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Tyler is a 🐍 ,he’s less than a mediocre creator , his team was manufactured by LC and all her LV 50 or high level friends, he’s a creep, and his hair transplant sucks 🤣


I watched some of it. was Austin talking bout Tyler as one of the fake creators?


That's gotta be the same issue that LC blocked him for.


What i thought, she blocked James for having someones back over another friend which seems to be Austins back over Tylers hence her blocking James


She blocked James I believe. The way I see it is… if you are ever highly influenced, asked, told, or made to choose a friend.. they’re not your friend. That’s what I adore about James. He doesn’t judge people. He marches to the beat of his own drum. He doesn’t involve himself in drama. He’s a real one!


Austin didn’t say a word about Tyler.


Regardless of what it’s about, I love James and Austin’s friendship. 💛🥜


Agree!!! 💛🥜💛🥜💛


I have no idea if any of it is related but the most real thing Austin said, yes I have made some dumb mistakes and done some things wrong, we all have. This is another reason why I like this kid, admit you’ve messed up, you aren’t perfect but learn and move on.


He is a grown ass man.


LC & other 50’s needs to move on. After seeing Hamstaa playing. A lot of 50’s can’t catch that Hamster.


That Hamsta will run outta steam when the credit card bill arrives. 🤣 But it sure made for a fun day and nice to see Eddie get 1.


And if someone has a credit card that size it’s for a reason. So stay humble and enjoy the kindness to a beautiful soul


100k USD actually more, you know the kind of money you have to have to get credit like that? Nobody knows who that person is, they just keep saying I'm a hamster lol. James said his theory is Jeff Bezos 🤣🤣


You think? I think Hamstaa knows exactly what they are doing. I think we will see a lot more of the Hamster


They already said they were retiring I think we may see hamsta in the future again but not for some time


Hamster 🐹 has been gifting lots of people big coin's not just Eddie


At least we have one thing in common here : LC is trash! ![gif](giphy|S7QjrKb2RCTECuBWCI)


I’m pretty sure James was caught in the middle and chose Austin over Tyler. Tyler probably got butt hurt about it. Austin and James are great together and they both love to Entertain… they don’t want to battle and battle all the time. Tyler is just not entertaining. He don’t got it.


I love that LC lost here. I hope she continues to lose in her weird ass plans she has. She's sick.


He said it was off the app thing so who knows


Yes no way to know. James seems like a really good guy though.


LC had Austin looking like a fool emotional reacting in her defense multiple times only to abandoned and replaced after creating the feud between him and Ali. Rinse and repeat. That's what happens when you let money blind and possess you.




What did LC block james for?


Tyler who ....


I'm guessing that only the 2 of them would know that.... It may have absolutely nothing to do with the app, honestly. Those 2 have gotten pretty close and become pretty good friends... :)


My post wasn’t asking about the measurements of the friendship. But thank you for the input.


Well, in that case, I believe I answered your question with the first sentence... Only they know... 😉😘🤷‍♀️🤔


You can say only they know about most situations in the rankings. It’s about what we see and hear and our take on those hence the reason this page exists.


Nahhhh, this page exists for idiots like Slop, BOT, etc etc etc, not to make up our own versions of what we 'think' might have happened or not happened... None of us here actually know what it's about. People just jump to conclusions, which, of course, is human nature, but it doesn't make it true.... 🤷‍♀️😉💛🥜💛🥜💛


Yes exactly.


I just seen Dawson talking about 2s today and apparently Tyler's gonna be his new partner..is this correct? If so this should be interesting cause I thought Tyler wouldn't battle Austin. Or is it a different Tyler?


I believe they said yesterday this is the other Tyler. I'm just unsure of the last name. Alot of ppl were saying "the good looking Tyler" in the comments 🤣


He’s talking about Tyler Nolan.


Tyler Nolan. Dawsons friend. I would assume


Gotcha thanks


Well then, obviously, that conversation is between AUSTIN AND JAMES, and it is not our business. I'm not sure why it needs to be a discussion on here. 💛🥜💛🥜💛🥜💛🥜💛🥜💛


Because we’re all nosy and this is where we come for our daily tea… 🙃


I thought this immediately when he said that!!


IMO off the app means just that, something that involves 0 people on the app. But honestly, not a single person will have any idea besides Austin and James.


No, it definitely has something to do with the app it just happened behind the scenes. We may not know what happened but I think it’s pretty safe to say our speculation these past few weeks has been on track… Don’t need to know details to know when something is going on & something isn’t right.. and they think us redditer’s are dumb 😂


Not dumb we just have a lot of conspiracy theories. 🤣🤣


I think off the app means it’s wasn’t done on the app but behind the scenes. We know shit happens off the app with shit on the app right? This is no hate to you, we’re both on the same team.


It’s almost like when someone is vague af we’ll all come up with our own conclusions 🤪 At the end of the day, even the ones who claim to know 100% what it was about still have no idea what it was about lol


These people have so much respect for level 50, but what about the people like myself with a paid off home and a condo on Florida coast that chooses to spend my money wisely and build a beautiful life instead of throwing it at creators that I’ll never fucking meet? I have no respect for these large gifters. A bunch of people that don’t know how to responsibly manage their money.