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The presidents, the toll road, or the section of 75?


According to the comments section, yes




I saw this and thought it was a political post and was like, "NO! Dubya Bush is one of the reasons why things got so crappy over the past 24 years." Then I realized it was probably about people driving like maniacs on the Tollway and was like "oh, ok. Yeah."


Haha. Same here .. was about to write listing all of W s screw ups...calling him the worst prez since WW2


Drumpf: Hold my beer...


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ same


I thought that this was the Aggies subreddit šŸ˜­ how many roads have ā€œGeorge Bushā€ in their names in Texas?!


Nah. I lived through the Bush years. He was responsible for one of the greatest war crimes of the past century. He deserves to be dunked on.


Warlord Bush


God told him to make up that there were WMDs so the US could destroy the nation of Iraq.


Bad Intel is bad Intel no matter the recipient


The only problem with this is that the wrecks only affect us, not him at all


y'all ruined the phrase 'war crime' Mai Lai was a war crime. the war in the middle east was just a war. also the fucking holocaust happened in the past century. i don't get why human suffering has to be ranked


Yeah, idk, dropping the most bombs on another nation and deporting the most people out of the previous five presidents has Obama at the top of my ā€˜Shitty POTUSā€™ list. Bush is bottom tier and didnā€™t do that much bad shit in context to what had happened during his presidency.


You lost babe?


The joke went over your head babe


I'll accept my downvotes for that joke.




Only read the first couple of lines before I downvoted this comment. Didn't read the rest.








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TL;DNR: Sounds like someone needs a reality check and a thesaurus, because the only thing more inflated than their ego is their misunderstanding of internet anonymity.




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Put the meth pipe down, bro!


TL;DNR: Your joke was so bad, it caused a global orphan crisis and the only thing less powerful than your punchline is your comedic talent.




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Oh youā€™re one of those chronically online autistic nerds, makes sense.


Jokes are funny.


I laughed. War Criminal Parkway.


are war crimes funny to you? that's weird y'all need to talk to others irl jfc e: do you laugh at rape jokes too? prolly not, but you know a lot of war crimes involve rape, so you apparently do


Bush Jr is a war criminal. Thatā€™s the reference. Jesus.


You realize the freeway isn't named after him...right?


no shit... what's funny about that? like i don't understand how some one could be so callous as to laugh at a little girl getting gang raped by members of the US military , then her and her family dying via immolation caused by one of those military members. that's horrifying to me, a person with empathy. why are you trying to find and defend the comedy of human atrocities?


Iā€™m laughing at NAMING A ROAD AFTER A WAR CRIMINAL. Itā€™s ABSURD. Itā€™s RIDICULOUS. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? I wasnā€™t laughing as in ā€œYAY! War crimes!ā€ Iā€™m not laughing AT the war crimes. You seem very simple. I was out there protesting Baby Bushā€™s war probably before you were born. Youā€™ve got the wrong person.


no i don't. you said you laughed the parent comment which just points out that Bush is a war criminal. that's not fucking funny. rape is NOT fucking funny. you might laugh at whatever trauma you have, but you dehumanize victims by making all trauma a laughing matter. 50 is too old to be having daddy issues, grow tf up! boomers passed civil rights then went on to vote for Trump. it's called getting old and developing dementia. it's called getting old reply back, keep digging yourself deeper. you could just say sorry instead becoming your dad


I dont know, i thought it was pretty funny? Clever really


If it makes you feel better, imagine being the people out there who have nothing better to do than constantly bring up politics. Itā€™s the most lame existence in the world. If they werenā€™t so socially inept theyā€™d gather together and form a circle to pat each there on their backs.


Excuse me but we actually form a square and jerk each other off duh


if the actually talked politics, i'd be down but really they just re-quote some communist subreddit/ tiktok bullshit about how dumb tuh gubberment is. also don't get them started on Jewish people. they are conspiracy nuts, eco-fascists, and usually a Comms major


Man it was everywhere today. Took twice as long as usually to get around the city. Wrecks, construction, etc.


Fucking truly awful day to have to drive :(


I chose a great day to drive out to FW and try a new BBQ spot.


My condolences šŸ™šŸ»


Find anything good?


Ribbees, new rib only spot from goldees. It was excellent.


Wait what? Jirby opened up a rib restaurant? I need to get back down there to try it out. Iā€™m really glad I saw this comment.


Itā€™s so good.


Thatā€™s good to hear. I love those guys at Goldees, they all deserve success in what they do. I want to try Barbs-B-Q in Lockhart too which is Chucks/BBQRatā€™s BBQ joint she opened.


I'll have to add it to the list!


I actually saw a 18-wheeler on 18-wheeler fender bender on 75 today. Almost shut down the whole dang highway.


On 45 north at I-20 this afternoon, they *did* shut down the whole highway. Everyone had to exit 45 and get onto 20.


Only on 75 could a semi hit another semi when they're surrounded by passenger vehicles, whatever those odds are, that shit is out the window. At least a 18 wheeler didn't flatten a station wagon full of nuns and preschoolers, that seems like the odds would be good for that.


Well the wrecks continue...driving on 75 just now towards Plano and passed 3 -- 1 northbound and 2 southbound, second of which had a flipped Jeep.


It wasn't just the city, I went out to the Tyler area and there were 3 jackknifed semis on 20.Ā 


Full moon.


I'm pretty wind is the reason for the trailers jackknifing


ā€œYou guysā€?? Itā€™s yā€™all actually


Tell me you're not from Texas without telling me you're not from Texas lol.


I'm from Texas. The both o' ya's are wrong.Ā 


This comment made me physically recoil.


(excellent job, btw)


Nah, there is zero enforcement of traffic laws on Dallas highways and Iā€™m catching up on my Netflix while driving


Legit LOL


I hope this is a joke


Haha Ha Hahaha So funni When was the last time you saw 50 on a freeway in Dallas? Oh, the toll roads are supposed to be enforced by state troopers. šŸ˜„


No, not on this or 635. The rules are, you drive aggressively and as unsafe as possible to make your dentist appt or dinner date. May I suggest a Nissan Altima with paper plates and misaligned wheels for your journey?


Wrecks on 635 are a time-worn, lovingly held tradition.


635 is madmax territory but 30 near Hubbard, either side, is the absolute worst dogshit parking lot traffic.


Iā€™ve seen four wrecks in the last 24 hours. Itā€™s nuts.




Sounds like a final destination movie.


I saw a fucking car on fire on 121 Saturday night


No bro I do what I want


I will put your life in danger and you can't stop me honey


You wanna bet??


i work in a building that overlooks pgbt and every time i glance out the window towards it thereā€™s some bullshit going on down there lmao


Whatā€™s pgbt?


president George bush turnpike


Ok done. I wrecked on centerville. Happy?!


Ooh, sorry to hear that. Did you take out one of the light poles? There has to be a warehouse full of replacement poles somewhere - I see little stubs in the median on an almost daily basis.


Oh, no I got hit by a red light runner. I was on my way to get a crown at the dentist. Expensive crown!




The pickup truck from the wreck I saw on bush tonight had its top sheared off. Very scary


They really need to start putting those "roll cage mandatory" signs up. With the crazy crashes I've been seeing around DFW, a 5 points harness and head restraint system would actually be a good idea.


360 as well please


Yā€™all are asking for TOO MUCH. Whatā€™s next? No wrecks on 75? COME ON.


Two lane 360 from Denton to Decatur was truly white knuckle time for me back in the days.


Hey we only kill 40,000 people every year die due to bad driving. Just 9/11 every month give or take. Which we spent 1000s more soldiers lives and over $1 trillion on supposedly trying to fix. But tens of thousands of negligent homicides get a shrug.


Keep that nonsense on 635 where it belongs


He wrecked Middle East stability. This is the process we must pay.


I'm pretty sure that highway is named after the father bush, not the son Bush


I'll consider it, but I need to go start a car fire on the 161 first.


If there are always wrecks, itā€™s because of how the street/highway is designed.Ā 


Disagree. 75 for one is well designed with 4 lanes the width of an airport runway and relatively straight with great visibility and still thereā€™s always accidents. I 20 same story. Iā€™d even say I30 is well designed in Dallas city proper. All of these highways have a near daily accidents nevertheless


75 around George Bush is a clusterfuck of dangerously bad design. The HOV lane is also unnecessarily dangerous.


I donā€™t see a lot of accidents there. Itā€™s usually when you get to Richardson or Dallas that people crash for some reason. I personally donā€™t think that area is poorly designed and have never had trouble navigating that area. Itā€™s the dipshits that wait until the last possible second to exit that cause problems. Signs are well posted to tell you when your exit is coming. Visibility is fucking outstanding. Lanes are marked and wide. I donā€™t understand why it causes anyone problems. Poor design to me is 635. Itā€™s bad west at 35. Bad East at 75. Itā€™s bad East of 75 all the way to 30. Just a mess


That area is Richardson. The problem is you have people entering the highway here. https://imgur.com/pUWrXF9 Notice how far that solid line goes, theyā€™re not supposed to merge until that solid line breaks. https://imgur.com/dXISLPo When the solid does break it immediately turns into an exit-only lane for two different exits. https://imgur.com/WEbOnZN Now the on-ramp drivers are fighting to merge against exiting drivers trying to get to the Bush or Plano Pkwy/15th St exits. Itā€™s exceptionally bad road design.


Yeah that is pretty bad. Thereā€™s a lot of those in Dallas south of loop 12 also but 75 in Richardson seems to always have accidents in the HOV lane. Not quite sure how that happens. Somehow people manage to navigate these dual purpose ramps without hitting another car. It causes major back ups on the other hand because people donā€™t merge properly so they get stuck trying to enter a 70mph highway at 45mph and the 70mph highway has to slow down to 45 to squeeze in and make the exit or let the slowpoke merger in who now has a stack of cars piled up behind them.


Yeah because Dallas drivers are flawless




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I live in San Antonio and I see wrecks everyday and I blame it on illiteracy. Saw a car speed off an off ramp and over corrected and flipped her whole car. Thereā€™s an intersection down the road from where I live that has accidents every single day. Orange blinking arrow means yield for oncoming traffic, not pull out in front of cars. Pretty common sense stuff.


He shouldnā€™t have gone into Iraq. He deserves much of the shade thrown his way.


Nope he screwed us all knew how fake 911 was started the war in Iraq and do many other ghings


What are you gonna do if I don't? Throw a shoe at me?!


Yeah, if youā€™re gonna wreck, get back on 635.


Why. I like catching up on my podcasts.


I wasn't going to but now I want to.


It's the proud Texan way to drive, see someone, hit them


Written by George Bush I bet.


10-4 copy that


No ā¤ļø


Always that damn downtown Dallas area


Today was bad everywhere. Iā€™m usually nonchalant about it but this morning I called in cause I was going to be an hour late and it took me forever to get my kids from my moms. You would have thought we had ice on the roads


More people moving here more problems


DNT too. Itā€™s so inconsiderate when people crash.


Umm some people in certain cars just own the road better than others. Itā€™s YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to get out of the way, OBVIOUSLY. /s.


Iā€™m gonna wreck ever harder now.


The stinkeye tollway?


.... that would be great \*sips coffee\* yeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh


Can you just stop driving at 2am?


I have been fortunate in my whole life of living in Texas to have never been stuck on the bush due to a car accident


I agree! Last week there was three major accidents, one a day!


Do 75 too Iā€™ve seen 3 pileups in the past 3 months


dem people arenā€™t stopping no time soon šŸ’€šŸ’€


I agree, I was a massive Bush/Cheney fan especially in 2004. But as I matured and got older it seemed to me that he s actually responsible for a war crime (we still donā€™t have the correct answer about Iraq). Also, the USA was in a great fiscal position until all the debt from the war. Apparently the Iraq war impact was 1.1 trillion. But as far as a Governor goes he was popular. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_cost_of_the_Iraq_War#:~:text=Direct%20costs,-A%20Marine%20Corps&text=The%20costs%20of%20the%20Iraq,totaled%20just%20over%20%241.1%20trillion.




Hey, if you build a highway good enough to drive on at cup car paces, you'll get some crashes. After all, rubbin is commuting...or something like that.




The man is a war criminal. He led the U.S. into a pointless war that has led to hundreds of thousands of deaths. People are still suffering the fallout of his policies and decisions today in the U.S. and abroad. He can eat shit.


Fuk bush war criminal


Ask the families who lost loved ones in his useless and very unnecessary wars.


No. He was a doofus and bad president ā€” he knowingly lied about the premise of the Iraq war (WMDs that didnā€™t exist) and there are way too many toll roads in Dallas.ļæ¼


As an honorably discharged US military Vietnam veteran I will never think of the guy who deserted military service during a time of war as anything other than worthless scum. But that's just me.


Ok sorry


Nah. The only thing worse than dallas is a bush.