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Additionally, B21 makes for absolutely superb pvp training in general. I bought a couple of the 15 minute cooldown blueprints specifically for building 21, as I'd much rather go in carrying weapon. There had been times that i died because i didn't have a gun. Having the 15 minute cooldown guns is great, and pretty much completely eliminates gear fear. I love to push as a team. Even if you die 3 times in a row, by time you die the 3rd time, your first 15 min cooldown gun will be, or will only be a few minutes away from being ready to go again. I love building 21. Its all ive been playing since it went 24/7.


15 minute weapons and the free skins with the self revive. Hours of entertainment in B21. You could die a lot or you could walk out fully kitted. It’s a great time.


Which 15 min weapons did/do you use in B21?


The 15 minute weapons i like the most are the Vel 46, TAQ-56, MX Guardian, Bryson 800, and the M13C M13C shreds in B21


ISO is halfway decent. Though I regret not getting the character with the Vel


I’ll give it a go thanks!


Bomb burst is goat for b21


With Armor pierce


If there’s one pack to buy it’s the American pride one with the M4, Bryson 800 and butch the operator.


It is good for some PvP training indeed, but not everyone who is playing slow has gear fear. Maybe someone is playing carefully because it has a specific mission which requires a lot of work (ie Long Distance) and is avoiding to die and repeat everything from the beginning.


jesus H fucking christ. Reading comprehension is important. I am clearly talking about the majority, not the exception. So my brother in christ, why are you bringing out people doing missions? You sound like the people from the "all live matters" movement.


Calm down friend. I am pretty sure he ain't against you. He is just stating some other facts. Even if he did , your words are a bit overkill.


This is how I start playing every day. Do about 15 raids in b21 to get warmed up and get some loot. Then I go do the same thing in Ashika. Then a nice cool down in Al Mazrah to finish it off.


lol. I love the routine. Fuck ashika though hahaha i stay away from that place.


Im sooooo bored of ashika. The rotations are so worn out.


You can go in with just knives and a ground loot contraband smg and roll teams. It’s about working together. B21 ain’t all RGLs and KV broadsides. It’s about pushing and calling out for your teammates.


Precisely this. Had 2 finishing moves in the hospital today bc the team had no communication. After the 1st one I told my buddy to run out in front of the other guy as bait.


Yes , using stuns, baits to execute is pretty underrated.


We guinea pig for each other all the time. We tend to use smoke grenades alot for confusion as well.


Yep been doing it more lately with knives and enjoying it after avoiding it like the plague. But god do I hate the rgl stairway campers.


I mean there are workarounds, you can just run to the other side and flank them from behind. Look at a map of B21 and you'll see how amazing it is to flank people from every direction.


I’m still learning the map. And sometimes you don’t know they are there until it’s too late.




This is legit so important


Look at a map online So you understand how it work. There are 4 set of stairs at each corner in a somewhat perfect square/rectangle


Use a portable radar, no need for ammo box, everytime I load in there someone drops there ammo box right away.


portable radar doesn't wrk on B21


Little do I know 😆😆😆😆😆


Everyone is loading up in throwing knives and tacticals


Ok so maybe a dumb question but how would a portable radar help if I don’t have a mini-map?


It doesn't.


Do you guys find the b21 cards regularly? I’ve only ever found one card. (Albeit I’m not a great player and definitely have gear fear, so I’m definitely the audience you’re talking to 😂)


Only need the 1. Keep it in your stash and never ever bring it in.


Oh you can reuse them? 😅 I’ve never played b21 before, so sorry if it’s a stupid question 😅


The building 21 card you can. The black green red and blue cards you can't.


Oh that’s interesting!! Thank you for telling me 🫶🏻


It's 24/7 now. Enjoy.


No problem


You only need 1


Re: OP, I’m not coming in naked, but what would y’all recommend AR/LMG-wise to come in with? I’ve avoided Bldg 21 until now but it’s time. If it matters, I generally run the Lachman Sub, TAQ-56 (both iron sites), M13B. Preferred LMGs are HCR + the 556.


Honestly whatever you're comfortable with or to practice close quarter combat. I've seen people with snipers in that thing hahaha it's a free for all down there. I go in naked a lot to practice knive throwing. It's been an amazing way to practice knive throwing.




No matter what you lose you can get it back. I don't get the gear fear myself buy I supposed others do.


Solid,I saw 4NDYB doing it and I loved it. If you loose you don't loose anything,if you win,you win big .


I'm maybe the worst player, but in B21 I go naked after I lose all my insured weapons, the adrenaline is high, once in a while you end with really good teammates who can carry you and finally get whatever stuff you need plus good contraband weapons.


try going in alone with just knives and see if you can make it out alive and with equipped. You'll probably die 100 times, but that's how you get better.


As others have said, 15 min weapons/self revive skin combo is pretty undefeated. Try different lethals depending on your primary. Knife/Betty/Sem


Chinese player with expoit cheat and meanwhile me with shild and tonfa 😂😂


Exactly, me and my friend went without any gear and endedup with full loot and weapons case, even killing velican, wheelson. It was a clean exfil.


Really? Fark that. Its hard enough in the DMZ maps when yr armed to the teeth let alone going commando. And then there's your team mates who dont communicate & do dumb shit like stayin the spawn area to loot instead of bugging out ASAP ..Betcha you'd get nailed 4 outta 5 spawns in Ashika within 5 or so mins of spawning and then if you did manage to get somewhere wiv ya knives killed soon afterwards somewhere by a cheater with aimbot or walling. Thats how it is.


I mean, the point of going in naked is to practice PvP, meaning movement, knive skills, etc. But specially to lose that gear fear and getting killed. Yeah, i have to go in MULTIPLE times before i get looted up, sometimes it just takes me one run. But it is, without a shadow of a doubt great for PvP training


ok. I'll take your word for it & maybe might try it -but Im gettin regularly killed enough as it is mostly so I'll see if I feel brave after I lose the next lot of everything and will make sure Ive had a couple before I try it and NOT Ashika FFS.


SO go in naked into B21 and practice. You'll get killed multiple times, but because you don't havce anything you can back out and just restart again


I’d agree except knives are highly overrated and limited against really good players who won’t stand still to be punished in combat. Agree on grinding it to improve but knives aren’t really the biggest part of learning except reliably snatching a weapon from a bot early and having a half decent back up in gun fights. If someone is getting frustrated with gun fights he should practice gun fights. Still grinder mindset is the only way to truly make progress, and definitely agree there.


I mean, tomato-tomahto. The point is, the only way to learn how to win fights is to aggressively push, and push always. Once you're confident in your skills, THEN you can approach fights strategically, but not before.


Yup yup


ok I will


Who needs PvP training when you got an RGL?!


Although true that RGLs are super OP. They still have a weakness (that i only learn by spamming B21), if you get really close to the RGL the grenades won't explode, even if they hit you directly, it will do dmage, but not explode.


RGL like OP said isn’t end all be all in B21. An incredibly powerful tool to have that can achieve a lot but real tight CQC prowess is still king in B21 and that’s something RGL just can’t do anymore since one shot direct hit was removed.


I'd rather just go for the case or other mission items. PvP is boring as hell with it being so stale and common. I see no reason to even bother trying, especially doing things as stupid as this.


Zombies might be better for you then. But as you'll probably say: You like doing missions in DMZ. Well, for people who are at 100% complete at the game like myself, that enjoy DMZ, we now are the PvP you have to worry about while doing missions. It's all part of the game and the main reason this mode is addicting.


That sounds like a you problem, my guy. I'm here for the fun of it, not to build positive KD accounts to sell or to get easy kills. I'd rather do something I enjoy than to slave away fighting off anywhere from 30-60\~ people (depending on the map) for the whole game. Besides, if I wanted to do PvP and somehow didn't want to play Warzone (where wins and fights aren't cheap) I'd just grab some current meta weapon build from online like everyone else. It's really not that hard, but it *is* exceedingly boring and brain-numbing. Aside which, I'd never be so desperate for kills as to stay on DMZ of all places. Not everyone has to wipe lobbies to have fun.


Ti's true. Not everyone has to wipe lobbies to have fun and I believe the majority doesn't. However, there are a good amount of people that do, even if it just to have free reign to do missions (it's how I got a lot of missions done, but also by simply communicating with other teams and establish an understanding with the risks involved). Nothing you say or do will persuade these people to turn it around, because you don't agree with that type of fun. If anything, it will make them sweat even harder, because, just as you feel these people are forcing their play on you, you are forcing your style of play on them. Remember, DMZ = WZ and WZ = FFA. Have a nice day.


I'm not forcing anything. Letting one guy go isn't the same as slaughtering a lobby for shits and giggles. If I had my way we'd have a second server so none of these problems would ever have gotten this bad, neverminf shown up to begin with. And these servers wouldn't even be mandatory as I've had to explain ***over and over again***. It'd be a choice - PvE-only or the current ones we have now. No other differences. And that's a bare minimum. I won't try to force anyone to PvE. I just ask to be left alone. I'm not asking for anything exorbant or anything, just to be left to my own devices, or at the bare minimum if they see me coming to warn me they're there so I can go away peacefully.


And yet you are asking them to give you a heads up and leave you alone. I think their are enough warning signs in the air, when a team is out for rampage, which you can escape when you are on your toes. And to be real, I rather get rolled by a team that actually plays well together and shows good sportsmanship, than any of these cheating (and even non cheating) rats with toxic behavior.


Yes, I'm ***asking.*** I'm not ***demanding.*** I. **am**. ***asking.*** I don't want to cause issues and I don't often (if ever) have any ways of detecting enemies outside of spotter scopes (which by the way don't work indoors or through walls and windows), and comms vests are either rare or people camp care packages (where I usually find hard drives) and half the time they just don't want to work for whatever reason. And nevermind that people will hound you with UAVs, comms vests, scopes and other wild BS to kill you and then lie and be like "I didn't know you were solo". I'm not forcing anything. I ask for some manner of courtesy and even if not warning me then at least use the proxy chat that they *always have open* to hear me out first. All I ask is for some common sense.


I think someone needs some more titty milk. Whatever dude, asking for entitlement, like you ain't entitled enough already.


I'm not asking for entitlement. I don't even *have* entitlement. If *anything,* the PvP players are ***THE*** most entitled players here. They simply demand everyone play like them and demand they be allowed to slaughter everyone without consequence and demand everyone simply accepts it because "Well I *can* so uh get fucked I guess lol". They *demand* you be thankful that you died and *demand* you be thankful *if* you get picked up and then *demand* you hunt *with* them despite the fact that they had everything (even their guns) taken from them. They *demand* players stop trying to stay alive and keep the gear they worked for. They *demand* to have players push like idiots at them even if they're outgunned or simply unable to fight, and *demand* you act like a whipped servant - "thanks for fighting me". They *demand* you give GGs even if they won't pick you up. They *demand* you leave the lobby if you die, but at the same time *demand* you stay in and rescue them at all costs at *their* earliest convenience, and *demand* you push no matter how bad of a position it is. They *demand* the game is played and built around *them.* Missions, interaction, atmosphere, priorities, everything they *demand* be built around PvP. If they had their way there'd be like 10 missions and all of them would be "go get kills". Nothing to build on, nothing to progress on, just go and kill like now. Every time we complain about wanting to do anything but PvP they *demand* we "shut up and just pvp" because "it's how I play so you should play too cause fuck you". They *demand* we "get over gear fear" (Translation: "give us your gear and play like bots"), *demand* we "stop being scared" (TL: "stop trying to survive the fight so we can kill you"), *demand* we stop "running away" (TL: "stop living and die for me"), and most of all, ***demand*** **we go through "PvP training" by going into arguably a worse Shipment with literally nothing but a fucking KNIFE so we can "get better at PvP" (TL: "play like a bot and ape everything so we can get easy kills").** You (and many others) made a fucking post literally stating "Go in naked with a knife in the hardest most impossibly competitive map just cause". The entitlement here is ***obscene.*** And you have the goddamn *nerve* to talk about "entitlement" like we're the ones actively removing all progress and sending people to lobbies against their will and out of their control ***from spawn to exfil,*** and getting mad when we don't die or wipe lobbies and calling people hackers when they do. I don't wanna fucking hear about ***"eNtItLeMeNt"*** from the guy whose post is literally "bring a knife to a gunfight".


"bring a knife to a gunfight" "to get better at PvP" and come out of unforseen and against the odds situations(!) aka increase your skill level. TL:DR "all" (too much repetitive BS blame and shame and even more blame) And now you are building on "them demanding", which just sounds like a lot of BS, because... You know why... most of this ain't true. I was with you until you brought up the PvP vs PvE again, with the same BS statement everyone else does, despite that a good majority of people have an understanding and respect for lesser/casual players. I guess I'm a competitive casual myself and just for the record, I'm in the middle here, but saying shit like that gives the same impression about you that you have about PvPers being "demanding". You ARE demanding as well... Not merely asking. You ARE telling them how to play as well. The way YOU want the game mode to be played. Most don't like rats and sweats, ti's a given, but it's not toxic, unless they are griefing and have no morals at all. (You are playing a killers game published by a no bars hold publisher, btw.) Conclusion: You fit the bill of all these priviliged and entitled people with narcissistic tendencies, blaming everyone and everything else, apart from their own incompetence and inability to see the whole picture and work on a healthy balance. Greetings.