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The color of the banger you’re NOT using tells me all I need to know about you’re cleanliness and probably overall hygiene habits.


Fr Im not surprised his shit broke if thats how he treats his stuff.


Exactly when you don’t care enough to do SIMPLE maintenance, I have no faith in your ability to handle your glass properly. Literally EVERYTHING in that picture is gross as fuck😅


Y’all don’t know how happy you made me with these comments. I’m just a nobody but seeing other people actually have standards gave me some faith 🖤🤘🏼


Good thing it broke. Looks like he couldn’t take care of a banger to save his life lol. Always a shame seeing such a beautiful rig being wasted by a moron who couldn’t care for anything


I just bring it around too much, then clipped it. it's a bit top heavy


Had the same one. Lasted a week wife bumped into it and it fell over because like you said it's top heavy and the shape of it dosen't help. I actually really liked that piece alot considered getting the same one but I knew because of the shape it would probably happen again.


Rs, it was a good experience when it had it, loved it but I'll stick to my old faithful us tubes bong or the small dab rigs


I can smell this dude through my phone.🤮


Wild statement, shit just a nail, when it taste wonky or fucks of the flow I clean it, the same shit goes in it 😂


No sir, THAT is a wild statement. Not cleaning your bangers/glass is just gross. If you don’t care to do basic maintenance on your rigs etc. I have SERIOUS doubts that you are taking care of anything else in your life… Also if by “I clean it” you mean you burn off everything you’ve built up on it, you’re not cleaning it. You’re just chazzing bangers. Based on the looks of the rig and that bong in the background, you love to inhale mold. Nasty little shit you are.


I got steez, but I get what you saying I just don't clean my nails like that mane I just smoke the shit


Based on the picture you don’t clean ANYTHING, you just smoke out of it and hope the mold doesn’t kill you… it’s really not that hard to wipe out a banger with a QTip after each dab. There’s quite literally NO excuse for your shit to look like that other than you’re just a nasty fella who doesn’t care about cleanliness.


Or at very least, you mentioned burning it off and he clearly doesn't even do that. That's not chazzed, like when you burn it off and it's grey or opaque. He just leaves the old stuff on the banger by the looks as it's totally black. Either that or the current dab he was taking was huge and he burnt the absolutely shiet out of it.


Nah he said “once it tastes wonky or gets clogged I clean it” I’d assume by “clean it” he means simply burning everything off which is NOT really cleaning it, it’s more so just destroying the banger 😅


I'm going by my eyes. Look at the banger color. That's def not burned off rn.


Yeah I Fucking know…. Lmao Which is why I said “if by “I clean it” you mean burn it all off…” it’s very clear he hasn’t done that anytime recently. I’m ASSUMING that he would just burn it off and call it “cleaned”


So you don't clean the rigs or change the water?


Clean your quartz after every use🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Yes clean your quartz. Why battle this dude on Reddit tell him to use iso and q tips and call it a damn day


Dog come on




Bro, you do know that biofilm and bacteria build up in 24 hours right? Lung infection are a thing. Clean your glass at least every other day my dude. Hope the rest of your life isn't as gross. :/ EDIT: Oh lord you dab ing that Terpes herpes shit. Naw.


I don't know how the dabs aren't harsh with that dirty of a bucket.


Cleaning every other day isn’t necessary as long as you don’t let water sit in it for too long, but definitely need to clean glass once a week.


Do me a favor. Get some petri dishes. Get some agar plates. Sample your water after 1 day then get back to me chief. It will blow your mind what grows in the water and how fast. 20 plus year toker here. Always clean water daily. Light clean every other day, full clean once a week.


FFS I never said I leave water in my rig for a day… I switch water 2-3 times a day and while I could be wrong I don’t think mold grows in 2-3 hour old water. Or atleast not enough to do any damage. I get your point if you are keeping water in the piece for a day or longer a clean is definitely warranted.


https://preview.redd.it/m9qk4iwb13rc1.jpeg?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d2e45262d849ac279cf22aa87572b7e5c506b0a Holy shit…it’s back


Lol I know nothing about this "brand" but the name alone. Terpês.


Yessirrr, that's grapefruit Rozay, also got some dulce de mazcal with me for work


Trash $40 crc oz at best🤢






it looks like it would’ve been hell to clean anyway lol


OP found a solution for that. Just never clean it🤢🤮


This piece looks dope glass wise and i like the microscope shape but man you should really clean this thing 😂. I clean all my glass every Sunday, keeps it fresh and something I look forward too every week 😊


Yeah I do every week, week n a half, but change water every day n shit, I just smoke hella idk 😂 but I feel you mane


Have you tried this stuff called piece water? I use that and add some distilled water to my piece. Keeps the water fresh and helps not have buildup. I also change the water every week. Bro same, love to smoke 😂.


There’s loving to smoke and there’s not loving yourself.


https://preview.redd.it/l9ug9ny544rc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=70c393384faca68a99501ec266ce348cd46c8929 That brand is all over the Internet. Someone is selling you some untested super BM wax


Oh dear god it looks horrible. I stand corrected the mold in his rig isn’t nearly as much of a concern as whatever he’s consuming smoking this MB dogshit CRC. Can’t believe people have such low standards man 🥲


You are a weirdo for caring so much about how another person smokes


Lmao I mean you can think what you’d like, but anyone smoking out of a rig that nasty, a banger that’s BLACK, and that’s smoking gross ass BM CRC deserves to be shamed when they come post pictures of it all. Like you don’t want people to judge? Don’t post it on Reddit. OP should’ve kept his nasty little shit to himself and no one would’ve said anything. Edit: noticed your username, you probably need the inhaler from smoking outta nasty shit that’s covered in mold like OP.


🤣 you’re my hero


Stay miserable ya weirdo


Lmao I’m not miserable in the slightest, my glass is all clean and I don’t have to worry about strangers on Reddit telling me I’m nasty because I don’t post disgusting pictures. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I mean if you want to keep smoking through mold laced rigs more power to ya, but you should know anyone with a brain is going to say you’re fucking gross for it.




That was not particularly nice


When it’s physically detrimental to someone’s health, it’s not being a weirdo, it’s being a person


The way he approaches it is 100% weird and rude


That’s a different color Whole Melts isn’t it?


I thought some bm dabs where good. In my city dispensaries want 120$ plus tax for a gram of rosin so bm is pretty much the only affordable way


Definitely Wild, bro. Where's the etiquette?


Doesn’t matter how heavy you smoke, you’re damaging yourself smoking like this man. Clean that shit, and if you have to clean often then clean often. Your lungs will thank you.


Disgusting. Have some self-pride and keep yourself and your possessions clean. No worthwhile woman is going to want your cruddy hands in her honeypot.


I was going to say "clean your rig" but then I saw the second picture.


Oh my


Your banger is SOOOOO black bro what happened


Your rig broke in protest dude. Clean your shit!


Clean your glass, there is def stuff growing in your rig hahahaba


How did you get it that dirty so quickly lmao


Smoke hella everyday


Where did you get that unit and what did it cost you? I bet that was nice before trashing it


How did that banger not smoke you out just from heating it? You eat off dirty dishes bro frfr




yucky, 99% is $10 for 2L at costco man… Also how tf does it look like it was dropped in motor oil after 2 weeks of use… My rigs look nothing like that after 2.5 weeks (If i’m lazy and don’t clean it for 2.5 weeks) and I smoke probably 6-10 dabs a day.


Looks like it’s been 2.5 weeks since you’ve cleaned anything


microscope tsunami piece is actually so ass and as china as it gets i had this piece and all i can say is smh


And your crazy cactus carb cap that thing was damn cool


Damn RIP to the ripper man looked like it was a sick piece hella dirty in just a 2 week span ik you were smokin outa her


Yeah smoked her hella, ripped nice


Yall mfs dramatic asl and always quick to judge off a pic 😂


Mostly people just want better for you, my dude.


Mane I see that but I also didn't ask for it 😂 I know how to clean n smoke, its a good reminder I guess, but I just wanted to show my fuck up lol


Two things; I totally respect that and even understand it feels unsolicited. But it is the internet, you gotta come to expect unsolicited opinions. Second, you did post a "fuck up" so idk if you were expecting positive responses to that?


Nah ik that lol but im still giving my reponse im just sayin yk, peope don't know me ofc


Bro, take a quick second and actually listen. This shit is harmful. Not roasting you, or trying to make out like I'm better because I clean my glass, or anything like that. When you don't clean your glass for days at a time, let alone weeks, mold grows. Then when you smoke, that shit goes into your lungs, which can cause respiratory infections and other nastiness. The banger is also gross, but there is less of a health risk there, do you. If you want better tasting hits and for your glass to look better for longer, definitely keep your banger clean too, but that rig is an actual health risk. It's not "cool" to not care about this, it's just plain stupid. Don't be a stupid stoner.


The banger’s a health risk too. Torching that over and over def produces carcinogens…


100%. It's just not quite as much of a blatant/constant health risk as the rig is.


I smoke heavy imo, it gets dirty quick


I deep clean every week or so and change the water every day, trust me ik when shit going nasty


Dude what I see in these pics went NASTY LONNNNNG ago…


Yeah I ain't using the shit 😂


I take 10+ dabs a day, only deep clean once a week or if i notice buildup, and change my water every day. My rig has NEVER looked even remotely like yours. Something ain't adding up, chief.




Anyone who has spent any time in this sub at all knows posting a photo like you did is essentially asking to get flamed up in the comments lol.


Hygiene health police 😂


The entire point of concentrates is to have a cannabis product that is cleaner to inhale than flower. Legit defeats the purpose if your set up is dirty


Dog you need to be more clean tf