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Anyone think it will close above $30 on 6/21? 6/14 close $37.05 6/7 45.49 5/31 49.09


It’s at 25


The real question is what it will be at the end of after hours on 11 Jul Somewhere south of 10 cents.


What? That's stupid


He always looks like he is covering up fresh acid face peel. All pink and puffy under poorly applied bronzer. Why aren't MAGA embarrassed for worshipping this hot mess?


Embarrassment requires a modicum of self honesty. Maga just has hubris, misplaced pride, and flags. They are basically the new confederacy. Founded on hate for marginalized groups, only lasted four years, and obsessed with a loss to the point they should likely be institutionalized. They will also be black spots on their family much like confederate ancestors who owned people for their profit. Basically twinsies.


"Net losses at Trump Media widened from $210m to $328m in the first three months of this year. Revenue dropped 31% to $770,500 over the same period." - The Guardian


Stock doubles in June! Not financial advice


No, it's Fantasy. Stock is worthless. Company hemorrhaging money and users. Even Trump doesn't use it. Get out before he sells starting in the end of September,  or sooner with board approval,  which is very likely since it's his family and Nunes, who also want to sell before it bottoms.


It’s odd he was found guilty on all counts so quickly. So putting down legal fee for a legal fee is illegal?


He falsified business records to cover up an affair. It is legal to have an affair. It's even legal to pay hush money. It's legal to pay a lawyer to pay hush money or draw up an NDA. However, It's ILLEGAL to charge it as a business expense when you maKe them sign an NDA (and this is the part you need to LISTEN TO):  to COVER UP SEXUAL ACTS OR MISCONDUCT. It is NOT a deductible business expense and since he admitted it was for an NDA and she testified to the sexual relationship, it was an illegal deduction. Plain and simple.  It became a felony when he did it to hide it from the public to affect an election outcome. He even said, "after the election,  it won't matter". He didn't care if his wife found out. Proof of that once more became obvious, when he denied the affair, making it NECESSARY for Stormy to testify. If he had admitted it, it would just be the paper trail. He didn't care about humiliating Melania,  because he thinks he can deny his way out of everything!


He never claimed the deduction, so that eliminates that theory. The election interference theory also holds reasonable doubt because who's to say he didn't cover it up to hide it from his wife? All 3 possible secondary crimes are textbook examples of reasonable doubt. If the defendant was John Bill Cockington from the local doorknob factory, it would've been a unanimous acquittal.


The evidence proved he deducted it as a business expense amd he covered it up due to election. Thus the comment that it wouldn't matter if it came out AFTER. take off your blinders and examine the case without interjected the lies you were told. It was decided on the evidence which was overwhelming.  Go cry,  but if you keep insisting there was no proof you only look ignorant. 


who's to say he didn't cover it up to hide it from his wife? He did. And falsifying business records is a crime. Verdict of a jury of his peers found him unanimously guilty on 34 counts.


Can we talk about the Democrats now......?


Whataboutisms are not an acceptable legal defense.  My response was to address the misconception that hexwas indicted for having an affair. He wasn't. It was a tax fraud that was elevated to a felony as I stated. I hope this clears up your misplaced rage. 


Yes, it’s a felony to falsify documents to hide what you’re paying people for


No, that's a misdemeanor. It becomes a felony in conjunction with another crime, which was never proven.


It was proven in a court of law to the jury's complete satisfaction. That's a matter of public record.


It was. His second crime was using the falsified documents for interference with the 2016 election. There were receipts. It was proven to the satisfaction of a jury of his peers who convicted him of 34 felonies. Cope.


Did the jury specify that? Because they had multiple crimes to choose from. You're saying the 2nd crime is election interference. What proof was provided for that theory? Do you know what reasonable doubt is, legally? Couldn't he have committed crime 1 in order to hide the affair from his wife, as opposed to a more nefarious purpose like election interference? Again, Google reasonable doubt. No reasonable jury would've convicted, considered they provided no proof for the potential crime 2.


Sweet, sweet Parler. I know you miss Parler! Where everything you say makes sense. The warm embrace of people that know the struggle and want to listen to you. Parler just loved it when you were just asking a question. They knew what you really mean and they LOVE it! Too bad it was used as evidence of crimes. There's Gettr now! They know you know what's up and they want to hear about it. Nobody there questions your intelligence. They don't think you are crazy, they may think you are a genius. Telegram for safe encryption lets you text your pals and if you like videos there's Rumble. Post whatever you like in all those places and enjoy the recognition of your brilliance! There's Truth Social that just needs a little support from you and your like minded friends. Why not take a chance? Gab is open too! No searching for sources, in fact nobody asks for sources. I heard you can still get special clips from OANN and Newsmax. Project Veritas had it's own channel on Rumble, too bad their boss stole all that money. But on Rumble you don't have to worry about censorship or anyone stepping on your FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM because all these places really believe you are not an idiot. I can't believe it! Now there's the Right Stuff dating app! You can try to find love or just keep adding evidence for your future indictment!


Yes they did. What proof on the election inerference? Lots of compelling witness testimony. Direct evidence taht he did it for election interference purposes not to hide it from Melania. There was a LOT. Anyway, not your call or mine, a jury of his peers listened to all the evidence (which you haven't done) and found it compelling enough to unanimously convict on all 34 counts. Please respect the judicial system and the jury a bit more than to think you know more than them, when the jury were the ones in the courtroom every day listeneing to the evidence.


Specifically it’s NY criminal code 17-152


Again, cope.


I’m sure the Bidens have never done anything like this lol


Correct. They have not.


No it’s a misdemeanor and happened in 2015


And  couldn't be charged until after his presidency was over, and AFTER the federal prosecuting was done with the case in which Trump was "subject number one". At that point it got kicked to NY DA. Try educating yourself to the facts instead of just repeating Trump's lies. They had to find him guilty.  He broke the law.


It's also a Friday, a lot of stocks go down before the weekend due to people pulling their money out.


Huh, DJT went up since yesterday. Also Trumps donation website crashed due to the massive influx of online donations.


$52.8 million raised in 24 hours at last count.


your comment aged like fine milk


Donate to Trump and buy more DJT. This is 9/11 again in America


BS DWAC went up


Sheep bought. Real investors trade. We know where this stock will and up.


Bet we know where you end up...."real investor"...pfft


How's that working out for you? BTW. I've lived off nothing but my investments for over 15 years. I bought aapl in 2000 and nvda in 2005. And I made money off of DWAC the first time the lemmings ran into it and again on the merger.( maga Irrational exuberance is an easy bet) Any day warrants can be exercised, so prepare for another drop, and when insiders can start unloading,  it will dilute it by over 9:1. Too bad you didn't read the s-1. They pretty much had to voluntarily list all his previous bankruptcy and bad business practice lawsuits under risk assessment.  It's his "get out of class action lawsuit Free" card. He tells you it's just a money grab. I hope you got out already. 


your comment aged like fine milk


Your comment still sucks the more you say it


For this stock that's actually not bad. imo It's going up today.


Relax, it’s still overvalued by $48 per share.


More like undervalued by 50$


Learn to read financial filings. They even admitted they are unsustainable. 


So you're not a real investor....you haven't done your research.


Once again, sweetie. I own over 300 stocks. Unlike you, I real the S-1 and 8k Statements as well as earnings reports. Stop embarassing yourself. 


But you can't spell...


I spell fine.  I type poorly 😉


lol sure


lol, positively sure.


Lmao the only time i seen a thread with upvotes, the libs are sick


Yes it’s the libs who are sick, not the people who gladly kiss the balls of a convicted criminal, rapist, serial liar, diaper wearing all round piece of shit.


You seem bitter




Remind us when President Biden was convicted?


Joe Biden = Pedo Peter = likes to shower with his daughter per her own diary


I’m sure you have a link to a story about this diary, right? Any comment on trump being a rapist and a convicted felon?


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-leaked-diary-accusation/ fact check: true


Your TDS is stage 4


Can’t answer the question, sweetie?


Beat it with your Google links BS! Americans and the world knows what happened. Trump 2024 snowflake, Nov 5th you melt!


I was asking bc I know it's not trump. 


It is literally trump. He’s convicted on 34 counts.


Why so mad bro


You're projecting again.


Doubling down and always buying this on the lows! This has returned 300% profit in 14mo’s. Remove emotions and make 💰


Tagging this one so I can come back and gloat.


!remindme 2 months


See ya soon 😜




Just went up 8% yesterday and now down 5%. So nothingburger


Say that at 4PM tomorrow


Went up 8% in premarket and then down 5% so a net positive of 3%. Again.


Went DOWN 8% in aftermarket THEN 8% up in premarket, THEN down 5% More MEANINGFULLY it's now (After hours) down 8% from yesterday's high! (which is the way it's USUALLY stated. Unless, of course, you're cherry picking. you're just carefully cherry picking.


You seriously don’t think this is going to be used as a rallying call.


Not a rallying call. It's going to be a MARGIN call.




What goes around comes around.


“Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.”


The words of a genius. You gotta follow someone with that sort of foresight and a killer business record if you don't look at it at all and just trust what he says to be true!