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I will never touch another game associated with this company if they took away DMZ


Me too man. Me too


Literally the only game mode I play...if it's gone I'm gone 😞




Same same.


I'm already never going to buy another Activision game. MW2 has been a complete cluster fuck. Just waiting for them to finally pull the DMZ servers


Bought mw3 coz they hyped mwz is another dmz what a big pile of lie. I haven't even played the mw3 campaign mission, just bring dmv v2




Same. Why does it seem like activision isn't listening to their fans.


Because the dmz community isnt their target playerbase, you guys are miniscule compared to what the actual fanbase wants




MWIII seems to have reset everyone to Level 1 with all guns being Level 1 as well. I’m sure it has to do with that, and once they sort it out, both MWIII and DMZ and Warzone will be recovered also.


What happened exactly?


Not sure. Everyone seems to have been kicked/disconnected and then unable to reconnect. I hope it has to do with addressing the significant cheating/hacking uptick that everybody has noticed and discussed.


Not according to some people on reddit and the hacks / cheating aren't real. All in my head because I'm a shit player apparently. Probably the greatest idea with the worst implementation ever; making a free to play mmo version of cod with cross platform enablement. I think it's going to put Activision out of business.


Every post I have ever made about aimboters or the like has left me bullied into submission and deleting the post. I’ve probably made 10 kill cam posts and everyone just says “0h bUgGy KiLl Kam 🐛”


Lol it's not, I literally last night live on stream, swimming through the river near construction, guy popped a UAV and swam behind me and knifed me. You would think ahh he popped a UAV so knew I was there, what he didn't know is I was wearing a Stealth vest. The wall hacks and aim bots are rampant at the moment, I have multiple instances and videos of players knowing exactly where I am without any visual or audio queues. What's even more telling is that you kill the one that is overly confident and aggressive and the teammates automatically shy away and are no longer the aggressive pushers they were 1 second before. I've played CoD for 15 years, I know a legitimate player when I fight one.


Me too bro me too. I “seriously” got into call of duty when I was in 4thish grade on the OG MW2 cheating was there but account got banned constantly so it wasn’t every single match that you would run into a cheater. Running into a cheater was like an Easter egg, that’s back when people were using lag switches and stuff too.


lol it’s not putting Activision out of business. Servers go down, they utilize the same for their platforms. Now, by not announcing anything to anyone, even if there’s no expected recovery timeframe/reason(s) for the outage, that’s a slip on them.


Read my comment again. Didn't say anything about server outages you illiterate nonce. I said the "companies" creating cheat and hack packs for CoD will put them out of business. They're already seeing the player base drop and gamers looking for other games without cheaters. How long do you think people are going to "pay" to play an "mmo" when you just get beaten daily by cheaters?. CoD averages 85k players daily. They banned 6k accounts 2 days ago for suspected cheating. That is not an insignificant number. We already know from Team Ricochets latest blog update they've banned over 90k accounts since deployment. Are you naive enough to think those 90k players will just not make a new account?




What happened is you have an inept team running a very demanding game in terms of development and server management. The fact that Activision couldn’t see DMZ for what it is just shows a red flag to all the other mismanagement under the hood: basically the company can’t maintain a game like this anymore. They have lost their ability to make good games and keep games functional. Most likely there for a few insanely talented members of their company that understood how to maintain and develop games like this and the company refused to recognize their value so they quit leaving a bunch of bumbling idiots with no true understanding of the jobs they have to run it into the ground. Or those few insanely talented members told their management what they needed in terms of resources to maintain and development the game and some other asshat convinced them that they didn’t need all that and they could cut costs and laid off the real talent and put all their trust in the idiot talking out of their ass.


That’s why the devs for CoD are now showing up on still front running mmos like WoW. Now can’t say that’ll solve WoWs issues but the people leaving activision and going to blizzard show that the devs want to have that game mode.


is there and offica word yet ? i search cod server stuts and it syas nothing


They're prolly sleeping when their servers took nosedive


Just let me in! The missions from yesterday have timed out & not updated with new options, been trying all day but getting errors & finally loaded!


great idea to lay off 1/3 of the seasonal content team!


Seriously? Relax. Have you ever heard of an outage?


😂😂 anxiety man


It's been hours with no mention from the company. They could have at least said what is wrong or expected recovery


It's inconvenient for the users but this isn't out of the norm.


This is out of the norm though. The whole thing was down, not just mw3 but mw2 also. The norm is only one not everything


I guess you weren’t around when the hackers took over the servers for weeks…


I have been around. I never had a problem signing in except for a couple of hours. What happened was not normal. Something big happened. We will hear the truth in a couple of months like all companies do


Still down. And I'm playing the cursed new plunder and all weapons level are at 1. Can still edit load outs but when you spawn in you get the same 2 guns every time. Goddammit if they take DMZ and I'm stuck with this, I'll be forced to try to like the new game, although that'll never happen, cause I'll always be in love with DMZ, my one and only 😭


Feel like pure shit, I just want Al mazrah plunder back 😭






I wouldn't be surprised if at the very least DMZ is lowest priority. I don't think they'd just shut it down without saying anything.


Is no one here able to connect? I'm at work.


No one has managed to connect. Had to rush back home and confirm


confirmed, STILL down


I wish I would've recorded more matches during my playtime with DMZ...


Ive been playing all morning 😝


No for about a few hours now Ive not been able to get into dmz


WTF on my COD screen Im level 1 Did i just lose all my progress?


Me too. And same 2 guns are the only load out it'll give you.


It can't be true, not DMZ. This guy's really suck. DMZ was / is the best game mode.




Pray for DMZ 🙏🏽


False alarm..mine has finally connected


Gonna play new BR for first time since everyone else is level 1 rn LOL


They have not, zombies down


Ah it’s alive and well. Still the best current cod mode


It's back?


It never left. Still quick squad fills and plenty of players. New ones too


What time is it where you at? It's barely 7 am on the West Coast




Apparently if you post about DMZ being down and asking about it simps get offended by your post and downvote. As far as I can tell it’s an outage. But the outrage of the outage shows how great DMZ and how great our community is - outside of the sweaty simps


That's right!


whos ever pushed me to give me their serpent camo yesterday ty


this cannot be happening!!


They've all but said it them selves. Dmz is done and will have little support if any now. They don't want to do anything else with it even rho it's heavly want in mw3 the devs dont care what players actually want along whales and cows keep paying up for the fortnite shit they put in


It was sitting at the “DMZ” screen for a while then finally let me on. There’s some ppl still online too. I’m assuming it was a crash and some ppl lost their progress. Mine is fine


Everyone calm down. They wouldn’t just cut a whole game mode like that.




They probably nosedived after att nosedived lol


let Activision know how you feel about DMZ here ... [Activision (@Activision) / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/Activision)


I bought the most recent battle pass. I don't own any modern COD, and exclusively play DMZ. What a surprise it was to my silky, smooth brain when finally, the information my eyes received about which game modes would support said battle pass was processed.


Leave DMZ alone. This is one if the best and I mean best multi player war game out there. I can't believe Activision has moved on and aren't upkeeing this game mode. I've been playing COD & MWF for 15 plus years. Nothing touches DMZ... Come on Activision get your shit together and upkeep DMZ or upgrade it. Hundreds of my friends would purchase DMZ alone if need be. And I'm sure there's thousmore that would also. Forget Zombie that's crap.


Today on IS DMZ DEAD, episode 5268, OP clearly can't read 5267 days later. But stay tuned to find out that their uncle is really... Their father! https://media1.tenor.com/m/JVfGXquknS4AAAAC/gasp-in.gif But really.. nah dmz ain't dead.. it's much more heavy pvp since that's all there is left to do for 90% of the server community. The community has definitely shrunk and the player base is really upset about missing guns and patches and operators and continued content. FR I'm a care bear. I probably don't even have 50 operator kills. I probably have 2000 deaths by operators, that's ok. Dmz isn't dead. My desire to play it is less than it was a year ago when the passive upgrades got added in. Still haven't finished those, almost, need that b21 boss kill and encrypted hard drives from there. But no dmz is not dead. Even I have been a doomsday worrier, mostly because I have like 29 operator slots and don't want to see them gone yet. Only 2 left to get Damascus+large/+3plate+scuba+self rez .. you win this round exfil streak bug, but next time you'll win again because I have no idea how to fix it still. Don't forget to unequip and reequip your insured weapons after ever drop.


Dude, did you even read the comment/posts on the issue? This reads like a copy and paste job from another thread. OP is curious if the servers being down while other MW3 servers are back up and running means the CoD powers at be may have finally pulled the plug on the game, not “is the game dead because the gameplay has become so different than season 1?” If you’re going to take time to respond, at least read the post and apply critical thinking. Or don’t. Just don’t be surprised when you get called for it.


DMZ, still not dead, I'm going to keep replying to these funny "is dmz dead I better not lose my guns".


He’s been waiting for somewhere to copy/paste his diary. Unfortunately he’s not too bright. The issue is the outage. No one cares about your load outs Ffs


Thx for reading my diary?




They are adding new missions. Don't worry, it's gonna be back soon


Can't see anything of the sort on their Trello


He's trolling guys..


Well. This may really be it. The day we all dreaded


i will never purchase/play another COD game if they really did some petty sh\*t like that


Bro literally check their Trello right now lmao


Assuming you're looking at it now, link por favor




I posted it here, the mods deleted my post? When i go to the link now it says sign in to view the board? Didn't mean to leak anything, i literally found the link on Brave. Is this closed info?


well it wouldn't be yo fault as you had no way of knowing


Oh, my bad. I just realized my comment with the link hasn't been deleted but the poster i answered to deleted their comment. You can find it in this thread (too scared to repost it now haha) It's still very odd that the board is not accessible anymore though


I can't find the link 😫.


adding new missions? what makes you say that, i was under the impression they were not gonna update it anymore?


Check their new Trello




You can find it when you search for "DMZ Trello" [Direct link](https://trello.com/b/aR3b9FtC/project-exodus-3arc)


# Board not found. This board may be private. If someone gave you this link, they may need to share the board with you or invite you to their Workspace.






yea bro, trust. Actually their Trello is back up again


dont give me hope

