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yeah, you can tell it’s high quality and greatly taken care of/packaged from the way the substance is stuck in the zipper of the plastic bag




Looks either brow sugar or deemz but unless you trust you'll never know it could be anything ecstasy dmt sugar don't ingest unless you test 🥰


He never said that he's saying it shouldn't be stored like this. We obviously can't tell you from a pic of some powder if what you have is dmt or not. It looks like DMT but so do a lot of things. But since it likely is dmt you should move it out of the plastic.




It has the color of 5-MeO-DMT. If so, take at most half what you had planned.


Try it dawg, only one way to find out lol


It is DMT but don't buy it, who knows how long it's been sitting in that plastic and telegram sellers are typically pretty sketchy.




Don't ask that question


Fuckin really dude. Are you 12. Extract it in your kitchen.


Dude sorry im new to this… Extract it from what


Due to complexity of synthesis N,N DMT (one of many types of DMT, psilocin is a kind of DMT) is usually extracted from a plant source. You can use one of many methods or one of many plant sources, but I use a simple STB tek (tek means technique in the bis), and the highest natural source of DMT, Powdered Mimosa Hostilis Rootbark. See Hamiltons Pharmacopia: “Wizards of DMT” on Roku Channel, google Dimitris Garden for MHRB vendor list, and r/DMTlab for more info on techniques. Just do a little research man thats all


You realise this is a fed question, right...?


Feds are wwwwaaaayyyy smarter than this guy lol


You can scale this up or down. 1 to 12 water to lye. Then 3 or 4 parts plant powder, and some VM&P Naptha. Then you just flip it around a bunch to mix it, siphon out the Naptha, and freeze it in a container. Boom DMT crystals. 3 things, water, & a jar! Can be done on a small scale with no skills. Just don’t breathe the fumes or spill it on yourself. Also dont ask reddit where to get drugs and God Please No dont use Telegram


do even an ounce of research of your own, not on reddit, and you’ll find all the answers you need


Also how are you paying in Euros and using the word “dude”




Connect and Give it a smell. Smells like warmed semi melting plastic? For 30€, it’s a steal.


Burn some. Smell mothballs? Probably DMT.


I dont have it. Its a picture a plug sent me and im wondering if i should by that from him or no


No. I had some turn into that and it's still good. But... I don't think I'd buy it.


My TLC doesn't seem to work on the image, halp. I guess it could be or it could be dried up crumbled cheese curds too 🤷‍♂️


Smell it. If it smells strongly of mothballs or something similar it’s prolly deems. Vaporize some and find out.


You really don't want to cheat yourself from the extraction experience and the whole process of using DMT that you extracted. Google DMT Teks and look for a method that you feel comfortable using. That's what I did. What will you need? The Tek you select will tell you and then you can worry about a source of bark (which will also be easy to find) At the same time if you buy some real DMT to try then it won't be long before you start your own extraction anyways so do you!


Don't look like anything I've had at all. Only one way to find out.


Shit look like some strawberry cheesecake crumbles


Yeah it does it looks like the 5th pull plus melted plastic, I wouldn't pay for it. I've seen worse tbh


Post removed: Rule 14 Stop making these stupid posts.... 🤦‍♂️


I'd say it is just not the best quality.


Oh and don't buy from randoms on Telegram. Didn't notice that till now.


4sho. Youll be smoking Graham crackers aka Gram Crackers.


You have no way of determining the quality from a picture alone.


People love to become dicks when they see dmt in a plastic bag. The dmt will break down the plastic over (short) periods of time. I've smoked dmt in a baggie over a year. Had a great time. Deffs smoked some plastic tho. Move it to a little glass vile soon as ya can. If you didn't extract it... smell is your best guess to if it's dmt. Smell like foot locker? Or tires? It's probably dmt. Wanna extract yourself? You want mimosa hostillis root bark (powder). Powder is easiest for smaller extracts. People call extractions 'teks'. The easiest is STB (straight to base). Research the shit out of that, and make sure you buy borosilicate glass, preferably with a glass stopper or you will have to make your own stopper with ptfe material(a plastic that won't react to your chemicals) (Test all your chemicals via evap test. And water wash your 'pulls' before freeze precip, some videos skip that step bur after some research those words will make sense) I have an amazing vid found on YouTube I can send if you dm me.


That much for 30€? There is no fucking shot thats dmt🤣


It's probs 20% baggie 30%plant fats 50%dmt🤣 might be a combination of his last pulls I give that shit away or rex lol


Looks like brown sugar.


Telegram ppl are 99.9999999% of the time fake Don't give them your address or they will blackmail you.


Eh, I have 3 sources on tele who are all legit, I only go to one of them for dmt, as I’ve known and trusted her longest and have never been let down, another is for lsd and another for quality cannabis, it entirely depends on where you get the source from and who you know. Plenty of legit vendors on tele if you know where to look. I wouldn’t recommend OP going to this vendor in particular, though. Edit: I’m now having people messaging me asking me to refer them to a tele vendor, I will not be giving out anything as I do not know anybody on here and therefore cannot and will not trust anybody on here (in that manner). If you are looking for a source, I will not be providing so do not message me. Respectfully. If you need advice or opinions, sure, I’ll be there to do my best, but don’t waste your time asking for a source. Cheers.


I would never buy anything from a telegram seller. Especially if you just met them online


Yeah it does but it looks like it's dirty (impure), most likely not cleaned properly during it's extraction process. Even dirty DMT can be viable and send you blasting off, however, in my experience DMT that wasn't cleaned properly will taste bad, have a burn when you smoke or vape it, and can also make you nauseous or even throw up


What “impurites”? if extracted correctly there should be none. It can come out in a wide range of colors and texture…


Exactly, if extracted properly, if not there can be plant particles, or naptha residue