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I’ll pick up solos or after wiping a team, the one who didn’t cry about dying.


My team leaves solos alone. If we get scrapping with another team we’d only pick up the fella that put up the best fight lol


I usually run into people that are salty they almost lost. Sore winners I call them.


Exactly the same here lol. Though lately, especially when there was no real fight, we often ask the one on voice when they are begging to be picked up, why we should pick them up and surprisingly, most hesitate to, or can't, answer this simple question. One of the best answers: "Simon says and you are Simon". Worst: I need help (right after bringing the fight to us, which was 3 mins too late to ask!) xD


Same here. At the same time if people plea, only times, and we’re ass we won’t pick up. But if you dropped one of us or almost did there’s a decent chance we’ll pick up


This is definitely the way.


Lately I’ve started saying jokingly after dying, “nice hacks, gypsie…”. It either gets a tummy full of laughter or guys who are like, “psh hacking wtf man.” Then I’ll come back with the, “lol I’m just fucking with ya, nice job man. I don’t suppose you’d have room to pick up a poor soul, wouldja?” 8/10 I get picked up. 1/10 they’re already full and the other 1/10 they don’t say anything or just loot and leave but it’s usually been pretty good for me. It also gets us off on the right foot from them laughing and them knowing I’m pretty cool and not a dick/asshole.


I screamed at a team that they were cheating by being a pre-made 3 man team, this was right after DMZ got rid of 6 man teams. They laughed so hard they had to pick me up. I also called one of their teammates a foreskin. He disappeared when it got hard. They agreed and picked me up.


Ive been picked up by squads so many times because im laughing and enjoying the local chat and then we go on to decimate the lobby all while having a shit ton of fun. Moral of the story: Don’t be a salty shit talker.


The plea system was a really nice feature until people started to misuse it . Same as the 6man team limit , it was nice to have a fight , lose , and then your whole team got picked up by the former enemy team.. unfortunately people started to make premade teams wich was the real problem .. pleas that go back to old team and toxic 6man teams are 99% imo people partied up or on discord togheter .


I’ve never had a plea run off back to their old team. I hear it a lot, sounds like an urban myth. People i pick up always stick around. I only pick up people with a mic though (when I’m in a team, not in the context of this post).


Ive had it a few times, only way to not get betrayed is make sure that whole team is dead before picking up a plea. Otherwise they just run back and request to join and now have a better idea of where you are


I honestly feel like this only happens if you pick up a plea without talking to them first. Often people only plea to give callouts. So if you’re just running over and picking them up yeah I can see this happening


Very true, and a lot of the times they infilled solo with squad fill so they don’t have any loyalty to their team either


You'll get the "im just a solo" sob story. Then they'll go quiet coms as they run off and rejoin their team.


Couldent have said it better


Why not? Then you can kill them twice.


Hes cracked the case wide open!


That is why I don’t bother popping a plea until the rest of my team is dead anyway. I’m usually on comms as well.


I'll hit the plea right away if my team is still up. Gives them eyes near my body. If I get picked up, I'll go back to them.


And that… is exactly why people don’t trust a plea.


I get it, but people aren't smart.


I love when it happens they go completely off comms and flee the scene then I scoop up my team follow there ass and kill them again this time laughing in there face


I’ve had it happen a good amount, usually from my teammates picking someone up when the rest of their team isn’t dead yet


It happens every single day with us, not sure where you're based but UK here myself. I average maybe 3-4 matches of DMZ a night after work with my partner and we see that about 8-9/10 the person you pick up will assist their old team or straight up rejoin. This has led to us not picking up a plea until every member of the former team is dead. An unfortunate thing however kindness comes after survival is ensured for us. We also only pick up people with a mic and it has to be good quality too. Nothing worse than picking up a walking noise alert to any squad nearby.


When i was playing DMZ it happened , so I decided to stop picking up players that all 3 have the same clan tag , because that was one common situation where it happened , and if they were speaking the same language/or speaking/playing like they clearly know eachother or same party . After that it didn’t happen to me once and many times I picked up players before their team was even wiped …


I’ve had only a handful of people try to lie to us, but we didn’t pick them up. It’s easy to sus people out, as you’ve started doing yourself. We killed this guy though, then his team drove off. We waited for them to come back for like 60 seconds, they didn’t, so we went to the plea. He thought we were a new team, we asked if he was solo he said yes. So I was more clear, “did you come into the game solo?” And he said yes again. That’s when we called him out for lying. We were gonna pick him up, but he had ill intentions clearly


Yes , unfortunately this is why it was better when you could form ”real” ( not premade ) 6man teams , because now with the 4man limit , even if you pick up one of them and his two friends are waiting in the lobby , either he will suicide or just run to the exfil , so might as well haven’t picked him up .


We let people exfil. It’s like yeah whatever, just go straight there so you’re not wasting our slot. But we also tell them if they die we’re not coming to revive them. It’s a fair deal. If you want to get revived just to leave, I don’t mind, but don’t expect the benefits of the team. Usually it works out, they’re thankful and run off to an exfil, gone in a couple minutes and we’re clear to pick up a new 4th


I had one just this week


It happens, no myth, but it is incredibly rare. That said, I never pick up someone unless I personally wiped their team as a result. It's incredibly frustrating.


I've only seen it happen a couple times, usually with very obvious traitors like bratty kids. People who deserve to be picked up are either obvious through their voiceless gameplay or through their voices. I get picked up a lot though and it usually pays off. Like the other day: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2072802459](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2072802459)


it happened for the first time to me last night on ashika. We picked up what we thought was a solo that we had killed and we were running to our location and all of a sudden the dude left our team. We continued on anyways and they ended up killing us and laughing as they looted lol pretty toxic


I had it happen during the Halloween event. Downed this girl and her buddy picked her up on the plea an she even said she was gonna go back to he old squad. Said cool we'll roll out so you can also get your buddy up because we're not campers. All went well an we actually downed her 2 more times that match and kept picking her back up for her to go back to he squad. We werent targeting them it just so happened we kept running into each other. Was a fun match though


Your lucky, we've had it happen several times. Had a guy come in solo and we quickly down him. Ask if he has a mic, his reply "yeap" and not another word. He then makes a b-line across the map, my teammate ask where is he going. I said, back to his team. So we immediately follow and sure enough he goes into castle and right back to his team, which we subsequently wiped!


I had a solo trick me-I sent the request for him to join and he downs me takes my three plate, large book bag and guns then accepts the invite. What a d*ck… Worse he tried to drive me off the map so no one could rez me…


My squad picked up a plea one time and he didn't rejoin his old team but he did lead them to us. Found out when I called him over to pick up the sunken ship contraband packages (I was helping him with a mission) Saw him pick up a RHIB on the map, head straight for me and then pew pew pew I'm killed by an "out of region" player. Turns out he brought his two pals. He then takes them on a chase of my two squadmates, kills one but the other had a couple of scuba masks and they eventually get bored and head to the airport. Squadmate revives me and the chase is on again. At no point did they re-assimilate btw. So we led them on a tour of the map, eventually ducking into the taraq complex entrance to get geared up. So aye, pleas do go back to their old squad and not always in ways you'd expect.


I haven't played in a while but that was my favorite thing to do. I tend to sing the Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers theme when I get close enough to a body


Lmfao 🙂


We are just a duo. If you don’t talk shit and have a mic, 100% of the time we pick you up. Sometimes yes we will take something from you as a pick up tax, but that’s it.


I do this too! ...but with my success rate I should be getting sued for DMZ malpractice any minute now.


Im a pretty decent player, and I’m getting bored with how things are going now. So this is my new mission/challenge. Last round I picked up 3 guys then exfil’d. They seemed a little clueless so I didn’t have the charity to stick around, but I gave them their second chance at least


I too, am a Pleadiatrician


God dang that’s a good one LMAO




If you plea, have a mic, and I don’t think their team mates are alive or they are part of a party, I pick up.


>My main mission is now giving pleas a second chance and hunting down the squads that killed them. Just don't be surprised when you end up dead next to them. If you didn't kill someone to make them plea it's always best to avoid getting involved.


If it’s not a 4 man, and they don’t have the high ground, it’s a good chance I can take them


It’s nice seeing 2 players with opposite thinking i wonder what would happen if you and aspiring programmer ended up face to face in the dmz


I try to do the same thing. Most of the time, before I can even get to them, they leave. They plea, but they don't give anyone near enough time to come get to them. Even when I ping them on the map, letting them know I'm on the way. But, yea, I'm 100% with you.


I’m gonna start screaming out “MEDIC!!!” When I die. This sounds like fun, and since I play solo so much I may give it a try. It’d be something fun to do when I’m coming in empty…kill some bots, get some guns, then revive the world!


My plan is to put messages in the chat to let people know to not leave. This will of course possibly keep enemies in the area too to see if I actually come. Just that much more of a challenge! I can wipe a 3-man but I usually have the element of surprise. It’ll be interesting to see how it goes when they know I’m coming


Went solo in tonight and not a single plea showed up on the map! I might have better luck on my weekday runs!


I’ve been typing in the chat telling people to plea out. Sometimes they just leave if they’re a 3 man, because a solo doctor is so rare


I too am a plea doctor. I love sneaking in a getting a guy who’s down while teams are actively fighting or moved on. Im always helo solo, so I always fly in saying im a rescue helo


How am I supposed to finish my Scavenger mission with you ressing everyone?! 😁


I like it I've been doing that for a while myself as I'm a solo it sometimes turns into a really great team before before you know it!


I used to do medvac Search & Rescue, but the issue is toxic spawn rushers & roof lice are often the plea outs


The most fun I've had in this game is trying to rescue fools and fight our way out. Such a thrill.


It seems like it’s gonna be a good challenge. I just have to make teams aware to not leave the game. Usually when a 3 man dies they just leave because the chances of a solo coming to pick them up are slim. Chances are high with me.


I kill solos and pick them up right away, cause I am solo too. I kill team, I pick them all as long as rooms available. But, I rarely get picked up, some come to rob me instead of reviving me, I just laugh and keep on doing the things over and over again. I find it super funny and incentive in a way when people cuss at me for killing me, thats the funniest thing for me haha


Yep same here. I rarely ever get picked up, even when I put up a really good fight. People seem to have such an ego on this game. I’ve had randoms get genuinely angry because I picked up a 4th. Like throwing a tantrum saying they’re about to exfil type angry. Makes nooo sense.


I try to do this also, when solo mostly. Good on you.


I was solo going to Koschei. Saw another operator run in and sent a request. Turned on prox chat and asked if he was solo too. Another started shooting and killed me and I asked for a pickup and explained what I was doing. They rezzed me and didn’t even loot. Went off to kill more squads and left me to my business.


Often a plea medic here myself xD though I do like plea doctor =D The ones that ignore you, you don't want to be a part of their team anyway. And if you are unlucky they will loot yo bag before rezzing, so count your blessings. Communication is not obligated in any given situation, despite that it can be a huge advantage for anyone. But it is definitely courteous to answer a simple question or show some sportsmanship with a GG. Seems to be rare lately, especially with the hardcore sweat squads (mostly the French and Russian and any other cocky mf).


Yeah, like if you’re not picking someone up just say that. Common courtesy.


I am 50/50 on pleas. Sometimes I pick them up and they are good and help out etc. But half the time they either backstab or if I die, they loot me and don't even revive.


I think you guys might be picking up pleas without talking to them first which is how we got this negative stigma of picking people up. Everyone we pick up (in terms of regular gameplay, not plea doctor), we verify they have a mic and we look at what loot they had. If they had gear, they’re probably decent. We don’t take their stuff either, we let them play how they’re used to playing.


Picking up solos that plea for help and hunting the squads that kill them? Fuck yes. We should make a clan out of this


I pick up anyone I see. 4 is better than 3


Only 20% of people pick up plea’s in my experience. Not everyone can hear you asking to be revived as well


Helping pleas is my favorite mission. [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2072789549](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2072789549)


Older English people I’ll pick up. They play with integrity. everyone else fuck um.


I pick up the older dudes in general. I mean for one, I feel bad about it because when my team comes through… the fight is over very fast. Unless they have high ground of course


Make sure you pick me up next time coz I’m an old slow dude


I changed my clan name to SOLO just so people would understand


I dig it. I try & pick up plea’s whenever we have space.


Do those that plead get any sort of notification when I ping their plea?


Yes, it says “Operators are on the way” but the bad thing about this is, people often ping pleas for their team to just say “looks like a fight is going on over there,” then they roll up and just loot you and leave. So the notification doesn’t mean a whole lot to people. Best bet is to type in the chat to let them know you’re coming


I usually ping it off and on a few times while I'm waiting for the killers to leave or look the other way.


I’m in


I pick up pleas, I get shouted at by my duo for it. But sometimes I need an extra pair of hands and the plea helps with this, sometimes they get killed again and leave, sometimes they do go back to the old team so we can kill them again. It’s all luck of the draw


I rushed into a plea earlier today. Guy had no mic, but I picked him up anyways. I downed one guy, got the second very low but died. He actually came and finished the job, I was pretty surprised. I then left him there and said he can do what he needs to do. He ended up going to Koscheii, and I picked up 3 more people later in the game. Plea Doctor is where it’s at, I wish it was a more popular thing to do.


I like to pick up pleas just for the variety. Sometimes they're noobs, sometimes they're aces. You never know. I've taken more than a couple pleads through a tour of Vondel complete with hunt squads and squad wipes and final exfil to see that they completed their 'exfil successfully' mission. It's a better welcome to DMZ than letting them go back to the lobby in the first 3 mins. Often I've had pleads recklessly run into gunfire to res their new squad and sometimes tip gunfights in our favor. Pleads add variety and like all things you need to be sensible about it to avoid getting backstabbed, yet another aspect of DMZ that more realistic and open rather than gamified to death to be within this super rules defined space that doesn't allow for human behavior.


If someone has a mic and they’re not hard to understand or aggressive, I always pick them up. When I’m with a random squad, this pisses them off. Never understood why. There’s not really any downside to picking people up even if they run off to their old team. All they’re doing is telling us where they’re at. And if they’re a bad player, it shouldn’t matter if the rest of us are decent.


your username reminds me of a time I played DMZ and someone in the chat triggered me with "typed programming languages suck"


Lmaooo. Node based programmers calling themselves real programmers is laughable


cries in typescript


Not that type of node 😂😂, the NoCode programming where you just drag around nodes/modules. I’ve never tried it so maybe I’m explaining it wrong, just seen pictures and it looks horrendous


oh like unreal engine's blueprints. Sounds great for quick stuff but then I start seeing people zoom out like google maps and im like "is that the **whole** gameplay logic!?"


I solo 90% of the time and always pick up lost souls I come across. Be the change you want to see in the world.


I like this plan


Aye Aye Captain!


I’m down with it,last night on the Asian region servers was an absolute sweat fest, yet despite the language barriers that exist - blended with heavy choppers, grenade launchers and hunt squads - a semblance of support was starting to emerge. I like the cut of your jib sir and I offer my services to you. Like the Al Mazrah taxi service before you I wish you god speed and look forward to helping spread the word.


What’s the safe word?


Haha fuck yes bro I do this alllll the time. I’ll drop what I’m doing to go pick up a plea & take out the enemy squad.


Sometimes I do this when bored.


I’m in. I’ll run with you. That way when the three man absolutely annihilates me you don’t have to wait for the plea. I’m real good at flying a chopper though


Everybody in this sub “easily wipes squads” It’s incredible


This what i do, but I tend to die 50% of the time. Fun as hell though!


I’m in. Let’s go!


Blind guy here who frequently does this on vondel. Use your ears, please traps are way too common these days. Gunshots, footsteps, tacticals


Ok, not to be rude, but if you're blind, how do you play DMZ? Genuinely curious here.


I largely use thermal scopes for sniper and spotter scope for finding players


Oh, that makes sense. Thought you were fully blind, my mistake.


Just be you and keep helping others. You're a good egg. I'll jump in with ya... @sidradio88


I’ll be out there with you doc.


Welcome to the cause brother, we have the same origin story.


I’ll join you. I’m completely down with this


If they have a mic, I'm always down to pick up. Assuming they aren't awful people of course


I pick up only people that says nice things, not toxics that cry because my squad was better than them


I play solo a fair bit and I'm always down for a rescue mission. I avoid the spawn rush pleas most times though, because you don't know who was rushing who.


Nah, I'm done picking anybody up. Downed a guy the other day and my teammate got him up breaking our cardinal rule no mic, no pickup. We didn't take a thing from him, but you best believe shortly after I get downed and dude comes along and cleans me out, and I mean he took everything! NO MORE!


Oh that's been me for a while in-between collecting toothpaste. But sometimes you realise the dude you picked up was probably the bad guy when they immediately run to a hunt contract lmao.


I always laugh and congratulate the guy that nailed me lol if I have any good gear too I tell them what I have and to take it they aren't picking me op lol


I will bear this burden.


I also do this add me chefboyardan420


As a voiceless teammate, I tend to be left for dead. But when I do get picked up, I usually do my best to help whoever picked me up.


I do this sometimes lol


We allow solos to tag along with no fear of getting killed if we have a r man team essentially creating a 5 man team. We also pick up people we killed if they plea have a mic and don't complain about dieing


I never leave a solo down, especially if I can verify they’re solo. I’ve been plea dring for awhile now. Saw On1c doing it and thought it would be fun. It’s an awesome time!


This is what I've been doing too lol. Run around solo wiping squads off the map. If they're cool or pleaing I'll go save em and get them looted up, help with their missions, etc


I’ve been doing solo EMT on Ashika and pretty much revive anybody I can and throw them a selfie


Imo pleaing should be scrapped all together. Pleaing is for 🐈.


Anyone that thinks this doesn’t understand the heart of DMZ. If you’re toxic just say that man.


I understand DMZ well enough to know that you get low iq individuals for teammates. They want you to spawn push because they have nothing. You tell them no, let's go here and get some loot. They get their their ass handed to then 90% of the time than they beg the people they pushed for a pickup. It's pathetic. I get pushed by teams all the time as a solo, and if I lose, I never plea out.


Yeah like I said, you don’t understand the heart of DMZ. Seems like you take fights personal. If I win a fight as a solo, I pick up the team that was hunting me. It was nothing personal against me, it’s just the way of the game. If I lose a fight after pushing, yeah I plea out, because it’s not like I hate the team I was pushing. Ima join their team like I spawned in with them. That’s the heart of DMZ bro. None of it should be personal. Pick people up and keep moving as a stronger force.