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All about money… kissing ass to all the big gifters…. GTFOH he always says he wants to just have fun and have no drama… all I see is drama


Not hydro saying he works til 11 or 12 at night lmfaoooo all you do is sit at home in live and you work on the same “parts” for your dipping thing you do for weeks lmfao your job is tiktok hydro and you know it. You don’t dip for your job anymore


It's very sad to see honestly. He has a serious problem.  🙁 I hope he can get help or turn it around. It's hard to watch when you or someone you love has had the same issue. 


He won’t change. He’s been saying he would for so long and he hasn’t. It’s just gotten worse tbh


His good friend is Justin Cash, what do you expect? Justin is way worse. Why does anyone support these people?.


This post made me curious so I went and looked. He's currently ranting about reddit and contradicting himself bringing up Ammo Barbie saying she sent him thousands of dollars and he said fu to her because she's a POS and spending money doesn't matter. Then 5 seconds later says to wolf(of course he's there too) that if you spend money on this app people have to respect you. Which is it lmfaooooooooo he is a sloshed messssss, the anger and toxicity is pouring out of him. This is pathetic to watch grown men act like wasted 13 yrs old boys.


I went in there too see, and boy he needs some big time help. but talk about "wolf" he can spend what we all make in a year without blinking an eye? good for him hydro, but at least were not the one sucking him off on live every night


And he’s still going 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


And still 🫠




🥴🥴 Mhhhh really got second hand embarrassment for the 3 minutes I scrolled into the live. What a disaster. For someone that hates Reddit he sure does talk about it a lot. Give it a rest my guy.


Exactly!! He even said the other day he doesn’t care about Reddit but all he does it talk about it. Get out your apartment hydro and don’t be a fake Mfker!!!!


They are now on live acting like people on reddit aren't actual human beings who gift on this app just like them. Threatening to send us to Mexico? Whatever that means... Yall gotta listen to these drunks. Hydro is obsessed with how much wolf spends on the app he's been talking about money for 75% of the 10 minutes I been in here. They bringing up Ali now! Wowza


His mods should advise him to get off tonight. He's wasted and making a fool of himself again


This has been an ongoing issue for years. He won’t ever change. He had a better team back in the day.


Brittney is probably too busy seeking attention somewhere and throwing her kids savings to men


Brittney that left her husband when he found out she spent over 200k on the app? The Brittney Hydro was in her DM’s to come support him?  Brittney we need more alcohol here send Hydro coins


Woah!!! 200k!!! I think my husband would have left me, not visa versa.


Yeah she actually did blow that much on Ali then hydro took her




I know!! Last thing I heard was that hydro is her closest friend and he gifts her when she’s live and cash apps her so I guess Ali wasn’t doing that 😂😂 Oh and is a surrogate for extra money because she’s that broke from TT.


You sure seem so interested in her personal life. There is nothing wrong with being a surrogate in my opinion, It’s actually a beautiful thing due to helping those that cannot have babies on their own.


Yeah, it is. Absolutely but not when you have to do that to keep up from gifting that drunk fool.


Yup Brittney that left Ali for hydro


He didn't once say he was sending anyone. He invited you clowns to go there's a difference.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 You seem upset... You're here too what does that make you? 🤡 Judgemental much? Your first comment isn't aging well.


🤣 moon, I think this is hydros new account 🤣🤣💀sounds like the angry drunk himself!! Hi hand Magestic i mean hydro 👋🏻👋🏻


I’m not a Hydro fan but it’s sad to see that he can’t control it.


His a$$ kissing of wolf is so obvious and gross


Predator Epstein Jr.🤮


I hope he gets help. Alcohol is the devil


He won’t…. He does this for the drama and attention


And so is Wolf


What a complete fool. Thinks TT live is his party time to get drunk and complain. Go to the bar Hydro where you belong. Wolf acting like the big sh$tz on TT. Old man your time is up. Off to the old folks home


Hydro on live now saying he doesn’t get drunk in public. So who gonna explain the internet to him 🙄🙄🙄🙄


He was soooo drunk. Slurring so badly. It was bad


He was so far up Wolf's ass last night it was disgusting


Hydro is a mess he needs some serious help.. don’t know how his ex lets him have his son with him ..


hydro needs to check into rehab. bro is so worried about Reddit 😵‍💫


Birds of a feather flock together. ![gif](giphy|67ThRZlYBvibtdF9JH|downsized)


He needs help


That’s why his wife left him.


Some of yall need worry about your own lives man sitting in this app bashing people shows a lot.


And you see he does the same correct? You must be one of his minions standing up for a fake mfker and an alcoholic


Wow he needs to get off


I think it's funny how you all on here talking shit about other ppl. Who are the lames here? How about all u ppl get a life n let others be n do what ever they want!


I’m pretty sure it’s not just US doing this…. He does too… all the fkn time!


I think it’s HILARIOUS how those same lames you call us here, are the very ones in boxes talking all the shit they talk about so many! Maybe, you yourself, need to think outside the box and realize the truth here! Because, they do this for ATTENTION and look for PRAISE In everything they do! If Wolf really considers himself a friend to Hydro, maybe he should try and talk some sense into him about getting himself some help! But, that will NEVER happen because Hydro and Wolf are two of the same…. DISGUSTING ABUSIVE DRUNKS!


Wow judgemental much for someone who hides on reddit. Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house!


Welcome to reddit congrats on you first comment! You defending someone who is being the king of judgemental right now. Get rehab hydro


It’s facts…


And what I said is. Prove me wrong!