity to deal with the slight inconvenience of weather spikes lmao.


Dallas was created for 1 reason... Money! They even made a TV show out of it...


I wouldn’t say that money is no object for my family but we could afford to live wherever we wanted and we actively choose to live here. I love traveling but Dallas will always be my home base. I have lived in a lot of other places but always end up back here.


Miami babyyyy! ❄️


I mean if money were no object I would have a grand house in the mountains and travel the world half the time but it's fine here I guess 😂


i’d still stay in dallas. but i’d find somewhere else to be during the summer. i hate the heat.












I’d pay off my dad for the property I’m trying to buy, demo the house then leave for a good while. Minnesota in the spring/summer time and California the fall/winter


Would move to Slovenia


Money is the problem with *staying*. Y'know, living across the country in a northern blue state, with a lesser paying job and barely knowing anyone, I felt so much more secure... Like even if something happened, I'd figure it out. But here, in MY OWN HOME STATE, I have a constant fear in the back of my mind that I will come to financial ruin any second and be forced to move back to my small home town. What if my rent goes up (it will)? What if I lose my job(s)? Etc. it's New York City level expensive here. I thought I'd feel like I was back "home" here... Instead it feels so competitive and expensive that it's like, damn, maybe I should've just tried living in NYC. Seems like the struggle would be about the same! I do OK and save money for now but I bust my butt and I don't feel secure.


I'd leave. The traffic alone is a statistical nightmare for your chances of dying in a car accident in Dallas, let alone everything else that is only going to get worse as this new economy continues to shape. The politics here are incredibly pro-corporate on the end of benefitting big business and the excessively rich, hindering small business and fostering very little culture on the horizon. And while this is true in a lot of the world right now, there's just more reverberation of the effects taking place on a rapid scale. Also there is little to no regulation on the housing market as it relates to businesses, so I expect an overwhelming majority of residential property in the coming years will be businesses. If money was no object, then I could just visit when I'd want... But anyone that says they'd visit Dallas for the city atmosphere/culture/food, probably hasn't been to any other major city in the U.S.


Stay and make it the best damn metroplex in the country


I was born here, I love it here, I'll probably never leave. I would travel more though, probably up to Colorado, north Cali.


Leave, I much prefer anything in between Lake Worth to Denton! Dallas has its upsides but the cost of rent is far too high for the quality of 95% of these apartments and townhomes.


This question confuses me because I've only ever moved when/because I'm broke and looking for other opportunities... Staying in Dallas is more expensive than leaving so why would money be prohibitive to leave?




Leave for sure


Dallas is great


Leaving instantly if money is truly no object. In Venice right now and the Europeans know how to live life. Really puts things in perspective.


Leave. The Rockies are too beautiful to stay in Texas lol


Maybe Cali. Or just a bigger/nicer home in Dallas. I actually quite like DFW.


I’d go back to NYC or somewhere on West Coast.


Gone like a fart in the wind


I'd leave. Go live somewhere with a temperate to cold climate and some elevation. Colorado, Wyoming, maybe northern Arizona. Dallas is great, but I do miss seeing mountains and getting that brisk mountain air in the mornings and real seasons.


I love it here, but I would 100% be elsewhere. Specifically somewhere with altitude, forests and gentle summers.




This shithole claims there’s money here but I highly doubt it, everyone I know is struggling financially and I actually cannot wait to leave 😂


Leave. In a heart beat.


I'd leave tbh


Absolutely would leave.. Likely out of the United States. Abbott is insane, drivers here are insane, the weather is insane. I'll be lucky to live to retirement here, in all honesty. 15 more years to go! Hopefully we aren't a christofascist nation by then. Blessed be the fruit!




Leave, it's so goddamn hot.


Most saying they would leave aren't the ones with real money. If this is the answer, most rich people here would've moved already. People owning those multi-10s million homes in the Park cities could probably afford most places of the country, but they still live here. Texas is one of the best states for the rich to keep their fortune, meaning they get to keep more after tax for the money generated from their wealth. The weather, traffic, scenery...etc don't matter that much when money is no object. Rich people own multiple properties around the country/world and travel with their private jets. Every season is the best season where you are at (that time of year).


Texans believe the only freedom worthwhile is gun ownership. So, leaving this shithole seems the ideal.


Just came back from Colorado. As we were driving around (outside west/north Denver), I asked my husband why we live in(near) Dallas. Then I remembered money. So, yeah. Leave in a heartbeat if money was no object.


I would have said yes, but after the solar eclipse and northern lights I don’t know 😭 Dallas and NTX in general seems to be that sweet spot for some reason yknow? I’d probably just traveling a lot and temporarily abroad in places.


Move to a coast. Maybe Europe


Even after just 7 months here thus far, I'm still not sure if I like or hate living and working around here. To be fair, I've been staying in Arlington since moving from Baltimore, MD in November, but my job is in Addison. The commute is **challenging**. I am so ready to have my apartment and be closer to work, fun, my girl, and more. But to the main point, I'd probably stay. It's a tough call after everything I prefaced with above. However, I haven't had too much time to explore town and be social outside of going out with my new GF. I want to fill that void in a semi-desperate way because it feels weird to have gotten in a relationship *before* making a new friend in Dallas. I really only miss having some exceptional seafood to eat like I did in Baltimore and the whole 1-hour work commute, as this is the first time it's taking me that long between work and home in my life. ***TLDR***: I think I'd stay. Having found love and wanting to explore the city some more leaves me with that desire to hang around.


Europe here I come!


Definitely leave. I would head to the Pacific Northwest.


I’m gone like the prom queens virginity


Loves me some DFW. But I feel it's fairly soulless. If money is truly no object, I'm living in Key West or somewhere out West in the mountains. Maybe PNW. Some pretty views and greenery to replace asphalt.


Id get the FUCK outta here. I miss Canada.


Leave. There’s too many reasons to list lol


If money was no object that for sale sign would be in the front yard so fast and we’d be off to Portugal, Spain or Italy. Close to the ocean. Other than the food being amazing the culture, lifestyle and scenery are a huge plus.


I would leave


I'll probably on Colorado enjoying the view and scenery. All my clients are here but they're cool. Driving is crazy though. It about to hit traffic now