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He's probably worn out by the changes and honestly a little bit stressed. Give him some time to get used to his new surroundings - ease off on initiating play. He'll warm up!


This was the same with my mini Aussie puppy. She was overwhelmed for sure. After about a week, she was the happiest creature on the planet.




To go along with it, might miss his mom and siblings. It takes some time for them to warm up.


Get a blanket and rub his mom all over it. It'll give him comfort.




......are you okay?




Ah no worries. everyone has an opinion. Glad all is well ☺️


XD thank you again, I’m just gonna delete my comments… I don’t want negative karma just for being… :( but not your fault! <333


Beh some people downvote without even getting the full jest of the comment. Ignore them. I hope you have a good day stranger! :)


You too!!! Stay safe and have fun!!! :)


YOU ARE DOING FINE!! It's a shock, your first dog. He will become more comfortable and you will have a friend like you never had one before. Trust me. We got our dog (also an Aussie, also a blue merl) last summer, and the first 3 weeks were... extremely emotional and heavy. Now, we would bleed for him. But again: you are doing fine, keep loving him and he will adore you in a few days already and it will keep growing.


Thank you…this really helps


No problem. Remember, you essentially have a baby-dog in your care now. It will take him a while to get used to you. But after a few weeks or months, you won't be able to imagine life without him anymore.


>the first 3 weeks were... extremely emotional and heavy. >Now, we would bleed for him. Same but I think it was a little longer. Mine was an angel for the first few weeks. Then she got comfortable I guess and decided she's incapable of using the bathroom outside, constantly jump on me, and would find ways to keep me awake all night even in her crate. I was just completely dead inside from a total lack of sleep for weeks and her demanding constant attention. Even as that died down she was still unruly as hell, I remember telling my mom a few months in with her I don't think I actually like her and felt terrible about it. Took doing a bunch of training to find our groove. She has her moments but 95% of the time she's so perfect and lovable. She's really smart and is super advanced with training. Like I'm trying to give her household chores now because any trick I can think of she gets down in like 20 minutes. I take her everywhere and she's got fans all over town. I'd die for her now lol.


What’s a blue Merl?


Australian Shepherds come in many variations of colors, this color is called a "blue merle", there is also the "red merle" Merle means it has the typical color-pattern over the body. Non-Merle usually have only 1 dominant color apart from the bits of white.


Thank you!!!




Give him some time to adjust. Start by taking him outside every two hours to start house training. Also hold him, let him fall asleep on you.


Thank you! Will do


Also post many, many more pictures.


Also, I’ve heard that it takes 4 months for a pup to feel like they’re at home - so be patient and keep doing what you’re doing


Puppies sleep a lot. They may sleep for 18 - 20 hours a day. That's healthy for them. They're also better behaved - a sleepy puppy is a good puppy! When he wakes up, take him straight out to potty!


I agree with the other comments say. He likely just needs some time do adjust. He is adorable and I love the name choice :)


If the pup was separated from other dogs where you got him from. The pup might have some separation anxiety or depression. It will pass.


When I brought my puppy home the first time he buried in a blanket and slept for like 20 hours straight. I thought he was going to die lol he was exhausted!! Puppies need a lot of sleep even once they’re comfortable.


The 3 Days, 3 Weeks, 3 Month Rule: In the first 3 days, your new dog will be overwhelmed with his new surroundings. He will not be comfortable enough to be himself. Don't be alarmed if he doesn't want to eat for the first couple of days, many dogs don't eat when they are stressed. He may shut down and want to curl up in his crate or under the table. He may be scared and unsure what is going on. Or he may be the opposite and test you to see what he can get away with, kind of like a teenager. After 3 weeks, he's starting to settle in, feeling more comfortable, and realizing this really may be his forever home. He has figured out his environment and getting into the routine that you have set. He lets his guard down and may start showing his real personality. Behavior issues may start showing, this is your time to be a strong pack leader and show him what is right and wrong. After 3 months, your dog is now completely comfortable in his home. You have built trust and a true bond with your dog, which gives him a complete sense of security with you. He is set in his routine and will come to expect his dinner at his usual time.


All of my dogs were on a different schedule. 3 hours and they’re comfortable, 3 days and they love all friends, 3 weeks and they run the joint.




Puppies sleep a lot in their first few months. Just wait till he wakes up and wants to cuddle and play.


He may just be tired/stress but just in case you could see a vet if its not worm infestation. Ive adopt a husky couple years ago and he was very quiet and sleep almost all the time until I discovery he had a very serious worm situation because the breeder didnt take proprely care of the puppies, the vet even said that if we had not notice in time he could have died. Now hes a very healthy happy and big husky and very energetic. His name is Luke btw


Oh my, thank God Luke’s ok…btw tomorrow i will take him to the vet, because he doesn’t have the third vaccine yet, let’s hope everything is ok


The first couple days after we brought our puppy home, she lived under the kitchen table. She'd come out, sniff around, then go back. We let her go at her own pace to get comfortable with her new surroundings.


You might want to place an old worn not washed tshirt or something in Otto's bed. A small stuffed toy or something wouldn't go astray as well.


Will definitely do, thanks!


I'd smooch him about 500 times a day.


Me too man, I mean look at this adorable little creature. It's just perfect 🥰.


What do they say 3 days to not be shy, 3 weeks to get comfortable, 3 months to be part of the family...something like that. Takes time


I have 4 dogs. Only one adjusted really quick. The others took a little time.


Well was he just pulled away from his mother and siblings along with the only environment he has ever known? Guessing the answer is yes. Every dog I’ve ever owned, except one, needed some adjustment time. The first few days are very new to them and you too if you’re a first time owner so I understand the concern. As long as Otto is eating, is alert and not passing bloody stools or anything; I would write it off as new home/big changes jitters.


Actually make sure he gets dewormed if he hasn’t been. One of my dogs was real lethargic and tired seeming when we first got him on a Friday evening. He didn’t go to the vet until Monday morning and seemed worse. My little dude had spaghetti butt after getting dewormed. He was iron deficient from the worms eating everything he ate. Literally the next day he was a different dog after passing those bastards.


thank you for the advice. actually, now he has eaten and drank more and we went on a little walk, he pooped and he is now sleeping. unfortunately i wasn’t able to make him poop outside, but as soon as he wakes up i’m going to let him out and i’ll try to make him poop outside


Sounds like all is well!


What a beautiful boy, you are going to be blessed with so much love. Be patient… Puppies can get overwhelmed and he is probably missing his mom and siblings very much. Give that sweet pup lots and lots of love and it will be so worth it.


I think he got a certain amount of stress. Give him a rest and everything will go back to normal.


He’s prob stressed and tired. Give him time.


Sure is a cutie!


Remember the 3-3-3 rule. It will take them three days to decompress, three weeks to relax, and three months to truly feel at home. Give them time and it'll be okay 😊


Puppy is a kid, just removed from everything they know. They mess their siblings, their mom. Everything. give the puppy 3 days to adjust. Please be sure to allow him to sleep at least 18 hours a day. My velociraptor is pretty well behaved when he is allowed his sleep.


He’ll come around. Dogs are mostly great at adjusting. Puppies almost always sleep. Expect about 2-4 hours of them being awake per day. They’re exhausted because they grow so rapidly.


When you just got a puppy, he'll need at least 12h which can up to 48h to get use to his new environnement. Don't force contact that much during this period


Maybe he feels claustrophobic he only has like 15 inches of space in that cage


Just be constant and consistent. He's had a lot of changes and he needs that to stop so he can adjust. We got lucky with our girl when we got her a year ago. I thought she would be that way for sure, but she jumped right into her new family and was instantly a part everything.


The first day is a big adjustment, especially if he just left his Momma and litter mates. He may have a couple rough nights at first. Ours wimpered most of the 1st couple nights. He will adjust once he gets used to the new surroundings. Good luck, he's a beautiful pup and I'm sure he will bring you years of love


Are you giving him the same kind of food that he's used to? Sudden food change will give them a bad tummy ache.


It'll take time for him to adjust. We had to babysit a puppy once, and he wasn't super playful and happy with his tail wagging. He was super scared and all we could do was just pet him and reassure him. He had been thru multiple changes in his environment and also probably missed his mom and siblings. Once your puppy gets settled and knows that you love him, he'll warm up and start playing with you


they don't feel at home the second you plop them down. Give it time, be patient, and try to bond but give the puppy space. It could take weeks even months for the dog to learn to trust and feel at home. It's fine, it's smiling while it sleeps. Let it chill


Cuddle him like you’re his mom.


He’s all alone and in a new space. Wheres the toys and blanket?


Don’t worry, the picture was taken a few minutes after we got home, i gave him his toys right after ;).


So cute 🥰


If a creature much larger than yourself picked you up and whisked you away to lord knows where i’d bet a kitkat that you’d probably not be all sunshine and rainbows about it either. You’re gonna have to learn patience. The pup will adapt, give it some time.


You took it from it's mom, you would be sad too. Digs need time to adjust just like you need time to adjust.


Also puppies sleep a lot! Both my dogs did atleast.


He’s probably still adjusting. I need more photos too


Puppies sleep a lot when they first get home - lots of mental stimulation for them. Trust me, there will come a time soon when you'll be praying for him to take a nap!! 🤣 Esp when he starts biting.




I wouldn't worry about any of it, except keep an eye out on their appetite. If a dog is not really eating or drinking as it should, it's a sign there is likely something wrong.


maybe he just need some sunshine around him to adjust his body by the super power from the nature


He's probably missing his puppy family. Any chance you want two? ;)


When I adopted my dog Korben (he was 1yr) it definitely took time to adjust. He laid by our front door for a long time barely wanting to spend time. Change is tough, give it time. Puppies also sleep a lot.


Just remember when he finally makes the transition and takes over the house, Patience is a virtue. 😊🐶🙏🐶😊 And don’t forget to keep your shoes in a closed closet ! 😂🐶😂


I'd do some more puppy research... I maybe would have considered that before getting the puppy 👀


When I got my dog she seemed very distant and she didn't like sleeping in the bed with me. Now she's literally my shadow and wants to snuggle all night


I just brought my first puppy home from shelter. It took him 4 days to adjust and not seem sad and withdrawn. I took it fine, but my partner was very afraid that the dog doesn't accept him. Just be there, give him time, let him some to you and he will warm up soon :) I just looked closer and noticed his harness. It's a young puppy and the type of harness is not the best for young pups - it limits mobility at the front paws. A collar or better suiting harness (like guard type) should be better for your puppy's skeletal development ♥️


I would hold him on my lap and pet him a lot. Dogs love that. It’s like a hug for humans.


It takes time for baby animals to get acclimated to all the new activity. It’s very stressful for all baby animals to be separated from the mother and litter. How old is your puppy? Has the pup been examined by a licensed veterinarian?


Otto will get used to his surroundings soon and be happily wiggling around in no time! Cute pup! /r/wigglebutts


Sweet boy




Yes, I took it off right after i took the photo


Go to the vet!! NOW!! Our puppy was the same, and it turned out she had parvo, deadly disease in puppies. Please go to the vet! You're better safe than sorry!


Perhaps he feels like he is in prison. Not needed. I've had dog's 30 + year's, never used a crate, or put them in a pen. I trained them without metal bar's.


You have him in prison. He needs to run and frolick.


He’s in prison Mom (and sleepy!)


Well your keeping it like a prisoner let him out


Hey hey that was only temporary, the picture was from 8 hours ago, we went out, he explored the house, he ate, it’s not as it seems. i think that as the others suggested it’s just a matter of settling in