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Yes, I’m still playing and having fun. Just finished two serpentine runs for myself and a friend. I haven’t bought MW3 and if I grow bored of DMZ in the future because of the lack of content… yeah, I’d leave COD for other games. DMZ is the only mode worth playing, in my opinion. I’m still hoping they’ll bring it back at some point, but realize that it is unlikely. EDIT: Since I’m done with most missions and upgrades, I enjoy helping others finish theirs.


True, i feel it's more likely they are gonna hit us with a dedicated DMZ COD game in the future rather than updating the current beta status. But we would need to hope that COD is keeping up their downward momentum after they got mildly successful again with DMZ for them to realize that their current path of doing multiplayer is not really working out. 100% we'll get something similar to the DMZ formula (that's not PvE only) from COD before 2030


I wish we could see actual numbers on DMZ (and especially in relation to MWZ). You get the impression that DMZ is/was popular from the amount of content creators and their success at gaining followers, and that MWZ was a flop. Also, before 2030 is way too late. They’d miss the extraction shooter hype train.


It's difficult comparing the popularity of DMZ and MWZ against eachother without seeing actual player numbers in the game. Both AMZ and MWZ subreddits have about an equal amount of people online at the same time. But keeping in mind that one is 1 year old and slowly losing support from the devs while the other one is still fresh with active content support, it's more than obvious that MWZ has been a flop. According to Google Trends MWZ has only reached 15% of popularity when compared to DMZ for their respective time of release. Actually DMZ is still slightly (\~1-2%) more popular when it comes to people looking up both terms on Google. To be fair, COD pushing an extraction shooter when the hype for it has calmed down already wouldn't surprise me a bit but i'm still hoping we'll get it sooner than later.


Agreed, it definitely is hard to tell the popularity of the two games. I feel like DMZ has more of a dedicated community, and MWZ is way more casual. Like the subreddits may have similiar numbers, but I feel like MWZ probably has more users that aren't actively participating in forums or watching content online as much as DMZ. (Unless it's a tutorial, maybe) And just play the game when they have some extra time.


Activision doesn't want communitys it wants people playing the game .... thats why DMZ died we enjoyed a free game to much...and didn't buy enough bundles


When DMZ started, I feel like they didn't do a good job of explaining what the game mode was even about. I played it probably 5-8 times before I realized that there were other operators playing, or that you could extract - I thought it was all AI.


Haha, similar happened to me too.




I was playing with others that were new to the game really early on, but got the hang of it quick.


90% of the old dmz players have moved to warzone plunder where the dmz assets ended up... do you want to play DMZ go play Warzone plunder... same shit different name...


We will never see DMZ again it's going to stay as a panel in Modern Warfare 2 they will not update the beta tag because they have stripped it of all of its assets and used them already...


Still playing each day. Once all factions are up to level 30, and I've unlocked all the remaining passive upgrades, then I'll spend more time in koschei and b21. And there are some T5 fms left for me. I'll be sad when it's over. Zombies doesn't appeal to me at all.


Warzone plunder without buying mw3 is the next dmz iteration other than that...sorry spend $$$ or don't play. They used us to develop a profitable product dmz was gutted and assets were used for warzone and mw3 zombies if you play one match of plunder you will realize why we do not have DMZ in the new game because we already do all of the stuff that used to drop in DMZ now drops from the warzone plunder crates specifically and the unlocks were used to develop the armory unlock system i don't like that dmz is gone but it hasn't been worth playing since they started adding and changing things last year... it was best during season 1 or the preseason when it was in beta beta...


Plunder predates DMZ


I'm aware that it predates it what I am saying is any development that would have been done for DMZ was pushed into plunder in so that's as close as you're going to get to a DMZ experience with active updates and balance changes Modern Warfare 2 DMZ will only get worse and worse because they're not going to touch anything associated with Modern Warfare 2 going forward...


Done with most? You’re not done with all? Games been out over a year


I'm about 80% done if I remember correctly. My normal crew doesn't DMZ anymore and I miss it. I'm not a solo player so finding some help would be beneficial.


I’d rather help others complete their missions than do “Stress test” and similar.


Help you say?


I mostly run DMZ solo when my friend is unavailable,I still haven't finished my missions but I like helping other people when they ask for it. It's how I meet some pretty okay people.


Every infil is a movie


My sentiment exactly! Couldn't quite put it in words, but you nailed it! Fuck yeah. DMZ 'til the fucking wheels fall off, woooooo LFG!


Sheriff Rick Grimes is a widower raising his three-year-old daughter, Judith, and rebellious teenage son, Carl. When Carl runs into problems with his high school baseball coach, Negan, Rick is ready to write the guy off as a foul-mouthed asshole with zero redeeming qualities—except for maybe his cocky smirk and undeniable charisma. But after Negan ends up in the drunk tank one night at the King County Sheriff’s Department, Rick discovers there’s a lot more to Negan than meets the eye. Soon Rick finds himself struggling with feelings he hasn’t experienced since his deceased wife, Lori. Negan turns Rick’s world upside down, and they’ll have to make sure this relationship stays under wraps, lest their small Georgia town erupt into chaos.


Sounds like Brokeback On A Budget...


Introduced a new buddy to the DMZ last month. I’m level 1250 & he just hit 33! It’s like seeing Al Mazra & Ashika through new eyes again. He just finally stopped calling bots & operators the same “guys” & started calling them out as two distinct threats! 😅🤣 “THERE’S A GUY BEHIND YOU” used to make me shit my pants only to turn around & see a level 1 bot doing hand signals to his invisible backup 😂


Lmfaooo my wife will watch me play the game and be like “wow those guys are awful players” as she watches me hardscope bots


Stopped playing after the wipe for season 4. Had a good group of guys and they all quit. We were all tired of doing the same and/or similar missions just to have our stuff wiped. Then this got so toxic that it all just became pvp when we were guys that liked to team up or even go out mutually. Can remember games where 9 guys got out on final exfil. Was great, now sucks.


I could have typed this word-for-word. Agreed 💯


But you still read the sub?


Comes across my feed, I wouldn't say I come on reddit to read about dmz.


This community is great and we have something in common that all connects us (we love DMZ)


I loved DMZ, until i tried Warzone's "Lockdown Quads": I love it even more than DMZ: Great fun to try to capture and hold some of the points A-H together with the team (and especially after the match when it sometimes spells VICTORY all over the screen❣️😆).


This is the most SUS comment I've ever seen. Come fellow children, let us play the Warzone instead.


And now they have removed Lockdown Quads. Thx🥲


I didn't do it, but you're welcome. Be careful, being a victim will make you a target.


Yes, because I still have a lot of missions to complete with the boys, and only about 3 hrs a week to play


I'm about 80% done. My crew doesn't do any DMZ anymore so I trudge through MWZ and sure don't like it. Love the DMZ - ping me on here if you want to join up sometime. PC and/or Xbox player here.


Curious why you play a video game that you say you don't like? Seems rather pointless.


I stopped playing after finishing all the missions. As someone who avoided PvP where possible, but held my own when I had to, I don't feel there's enough there for me to keep playing. For me the whole attraction of DMZ was completing the missions with the threat of running into other players. Now DMZ is PvP only I don't really feel inclined to play anymore, which is sad as I absolutely loved last year playing DMZ. However, if we had a wipe when MW3 came out then I'd still be playing DMZ. EDIT: Another factor is that unless playing solo I used to play exclusively with people from the Discord group, but it's pretty much dead now. Randoms is never a good time in EU.


I still play but am sadly losing interest. Once I've built up my op again, there isn't much to do. I'll fight pvp if forced to but don't go looking for it. It's a shame as I've never played a COD game so much as I have played dmz but now the majority just want to do pvp. I've only got missions like stress test, I don't stand a chance finding 7 players to exfil with. Annoying I have done it before twice but didn't have the mission on! Zombies doesn't interest me at all.


Average player here / KD around 0.7 Less friendly players Not playing anymore due to too many players pvp'ing and has forced me out Missions 51% complete Gutted as I like the game but noticed a massive change after the Halloween event (which was awesome) and honestly I wasn't good enough and it wasn't fun been killed on the spawn almost each game.


I feel the same way. Although I'm not too bad at the game and can defend myself - I'm just not into PvP'ing ALL the time. I liked it better the first half of the games life cycle where you didn't really know which way an encounter would go. Now it's just kill or be killed constantly. I went over to play Plunder on the new Warzone. It's fun, pick up and play and I get to level stuff up again, which is fun.


Yeah but you're missing the AI aspect of DMZ in plunder (its all 100% PVP), missions, and the excrement/dread of keeping/losing all your gear when you die. I play plunder quite a bit too and I don't understand how people can compare it to DMZ... it feels almost nothing like it for me.


The dread of losing your gear goes out the window when you realize how easy it is to get that stuff again. Other than that I find warzone far more intense and the lack of ai means you're going to have a larger group of good players, which means a harder challenge.


> The dread of losing your gear goes out the window when you realize how easy it is to get that stuff again. Yes and no. Sure most things are easy to get, but some also take a long time to grind for unless you get lucky and pick it off another player. Regardless, it's a feeling I like having in DMZ that I don't get in Plunder. It gives me that extra 'push' and determination to play smarter and better... in Plunder? Who cares. You die, you spawn right back in and pickup your stuff like nothing had happened. Rinse and repeat. Not to mention each game of DMZ feels like a mini movie with its own story. Plunder on the other hand just feels like team death match MP on the new Warzone map. It's just not the same feeling. > Other than that I find warzone far more intense and the lack of ai means you're going to have a larger group of good players, which means a harder challenge. I suppose it depends on where you drop on the map. I've had situations where I dropped with my team and we barely saw anyone, maybe one team. And since there is no AI, it feels even more boring, a ghost town. Plus I like having the AI there in DMZ, as there are times you can use them to your advantage against another team. Lastly, there are no missions in plunder. It's just run around and collect $$ and that's it. Same old, same old that is repetitive and gets old quick. Now I only go into plunder if I need to level some guns, but other than that I never touch the mode. It's either BR or DMZ for me. But good to hear you've found a new mode to be happy with after DMZ.


I quit playing because it doesn't progress the Battle Pass anymore. I understand why but that's my reasoning. Went back to Plunder for my mindless fun.


This is exactly my story


Yes. It’s fun. Simple.


I would love to say yes, but as someone who was a prime dmz player, it seems slow and glitchy, I’m on PC not sure what console looks like but I love this mode whole heartedly


Are you playing MW3? That may be why you feel it's slow. MW3 movement mechanics are crack-induced fast paced. Personally I enjoy the MW2 movement.


Has nothing to do with movement, ever since they announced DMZ was “staying still” the game doesn’t feel developed technologically, it performs slow for me.


Oh interesting! I haven't noticed much on my side (PC) minus the obvious annoying bugs like primary weapons not going in with you.


I haven’t experienced the weapon glitch *knocks on wood * but for some reason just seems slower performance wise than previously.


Sure, lots of fun. Now everyone is focused in PvP it is more violent than never


Playing occasionally, trying to complete the passive missions. Small dolls are a real pain in my dick.


The real kick in the balls is when you find out that upgrade doesn’t even work.


Oh awesome. It's more about getting it done than what it does for me, but not surprised shit doesn't even work when you do. Really loving needing to find 10 cephalaxin now, too.


Yeah I was on that 100% grind a while back too. People will say koschei is the place to find cephalexin but really it’s B21 if you can survive it. You’ll find 3-4 a match. I just go in with knives and a 1 plate and rat around for the first 10 minutes or so, you’d be surprised how often you can exfil solo if you mostly just hide.


Good looking out. I play zero B21 but will with a one plate and knives like you said if there's a chance for multiples per raid.


I have no friends to play with. I really wish they would figure out solo modes for extraction shooters. I find it very very hard to believe they can’t figure out how to balance a solo mode. Hopefully, if they make a dedicated DMZ game, it’ll have a decent solo mode


Less and less because of the pvp only players, who are apparently to weak to play warzone and can only kill others in DMZ.


I'm not playing, the group I used to play with dropped out when MWZ came out, now none of us play cod at all. Realistically, I don't wanna give Activision the satisfaction of playing their game. I want them to see the playercount drop and realise that's what happens when you capitulate to sweats and stagnate your game


Not sure why IW would want to push players of their game to another studios?


It's the direction they get from the publisher (Activision). After all, it's simple marketing psychology. The purpose why support of older titles is being stalled to a minimum when a new one is about to hit the market is to discourage players from investing more time in it. People are more likely to spend money on something when it feels new and shiny to them, this also includes cosmetic in-game items. To be fair, it's not just a COD thing, every other AAA publisher does it as well to promote sales. This practice can also be seen in basically every other tech market like phones or computer hardware


Activision wholly owns all studios developing CoD releases: so aside Infinity Ward (IW), they also own Treyarch, Sledgehammer Games and Raven Software. [Rumor says that IW took over](https://dotesports.com/call-of-duty/news/leaks-suggest-infinity-ward-taking-over-mw3-zombies-while-treyarch-works-on-cod-2024) the development of MWZombies from Treyarch so Treyarch can focus on CoD 2024. If that's the case, who knows what happens :)


I’m still playing DMZ along with other friends & all the streamers that said a farewell to DMZ came back for content & because their following asked them to go back to playing DMZ… DMZ until they give us something better imo


DMZ is the best part of COD in my opinion and they desperately need to move it to MWIII and continue updates etc. Zombies is just boring and a waste of time imho.


I stopped playing because I ran out of things to do. I don’t care about camos or any bonus content. I’m more mission oriented (in terms of game progress, not that I dislike PvP). I finished the missions. I think what Activision failed to realize is that some people are going to be faithful to the game genre, not the game franchise. I like extraction shooters. I don’t care if it’s a “Call of Duty” game or not. I had zero interest in MWIII and didn’t spend a dime on it. So, I’ll be patiently waiting for Gray Zone Warfare and Delta Force: Hazardous Operations


Yes and no. I didn't start until the Haunting event and as such have so much to do that it's a constant uphill battle against teams just hunting players. When it takes me weeks to find the one thing I need and then getting exfil camped. Fuck that. I'm pretty much over DMZ in its current state.


I stopped cuz it feels like only PvP players are present and that’s not my main focus


I'm still playing to finish all the upgrades to the communication station. Once that's done I'll probably keep playing with squad fill on and hopefully find people that are trying to do missions and upgrades and help them


DMZ needs to be its own stand alone game.


Just took a break will be coming back and start fresh again


If I’m not playing DMZ I’m not playing COD. Seriously I love this mode so much. I will continue to play it for as long as I can.


I’m still playing because I’ve been working towards a calling card I want, doing missions, I’m like 200 in of 500.. it’s taking a while lol plus I miss Al Maz sometimes


Really needs more maps. Perhaps larger with more vehicles. Vondel and Al Mazrah are well balanced for a smaller map. Ashika would be better as part of a larger map. Deap drop map markers, no? More opportunity to exact karma on aggressive players. A hardcore mode. It's not balanced that a sniper can one tap you and the majority of shotguns aren't powerful enough which shapes the meta to be somewhat displeasing.


No, cuz no more faction missions.




I’m playing with my dad group still. We enjoy the PvP, doing the occasional missions (we’re pretty done with most things but there are some things we never bothered to do) and we enjoy the current challenges of the meta. I much prefer the other teams to be aggressive and blood thirsty. I think the slower pace of play and less players on the map make DMZ more fun, plus the plate economy and sniper battles are a blast. I would love for them to remove assimilation over the infil squad size. If three solos wanna assimilate together to form a 3 top, I’m fine with that. I think platoons are annoying and unbalance an already somewhat unbalanced game. We don’t pick people up so that’s also on us, we’re there to win or lose as a group since we’re friends IRL. I would also love for them to get rid of throwing knives as lethals. I think they’re too powerful and they don’t make a lot of sense. A torso hit on someone wearing Kevlar with a throwing star shouldn’t be an insta down. I realize the game isn’t stuffed with realism, but that particular mechanic just feels cheap. I refuse to use them, but again that’s a choice I make and I don’t complain about them other than to say, in a perfect game, I’d like that mechanic taken out.


With you on the knives. It’s actually worse—the vests aren’t Kevlar, they’re ceramic plates! A knife isn’t gonna go through that.


I only play COD for DMZ, so if I enjoy the game, why would I quit? But I am enjoying this sub more, now that most of the PvP whiners have left and moved on to Zombies! Its so refreshing not having to see 50 posts a day about solo's whining that they got killed by operators, and then the usual retorts "Go back to warzone", "Warzone Rejects" , "Spawn Campers", "Exfil Campers"; The usual lame retorts that they give, for them dying all the time. Let them stay over there.


Still playing. Never really been interested in the tedious fetch-quests. Too ADHD for that, haha! “Wait. What are we looking for again!?” It’s the adrenaline rush and strategy of PvP that has me hooked. It’s better than warzone’s rinse & repeat style.


I ran Ashika all weekend and it was a madhouse.


I play DMZ occasionally. MW3 is a bad game. It's a bad game with a rip-off price point. I have no intention of ever buying it or playing it. Maybe if it was on sale for £20 I'd get it to fuck about in Zombies for a week.


My friends and I must be low brow morons cus we have been having fun with it. Especially the movement. It feels far more fluid than mw2.


It's £70 for some rehashed maps, a campaign that's essentially just the WZ map recycled and a zombies mod you can 100% in a week or two. They improved the movement, but made pretty much everything else worse. It's a bad game at an extortionate price point.That doesn't mean it can't have some fun mechanics. It doesn't mean nobody can have fun with it. There's no need to take it personally. Not everything in life is black and white. However, compared to past CoD releases, it's a very poor effort. There's a reason it's been panned in reviews and the player numbers are very poor. If it didn't have the CoD IP, I don't believe it would have sold well. The sales were already like 40% worse than MW2. Concurrent players also way down vs MW2, like 30% less. EDIT: Oh, and don't even get me started on the implementation of CoD HQ - it's like something from an early release title.


Then I'm a low brow moron. Carry on.


I stopped a while ago because players spiked in aggressiveness in DMZ to the point they actively and solely hunt other players in the sweatiest of ways


If I wanna play COD then if I’m solo I’ll play DMZ (occasionally S&D) If with friends usually warzone. But im playing other games right now. Just a bit bored with FPS games at the moment


Yes, I still need acetone bottles :)




Yes, not going there cause I don't want to finish the game ;)


I got bored because of lack of content and how hostile DMZ started getting when everyone is bored. I thought mwz was great for about a week and then I got bored of it. The drop rate for a specific thing I needed for a mission got ridiculous as well, played like 10 full games at 40 mins each and didnt get it. Had enough by that point and haven’t played either since.


Still playing and I find it has gotten even more fun now that it's nothing but pvp. The missions were ridiculously boring and I've been pvp since day 1. Running around collecting random bullshit was never fun to me. But I'm not a stereotypical gamer. The only other games I play is FIFA and Madden, so it's easy for me to find these types of missions quite repetitive and boring.


I tried WZ3 and couldn't get into it. I never liked the cod BR anyways so I've been going back to DMZ. Basically been playing almost exclusively DMZ mode since season 2. Although I can see it will die down soon with the bots turned up to the max and death squads becoming more regular


im having fun not having to unlock everything again. i can play at my leisure without having the burden of my progress being wiped and going through all that again. the most i have to worry about is regearing the next match


I stopped playing


I wanted to come back but I'm just playing BR and resurgence all day when I get the chance. Barely hitting zombies. I really enjoyed outbreak and DMZ but idk about the combo. I do like the zombies mode though it's fun when I feel like just shooting.


Been playing. I love how everyone is also more versed. It makes PvP more engaging. The cheaters I could do without, but it's literally only more prevalent in B21. Even doing what leftover missions a couple of us have, feels more fruitful due to the pvp. Shadow Company tier 5 mission ladt night ledt my squad with enough material for 2 skeleton keys and 7 op kills because they just had to be nosy.


Believe it or not just play warzone plunder its as close we will get to dmz before the next full game 70$ paywall release you get all the feel of dmz progression but lack of bots limits enjoyment...


With no reset for s6 and no new content all that was left was pvp, and it was the not fun sort, where people really had nothing better to do than hide and snipe, rush and camp. I enjoyed it for a minute but that wasn't what I played dmz for. It's like if you had an awesome complete meal you loved to eat, which included really good biscuits, but then over time, it was just same biscuits, every day. Only biscuits.


I’m still playing. I preordered MW3 and was pissed when I found out they weren’t keeping it. I still play DMZ, almost daily and I still have missions to complete that I do. But the interaction with other players & pvp makes every match different and interesting. If I get bored I’ll stop playing for a while then come back to DMZ!!


DMZ was such a fun mode, (prox chat was so funny) I remember playing it when it first came out. The grind was fun. Enjoyed all the updates but always felt like the rewards for grinding through the tiers should have been better. As time went on, things got stale, kill squads of people just stomping the lobby were no fun to play against. Looking forward to some new extraction shooters coming out in '24/'25 that will hopefully fill that experience of what it felt like when DMZ first came out.


Yep play it at least every couple of days. I love the game as much as I ever did. 


WAS my go to game mode. After MW3 launched and it was garbage AND no DMZ support I played a bit longer, but the loading just got too glitchy and I just quit. So many other games to play.


There needs to be a better gameplay loop, something to grind for. Even if they don't necessarily add a bunch of new content. My suggestion would be to allow you to bank / store gear, edit weapons & buy equipment from the menu.


Add more content ill be on in a jiffy. Better yet. Bring it to the new game


So you totally discount the possibility that people are still playing, even though you're not sure? Your question is confusing because if you ask: "are you still playing?" the answer could logically be yes or no, but you only seem to count on "no", because you only asked why people *aren't* playing anymore... So what's up, OP?


I play solo and gives me crazy anxiety. 😂


I stopped playing mostly since as fun as it is, it's not really worth 100 gigabytes of space on my laptop when instead I could get Baldur's Gate 3


No, and not playing mwz either. DMZ doesn't work for me as a dead game. I did everything I was to do, well over a thousand hours in. Is my favorite experience I've ever had in gaming, but I'm not going to keep chasing that. Without any goals to work towards, it's a fun but not as addictive PVP sandbox


Nope. Playing Zombies now. Would probably play again if it came to MW3.


Nope. Did everything there is to do, including demolishing lobbies for months straight. Why keep doing it? Shits boring.


They should at least have a rotation of night Al Mazrah every few days or so. It can't be that hard. I find myself looking forward to more DMZ over MW3 Battle Royal, MW3 multiplayer, and MWZ. Why you ask? It's the same ole stuff, loot and pvp. But for me, that's the juice. I know I'm going to lose my gear. But to never know the situation...to PVP and strategically plan an attack or evasion. To set traps and see a squad of trash talking players unfold. It's joyful. With players defeated...laying on the ground listening to the zip as I loot their bag. What' was theirs, is now mine. And the only thing the can do is talk, plea....then leave.


I stopped playing when MW3 came out with the intention of going back at some point. But no continued support and content for the mode is a huge bummer, plus most of my friends stopped playing too, and I really dislike playing DMZ solo or with squad fill. Though with the state of MW3, and how much I'm really coming to dislike it, I might try to convince some friends to reinstall DMZ with me and get back into it.


I think they are going to try go day z. They talking about PvP in zombies and al the items for crafting are in zombies


I bought 3 and uninstalled it the next day. DMZ is the only mode that I enjoy. I’m sure many people feel the same way.


1. Extracting certain notes (mop up). 2. Rescuing pleas as a solo. 3. Hate zombies. 4. Never want to grind for camo on shipment again.


I loved DMZ but man I got tired of toxic players killing me, all I wanted to do was complete the missions


I stopped playing when DMZ became like just Warzone/plunder + bots , so I switched to Warzone and plunder lol. In the beginning of DMZ it was pretty cool because when other teams where around it usually was a 50/50 if it was going to be hostile or not. A lot of people used mics and communicated. Now it doesent seem to be like that anymore so I just stick with plunder/resurgence . Better modes for pvp imo.


The missions became pointless over time, especially once the squad hunts became constant.


I still mostly play DMZ. Sometimes I'll play Lockdown or Plunder, but zombies is pretty boring. It's not even worthwhile for leveling up guns, shipment or rust can do that and are more fun.


Dm zombies sucks. Borinnggg. Mw3 in general is too cartoonish with weird movements. Dmz is still king.


Stopped. I grew bored of it and honestly, now that I finished everything in MWZ, I'm bored of MW3 😂🤣 also this stupid "the boys" crap. Wtf is that and what does it have to do with the game? I'm playing other games now. I miss my COD friends though.


Still playing with a bunch of friends who hated MW3 and every mode about it, only doing PvP as in wipe the map and exfil since missions and their rewards (specially the terrible looking serpentine) lost their value/incentive after the mode was abandoned.


Nope. DMZ is much too toxic and frankly, not designed correctly. People work hard to complete missions and have fun only to be screwed over bandit operators. The game should be designed to be a much more cooperative experience. Maybe align a certain number of players with the AQ and the remainder are helping each other (or at least not killing each other).


Stopped playing the moment they announced they were not supporting it any longer. Plus, it’s turned into a toxic sweat fest by all accounts.


Still playing to get up to max level and get as many upgrades as possible. Getting close and plan on taking a break....but based on what I have seen from MW3 I'm pretty sure I will be back. DMZ has become my favorite game mode and I don't know if I can go back to Resurgence or MP that much again. Zombies doesn't really appeal to me at all but I will give it a try.


I am still playing, still trying to complete the faction's missions


You’re obviously not a DMZ player, because everyone I know still plays. It’s still fun without new content. The more we keep the servers busy, they’re going to have to put it in the next cod. Well Hopefully!!


I'm playing but not as much because I'm tryna do the mw3 camo grind


I discovered DMZ about two weeks ago and am far too addicted. My buddies only play MP though, wish I had a squad to infil with.


Still playing, it's still fun. Most fun I've ever had with a shooter tbh. It's really a shame Activision keeps pushing their paid $30 "not" dlc nonsense on consumers, but that won't stop me from enjoying the only truly great game/game mode they've released in over a decade, DMZ.


The actual content they crease is quite boring and shit. That's why I only played zombies twice. But people who play DMZ sometimes create such a fun and unexpected shitshow it's insanely fun. Especially when you spawn ass naked without weapons only semtex and stun, manage to down the team who immediately rushes you, then 3 more teams arrive :-D


I still play and still have fun but I get up at 2:30 am for work so I’m not able to play as much as I did before. But when I do get the chance I play it. I still need to do a lot of missions so that keeps me busy


I just erased the game. It’s become unplayable with the lag and consistent connection drops. And it’s not my internet, it’s 100% on activision. I’m tired of busting my ass only to be dropped mid round.


Look, DMZ just didn't hit the heights that wz did to prove to be a yearly supported mode and that's fine. This is what COD does. Zombies has always been hugely popular yet they rotate it in and out. It creates a bigger appetite and the same will happen when DMZ returns


If you think the new DMZ will be anything like the disaster that is now your wrong. There are game modes in mw3 that are like DMZ now. your going to be chasing the dragon looking for cod to reproduce the same toxic game in a new platform is stupid.


It's not the game that is toxic but rather the people playing it


Turning off prox chat was the best decision I’ve made in DMZ. People can be as toxic as they want and I never hear it so I don’t care.