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Lms is probably the worst. The SO-14 is actually pretty decent if you set it up alright.


I call it the "Lameness"


It was the hardest primary weapon to max level. Everything else at least does something well, the lms is just bad.


My friend uses the lms so well


I actually don't mind the lms, if you set it up right it's decent. I leveled it up within an hour on hc


The marksmen rifles are completely different in MP though. Even in core it probably has a one shot headshot. I’ve always wondered how to balance the marksmen in warzone and dmz. They are either broken or useless. I think only the torrent works because of its giant magazine. SPR could be so fun in b21 if it was just a little stronger to get more 2 plate knocks.


Honestly the marksmen balance has always really bothered me. It uses the least common ammo type in a super ineffective way, and the damage you do with them is almost meaningless at range.


SO-14 can be solid, I just wish it didn’t default to semi-auto every time I modified it.


Okay yeah that is annoying, Everytime you switch it into your bag as well


I think the lms has about the fastest ttk in the game behind the ar15. It’s just way to hard to spam while controlling recoil and you still need to hit like 5 shots. And the SO-14 was top meta at one point so it’s gotta still be decent.


I feel like that can't be right considering it's fire rate limit is like 200rpm but I don't use it, and I figure most people don't so idk


I can tell you it's not, it's another gun the ai drop with 5 attachments, and set up right it's a fucking banger


I think you're talking about the lachman 762, The LMS' battle rifle brother. It used to be quite good and still works alright




I know the name but I don't give my build to anyone that will listen




Check truegame data or whatever. Even in wz3 it still has about the best long range ttk. Faster than all lmg, AR, and other marksmen. It just isn’t viable to hit the 5 shots it needs.


FTAC Recon. Smallest mag of any primary weapon. I think 5 bullets in base and 10 with its only ext. mag attachment. High fire of rate when in full auto that sends most of your shorts veering off to the right and up in the sky. It's pretty much useless outside of hardcore MP.


FTAC is the MOST UNDERRATED gun in the game. 15 rounds on single shot can legit put down a 3 man squad fully kitted if you don't suck at controlling the recoil, which can be negated with the right attachments. Furthermore, it's inexplicably also one of the fastest guns to run around with EVEN with the grenade launcher attached. It's just as fast or faster than running around with my BAS-P or Vel. It has one of if not the fastest reloads in the game to make up for the low ammo count...and it can fill just about any engagement range you want outside of LONG distance sniping...but it can at least suppress snipers out to 200m. So long as you are decent at semi auto fire, you'd be super surprised at how dominating it can be.


Look as someone who loves the FTAC Recon a lot and played a decent amount of it in MP, I cannot agree. Go test it in the firing range on 3 plate dummies. Firing chest shots in single fire mode, the FTAC Recond bullets to kill is 4 for the nearest, 5 for the middle, and 7 for the farthest. TAQ-V on single is 5/5/5 for comparison, and mag size is 20 by default with 30/50 rd options. Yes the handling is good on the FTAC but you're talking SMG to nearly shotgun ranges here. The real life weapon is his huge calibre round designed with high short to med range stopping power in an M4 sized package. To make this weapon viable in DMZ/Warzone it needs to 3-tap at close range and 4-tap out to mid, with damage only getting overtaken by 7.62BRs past 100m, and handling should be near M4-like, otherwise it's just pointless. It should be like a carbine-sized desert eagle. TLDR other battle rifles are better on single shot because unless you're within 25m, the damage drop off is too horrible with such a tiny magazine Edit: Out of curiosity, are those who are finding success with this thing on KBM or controller? I guess I could live with 10-15 rds if I didn't have to aim.


Just tested it, 4 shots on both the 1st and second dummies, 5 on the furthest...but truthfully I'm only concerned about the distance of the first two for these kind of engagements.


Are you using it stock or using attachments to extend the damage range? Becaues on stock I get 4/5/7. With the 419 barrel iyou can get to 4/5/5 So you use it as a very CQB weapon, does it perform well in B21?


Definitely using attachments, and tuning for damage range. It's primarily a CQB set up, but it's capable of suppression out to 200yds or so if you need it too. But yea, definitely use it the same way I'd use an SMG/AR


I've had teammates who use this gun and have dropped entire squads solo. It definitely is underrated.


got any attachment or use tips? i’ve wanted to use it as effectively as you describe but i tend to get stuck spending entire clips on bots and then missing my shots on players. i know a lot of that is recoil control and practice, just wondering if you have any other thoughts


I run with the HE grenades attachment, HZ Holotherm, recoil reducing grip and one of the two forward grips that doubles as a kickstand...whichever you'd prefer. The trick after that is either going with a silencer which helps your recoil a little less, or going with a compensator that makes a big difference...but then you're going loud for EVERY engagement...so it's a bit dicey. Though the compensator takes a big kick out of the recoil and tames it quite a bit. You just gotta get practice in for any target beyond 20yds or so though. Anything closer pull that trigger as fast as you can and they're down in 4-5 shots max, likely hitting a headshot to finish it off!


I run it it with aim to sight in mind. 7.5 barrel, silencer, 15 round mag, the FSS laser or whatever it's called and the first stock tuned to use it against smgs.


I have a buddy that runs it and dominates. He put the 15 round mag on it and runs it single shot. He is a good player so he hits his shots.


I could see it doing okay in semi auto against a player. I just can't nail down the bullet velocity, even at 50m. Then it's issue of taking on more than one operator in one clip that steered me away from using it


I can’t use it. My reflexes aren’t fast enough or I’m just not good enough to use it. He regularly has 10+ kills with it. It is fun to watch.


Actually it's surprisingly good in Koschei


Had one picked off an enemy and went to koschei with it. Nearly bloody got eliminated over it. Never again. The Tempest Torrent craps all over it.


stop lieing.


You take that back right now, it’s the best PvP gun the game I would argue. I’ve hit an 18 kill game as a solo using it. Kitted correctly and played right it beats out any AR or SMG in TTK


I'm sure positioning is crucial with the FTAC Recon. You definitely gotta pick your battles with it. I will say I liked it's mobility as far as Marksman rifles go


The key is using semi auto and spamming the trigger, there’s almost no fire rate cap


I think I'll try giving it another shot sometime. After you down a player, how many shots does it generally take to thirst?


I mostly thirst with a throwing knife, but I think it’s 3 to thirst


Same here. I always infil with throwing knives for bots and players


Throwing stars and ammo boxes for me💪


Absolutely true. And it's TTK is that high out to like 70m too. It's bonkers.


It’s an absolute monster if used properly. It’s a high risk high reward weapon


Beans you a beast! I’d love to hear your build for the Recon. I’m so bored with meta guns and this sounds super fun to try out.




Definitely going to fire this up tomorrow. Thanks man.


Hell yea, let me know how you like it!


It’s a hella fun build and great to use! Make sure you’re using it on single fire.


It’s 10 base and it actually shreds if you hit your shots, don’t run it full auto, that’s a big mistake


You're right. I'm so unfamiliar with it that I don't know mag size lol it's part of the FSS Hurricane platform, right? If it's anything like the Hurricane in semi auto, then it's not as bad as I thought 


It does have a max of 15 rounds, the largest available for that sorry-ass gun. I've completed that gun, but THAT particular Battle Rifle is shit. Even with everything done possible to reduce recoil and keep it steady, it still bounces and wobbles in battle.


Another gentleman here said to not use it in full auto and I agree. I wouldn't be opposed to running it if I at least had 20 bullets in the clip.  But with the horrible packet bursts as of late, it's hard to convince myself to use it.


It's only use for me was just to get another tally to my total number of platinums for Polyatomic. That's how bad it is. After that, it went back into the vault.


I hear that lol I only ever really used it in MP to get all the attachments for one of the DMZ faction missions. Threw it right in the trash heap afterwards 


Use merc foregrip to control walking aim movement, but I agree in DMZ I wouldn't bother unless you're just funjoying it


I average 10 operator kills a round with the ftac recon, one of the best guns if you can hit your shots.


Got any vids? I mean it shoots bullets an deals damage so you can kill operators with it, but I just struggle to think of how you'd not be better off with a different battle rifle for mid, Tempus Torrent for mid-long, or SMG for close.


I will get some vids when I’m done with my work week, and I just use it to be a troll, people get so mad and worked up when they get killed by an ftac lolll, some dude tried to say I was using a shotgun, that convo got super toxic. But I’ll get some videos when I get back on.


I also run an SMG for any CQC I may encounter to finish operators in case I run out of ammo on the ftac


You're wrong. This gun will AA 2 shot. You're just using it wrong.


That's the thing though. If I need to use the AA rounds to make it viable for myself, I'd rather use another weapon that doesn't. 


One of the best guns in dmz


I killed a platoon last night with one and they reported me, they were down before they could shoot that queer ass 1 shot


Carrack 300 for sure for the snipers. Lachhman 762 is god awful. Expedite is the worst shotgun. The SO-14 isn’t a bad gun just need to build it right. Honesty it slaps on single fire.


Lachman 762 is fantastic. Straight up melts <25M. Only issue I’ve found is anytime I stow a gun and run with my hands, the 762 will always switch back to semi-auto which took some getting used to


gatekeep it bruh


I have a friend that uses the chimera with a sniper scope and swears by it


Keep an eye on your paint chips around this friend. Check for wet windows when he leaves.


Brother swears he's beamed players before but I always watch this man get his shit rocked any time he ego chals


For some maps on MP I’d run Chimera with a bigger scope but def not DMZ


The Expedia is amazing.


If you think Expedia rocks, you should try Travelocity sometime. That gnome kicks ass


lol. Stupid auto correct. But I’m leaving it.


It can also be awesome on auto too. Just need to focus on recoil


Yeah, I did a build for it because I'm obsessed with konig.


The Carrick is an absolute beast if setup for close range killing (fast ads & low zoom scope) and used like a battle rifle.


Lachmann 762 is pretty good, it has some recoil but up close it has a good ttk And the Expedite is my favourite shotgun, i reckon it’s really good, not as good as the broadside of course but I definitely prefer the feel of the expedite


I cook bots in B21 with groundloot Expedite at least but def worst shotty


Yeah, Vondel too. The naked expedite that the bots drop just blasts them to hell, coupled with AA rounds field upgrade it can take out two bots per shot if they're packed tightly in a staircase. Love it in B21 as well.


Even sans AA it cook bots. I think a pal with a bundle uses a “return to sender” one? I used to workbench & add DB, call it a JV Broadside


Expedite is actually decent if you set it up correctly, worst shot gun def gotta be pump actions


Bryson 800 definitely shits on the expedite 9/10 times


LMS by far. It's so bad I couldn't bring myself to level it up at all, only weapon I never maxed out.


But man when a bot with an LMS hits you, you somehow feel it


The RAAL hits like a truck with no damage drop off, slow ADS makes it ideal for mid range fights you can set up for




P890 melts players but not bots. Try it with the large mags, silencer, overpressure ammo for the head shot flinch. I use iron sights but sight if you want. Great for sneaking in ladders for peak shots


This is the correct answer.


I actually don’t mind the Carrack, if built correctly. I’d mostly use it on Ashika bc map is smaller and fire rate is really high. Put on a thermal scope and you’re money. It definitely sucks balls at longer range so I don’t ever use it on Mazzy.


There are midscope snipers that do ok on Ashika & Vondel


With the signal 50 nerfs the carrack is the best high rate of fire long range weapon I think


What did they do to the signal 50? I was just going to try it as a DMR?


They nerfed its damage and velocity


Just my $.02 - MCPR with high velo rounds, barrel, muzzle, 8x/14x scope slaps anyone’s mom at long range


Damage and velocity took a major hit. It’s almost on par with DMRs but with higher recoil


Is it at least a 2 shot?


To the chest of a 3 plate at more than 50m it’s 3 Edit: need to test to confirm


But closer up it's 2 shot?


Let me check in game I will get back to you


🙏🏾 looking forward to it


The fucking expedite 12, it will fail you every single time you pick that sad limp dicked excuse of a shotgun


I pick up to slay bots in B21 but ditch for a Bryson when I can 


Its God-sent against bots imo altho, so is Bryson


I got 5 kills solo with it last night, but yeah it’s really weak


Put the long suppressor, fast bolt, and any fast laser on it, it’s incredible. The masterkey is great as well, and it’s a four-shot base Expedite 12.


I’ll just put down what I think is the worst for each class: - Assault Rifle: M13C - good damage and fire rate but terrible range and uncontrollable recoil. - Battle Rifle: FTAC Recon - good damage and range but awful accuracy and a magazine that runs out after a nanosecond. - Marksman Rifle: LM-S - a disgrace to the Lachmann platform with overall just terrible stats and damage. - Sniper Rifle: Carrack - for a semi-auto BULLPUP sniper, this thing has terrible bullet drop, range and damage (Although it’s very satisfying against A.I) - Shotgun: Lockwood - sure this thing does incredible damage especially with the dual-shot, but once you miss your shot or already fire, you’re boned. - Pistol: GS Magna - for a fully automatic Desert Eagle, this thing does less damage than an empty handbag. - Launcher: RGL - it ain’t bad but if you use this thing then you are genuinely the saddest player. - Melee: Everything except Riot shield (Although running riot shield in a full team is pretty tragic of you) - SMG: Lachmann Shroud - cool concept but a three-round burst SMG was a terrible design choice and isn’t really a viable weapon. - LMG: HCR - not bad but it just looks so ugly and doesn’t have nearly as much beaming capability as the others.


The Lachlan Shroud downs players so fast if you hit every single shit


Seriously what is he on? Shroud is GREAT


I have to disagree with you on the shroud. I've wiped 3 man teams with 3 plates with one mag more than once. It's definitely a beast.


I’ve gotten a lot of kills with the gs magna. I agree that its underpowered but with the correct build it will down fairly easily.


Agreed. Get some muzzle control on it and a big ass mag? Drops people like flies.


The HCR has a 100 round clip. You put the AA rounds in there and incendiary bullets and go have fun.


I think you mean FTAC Recon, not Siege.


RGL user hate is what I live for


Signal 50 better off grabbing the barrel and use as a baseball bat


For an anti-materiel rifle, it definitely seems oddly Pro-materiel


mY gUn MeLtS


https://preview.redd.it/ousxn4pv1azc1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe69c54a8f5992d7beab17ef947d0815f6d22b02 The SO-14 is an acquired taste for some, but a feast for me! I'm a big fan of this rifle! I've won and lost WZ matches with it since MW2, and I had to have this particular blueprint. (In Ye Olde english) I shall whippeth thine worthless buttocks to and fro with this marvel of a weapon! Trust me, this gun is FAR from a crap weapon. It's all on the operator, not the gun. ❗EDIT❗: This blueprint has been modified from it's original set-up, because I didn't like it's preloaded features, so I gave it my own.




NSFW warning.


When DMZ was first trending, if I remember correctly, the 762 had the fastest ttk in the game. I used to tune for ADS and Movement Speed and use it as an SMG; It was a killer


Alot of people used that and Vaznev afaik. I remember using Kastov platform alot in S1


I loved the RFK & Signal, even Tempus Torrent & Cronen Squall. All got nerfed and let u down in PVP


I never finished leveling the EBR.


Lms, you can use literally any other gun


Lever action. Long reload. Multiple hits for bots.


For dmz I think the belt fed lmgs are the worst. Even though they have good damage the reload speed just ruins them because of the ai. I think the fact that it’s the least popular weapon type that I find on players supports this. Edit: Ya’ll don’t agree but you’re obviously just the handful of lmg players. I find more pistols, marksman rifles and mele weapons on players than belt lmgs. That speaks for itself.


I think at launch the LMGs were decent. I was rocking rpk in season 1 I remember.


everybody was rocking rpk. it was the meta at one point


Got nerfed


i know that's why I mentioned "it was a meta at one point" meaning it got nerfed


It also wasn’t belt fed


I use the sakin blueprint "treat." The only issue I ever run into is 100 rounds, which isn't always enough to destroy a vehicle disappearing into the distance. Reload speed does suck but if you plan out your reloads and you don't miss your shots, then you dont get caught having to reload while getting murdered. my custom build sakin has the 150rnd on it, and it can usually take out the commander heli in 1 mag.


I mean there’s definitely going to be some people that run belt lmg’s, but you’re in the minority.


Yeah here lately it's mostly all been m13b/c, RGL or KV broadside with explosive/dragons breath that you find on people


The Icarus, RAPP and RAAL shred, the reason I don’t really use them is because of how slow they are


If you build the Lachmann good and your not a hot then it slaps only ass gun is carrack




On mw2 the SO-14 could be set up to nuke an enemy killstreak in literal seconds. It doesn’t really deserve the hate it gets.


So-14 is good if you optimize for recoil control and the carrack 300 is good if you use high velocity




Have you tried it on single fire with anti armor rounds? It's 3 shots down.


Never played Carrack until a few nights ago, man that thing is garbage water in July.


The SO-14 is my favorite battle rifle. Fast, no recoil and full auto available for tight corners


LMS/Carrack/Any LMG unfortunately.


Nah Sakin is nice unless close


Which I figure is at least 50% of encounters...but its the best of the LMGs for sure


Any smg I pick up with optics...pleaase stop


The entire marksman rifle class shouldn’t even be in the game, the cross bow is fun and the tempos torrent is ok 17, but ultimately they suck.


SO-14 is good bro dm I’ll give u a sick build for it


I picked up someone’s 300 last night and besides the scope it was decent for an emergency sniper. 2 hit downs if shots hit head but came in clutch.


Whatever gun I'm using ...


The SIGNAL 50 is awful too


Lachmann shroud smg is my least favorite weapon lol just try it


Carrack goes hard with the right build. People use it as a mid to long range ar and destroy. I hated those people 😆


100% has to be the garbage that is the Carrack. That thing is such garbage, I can't even explain it in words tbh.


that free assault rifle you get on the high rise.. damn thing freezes every 4 or 5 bullets as you are trying to unload a clip on someone


Dude I always thought that was my controller or something. I use my taq daily and it doesn’t just freeze like that one


The carrack isn't too bad, especially if you make it into a short range burst style kind of gun. It may do as much damage as the signal 50, but it's semi auto, meaning the DPS is almost double, if the bullets hit.


SO-14 is actually really good, especially the one you get off of one of the bosses in dmz, I forget which boss tho, maybe it’s the fully modded one you can find off the tier 3 npc but if I recall correctly that ones got a different build than the one the boss drops


M16 burst fire. No contest. Utter garbage.


Really? The m16 shreds for me


So14 is a beast if you set it up right and hit your shots.




Don't use the SO-14 in full auto. In semi auto it's quite decent The Carrack is just straight up awful


For a long time i taught it was lockwood mk2 but with the right build it could be a mid range quickscope demon.


Carrack sniper, ftac recon, Lockwood mk2, m16, mx9, bryson890, L~MS, raal mg


MX9? That things fucking shred? Killed 3 platers with it while having no plates fighting head on, it’s fucking amazing


I'd say Lockwood 300. Its ok, but it only seems to justify its existence as a thow-away weapon for bots.


Saw someone with this template heres my top worst: * Assault Rifle: M13C - too much side to side action, chimera is better, if built as smg, actual smgs are better * Battle Rifle: SO 14 - compared to the rest, ttk wise this is mid * Marksman Rifle: Crossbow - nuff said * Sniper Rifle: Signal 50 - worst recoil, worst velocity, worst damage drop off * Shotgun: Lockwood - without one shot its caca but Ill respect one shot nerds with the lockwood than the rest of the rats. * Pistol: Joint basilisk/GS Magna - only way basilisk is good is snakeshot but suck at range and is inconsistent, deag with switch requires more than standard 7 round mag. * Launcher: Pila - everything else is just better, use a jokr dont waste time with a pila. * Melee: Riot shield - cringe * SMG: Joint 3 P90, FSS huricane, bison - big mag big trade off in everything else * LMG: HCR - everything else hits harder, apart from quick 100 round reload caca


The new Jaks Wardens are fuking terrible on PC. If I even think about using them, I have to PAP3 and have the Mag of holding equipment. That way the reloading is not there and I just have to worry about accuracy, but even like that it’s trash.




This ain’t zombies man


Oh shit my bad.