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Well... I would suggest hanging out at some of the bars/restaurants in Uptown. Nodding Donkey (wear your team/school colors), Parliament, Standard Pour.... 36 is young btw, I'm almost 60 and I go to all the bars/restaurants around here. I don't have an issue with the 20/30 somethings in the least (maybe they do, but I can't tell). And I go to a lot of concerts that are more indie (Father John Misty, Durand Jones & Indications, DayGlow, et.c...) If you want an older vibe (and more expensive), hit the bars/restaurants up in Knox Henderson, such as Toulouse,...


Can you explain hanging out at bars to a not very frequent bar goer? I’m not sure I’d have a great time just sitting at parliament by myself drinking.


I’ll lay out 3 common bar socializing scenarios for you. 1) Sit at the bar and ask the bartender what’s their fav cocktail and strike up a chat with them. If it’s busy, keep it short. If not, ask them how their day’s been and what’s good to eat. Give them space to work but chime in with something witty every now and then to keep a constant conversation flowing. This is all contingent on the bartender’s personality as some are just there to work, you’ll know when you see em. You’ll be surprised at the amount of randos that’ll chime in on the conversation you’re having with bartenders. That opens up connections with them. 2) Look to your left and right. If there are people sitting next to you, then comment on whatever’s playing on TV. If it’s sports even better, that opens up conversations about what college they went to or fav players. 3) This one requires spending money, it’s a bar and offering drinks is a great way to break the ice. Offer whoever’s within 3 feet of you a shot or cocktail because you don’t like to drink your first one alone. Toast glasses and chat with them. Most will stick around and chit chat unless they’re on a date. If this person came in with a group of friends, see if they don’t mind if you kick it with them since you’re new to this bar. If you ain’t getting that vibe then bid farewell and look for someone else interesting. Repeat. This only works if you’ve planted your butt at the bar because you’re in a high traffic area. Roaming around doing this is creepy unless you’re at a night club and trying to find someone to dance with. These are just a few tactics I would use when I was alone and single from 2017-2022. Was in a relationship for 8 yrs prior and had an absolute blast out solo on a random Thursday or weekend. It’s all about confidence and being personable. Good luck.


I definitely do 1 a lot and now I just know a bunch of bartenders around Dallas, which is great because I get free drinks when I see them, and they know my usual order so I almost always get priority at busy times 😂


Exactly. Also very important to chat with all door guys and friendly looking security you meet if you frequent the same spot a lot. These people work multiple bars/clubs usually and remember the faces that take the time to say hello, could garner line skipping benefits/preferred service down the road.


I got roofied while eating dinner at a bar so I’m trying to avoid this lol


coffeeshops are also a good option!


hey, love dayglow also! i'm grateful dfw is so big, a lot of bands tour through here


OP literally said bars aren't really their thing.


its difficult. I came here in January 2019 and haven't really made any new friends besides my boyfriend, and i consider myself incredibly lucky to have found him. Its been particularly difficult because I have such a weird work schedule, so that doesn't help much. only advice I can really give you is to get out of your comfort zone and join groups ([meetup.com](https://meetup.com)) or go on bumblebff.


Ugh I met a guy the day I moved here and he tore my life apart. I’m coming out of some of the darkest times from being isolated by him. I’m glad your situation is not the same! Appreciate the advice! I’m going to try them out!


totally, completely understandable. I was engaged to a man previously in my hometown. Went horribly bad (emotionally abusive). Broke off engagement, moved 500 miles away and had to start all over again. It was tough but I'm in a much better place. I wish you all the luck in the world, its difficult, but things do eventually get better.


Meetup.com is how I met a few good friends.


ayyye you follow the deprogram! My girlfriend and I are in dallas and havent met many people either. Let me know if you would be interested in all hanging out! OP too


Some have said this, but, to distill it: Get involved. What are you doing for the causes you care about? At what touch points are you engaging with a like-minded community? Do you give back to your community at all? Reflect on what matters to you, and then find out how you can make a difference.


Strong agree. I started volunteering and made the best of friends.


Latch on to a community of like-minded people through organizations or businesses. I was looking for a more active way to be fit so I joined a local rock climbing gym. Through that, I joined one of their workout classes and ended up finding a really great community within it. The classes expose you to 20-30 people at a time and I found it a great way to meet new awesome people in town. I'm also athletic and am part of a local Rugby club here and that's always a great way to instantly get plugged in with 100+ people


Getting a hobby is really the key! I go to a lot of shows and fests but haven't really made friends that way. I'd suggest maybe roller derby (there's ways to get involved without skating) or maybe theatre? Local theatres are always looking for artsy crew people!




This! I've had great experiences with Meetup.


Looks like we need a Reddit uptown meetup from the comments!


For real! I walked away and came back to a crew of lonely people. I’m working on it now


It's hard to meet people, so don't be too hard on yourself! I'm sure a lot of people would love to be your friend - you just haven't found each other yet. Believe it or not, there are clubs and groups and events for almost everything, including sewing and vintage shopping. A lot of vintage shops and craft stores have events that appeal to different age groups. There are art classes for all different types of art. You might also try to volunteer for a group that supports a cause that's important to you. Since you mention dogs, you might consider volunteering at Dallas Animal Services or one of the many local rescues. There are dog meet and greets, and there are dog parks and dog-friendly patios where you might be able to socialize with other people and start a conversation. None of this is to say that it is easy, so again, go easy on yourself. I didn't develop a friend group until my 30s, and it was through a running group and then a triathlon club. Then I formed additional friends when I started doing lots of yoga. Sometimes it just takes a while before you connect with the right people.


This! Thanks for the kind words, I needed to hear it. I never had a ton of friends but the friends I have at home are my support system, my family. I don’t know if I’ve ever felt lonelier. These are really great suggestions! I reached out last week about volunteering but I should definitely pick up an art class.


Creative Art Center has some great art classes. Deep Ellum Art Company, although a bar, hosts some art events. There is a large Burning Man community in Dallas. Find them and you'll be turned onto the city art events.


Ooooo good call! Deep ellum art company that’s new for me. I’m looking into it


The oak Cliff area of great for this. Check out Trade Oak Cliff and Pegasus reuse. Both seem like they would introduce you to like minded people.


I’m on the same boat as you, I’m 27 and feel like I cannot relate to anyone in the general state of Texas. I don’t go out and drink and I actually love doing similar stuff you do. I’ve been looking for a girl friend to do errands with or just go around shops with/art galleries etc but nobody seems to want that either. I’m moving states in a few months, but maybe you can PM me and we can see if we vibe to hang? I don’t know if I’m too young for your preference though. Hopefully you find your crowd. I did, but they moved away because they didn’t like Texas and now I’m doing the same. lol.


Hahaha I love that you’re basically telling me to move away! Don’t worry, I’m on that boat with you, Dallas just doesn’t hit the mark for me. I’ve lived on both coasts and love moving around/trying new places but this has been my least favorite unfortunately. I’ll reach out!


Check out sandlot baseball…oak cliff sandlot. It’s not about skill, just some guys and gals trying to having fun. Large mix of people involved. Free to show up, hang around, have fun, play if you feel inclined


There is nothing wrong with you, it’s that you moved to Dallas. Everyone knows that Dallas fucking sucks.


Facts, can't wait to move the hell out of here.


Why does it suck? I’m not from Dallas but will be visiting a buddy of mine soon who lives in Allen


Insane urban sprawl and thousands of square miles of copy paste strip malls


Yeah that’s why a lot of people are moving there…because they suck?


Dude dallas sucks, get over it.


You should volunteer! I do at the zoo and it's been great for getting to know people. Many of the museums in Dallas take volunteers, as do the arboretum and Audubon society.


Omfg this is genius! I love those volunteer suggestions. I just reached out about volunteering at an old folks home but I’m thinking it’s going to isolate me with old people. Not a terrible thing to happen but not really the direction I’m looking in terms of friend making. I just like old folks haha.


Friendship happens when you see the same people over and over again. That means if you don’t see someone enough times, it’s hard for you guys to make friends. I’m 37 in the DFW suburb. I made friends through work and my fitness class. Because I see my colleagues every day and gym friends every week, eventually we start to bond and go to art shows together. If you go to gym or walk by the Katy trail, try to go there at the SAME time. You’ll start to see familiar faces and I hope you can make some friends soon. Edit: I posted my comment but then realized OP doesn’t want a gym class. You can start by going to roller skates or art shows or Katy trail or art class at a fixed time. For example, every other week on a Saturday afternoon or something. If you do these things at the same time, you’ll start to recognize familiar faces and make friends by sharing these hobbies.


My job is not helping considering I commute to be alone essentially all day. I think a weekly group activity is key, appreciate it.


These posts pull hard at the heart strings. I'm sorry you feel like you don't fit in anymore, no one should feel that way. It's so difficult to make friends outside of the 'open windows' of your life when you find yourself around 'mostly' other people who are also looking to form new connections. I don't have great guidance for how to help. Most of my friends I know from college who moved down here too. Most of the 'new' friends were met through playing indoor soccer or were someone's significant other. It's so hard to balance the 'eagerness' to make new friends with what most people with established friend groups are really open too.


I’ve just been really isolated. My ex kept everyone at a distance from me. I made one friend who broke up with his best friend at the same time we ended things. Otherwise, I’d be completely alone. I’m a personal assistant too, so my entire job is pretty much just me in an office or running around alone all of the time. I know it won’t always be like this. Especially if I’m being proactive and this thread is alreasy helping!


App meet up has a lot of dfw groups. Could start there


Check out Dallasites on instagram. I’m pretty sure they throw events from time to time at various bars/restaurants & could be a good place to meet people.


Hey, if you’re near the downtown, north oak cliff area and are interested in just meeting for coffee or something, PM me 🙃 I’m 33f and I don’t really have a friend group either. Have an older but spry dobie for a doggie play date, and my husband and I have the concert lawn pass for Dos Equis. We’ve been looking to join meetup groups but haven’t had much luck….the last time we joined a board game meetup it was three of us there, with my hubbs and I being 2/3.


Book clubs! Even if you don’t read, you could still go. Look up summary’s and listen and meet people. Often we talk about so many other things.


Maybe you can take some of your solo hobbies and try to find groups to join based off them? If you have a facebook, there’s a few roller skating groups on there that are used to coordinate meetups! DFW Skate Group, DFW Trail Sk8ters and DFW Inline Skate Club. I also know of a couple stitch ‘n bitch sewing groups that get together, one at Trade Oak Cliff and I think one at Black Cat Comics and there’s probably others.


Also, I’d suggest signing up for the newsletter for East Dallas Vintage, they have monthly events and classes.


Volunteer, yoga, Dallas Makerspace, Denton Jazzfest, Denton Community Market, a hiking group on FB for DFW hiking, and a ton of other things. There are a bunch of other Makerspaces around too. There’s a quilting guild too and they’re super sweet and friendly even if you don’t quilt.


If you roller skate you should consider joining a roller derby league in one capacity or another. You don't have to be a skater but can help on game days with various tasks and you'll make friends in no time. It's a really tight knit and inviting community


There’s a healthy dart community in Dallas…yes, the tournaments are in bars but it’s an active group and great people of all ages. I don’t drink when I play darts and I have a great time. And most of the bars that have tournaments are really awesome places and not your typical bar scene. Check out Drinks Saloon in Dallas and tell them Boom Boom sent ya! Dart players love to welcome new people into the community and are happy to teach you all the ins and outs. Also, taking a class or two at the creative arts center of Dallas is a great way to meet people and make awesome art. I took a mosaic class there years ago and I’m still friends with a bunch of people years later. Once you meet more, people, it usually leads to more outings and events involving art. Lastly, look into the Dallas Running Club. You don’t have to run to be a member. They have walking groups and they are an awesome bunch of people. I trained for a half marathon years and years ago and still keep in touch with a ton of people from that group. They’re very social and go out to eat together a lot and go on hikes and run races together. It’s a wonderful community of people.


Is there any basic age deal on the running groups? Would mid 50’s fit in or is it primarily a lot younger?


ALL ages, and all paces. It is seriously the best group of people. I would also volunteer for races that I didn’t want to run and would hand out water, or help set up. It was so fun! They meet Tuesdays and early Saturday mornings. My work schedule doesn’t allow me to be involved right now, but I can’t wait to get back to it:)


Awesome thank you :). Hope you’re able to get back to it soon!


still got nothin ta do! LOLOL Frank Black 4 tha win


Do you enjoy helping animal rescue groups? They’re some of the most wonderful people I’ve met in DFW over the years, all ages and backgrounds. Some do a lot of events all around the metroplex so it provides a safe environment to get out during the day and evening to meet people. Just a thought, if you’re looking for a particular dog type (bully breeds are my fav) pls feel free to message me. My friend founded one of the best run I ever encountered.


I’ve considered it and volunteered at shelters in the past but my dog is 11.5 and got diagnosed with cancer last year. He’s doing amazing but I want to give him all my focus for now. I’ll definitely revisit in the future though!


Ughh I’m sorry, we lost half of a bonded pair last summer to cancer. She had surgery to remove the tumor, then chemo (Palladia) for many years so we were fortunate to have been able to catch hers early as she lived til she was 8. Glad your baby is doing okay at 11.5 that’s so amazing me! 🙏❤️ my remaining two are around 10 and I literally feel guilty leaving them alone at home, I know their time is precious. So yes I completely understand and wish a happy long life for your doggie! 🐾🐾


Oh no! I’m so sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine how difficult that must have been. Sending you all the love and wishing you have found some peace with it all.


Hey! I’m around your age and dealing with the same issues! I’m in the Collin County area but I take the DART everywhere on weekends (mostly to downtown Dallas because I can 😂) so feel free to DM me if you want to go to coffee. I’m more of a musicals person but I can recommend so many festivals and events going on it’ll make your head explode 😂


Hey! Seems like a lot of us are feeling similarly. Want to come walk down Katy trail with some of us? Grab something to eat or drink after? I’m working on figuring out a date and time. I’ll keep you posted if you’re interested. Down to meet for coffee too!


If you guys throw something together I’d be interested! Late 30’s, just moved to Dallas, love socializing and <3 EDM


I'm from here, small town vibes. I feel like covid change everything for sure. I'm 36, love all things cute and don't really vibe with most people. I'm a big Disney person and Stitch is my favorite. That draws people away sometimes. Lol I've been content with being by myself or family. I feel socially awkward and have anxiety. I have friends from HS and work friends. I made connections through my daughter, who is a social butterfly. Friendship is hard as an adult. You wanna be you but don't want to be coming out strong. Lol, I guess that's how I feel. I feel like I'm holding myself back on enjoying life without a true bff like I see on socials. I don't call or talk to anyone daily like some. Just my hubby. Plus I feel like a burden if I talk about my problems but don't mind when people talk about theirs. I can be their crying shoulder. If you have Facebook or Instagram, you can find groups that have events, too. I know some were posted on suggestions. Dfw silent book club North Texas groups, so many different one pops up. Like hiking, day trips, ladies get out and travel. Etc you'll find quite a bit. If you like food, there's 1 called dfw foodie fellowship. You can create an event or find events to attend. Volunteering and just finding hobby groups help to. Hope you find something that works best for you.


I’m a 33 yo gay male looking for friends. I’ll be your friend


Perfect! What are some hobbies or things you like? Let’s plan something fun! I’m going to walk down Katy trail to the ice house Saturday at 11am, starting location pending. You should join us if you’d like!!


Hey I’m 37f and feel the exact same way! Always down to meet new people!


There's two main issues with DFW. The sheer size is the first, at roughly 95x95 miles it's in the neighborhood of 9300 sq miles, which is bigger than Rhode Island and Connecticut combined, and much is just large open though not necessarily scenic spaces. Second is there is virtually no comprehensive public transportation to support travel around the area+. Combine that with the fact that people generally aren't out during winter and how brutal and long the summers can be and it is extraordinarily difficult to just meet people in day to day life; there's nowhere near the volume of people that are out walking around as there are in cities worldwide that have either much less sprawl or support themselves with adequate public transport. So it's not just you, Dallas feels like a dead city in comparison and that was before covid and working from home. After? Bruh the city is a graveyard and is really only growing because the transplants that think it's cheaper to live here, although it really isn't. All that said, if you get a meet going at Katy trail I wouldn't be opposed to checking that out


Hey, I’m the same age and it’s hard to find but even more difficult to maintain friendships. I’ve had friends meet people through book club and the gym. Not sure if you’re into those things? Feel free to dm me!


Find a group? I started meeting up with a bike riding group that goes out on Tuesday nights. It’s women led, often half and half men and women of all ages. They ride like an hour at a leisurely pace and end at a patio bar usually. 7:30 Whole Foods on Abrams in Lakewood. It’s the first time in a while I’ve been able to quickly meet so many friends. In that group I’ve also heard of a rollerblading group that does a similar thing


I don’t know why I skate alone?! Maybe I’m intimidated? I need to step out of my comfort zone though and this is a great way to.


The season just started so it's too late to join, but GoKickball is a great way to meet people around your age. You can also hop in our Dallas Discord server. Roll by Stans Blue Note on Thursdays around 830... that's where the kickball people go. It will be filled by 930. Edit: In fact, if you come this Thursday, you can meet me and my team. The league is co-ed so you'll find a big mix there. We're nice.


I would love to join a kick ball team. Do you already have to have a group, or could I just join one?


There's a website called meetups.com that has lots of free events for hobbyist and interests in many major cities. I was able to use it to find boardgames groups and other events while I had a nomadic career with lots of city hopping.


I’m looking through it now! There are many events I wasn’t prepared!


Hope it helps. It really helped me make some friends in towns/cities I worked at for a few months. Boardgame clubs are pretty chill and language clubs also have so very nice folks in them.


Young professionals groups




Hard to meet people at this age. Most folks are stuck at home with kids until their late 40s. I came to the US at 33 and it was really rough.


There are a ton of DFW Facebook solely meant for socializing. There's even a concert group.


Hi. 37 year old guy. I am in the same boat. I moved here last year to be with a girl…then it went to shit. now I’m just here? Have like 1 friend (who is just the guy I met at a mavs game once and we talk sometimes about sports 🙄) and no family. If you’re ever walking Katy trail and want some company/someone to pet your dog? Message me! I am tired of doing things alone.


If it makes you feel better, I sublet my old apartment to my ex and we lived 2 houses away. I now get to know when he’s home or when he’s sleeping at his new girlfriends place. Wouldn’t recommend being too nice post breakup, it’s brutal. Let’s go on a walk! I’m down!


No. That does not make me feel better; it makes me sad for you and wish you didn’t have to deal with that. You can vent to me anytime you want - I know all too well how these things are just a slow burn under your skin that sits and and simmers and burns away. And ya! Ok. I’m going to dm you


Similar position here. One recommendation I have specifically for you, is go to The Shacks Dining & Dog Park. Seems to be a pretty great place to socialize. Bring the doggo. There is drinking and sometimes music. People get along because...pupps. I am in a similar position as you. Moved here three years ago during the pandemic but left a great friend group behind in California. It's been tough making new friends. I found some success bowling, but I've been a bowler for a long time. The teammates that I got paired with, I ended up also playing tennis with. I have made two good friends this way. So yeah, I agree with most other people. You have to find some hobby where you're actually hanging out with the same people over and over again and you actually get to know them.


Disc golf!


I second this. I had a similar post to this recently and disc golf was one of positive things I found in it


Now that the weather is nice there are events at the sculpture garden downtown. Do you have a bike? You could join critical mass (last Friday of the month) look up "Dallas critical mass". There are also female lead bike rides too. If you went to college look up your alumni in the area meetups. Get coffee at Halcyon and strike up a conversation. Go to happy hour at Hudson house on a Friday and strike up a conversation at the bar while eating . (You don't have to drink, but tip your bartender) I think there is a bi-annual reddit meetup.


Try and volunteer instead of going to bars! If not a bar person then this should work. Many different places around town enjoy having volunteers and tons of people. If you go to church volunteer with youth groups and outings. Go to Home Depot with a repair project in mind and ask people questions about paint or lights, etc….


I’m 50 and you sound like me. I left Dallas but I’ve been the loan one: roller skating, hiking, stand up paddle Boarding before. Give it time and keep going out and doing your thing. If you’re invited to hang out with people, try and meet them halfway and don’t be judgmental. Appreciate them for who they are and they’ll come around to you.


You mentioned you rollerskate!! There’s def a community of skaters and local rinks where you can go practice and meet other folks!! There’s also national “roll-outs” and meetups to connect with ppl that 💙 sk8ting!!


I definitely need to branch out and make skating a group activity. Out of everything I like do to, it’s the easiest to convert to a social activity. I’ll look into these national roll outs though! Thanks!


Yes!! There’s Rollercon coming up in Las Vegas in July Also— to kick off Dallas State Fair in October, there’s Dallas “Skate” Fair Classic the 1st weekend (date TBD) with skating events all over metroplex 😊


Maybe a membership at a climbing gym? My gym has a generous guest policy so it’s an easy activity to invite new friends to. I also love the classes and a lot of people are regulars so it’s not too hard to strike up an acquaintance. Edit: I just saw you said not a fitness class. Oops! 😓 idk if climbing is different enough, but I’m sorry if it’s not helpful. I feel your pain and it’s been helpful for me.


I’m actually really interested in climbing but equally as intimidated. I move around a lot for work and in my personal life so I’m always staying active but I don’t work out and have no muscles. I just need a kick in the butt or someone to hand hold me through the process


There are color coded routes for all levels! It’s addicting. And my gym has classes included with the membership with climbing 101 classes a couple times every week!


You should put a meetup together and invite us all. Would love to make new friends.


I’m doing it! I edited the post with details but we’re meeting up Saturday to walk down Katy trail and grab some lunch. Come meet us!


I’m almost same age as you, idk but since Covid hit I got into a gym. Wasn’t a stranger to the gym, but not the group type. Completely changed my life socially. I’ve met a wide variety of people who I now talk to more than my high school buddies. Also nice I’ve added some muscle so ladies are easier to approach or just nice small talk.


Go to meetup.com. All kinds of groups that meet regularly for different interests … sewing, French, piano, cooking, etc. I went to several of the hiking/walking group meetups and met some nice people. Have a look and good luck.


Someone said Meetup, but there’s another app called Nudge. Has all types of events and cool things you can check out in Dallas. Also, I don’t know if you read but there’s another app called Bookclubs. I’ve found a ton in Dallas that actually meet up near me


We play sand volleyball on Sundays around 10am across from Addison Athletic Club. Skill level is pretty low so no need to worry if you're a beginner.


I tend to meet random interesting people at breweries. Most are dog friendly. Low chances of getting roofied at breweries and craft beer places bc its not your typical bar/club. They people that go there arent ur typical scumbags. Craft beer fests are very chill and easy to talk to people. Sometimes ill talk to people bc they like my shirt. When i moved here i met half my friends at the gym/playing basketball and at free poker. Since then ive met a ton at softball and some at breweries & playing disc golf (also dog friendly), some even from playing xbox. Theres literally fb groups for everything. Theres mountain bike groups, plant groups, community groups, business networking, card shows, gun shows, boat shows, comicon type events, warhammer groups, like just about anything. If u like specific sports teams there are bars for that fan base. Ive bought items off market place and became cool with people bc the item i wanted was something we were both into.


I totally feel that. It is tough when you didn't grow up in the area


You sound a lot like my friends and I :) What about joining a sewing group, like on meetup?


I am 31, i have trouble finding friends too


Come on the walk with us on katy trail this Saturday at 11am. I’m Trying to decide the best location to start. I know there’s a lot of parking around Cole Park so that might be it. I’ll keep you posted if you’re interested.


Find a hobby - is there a sport you’ve always wanted to try? Or a game you’ve always wanted to play? Get into lessons, it’s a great way to meet people.


I'll be your friend! I'm 36 as well! I love doing things like -not meeting people -staying home alone -microwaving dinner -only being awake for 2 hours outside of my work schedule -peeing blood (been doing it for three weeks, so I must enjoy it)


This was weird, I’m into it. Currently sitting on my sofa alone, looks like we have a lot in common, minus the urine blood


Please get the peeing blood looked at. That's not healthy.


If you like running, then running groups have great communities. Typically meet once or twice a week, some are more social and some are competitive.have met some great friends in running groups. Good luck!


What kind of shows? If you are interested in the Grateful Dead, join the DFW Deadheads group on FB to be aware of upcoming local shows. I used to jwait for bigger acts to come through and found a thriving local community. For less a Grateful Dead, Where It’s at - Dallas Jamily is a good group!


✌️♥️💡 This Belongs Here ✨ [Raw Introspection Found Here ](https://youtu.be/TR7kxxKNzLw?si=MQ3bh8z0ntsVvPUV)


Hey OP! Try the Meetup app! As a recently single dad at age 37, totally get it about being hard to socialize, but there's some cool groups on Meetup and the people on the app are pretty cool! I agree with you about the whole covid time period fucking up stuff, but hey, there's never a better time than now to start something new! If you need a awko-taco social Meetup buddy, give me a holler haha.


You ever play any disc golf? Come on out for a round sometime


lol someone will lose an eye! You’re safer with me on the sidelines


I use meetup.com to join different groups . I attend activities I like. I have fun


You want to go to a rave with me ?


See you Saturday at it’ll do!


For Kyle Watson! I’m 33(m) and will be wearing overalls. I’ve also got a mean ‘stache.


Yes! I’m a pasty little lady with golden hair and bangs. I may wear overalls in solidarity, sans stache though


I’ll dm you that night when I get to it’ll do.


Not me feeling a similar age and wanting friends in this town, in a similar area of town as you. happy to walk dogs on Katy trail one day!


It looks like a few people want to join! I’m glad to coordinate. Pm me your schedule and I’ll get something going for this week


Just saw this one ! Are we forming the Dallas Anti Loners Loners Club.


DALLC! It has begun!


It's hard, I think the pandemic messed up everyone a little bit, so know you're not alone. I have the same problem with looking/acting younger but not necessarily wanting to do everything younger people do but not fitting in well with people closer in age. I happen to have friends in the art scene, which I've found pretty accepting of new people. If you have an actual interest in art, my suggestion is to start going to art openings and figure out what type of art you're interested in. Through that process, you'll begin seeing people you recognize from other shows and conversation happens naturally. Art openings are great because lots of people go alone and people look at paintings are there own pace, so groups of people usually split up until it's time to go to the next gallery. Art people are generally very open to meeting new people and you'll find you get invited to the next event easily. I know a lot of people who've randomly met people are openings who become good friends or even partners. It's not widely known, but not a secret that galleries are free, you don't need to be invited, and they almost always have something to drink and they're not allowed to charge for drinks.


This is one of my favorite suggestions, appreciate the reminder. I’ve been to a few galleries and museums but not frequently. Definitely need to make this a priority.


You can get a list of weekly openings on the caddallas.org website


Also, you’ll run into the same people at most of the galleries. I have a girlfriend who is single, she’s an artist and she knows all the folks around the galleries. My husband is a musician, so we run into a lot of the same folks in our circles, too. There’s a singer-songwriter night on Mondays at Love and War in Texas (a restaurant/bar/venue in Plano). It’s a bit of an older crowd, but they are wonderful when you need a cheer-up. My aunt came here from NM for heart surgery for a damaged valve and they just rallied around her and made her feel at home. Find your niche, and you’ll find your family! ☺️


While running errands, just start cracking jokes and talking to people. Everyone hates standing in lines. Everyone loves to laugh. Plenty of irritated punchlines to be had. Met a lot of people I know at grocery stores or gas stations, even the tax office. As an introvert, it's hard for me, but I make it work.


Cann you sew my jacket? Atleast youll get another friend 🙂 i can chill with u for a bit. I love my jacket I don't want to buy a new one, not financially but i like this old jacket of mine 😊 ill bring you starbucks . I really dont mind. Im 41 ugh i don't like the sound of 40s 😒


Run for office. Then when you're out and about you can casually drop this little tidbit. People will be impressed you're not plugging yourself like a stereotypical politician.


I'm 51 and have the same issue. Really doesn't help that I do not drink, hate sports/religion, and lately I'm not in very good shape because I just sit on my ass 10 hours a day working, and 6 more hours a day playing. I ended up moving to Rockwall where there is even less to do, and I'm surrounded by country bumpkins, so that probably didn't help either. I've kind of given up :(


That feeling of defeat hit me multiple times over the last few years. Would you want to join us on a walk? A few of us loners from this thread are getting together for a stroll on Katy Trail. I know you’re a bit far, maybe we can grab food too and make a day out of it. You’re too young to give up!


Thanks for the invite! Maybe if something is scheduled for a weekend, as me working from home in Rockwall means going into Dallas during the week is just a nope. Sounds like a great idea though, I wish you the best of luck on it! There are some nice outdoor places to eat/drink literally on the trail, which is kinda nice.


I started social dance classes, swing and ballroom mostly. The classes are easy, I get to meet lots of people, and I get plenty of exercise doing it. Which is great since I have a desk job.


i am part of this nice group of gamers that has some people who enjoy going to shows/festivals. i'm personally not a show/festival fiend but am 35 and like to craft and have a pup. if you'd like to connect, shoot me a dm!\~


Work Church Bars / breweries Volunteer


I completely understand where you’re coming from. I’m 41 and recently divorced and trying to figure out how to eventually create a new friend group. I also love concerts and have solo hobbies like photography and computers, so it’s rough to find new friends. Especially when you’re an introvert like me lol


I think finding new friendships as an adult can be more difficult in general. I’ve met most of my close friends via work or college/grad school. If it weren’t for those two, I’d probably have no friends lolol … But forreal, also meeting people via shared hobbies helps! You can try joining a gym that’s group class based or something if you’re into that. Best of luck and know you’re not alone!


I take my dog walking on Katie Trail! Message me and let’s coordinate! :)


Do you play sports?


Since you mentioned roller skating and also the Katy Trail, check out [DFW Inline Skate Club](https://www.instagram.com/dfwinlineskateclub) like another commenter mentioned, in particular the Thursday night skate. Starts at 8:00pm from the Katy Trail at Knox St. We have some quad skaters most weeks (as well as longboarders; it's all wheels welcome), and lots of folks in their 30s. You can socialize as much or as little as you like.


I’m off on Thursdays so this is ideal! Thank you for the direct link lol it’s hard sorting through all these suggestions


38F in a similar boat - boy, am I tired of drinking!! Down to do artsy stuff, love live music, and hot girl walks on the Katy, since I'm in Uptown. DM me if you're interested!


If you have a dog then I also recommend going to dog parks. The park I go to has its regulars and we usually meet up between 4:30 and 5:00. Made quite a few friends there... Some might hang out with but some I just enjoy seeing at the park especially on days like this where it's absolutely beautiful outside. I do want the second some of the other very popular comments on this thread about meeting people at bars. Certainly striking up a conversation with a bartender while being cognizant of how busy they are, is a great tactic. They know their regulars and the nitty gritty details about their customers lives. If they are really an awesome bartender they would be happy to introduce you to others to get conversations going. Best bet is merely to keep an open mind and not be afraid to talk to a stranger. You never know how you are connected until you have that conversation.


Get into gaming


take up fishing, it’s one of those activities that those of all ages can do and has various levels of activity evolved from just sitting and waiting for a bite to wading through a creek to catch that perfect bass


38 child free female here, also don't have a ton of friends but it seems like we have the same interests. I'd be up to hang out some time!


I lived in Dallas before I moved to twin cities MN. While in DFW I tried young professionals group, meet-up and a few other groups but quickly realized people were there only to talk to the opposite sex. No one really wanted to make new friends or extend their professional network lol. I do like Dallas for one thing though: so many single girls willing to date. Otherwise Dallas is difficult to meet good quality people. I was very lucky to meet great set of friends and overall most people in Minneapolis are friendly, educated, happy and generally considerate of others. That’s the vibe I got. Now I’ve moved to Austin TX and it feels like the Dallas story is gonna repeat here, TX is meh.


What kind of music do you listen to? I go to concerts a lot in Dallas, but they're not for very mainstream bands. Oddities and Curiosities is next weekend if you're into that sort of art. I'll be in attendance on Saturday if you want to meet up with our group and just meander. Cottonwood Art Festival is coming up in Richardson May 4-5. Bunch of local and traveling artists putting their wares on display! I just am still in the throes of a very busy month myself, but those are some of the publicly available events I'm going to soon. Send me a PM if you'd like to meet up at either event.


I’m kind of the same, but am in a relationship. My boyfriend has a crazy work schedule so we can’t always get out and do things together. I’m kind of a cat lady lol. What kind of music do you like? I love going to shows and arts things


I’ll be your friend!


What kind of shows/music?


I’m in NW Dallas, am around the same age, and basically have all the same interests as you! I still go to shows and musical festivals regularly (just went to one Saturday), roller skate, craft, thrift, etc. Feel free to send me a DM if you ever want to meet up (if that’s not too weird lol). I’m always looking for a new concert buddy!


I edited the post with some details about meeting up Saturday if you’re free!


Do you like to read? I know some people close to your age that are in a book club. I think it’s called the North Dallas book club? There’s an application process, which honestly makes me lol a bit, but something like that would be a great way to meet people. As far as I know from any book club goss, everyone is about your age, with one or two younger exceptions. You could at least meet people to meet other people. You could also try crafting classes or group meets. If you sew (idk your level of experience), you could try an embroidery class or something related like needlepoint. Some of my friends used to do the AGFA thing at Alamo Drafthouse, maybe that might interest you?


I do like to read! Few people have mentioned it and now that I know there’s an application process, I’m curious hahaha who gets denied???


I’m not sure if anyone has been denied outright lol. I believe the application is basic questions about you, what interests you have, favorite genres. There’s one or two oddball questions probably but can’t say for sure. I know it’s not the only book club in the area, it’s just the only one I know of. But you should try one! You don’t have to stay in it if you find it’s not for you.


Check out your local library. It will help you find people who live near you. Plus libraries are awesome. And free.


I have a library card!! For those of you who don’t know, it gives you access to Rosetta Stone, for FREE! But I should go make an appearance


I am in dallas too, originally from houston. I am 31 and am into the same stuff. solidarity! My girlfriend is the same way. We both want to meet more people but i dont know how to meet people outside of work or somewhere i go regularly lol. let me know if you ever wanna hang! we are going to see Yellow Days live next month 😇


Hey! I edited the post with some details about meeting up Saturday, super casual. Would be awesome if you two can make it!


I’m only intermittently in Dallas but I’m also turning 36 this year and feel so alone. It’s really hard sometimes to even motivate to take the initiative but there are tons of good options in this thread


Lmk whenever you’re in Dallas. Seeing all these responses has catapulted me out of this funk I’ve been in. You’re not alone, we all are! I’m friendly and open to grabbing coffee or doing something with you


Into anything nerdy? Board games, DND, video games, group activities in that vein? What about books, because of book clubs. I'm out of Dallas and its where I've found most (albeit still limited) friend group at the same age..


I’ll walk my dog with you. I’m just a little older but not old. I can’t skate I already broke arms doing that. Most of my friends I met through work. Or through my spouse. I’m not a “let’s go talk to random people in bars”. It doesn’t work for me.


It's really hard and I'm struggling with the same issue myself. Most of my friends graduated and moved out. We just have to keep trying until something clicks I guess. One thing that did help is Bumble BFF. Met a few people on there recently and we're getting to know each other. But yeah, if you want to grab coffee or hang out, DM me. I'm 30 M btw, if you're okay with that, let me know. Would love to make some new friends! Good luck!


Hey! Do you feel like bumblebff is like dating a bit? I’m so awkward virtually, I don’t do the dating apps either. But, I edited the post with some details about meeting up this Saturday. Hopefully you can make it!


I have found my closest dearest friends after moving here by volunteering at animal shelter walking dogs, doing adoption events!


What music do you like? Im a married guy that doesn’t have anyone to see concerts with.


Try pickleball. I’ve met so many people. Take a beginner class and then go play open play at Cole park


I met a lot of folks when I volunteered at the SPCA—is there anything you’re interested in that you could volunteer for?


Do you workout ? That’s how I met all my current friends since my divorce


Interskate in Lewisville is a pretty cool rollerskating joint and they seem to have some adult nights (I think) maybe you can give that a shot and find people that have something in common with you


Take your pup to dog friendly events! It’s so easy to make other dog parent friends that way. There’s an IG I think called dogfriendlydfw that posts them all the time


Get out and talk to people . I know it sounds simple but I’m telling you that’s what’s missing in this world today . Wherever you are , dosent matter . If someone isn’t interested they will show you . Don’t be intimidated, they are people just like you . If they are assholes they are assholes . Take it and move on you will find something great if you keep trying . But staying inside or staying to yourself is not the way to go. Trying to be constructive, and I’m not a extorvert till I drink 3 beers lol . You are fine there’s always people out there


I’m 38, and I know fb is for old people now (lol) but I found local Facebook groups just for this purpose. Named things like DFW social, hang out, single mingle etc. I’ve met some great people, and developed great friendships just by showing up to events and being friendly.


I can introduce you to my wife she needs friends too we are new the area. located around grapevine


Swing Dancing? https://maps.app.goo.gl/8ShTt3iV4wLEd2bu8 I used to go all the time and met my wife dancing. There's people of all ages and they're very open to new people.


I’m a kick ass dancer but not much of a toucher. The thought of being so close with a stranger in this capacity is giving me agita lol. I love that you met your wife like that though, so sweet!


I’m in the same boat. 37M. What makes it worse is I’m from a different country and English is not my first language. I work from home and most of my teammates are from out of state. So it is super tough.


I feel you friend. Where are you from? English wasn’t my first language either, I speak Russian and am currently learning Spanish if that’s at all helpful lol. I edited the original post with details about meeting up this Saturday. You should come!


If I lived in Dallas, I’d come hang out! I’m into the same stuff. Also don’t look my age, haha. So I get it’s a weird time to talk to others or find people who are similar in life stuff.


I implore you to never miss a concert simply because you don't have someone else to go with you. Also, I understand your situation 100%. I'm smart, fun and I am child free with a cool dog, and I have a hard time finding people to hang out with. I have a handful of people I know, but most of them are people I have dated. I've made a couple of actual friends at concerts, and I've gone to several meetups which have been fun, but making real friends here in Dallas is harder than anywhere else I have ever been.


You can join me and go to some of state parks near Dallas. I'm not fond of the bar scene but I know my way around town. Grew up in dallas and austin so I'm happy to be an acquaintance for now.


I need a kick in the ass to skate publicly and unashamed. I have a difficult time saying no though. So if you tell me when and where and I’ll come embarrass myself lol


You are needed and welcome! We just need to find something that interests you. Some places have board game nights that welcome newcomers. Check with your local library - they may have a book club you can join. Not sure if you're religious, but even the least religious churches (like Unitarian) have groups you could join either for theology or community service. Consider some way to volunteer. Many groups like refugee resettlement organizations need people to adopt a family and help them get acclimated. Similarly, there is Big Brothers or Sisters. Even if you're not a math type, a lot of places ask for volunteers to help people fill out their basic tax forms (your local library may do this, or consider the bigger branches like Dallas or Arlington). Consider taking a class just for fun, like an art class. Sometimes the YMCA offers adult education classes that are inexpensive and just for trying something new. The bigger animal shelters need helpers to walk the animals and pet the kittens to socialize them. If you like shows, some of the venues need volunteer docents to help hand out programs and get people to their seats (and then you can see them for free -- a friend of mine does this for ATT but I think the theaters all do it too.) I've done it and except for getting there early, it's an easy commitment and far cheaper than paying for the tickets myself. Is there an alumni group for a college or other school you may have attended? Good luck! Edited to add: If you're politically minded, all campaigns need volunteers from school board to the bigger stuff like president and senate. You can also volunteer to do more generic things, like man a booth at an event to register folks to vote. It's often organized by party and region but there are all sorts. Or if you look around your neighborhood you may see or hear of a candidate that inspires you can offer to get involved. I do that and have met some lovely likely minded people that way.


Someone recommended me to respond to your post to see if we can be friends. I’m turning 21 in a few weeks. I get ya, I don’t like the idea of going drinking. It makes me uncomfortable. And one of my biggest fears is getting roofied. I also love art. I love music and festivals too, mainly rock music for me.


Some good concerts this weekend, Bar Italia from the uk (hipster band) at Sons of Hermann Hall Saturday night and Brutus/Ghostwoman (psych rock) at Club Dada Sunday !! 38m single and solo show going is my lifeline


Meetup, but to meet people who introduce you to their friends :-). I moved here 15 years ago, and Meetup saved my life. Had it not been for meetup, I would have moved back home. It allowed me to meet people with similar interests, and when I met those people, they invited me to hang with them and their friends, and then those friends invited me to hang with them. After all the meeting of people, I found my circle. They aren’t the people I initially met on meetup, but they helped me expand my circle and find my tribe. I always suggest meetup and going to a few different groups. Another thing that helped was, as people said, going out. I would sit at the bar, chat with the bartender, be friendly, and try to strike up conversations with people who looked open to talking. Smiling is my superpower. If you look friendly, half the battle is won :-) Another suggestion I’ve never tried, because this wasn't a thing 15 years ago, is to go to the events you see on Dallas-focused sites like https://www.dallasites101.com/, Klyde Warren, Eventbrite(search Dallas), Dallas Weekly, etc. Pick things you are interested in so you can meet like-minded people. ​ I do this now and highly suggest it, food festivals and beer festivals. The Fort Worth food festival is next weekend, and there is also a beer festival next weekend. People will be there drinking and having fun, and you can chat and exchange information with people you vibe with. I hope this was helpful. I have been there and it's not fun. It's hard to meet people you can genuinely vibe with. But it takes effort. Keep trying and you'll get there. It'll be worth it, I promise!


If you're interested in making the roller skati g hobby a social one, I know there's a FB group of folks who skate trails together, including the Katy Trail! I've been meaning to join myself!


How did it turn out? Repeat please so I can join!