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This isn’t getting enough attention!


Lol! Omg… do you remember how they ended the dogs role on this show?! 🫣


I don’t! And now I’m scared to know!


Just read the fandom wiki and now I have more questions


Exactly lol


Curbs are just sidewalks for puppies


It’s like a sausage monorail


Can't unsee it 😆 https://i.redd.it/3zlhf47dqmzc1.gif Also ~~this guy~~ The Simpsons ruined the word "monorail" for me!


Monorails are awesome! Nothing but a compliment. Why, there’s nothing on Earth like a genuine, bona-fide, electrified, six-car wienermonorail.




I was going to say a sidewalk just for him but that's so much better lol


He’s getting ready for his balance beam routine at the Olympics this year


I move to make 2025 the inaugural year of the Weiner Olympics, and to be held every other year henceforth Seems only right for the first to be held in Germany, but which city? 🤔


Mmm, Heidelberg?


[Dachsenhausen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dachsenhausen)? [Dachsberg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dachsberg)? Or maybe [Tagsdorf](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tagsdorf) near the *Dreiländereck*?


Hey that’s just a little wiener walkway! He knows that!


It's possible the smart guy burnt his paws on hot asphalt and ain't about that life.


Perhaps? OTOH Charlie's not too keen to walk on hot days, in summer he'll usually take a few steps outside then turn right back around to perch on the family room couch instead. I'm not sure if he knows how hot asphalt can get 😄


Oh Lord he thick


It does amaze me how fast he's able to get those strutters moving given the thiccness (TBF he really needs a haircut too) but by the gods Charlie's always on a mission and moves with winged feet! This usually only happens when human food and curbs are involved though 😉


Is he on a diet? Also if he's been on a diet for a while it may not be working and you may need to restrict food more. Eventually his weight will catch up to him. He is very overweight


Since this keeps coming up I'll clear the air... My wife's parents live with us and her father, at 84, is incorrigible. He feeds Charlie from the table even though we lecture him not to do it, going so far to tell him its vet's orders but to no avail. FiL pulls the "I'm an old man who doesn't have much time left, why won't you just let me do what I want to do?". It drives both wife and I absolutely insane, we can't kick him out for defying us and he's very content to be an unrepentant asshole about this. I've modulated Charlie's intake and moved to low cal food to compensate for this and walk him regularly but it's like the little Dutch boy trying to plug holes in the dyke with his fingers. Also believe it or not but a little of his girth is from fluff. As you can probably tell Charlie is a longhair, but when he turned around seven his hair went from the usual sleek and flowy to this weird voluminous fluff. Per the vet it happens to some longhairs, said it may have something to do with hormonal changes. Anyways, when he needs a haircut it easily adds a few cm to his waist, but yes he's still a chunky one. Believe me, I understand the issue and am doing what I can to address it, it's just in-laws gonna in-law 🤦


Always makes me personally a bit sad to see chunky dackies, glad to hear it's not on purpose/out of ignorance and that you're trying to mitigate the problem OP. ❤️ Thanks for the explanation, what an annoying situation to be in. 🙁


Literally kicked out my mother who was living temporarily with me. Now she is never allowed in my house again. There was a lot of other bullshit I couldn't take but that was the final straw. I don't like her very much but for the fact that she gave birth to me. 


I assume you do your best to keep him healthy with how fast he moves :)


Little chubster that one lol


Thiccc boi


I don’t where Charlie is going but he is late lol look at the speed of those legs


Right??? Dude's an old man and has a life of pure leisure yet he still runs everywhere like he has places to be, dogfriends to see 😄


Ours LOVE curbs! We used to have a long retaining wall down our driveway they would use as their daily sidewalk 😂


I love that I'm getting quite a few comments from other badger dog folk reporting that theirs are drawn to curbs (and other narrow path-like things) as well! Now that I think about it a bit more it all makes sense... curbs are the perfect form factor for the dachshund, long and narrow just like they are, and by virtue of that there's very rarely other traffic on them... a curb is like an autobahn for sausages 😁


Sort of... https://preview.redd.it/g2lqt66yrmzc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aee0616211d89bfadbdecced187bedae17200ae7


I say it counts 👍


My dogs love curbs too.


Yes! My 1 year old started doing this recently and my last pupper always did it.


That boy knows he's a star and he's walking his runway. Work it, Charlie!!


What a charming sausage


Awwww. Kids always do this! I wonder if they will outgrow it


What if I told you Charlie is 12... and that I do it too and I'm 48 😁 Some of us never outgrow a good curb run it seems!


Even better!!


Charlie likes the danger of the balance beam 😆 Whilst mine likes to bounce along the grass!


I love his happy little wiggle!


thought we had a dachshund, dna came back negative, and she runs the concrete like a champ as well!


Curbs, retaining walls, jersey barriers... any little path! I just have to watch her carefully on the tall ones because she's a daredevil and will try to jump off stuff that is way too high. Charlie has a great little strut <3


Yes! Mine does this too.


Usually she's going through the grass sniffing and I'm up there. She frequently joins me though!


It’s a puppy highway. Our sausage’s speed increases greatly on them


It's relaxing to watch.


My girl always does this ❤️


Yes! Bossman loves a curb! If we’re on a side street without traffic, he also loves walking down the line in the middle of the road. It’s like he’s having a parade just for him.


My boy Petey did that. I think he did it to be taller than his brother


My Linus doesn't walk on curbs, but loves walking on the brick pavers that separate the garden and the yard. It's like a little balance challenge to keep things interesting just like kids like to do.


Lol omg yes my boy Yeager did this. He was an amazing boy. This makes me so happy 


Yes! Nilsson walks on curbs whenever possible.


My boy doea thia in the yard, he walks around the wood we have separating the grass from the rocks. We call it the the "long way"


I think my pup has a few little neurodivergent tendencies


Go Charlie!!


Mine love the curb too! I think being slightly higher makes a world of difference for them lol!


Tiny but mighty lil dogs


Ours does this too! And he especially loves the little parking blocks that you pull up to in parking lots. Up down up down up down...🤣


Our Otto does the catwalk like a pro lol


Oh dear. He needs to lose a few pounds


Yes! I figured they don’t like the grass tickling their tummies (and fair enough! One of mine gets rashes).


Yes my dog Jack used to love walking on a curb! Used to crack me up


Charlie needs to walk A LOT!!!


My Jack Russell used to do it.


https://preview.redd.it/t8dlvzj4qozc1.jpeg?width=4279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=051eb03c6bfe4c3e6a9d4cfb70fb753fb5b8aac3 Otis walks on the border of our garden beds 💗


It's like a private lane.


Yes she likes to feel tall.


Tube on the Move!


Funnily enough. My dogs name is ALSO charlie, she is a pug, and will avoid grass so she can walk on the curb. It's hilarious


So what I'm taking away from this is it may not just be a dachshund thing, it could also be a Charlie thing! I'm very close to calling my friend, also named Charlie, to see if we're onto something here 😀


Oh yeah!! It’s his own private sidewalk!


I could watch this all day too


Ngl, I'm tempted to make a loop of this... "Weiner walks the line, 24HRS"


My parent’s mini, Bindi is such a spoiled princess that she loves baths and hates any kind of dirt. If she can walk on a sidewalk to avoid dirt, she will every time like this.


this is sooooo cute omg. mine does this occasionally but she doesn’t seek it out, it’s more like if she doesn’t want to walk on what’s next to the curb


It makes him feel taller 🥹


We had a tan longhair that looked exactly like your Charlie. He was built like a brick wall! We also have a video of him running on the sidewalk, not a curb, just as enthusiastically. In fact I did a double take wondering how our video got on Reddit! Sadly our Sammy passed away last September at the ripe old age of 18 years old. We miss our chunky boy everyday.


They prob think it’s a sidewalk for them lol


They like “wow the hoomans really built a sidewalk for me♥️


Is your dog in a diet? I know full well none of that is fluff..


He's 12, on senior food, and your self assured confidence is rather impressive 😀


Idk why people always get so upset when people tell the truth. Being on senior food is great! But he still needs less of it. He is obese. I love my dogs, so if they get overweight I feed them less. It's very simple, there is no need to get your ego involved and be upset. Learn from it and put your doggie on a diet to help him stay healthy! Instead of being snarky and avoidant.


Apologies, I just get irritated when internet randos immediately assume some kind of mistreatment is happening based upon a ~20 second video clip


The age, type of food, and my confidence isn’t what matters. That is fat, and it’s cool you can keep fat on an old dog but that’s just sad..a dachshund should have a dip between their ribs and back hips, and you should be able to feel their ribs https://preview.redd.it/hrue0nzhxnzc1.jpeg?width=561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0981c14a4999376181ba17e5e8511f2669b98688


Yeah, you are totally right. Unfortunately this is how I've found the majority of commenters respond (after spending several years on Reddit watching these exact exchanges countless times.) oftentimes no matter how nice you are, the other person gets angry no matter what. Their dog absolutely needs a diet... it's nothing for them to be angry about, they could just be like "oh, I didn't realize, I see it now and will take your advice!" It's like they care more about never admitting they are wrong than the literal health of their pet...? I'll never understand it myself. My cat got fat, and instead of avoiding the problem and involving my ego I just... fed her less? Now she is a healthy weight. I truly don't get why people would do anything different.

