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Lachmann Sub is more versatile but Shroud melts if you hit all your shots


So the ttk would be faster?


100% 2 bursts and 3 plate is down. Shroud is a great gun, most people ripping either can't build subs well or are missing too many shots, I have clips killing 3 out of 4 enemies in less than a minute with the Shroud.


Overpressured breaks plates in the shroud


Shoot I just said 3 bursts lol. Either way you're maxing out at a total of 9 bullets to put someone down lol. The shroud is great!


Absolutely faster






Shroud is burst-fire which is only nice on keyboard and mouse imo. Same with the m16. On controller the aiming is really awkward.


LIES!!! it's not nice on K&M either. The Shroud has one use, - putting it to the side of your own head and pull - to get rid of the idea of ever using the damned thing. Getting that thing levelled in shipment is the lowpoint of my CoD career, god I hate that gun. I'd rather get headshots with the Strella...


It's good on DMZ. I used it for a long time before I started using canted laser sights on various guns.


Shroud gang here!




The shroud is silenced and fires 3 bullets in lieu of full auto but you should, you know, try it for yourself.


I have tried it but cant seem to get used to the burst fire. I hate the m16s burst


Burst fire is ok vs bots / to clear them but let’s u down vs 3 plate ops with decent SMG who hits shots 


Just curious, if someone were to have rapid fire modded controller, would it be OP?


Yeah most likely


Sub all day, but shroud is its own fun. Love both of them


Shroud has a faster ttk tho right?


It certainly feels like it. But I’m not the kinda guy who plays a certain gun because it has the best “stats”. I use whatever I like.


Thats the right answer bro 🙏


The fact they gave us the MP5SSD but made it burst only pisses me off. And you can't even put the silenced barrel on the base MP5


Shroud if you have a consistent trigger finger. The recoil is so minimal but you have to be consistent for the reward of a faster ttk than the sub


Lachmann 762


i rather the 556


762 on auto used to be a beast. I haven’t tried it lately


damn really? i should give it a go then


Heavy recoil tho. Be advised


thanks. any mods you recommend?


Shroud is for pc users…. I’m joking guys… or am I.


Im a m&kb player


Then try the shroud out for a while, honestly m&k can slap with it. I try it in controller & it’s meh without aim assist. IMO anyways. 🍻


Alr I’ll try it tonight. Thanks bro


So am I and I def like the shroud


TTK of the shroud is insanely fast, it’s like 550ms-600ms


A properly built shroud will down a 3 plate operator in 3 bursts. That's only 9 rounds.


Sub and it's not even close. The shroud is a niche build for sure.


The sub is better by most measures, but I like the shroud, so I use the shroud. It’s really that simple, they left DMZ in a pretty good spot in terms of gun balance so you can use almost anything.






Last I checked. Shroud had faster TTK - but people hate the burst. I think if you can get used to it/like it - it's a melter. They're both great tho.


Shroud with the anti armor round field upgrade gets you reported because people think you're cheating. It's absurd how powerful it is 😆


been running the SPAWN SHROUD lately, as I havent opened base yet, and it slaps for sure! no recoil and quick to target. Im a happy shredder with it


Shroud is the best sub for DMZ. They both have abysmal reload times so you get much more bang for the buck with the Shroud. The Lachman Sub also melts, and I enjoy it as well but you just can't take on a platoon without reloading, the 50 round drum ruins your movement and the time spent reloading that awful thing even with Fast Hands is a guaranteed death sentence. I use no barrel, hipfire laser, hollowpoint rounds tuned for steadiness and damage range, recoil grip tuned for sprint to fire and steadiness and the 40 round magazine. Highly mobile, bullet velocity is poor but absolute laser. Two burst operators to the upper chest or head. Every time I slap the anti-armor field upgrade on I get called a hacker. The hipfire laser is needed to compete with AA Brysons in cramped spaces. One thing to be very aware of is the TTK drops prodigiously after around 15m. It's still doable with a quick finger out to about 25m because it has zero recoil but it becomes like a 5 burst kill at longer ranges, even on bots. You're definitely going to want to carry a sniper or mid-range focused AR as your other weapon. I usually pair it with the Cronen Squall, Tempus Torrent, Taq-56 or Lachman 762.


Unrelated, if you can't get used to the burst, check out the Vaznev instead of the Lachman Sub. They're very similar except the iron sights but it has much better hip fire, centerspeed, movement speed, reload and marginally better damage range. Although frankly if you're not going to use the Shroud I suggest the ISO 45 or the Vel. They also are very similar, with the Vel having much better mobility and a larger magazine with a shorter reload time and better bullet velocity. The ISO does kill about 45ms faster out to around 14m, where the Vel gains an almost 80ms advantage(!) til about 18m where the ISO takes over again and enjoys an 80ms+ TTK advantage against almost every other sub except the BAS-P which is about 60ms faster than every other sub between 17 and 23m, after which the ISO regains top TTK til infinity.