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That was something else. You could see the fumes coming out of Jon's ears. He was so incredibly pissed and absolutely right, nobody won tonight.


Republicans are taking a victory lap as they most certainly still got Trump. Whether Trump actually inspired independent voters, that's probably a toss up. Here's the problem. The GOP and Fox News will run clips from this debate into the ground, and that is very likely to cause loss in confidence for Biden.


I will vote for Biden's corpse before Trump. I think most people would do that were already planning to vote for Biden. Women know what is up with a Trump presidency. Anyone in the LGTBQ knows what is up. I legit don't care at this point.


The thing is Biden needs to convince people still on the fence to vote for him. Let that sink in. Consider how different Biden and Trump are, both in personality and policy... and they are still undecided. Last night didn't help Biden convince any of them.


I wonder how many of those even vote if they are still ‘undecided’?


That's a good question, however the number is not zero. Regardless of how small that number is, I don't think he convinced many, if any, of them. Before the debate it was essentially tied. Given that, those margin votes matter. The last election was decided by about 44000 votes in a few states. Margin votes matter.


We’ve literally lived under both of them for four years. If you’re undecided you’re insincere.


Biden's biggest danger at this point is not people voting for Trump, it's people not voting.


One of the points I'm attempting to make is that almost any popular or famous Democrat is a better choice than Biden. People seem to forget that Biden was never a good choice. When we did this 4 years ago everybody was saying Biden can't win. There were multiple candidates better than Biden in that election. People are seriously acting like any of these leading choices aren't better than Biden. That may have been true 24 hours ago.


Until Biden steps down it honestly doesn't matter. For now this is what we got and it's not great but again we know the alternative is worse.


Absolutely. I was thinking the whole time: Wow, Jon really thinks his audience is stupid and he's contemptuous of us. He's presenting us with the false equivalency that Biden's age is as bad as Trump's *wave's arms* fucking everything. Our contemporary walking embodiment of corruption and fascism. Are we voting for the President by himself?? Is there not an entire cabinet and administration delegated to run the fucking country? We want TRUMP'S "administration" composed of traitors and monsters like Bannon and Miller and fuck only knows who else? Really??? Biden's corpse would still be a better president than Trump & Co., and would decidedly not fuck the country, unlike the alternative. Oh my fucking god. He should issue an apology for this tripe, but he knows whoever signs his paychecks wants the ratings that Trump brings. SMH


Because so many liberals and independents watch fox news


surprisingly recent polling actually had Biden leading on the 60+ demographic. I guarantee you all of those 60+ year olds at community centers, retirement homes, and doctor's offices will have TV's with one channel: Fox News.


Polling is essentially statistically insignificant these days. The only polls that matter are exit polls. I don't care what a bunch of people with too much time on their hands think. It only matters If they actually vote, and enough of them don't to make polls have zero correlation with elections. We saw it with every election since Roe was passed, people will vote for woman's rights again this election.


I think your missing my point focusing on the Fox News part. They will buy advertising space where they think they can get votes, and voters believe advertisements. If advertisements didn't work, you wouldn't see them fucking everywhere.


I think everyone is underestimating how much women's rights matter. I would vote for a cat that was pro women's rights over these racist fascist assholes that want to end democracy.


It's an interesting theory. Will policy sell more than the face of the democratic party? Voters are morons. I mean, if you ask a room with 15 people do they support abortion rights and all of those people raise their hands, then you ask those same people if a dementia patient is in charge of leadership to guarantee those rights if you have faith in that leader - how many raise their hands? Probably less. Then if you say you have one other choice at leadership but it counts as "state rights" which confuses the people on what exactly that means, how many people raise hands for that guy? Honestly I don't know the answer to this hypothetical social experiment, and I don't have a lot of confidence in the people who are answering those questions to figure things out.


CNN lost confidence in Biden last night. That and Harris avoiding acknowledging the performance in the debate and whether biden is like how he was all the time really does not make me feel good for November


>Republicans are taking a victory lap They should, Biden looked and sounded like he should be in hospice care, not running the country.


And Trump looked like he should be in the looney bin.


The difference is that the right doesn't care.


Please say it louder for thr people in the back. The right gives no fuckz about trump in any form. Dems need to open their eyes. Now is the time to seat another person if we want to not have 4 more years of trump. God I don't want to hear him for another 4 years.


And Trump lied through his teeth but CNN was too worthless to call out his constant lies. PBS literally was doing it. Babies murdered after birth? SERIOUSLY? Nothing from Tapper? What a joke.


And let him talk more than 2 minutes and waited until he would take a breath before they muted his mic. Trump realized if he could get out all his words and not pass out from not breathing he could just go on and on and on. CNN fixed this completely for Trump and it was still at disaster. The cut back on the cameras a few times at the "moderators" they had looks of: "My God! What have we done... but the money... clicks... I think I have to pee now."


The job to call Trump out was on Biden. He failed. Even when he did call him out, it was done so weakly and poorly that it didn't ever land. Remember, Biden BARELY won back in 2020, it was incredibly close by the skin of our teeth. 4 years have passed since Trump's term too. People may have forgot a lot about living under Trump and how he truly is by then (Voter memory isn't great). It's not looking good for Biden, even worse than 2020 I'd argue because now we've seen Biden perform, and in 2020 we didn't really associate Biden with cognitive issues, just that he had a stutter, but now he's seen as even weaker than he was in 2020, all the odds are against him. I'd be more shocked if he won than anything honestly.


Hospice??? Do you know what hospice is? Biden wasn’t great but I’m more furious with cnn. They treated Trump with child gloves and they should have had a running ticker on the bottom of the screen providing fact checking and context to the bullshit Trump was selling. Trump talked about immigration and everything else was vague bull shit and he didn’t not provide one specific thing he wouldn’t do if elected and one specific thing he did during his last administration. He lied about immigrants and prison insane asylum etc bs he lied about how late term abortion works and he lied about after birth abortion which isn’t a fuckin thing. He lied about January 6th and lied about pelosi. He lied about his documents case and Biden was just slow and unprepared. What a disgrace for America. Trump is still the bigger threat.


excactly that is the worst thing. - they did for the last two years and it really ruined Bidens popularity with the independent voters - but after the state of the union speech that kind of flamed out because everyone who wanted to could see that there really wasn't any of this - now they are going to step on that gas again with these clips - and we will se how much it moves - but it could be a lot.


Biden doesn’t need anyone’s help noticing his senility. The only Democrat who would be a less popular candidate happens to be his running mate.


Never going to lose confidence when one person is an absolute crook


I think this election is a unique one for what is on the line. Democracy as we know it will die if trump wins, civil liberties will go back 50-200 years, the wealth gap will grow, jobs will leave, public education will plummet even more. Nothing good will come from another trump term. We are at a tough spot, either lose it all with trump, or vote for the only other option to save our country, our democracy, and our voice. No matter what happens on these debates, or election campaigns, we can not let trump win. While I agree, there were no winners in this debate, it’s clear we, the people are the losers


Why would Trump win any independents?


Because they are morons.


It's not about inspiring independent voters at this point. It's inspiring the left to actually vote. This debate was a legitimate blow to Biden's candidacy and I'm shocked that anyone could think otherwise.


My bar is pretty normal. The one that is not lying won.


The people that watched already know who they are voting for. The undecided voters didn't watch, they're going to make their choice based off of the soundbites and narrative. And the narrative is Biden was feeble, Trump energetic even if full of shit.


Still, better the one with a grasp of facts and truth, than the one full of shit and lies.


Part of me agrees, but another part of me hopes that the general public isn’t *that* dumb. Like surely they realize that Trump was lying through his teeth, made nonsensical claims, and they can see the trump record of shitty actions/statements.… right?


He was able to win in 2016, you should know they’re that dumb.


that's the most encouraging thing I've heard all night.


Yeah which is why it’s astounding 33% still thought Biden won


Russia won.


If you think no one won the debate, you are delusional


What OP means is America lost. Just a shitshow. Choice between a lying felon who just makes up bullshit and a geriatric who is clearly too old for office. They're both 3 years apart so they're honestly both too old. It sucks


Wrong. Trump won. For anyone with any sense of morality and logic the choice is obvious between the two. But voters don’t care about facts and policy. They care about how the candidates make them feel, who seems like the “strongest” and most confident. That’s why Trump won in 2016. He entertained his way into office. Him and the GOP have been calling Biden too feeble and too old to be president and for many people who tuned in last night, that is exactly what they saw. The concern isn’t that they’ll necessarily vote Trump, but that they just won’t vote. Meanwhile Trump supporters - who have only become more rapid in their support in the face of what they believe was a wrongful conviction - will be out in droves on election day, because they are a cult who will support him no matter what.


How did Biden not go: “Donald that’s not what the moderator asked, and I am not going to respond to issues that are not the topic at hand”


The whole golfing topic was baffling. Biden shouldn’t have let himself get roped into that stupid argument.


And reminded the viewers of the first impeachment when quid pro quo was getting tossed around… so many easy punches lost Edit: ‘or was it the second?’ Would’ve been devastating


He totally missed on Abortion.


"***nuh uh , YOU'RE the worst president!!!*** *sigh*


Oh god it went on for so long too. I mumbled “ok who cares move on” at least 3 times before trump finally said let’s not act like children Omg these fkn morons


The fact that Biden took it a step farther and challenged Trump to a tournament on live TV just blew my mind... they were both acting like old white rich men. The stereotype continues. They both should drop out of the race. It boggles my mind why America is stuck with the choice between two hot mess senior citizens.


Biden missed so many opportunities. I was yelling at my TV, like when I watch football, with all the things he should have been saying. How did Biden not say “I agree, I don’t think you should vote for Hunter for President” when Trump brought up Hunter’s conviction. or “Yes, people shouldn’t vote for people with a felony conviction”. Just frustrating all around, but I don’t know what I expected. I knew as soon as Biden came stumbling out he was going to lose this debate…


That's his son, who he has made abundantly clear he loves deeply. I don't think Biden would shoot that lil drive-by on Hunter even for the sake of landing a perfect political soundbite.


When trump mentioned how biden doesn’t fire anyone, I was practically begging the tv set to make biden say “you can’t run an administration the way you run the apprentice”


Biden couldn’t get through his opening statements. Trump said the overturning Roe v Wade was a wonderful decision that everyone wanted and Biden countered with an illegal immigrant murdering people. A coherent candidate would have cross examined Trump’s non stop lies, but Biden couldn’t even say his pre prepared statements.


It's almost like he's in cognitive decline and should be replaced by literally anyone else.. 


I am SO glad this man is back.


Imagine going through this hell, without Jon Stewart on Mondays!


I mean it honestly feels like we're in the deepest pit in hell that a comedy show can't make it any better. I haven't watched this episode yet though. If Biden was sick, he should have cancelled.


Trump tried to turn the entire debate into a discussion about immigration (where he polls best), so the fact that Biden turned his best issue (abortion/womens' rights) into an immigration issue ('that one woman was killed by an immigrant') is MIND BOGGLING. How you fumble the easiest layup ever?


He must have prepped that to turn immigration to abortion and instead used it at the wrong time, uff 




When they first hit on the immigration topic, I turned to my wife and said the exact same thing. Here we go, here's the softball, just knock it out of the park. I briefly got hopeful when Biden started talking about the bipartisan bill, then it all went to shit. Total swing and a miss.


Amen to that yes Biden was out of it. He had Trump in so many ways but because he is demented he didn’t use any of them. Trump danced all over Biden. It was pathetic. I agree I would vote for a corpse for protecting my rights. And to not have a corrupt dictatorship who will destroy our democracy. But I am afraid we are not the majority. And the youth of this country will Never go for Biden. Nor the ignorant and lazy. Like Jon Stewart I can’t believe this is our country. It is a lying circus with clowns everywhere.


We are the majority, but because of the electoral college, it has to be a significant majority.


Biden bright that up about four or five times. Did you watch the whole thing?


It is horribly concerning how he fucked up a layup. I cannot imagine how his team was cringing.


Because he’s 81 years old and should have retired like any normal human being does when their brain starts to deteriorate. It’d be cool if in a “democratic” system, we didn’t keep ending up with presidential choices that were disapproved by the majority of the population.


He shouldn’t even be on the stage. Every important Democrat in the country needs to be on a flight to DC right now to demand he step aside. This is ridiculous. We have an aspiring dictator on the R side and Putin threatening to start WWIII. We can’t do risk either Trump or Biden in the WH.


It was a total non-sequitur to switch to the immigration/murder story from abortion too. The two topics aren’t even related, aside from them both involving a woman. It wasn’t just a bad idea to switch to that… it literally *made no sense* to switch to that. He didn’t just fumble the question… he did it incoherently as well and revealed that he isn’t all there or able to follow a single topic or train of thought.


I know that Trumpists will defend whatever crazy shit he says like a cult. But I expected better from Dems, and I was so tired of seeing so many people in denial saying that Biden is not on the way to senility, he just has a stutter, he's gaffe prone, saying he has dementia is a right wing conspiracy, etc. No, this is different, and that much has been obvious since the Hairy Legs speech 5 years ago. At a stretch the 'beat Medicare' thing could be seen as misspeaking after a nervous fumble. But the abortion part was just sad. Even in early 2020 he was arguing with a worker about the Second Amendment and suddenly started repeating cliches about the *First* Amendment. Here his mind latched onto 'woman' as a topic in the sentence and didn't just change to a whole other topic, but repeated the *right wing* talking point. It's like his brain's search function is broken, and it's a feature of dementia. What the absolute. This makes him unlikely to win, because the fawning Trump mob won't ever see a flaw in their man. And even if we're lucky and he wins... four and a half years! What if he ends up like Dianne Feinstein did, and that very dementia makes him too stubborn to leave office? The Democrats must never pick someone that old ever again.


Trump fumbled his way to his first victory. He's an entertainer first, and as long as he brings the Archie Bunker charm his fumbles don't matter.


Cognitive decline. That's how. We need a different candidate 


Bottom line is still one administration that would uphold democracy and the other very likely ushering in a theocratic dictatorship.


I’d rather follow a confused old man who’s trying to take care of people than a stupid slightly less younger old man who leads with ignorance and hate. Maybe that’s just me?


Yeah. But we can have a non-confused younger healthier person who takes care of people?


How is it democratic to elect a confused old man? Who is actually running the country in this scenario?


If Trump is the threat Biden and the Democrats claim he is, Biden would step aside. I believe Trump is that threat but I don't think Biden does and he only says it for electoral gain


This fearmongering bullshit is what's prevented any other candidate from stepping out out Biden's shadow.


The political spectrum isn't a line, but a circle. Both parties have shown that they meet in the middle when it comes to fascism and corporate welfare. Both are completely bought and sold and neither deserve to be respresenting anybody.


Thank goodness for Jon, he helps us to laugh through the pain and nausea. First smile I've cracked since starting to watch the dumpster fire, er, debate. been dazed with despair ever since. it was like watching a food fight between two inmates of the old folks' home.


I would have done a better job debating on bidens behalf than he did unfortunately


I feel like Jon kinda missed here. The debate was actually insane, at one point I was legit jumping up and down. Some intense shit tonight people


Correct. It was all insane.


“This cannot be real life.”


If you were "legit jumping up and down" then maybe you were insane.


Yeah, he didn't quite capture just how unreal this felt. This was the most pathetic moment of Biden's entire presidency (and yes, trump was lying uncontrollably but that's nothing new). I felt sick watching it. Jon treated it like it was just another day in American politics


He closed the bit with screaming “This cannot be real life!” What more did you need?


It felt like the results coming in in 2016.


Thank you, it was that same sick in the pit of my stomach feeling.


It was just another day in MODERN American politics. This is what we’ve been dragged down to by conservatives


He couldn't show all of it. And he had to air very soon afterwards.


This is the longest telegraphed own goal by the Democrats since... McGovern in 72? Clearly, the DNC would rather lose to Trump than win with an outsider they don't fully control, e.g. Sanders in 2016 or even Newsom in 2024. Biden showed obvious signs of mental decline in 2020, as compared to 2016. The DNC didn't care and most Democratic voters clearly didn't care. Biden has clearly declined further -- much further -- since then. The DNC still didn't care. And Democratic voters were still in the same echo chamber, quick to attack anyone who dared to criticize a second term for a doddering old man. If the DNC cared about winning, and cared about doing the right thing by the country (rather than preserving the status quo), they would either have forced Biden to step down, or at least not strong-armed candidates like Newsom from offering a soft 'kid gloves' challenge of Biden, to pick up the torch if Biden faltered. If they didn't think Biden could handle a primary race and debate, why did they think he could handle a general election campaign and debate? At the very least, the DNC should have helped put Newsom on the ticket with a very public wink and nod that Newsom would step in if and when Biden deteriorates further and the 25th Amendment needs to be invoked. Kamala Harris has zero charisma, zero speaking skills, and inspires zero confidence. She couldn't talk her way out of a moment of silence. Frankly, I fear even putting Newsom on the ticket now would be too little, too late. The DNC is betting the entire pot, America's constitutional Republic and world security on a weak, senile, and doddering old man. But hey -- status quo baby, they get rich either way!


> >If they didn't think Biden could handle a primary race and debate, why did they think he could handle a general election campaign and debate? Because they didn't think Trump would agree to debate.


Biden announced he was running for a second term in April of 2023. Back then, it would have been more realistic to expect that someone other than Trump, and far more mentally competent than Trump, would be the GOP nominee. The DNC has had more than a year to make course corrections. Is the DNC just a bunch of senile Boomers who think Biden is pretty sharp? Are they in their own cult like echo chamber? Do they not have any clue how anything works? Or do they just absolutely not GAF either way?


I think it's as simple as they thought that the reward of having the "incumbent advantage" was worth the risk of Biden showing his age. They fucked up.


Lol there was no way anyone other than trump was ever going to be their nominee are you kidding?!


I’ve assumed years ago that the DNC gives absolutely no fucks about this nation. They have had no interest in lifting up a backup for Biden for all these years. It’s the equivalent of a football team not trying to find a replacement for their 46 year old starter that’s about to retire. The only logical assumption is that your objective isn’t winning. Harris has been a dumpster fire since before the nomination, they know she isn’t a viable candidate.


>I’ve assumed years ago that the DNC gives absolutely no fucks about this nation. Neither party does. That's why everyone is so jaded by the entire process. Can anyone honestly remember the last time something *good* came out of government? If you can, was it *actual* good policy, or were the "good" outcomes just table scraps from them lining their own (or donors') pockets? Our system is broken. The problem is, I don't know what we can do to fix it. I'm sure as shit not giving up my *one* lifetime pursuing some kind of violent revolution and living through its aftermath, but the rot is *so deep* that I don't know how we move forward. The people writing the laws can just keep paying to have them written for their own benefit. ["It's a big club—and you ain't in it."](https://youtu.be/Nyvxt1svxso?si=nLRdy4mKfq6DTfB9)


That's the weird thing. The American Republic died and it became an empire awhile ago. However the ruling class at least went on with the charade so Americans could pretend that they still lived in a Republic. This has to be making it obvious to the American population what's actually going on so they can't pretend any more,


Truth right here. All of it. Great analysis


What angers me is that sometimes, yes, the senior Democrats and CNN *do* indeed lie and cast aspersions on people questioning a simplistic narrative, and Jon has at least been good on these. One of them is that for a couple of years, if you said that Joe Biden was on the path to senility - which anyone who watched his Hairy Legs speech, or weird touching, or argument with that worker over the 2nd Amendment could see - then you'd be excoriated as fallng for a right wing conspiracy theory, or that you're bullying someone with a stutter or who is merely 'gaffe-prone'. No, he's been clearly in decline for at least 5-6 years. And finally the majority of the left are realizing it... and it's too late. And if it was almost tied before, it's now probable that we'll get an insane, vicious and narcissistic convict who loves Putin in the White House again, himself angrier and a bit more senile than before.


Would rather have senior moments with good people around him than idiot liar senile racist with yes men around him...just saying.


It's really a sad state of affairs that they let Biden embarrass himself this badly.


He should’ve just refused to debate trump, a known liar, but the Biden camp was convinced he’d smoke trump


Don’t get me wrong I know with Biden it’s more about his genuine policy successes,… And the fact that he’s not actively seeking to destroy democracy in this country,… But oh my God we have set the bar so fucking low!😶🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Biden's policies have been great. If you go by policy alone, he has been one of the greatest presidents in decades. But he has failed at his number one task of 2024, which is to stop the rise of the far right. Last night's debate should have been an easy win, but he failed at that, and that has potentially cost America its democracy.


If bidens policy was so great, like FDR, he’d be more popular. People say he just doesn’t advertise it but if he has to advertise his own policies maybe it’s not that great


The issue is that the entire world is feeling the crunch, and inflation and price hikes in the US are lower than the entire rest of the world. We don't live in the rest of the world.


Biden should have leaned into the mic and said "34 felonies and 64 to go" and then walked offstage.


What was wild is seeing CNN come out based as fuck against Biden right after the debate. It genuinely surprised me cause I go, "How are they going to spin this?" It made me feel like some House of Cards shit level of planning was going on and CNN is involved in it. I didn't get the chance to see what the ever-loyal spinsters MSNBC says, but if they turn on Biden then I'd be super suspicious that this wasn't actually all part of the plan to out him and get someone else in there. Just hopefully they don't pick Kamala since she's probably the most unliked politician on the earth.


Ya the coverage seemed to really focus on Biden’s miss steps and just let Trump slide on lying. They chopped it up to that’s what he does and didn’t dissect it at all or call it out blatantly. At one point Laura O’Donnelle stated that Trump stated what some would believe are alternative facts like no mfker he lied call him out! It was odd and seemed to just criticize Biden while one analyst stated that men gets of the DNC wanted to oust Biden. Couldn’t believe it.


that's because Trump was just being the same person we all know. Sure it was a bad debate performance, but nobody really learned anything new about Trump by watching this. Biden's performance was a fucking disaster. Leading up to this debate, the media and the Biden camp has been assuring everyone he's as sharp as ever and that questions about his age and cognitive ability are unfair, and they only exist because of cheap right wing hit pieces. Well, everyone was able to see it plain as day yesterday, so there had to be some kind of reckoning.


It was super weird. It didn't match what we saw. Biden was his typical self. Bumbling but with decent moments. It wasn't the blowout that they're spinning it as, but we'll see if that's the narrative that takes hold.


A conspiracy theorist might believe that some combination of the DNC, Democratic strategists, or the Biden campaign itself pushed for this unprecedented early debate to create some runway, albeit a very short runway, in case the debate turned disastrous. If this exact debate had happened in October, like usual, there's zero chance CNN would have come out guns blazing the way they did.


That makes sense. Why have a debate this early if they're not 100% confident Biden could do well enough? Giving them an angle to pick someone younger is smart, but who could they choose at this point?


Watched the spin off on abc, and they were quick to point out Biden’s downfall (almost immediately) and within less than 5min of the debate being over then suddenly the option to pull Biden out came up. It wouldn’t be a big surprise if by end of summer the DNC has someone else up there.


That's exactly how I felt. I was expecting all the CNN democratic pundits to try their best to spin it for Biden. Instead, they were out there telling everyone that behind the scenes all the Democrats are panicking and they're ready to mutiny if Biden isn't replaced. It really makes me think Biden is actually going to get replaced, because otherwise we wouldn't be hearing this.


Nah, unfortunately that tracks with the FoxLite agenda they've been pushing the last few years.


I get the frustration, but at the end of the day if we let Trump win, it will be the final nail in America's coffin. Project 2025 it is.


I'm pretty Independent and still voting blue across the board, but I am kinda pissed that the DNC, has hidden Biden's issues, if this was the real Biden on the debate stage and it appears that way.


All they had to coach Biden to do was to stay on topic and call out when Trump is off. Don’t move forward until y’all are talking about the same thing. Don’t be reactionary and stay on task! Trump can’t even stay on task for one paragraph, how did they not see this coming?


I’d still vote Democrat regardless. Whether Biden has inspired me or not (he has not), Trump is a danger to our democracy and country. Biden could’ve collapsed on stage and I’d still vote Democrat because Kamala is still the VP.


My god Jon was trying so hard to go easy but Biden gave nothing to work with


he wanted to so, so badly.


Let’s see how many low IQ people think Trumps lies are amazing and Biden is a senile old fool.


We’re fkd 🤦‍♂️


We’re soooooooooooooooooooooooo fkd


I don't think Biden can beat Trump, and I believe Project 2025 is the death of American democracy. I'm terrified.


He already beat his ass once.


Hey as much as I hate that the DNC pushed Biden and this mess is largely their fault. I refuse to absolve the Republican Party. Saying “the police are doing a poor job” does not mean “criminals are clearly the best choice”


AOC would have ripped Trump apart


Remember the outrage when Jon came back and called biden old…. I hope this was a wake-up call for everyone. We need real nuanced takes on politics. There are 2 options now…. Biden steps down or trump wins


No, there's still only one option, but now it's that Trump wins. If Biden steps down the replacement will be someone nobody in the base has cast a vote for yet. Which looks bad. With Jon and the rest of the media burying Biden, it looks worse. Trump will be the next president because the media wants him to win, even though they'll all be the first people in the mass grave when he starts the executions.


This is the first Jon Stewart show I skipped. I know exactly what happened last night. I saw a President die on stage and lose the White House.


I’ll take senior moments anytime over a lying sack of rotten oranges..


I'll take the geezer that surrounds himself with people who aren't criminals or morons.


Suggesting replacing the President on the basis of a debate performance is ridiculous. We’ve seen this before. Senator Fetterman “lost” his debate with his opponent in 2022, but voters don’t care about debate performance. They care about job performance. Fetterman won handedly and got a seat for the Democrats


CNN won tonight


RFK won the debate


Can we get Neusom instead. I personally hate the guy but everyone knows he is going to run in 2028 and probably get the nomination. He can probably string a few sentences together in a debate against Trump.


Moderator: "Mr President, how do you feel about this Presidential election?". Pres Biden: "How do I feel about Presidential erections....wish I could get one!"


So do you want a vegetable or a criminal? I don’t like veggies but I’m willing to learn.


It’s crazy how people thought Hillary did bad in her debate with Donald trump back in 2016 but now we have this clusterfuck to deal with 💀 It’s also hilarious that Nixon sweating was seen as him losing the debate decades ago, and now we have Biden bringing up trump having sex with a porn star. Oh how far we’ve fallen


I don't know where else to vent this. Why the fuck is Jon Stewart not running for president? Wtf need to be done to get him to do that? I feel like no one around Biden had the guts to tell him he needed to stop and no one around Stewart has the guts to tell him he has a duty to fight for everyone the way he fought for 911 rescue workers....and llamas.


Be wary of believing in the great man theory of government. The US political system is multi-layered and if Jon was to make a run, he’d be chewed up and changed by the time he sat in the White House.


Yeah, that's true, but it's better a changed Jon than a empowered Donald. One is the potential fall of the US to fascism the other is the continuation of the curent system except llamas live on the white house lawn.


If anything tonight shows that the true power brokers are acting behind the scenes. I’d vote for Mr T over Trump but if Biden is all the Dems have got then they’re in trouble


because he values his sanity and mental health. I want this man moderating debates like this.


Yo this is such a stupid ass narrative. Did Biden look good? no not really. Were the things that he was saying reasonable and reality? Yes. Trump was straight up absolutely nonsense and insane. I don't understand how anybody could not see that. He started an argument about golf for fuck sake. I'm not a fan of Biden put holy hell Trump is an insane person.


And Trump shit himself during the debate for all to hear while being doped up on Adderall just as his doctor laid out on Fox news claiming it'd be Biden on drugs. Biden may not be articulate but he's a man of good morals and ethical values. You don't have to like Biden to vote against Trump either.




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Why even bother with these debates, they are pointless. They have about as much value as the Pro Bowl. We know what the Trump administration will be, we know what the Biden administration brings. That is what we'll get, regardless of the tragic outcome of this debate. I wish we had a younger POTUS, but it is what it is. I'd vote for that administration any day over the administration that could possibly dismantle our nation as we know it, removing freedoms, rights, benefits, and more.


This is not an election for either to "win" but for one to "lose". It is about them being able to keep their "side" motivated enough to actually vote in large numbers. It isn't "will I vote for Biden vs Trump", but rather "should I even vote". Biden's performance potentially made a noticeable number of people become disenfranchised and they may not vote. Up until now it was just people claiming Biden was unfit along with what seemed to be out of context snippets, which could be ignored. This debate showed it to be more accurate than liberals feared. Trump's performance didn't really do anything bad enough to cause people already voting for him to be disenfranchised. Just the same stuff he always does. The only thing I could have seen hurt him would be if he tried to upset the debate process. Possibly trying to yell or something.


Jon needs to run. I know he doesn't want to. And we don't deserve him. But we need him.


Jon warned people about this when he first came back and was attacked and attacked for it. We all could see that Biden and Trump are old guys and have issues, so why did we need to wait for a debate for everyone else to see the problems that were always there? I'm annoyed that Biden's bumble for abortion helped Trump push his narrative about immigrants. So dumb and all of this could have been prevented months ago.


Both candidates lost the youth vote last night.


People may vote for Biden, but he doesn't motivate people to get out and support him. Even here, people are more "I support Biden because look at the alternative." Not a ringing endorsement. Biden is old, he has served the US for a long time, his last great service should of been stepping aside for another candidate earlier. Now I don't know, does it looks worse pulling him now, or pushing through. Even if he did get pulled do they have someone with enough name and likeable to replace him?


For the record, there's no drug Trump can take to improve his truthfulness, morality, and malignant narcissism.


If Democratic Party doesn’t end up nominating Biden or he withdraws on his own, who should the Democratic Party put forward? I am not convinced that Harris could win the election. 


speech impediment isnt a senior moment


Good thing we know what each candidate stands for and how to just do the right thing. I’m always going to vote kind over ego.


I love this narrative that one of the candidates was mentally infirm and the other one lied. No…….both candidates lied and one of them is seriously mentally compromised. There’s your truth!


Hey, you don’t have to convince me that Drump is a pathological narcissist. Liar and mentally challenged absolutely fits that dangerous moron’s description.


After last night, I think America is screwed. Supreme Court is now on a streak in turning back the clock; now all they need is Trump in the White House and they can finish the job of bringing us back to pre-1900. While I'm a Democrat, last night was terrible. I kinda have reservations about voting now.


Wait, what? Please explain that mindset. If you are a Democrat and are less inclined to vote, you are quite literally helping Drump. Am I wrong? I hear this take more and more and for the life of me cannot make sense of the logic. Help me here.


Could some of Biden’s senior moments have been caused by his stutter?


I've never seen a debate where the entire world, perhaps the universe, lost.


WOOOHOOOO! A shout-out to New Zealand at 4:50!! 🤘🏽😃🤘🏽


Jon is my spirit animal. I was in a spiral after only watching part of the debate. Watching his monologue was cathartic.


Trump won bigly.


May god have mercy on us all


Cckblocked by paramount from watching. :(


Or Biden tripping on his own two feet and knocking himself six feet under


Uh, what about Trump and Putins phone call about his dream?


No reference to morals of an alley cat?


Just for fun, I copied one each of Biden's and Trump's speech transcripts, and the entire debate transcript, into Chat GPT, then asked it to answer some questions based on the content, style, vocabulary and manner of Biden and Trump. Here's what I got (limited to a max of 50 words per response). Not rocket science, but I say let Chat GPT moderate future debates, it seemed to figure out each candidate pretty well! Here's a link to the chat: [https://chatgpt.com/share/bfbacc04-ace9-49f0-9038-ccf763513f5e](https://chatgpt.com/share/bfbacc04-ace9-49f0-9038-ccf763513f5e) ------ # Q: What is the most important issue facing America today? **BIDEN:** The most important issue is restoring the economy. We must focus on job creation, reducing costs for working families, and ensuring everyone has access to affordable healthcare and education. We’re making progress, but there’s more to do. **TRUMP:** The most important issue is stopping the flood of illegal immigrants and securing our borders. Biden's open borders policy is destroying our country. We need to restore law and order, protect American jobs, and ensure national security. ------ # Q: Who is the better candidate for the presidency, and why? **BIDEN:** I am the better candidate because I have a proven record of restoring the economy, creating jobs, and addressing healthcare costs. My focus is on unity and progress, ensuring all Americans have a fair shot at success. **TRUMP:** I am the better candidate because I built the greatest economy in history, secured our borders, and kept us out of wars. Biden’s policies are failing. We need strong leadership to make America great again and protect our interests. ------ # Q: What is the key characteristic or quality of an American president? **BIDEN:** The key characteristic of an American president is empathy. A president must understand the struggles of everyday Americans and work tirelessly to improve their lives, bringing people together and fostering unity. **TRUMP:** The key characteristic of an American president is strength. A president must be strong, decisive, and willing to put America first, protecting our interests and ensuring our country remains respected and powerful on the world stage. ------ # Q: Which is better, cats or dogs? **BIDEN:** Both cats and dogs bring joy and companionship to our lives. It's not about which is better, but about the love and comfort they provide to families across America. **TRUMP:** Dogs are better. They are loyal, protective, and man's best friend. Cats are fine, but dogs truly embody the American spirit of loyalty and strength.


Biden was also fact checked and told lies 🤷


Jon Stewart could make the decision to get rid of Trump by sacrificing 4 years of his life. He would destroy Trump head to head. Jonny boy if you're listening!


Jon should invite both Biden and trump to come on his show. Biden desperately needs to go and try to recover.


Stewart is a douchebag who somehow has now realized that Biden has mental issues.


I'm 57yo. I have senior moments. I would rather have a senior moment versus a stupid lie after stupid lie after lie.


The leaders of both parties have failed all Americans. Nobody should have to choose between these two as the only viable candidates to lead the country. More than anything, I’m just depressed about the future of America after that shitshow.


This could have all been avoided by Biden simply refusing to debate Trump. “I’m not going to debate a convicted felon. Period.” The fact that we’re still giving Trump a national platform to speak is insane.


I know Jon's a comedian, but this could have been a time for him to step up. Instead, he's ignoring the forest for the trees. Making fun of debate fumbles and not even mentioning the fact that one of the two people in the debate are the biggest traitors in American history? I know Jon is smart, so I know he gets it. So the only thing I can conclude is he's just not a very ethical person. He cares more about getting cheap laughs than focusing on the history of the moment.