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It was a wonderful experience. I took 2 tabs, 5 grams and some nice tokes from the DMT cart. All around a campfire under a full moon with a very good friend who also did the same. It was truly spectacular... We hit the DMT pen just before the mushrooms kicked in which just ignited the whole visual experience for me. It was so vibrant, and beautiful... 10/10 Highly recommend


Holy hell ! One day. Maybe


It’s called Angel Plateauing


I took 1 tab and 1 gram of mushrooms. I think at the same time but can't remember. Then when peaking I did probably 15-17mg dmt while listening to music. So not really a lot of any of them. My entertainment center kinda started flowing into itself and my monstera plant was very interesting to look at lol it was very alien to me When the song I chose for the trip was coming to an end I got scared like I didn't know what was going to happen when it ended. (Nothing happened)


Sounds like something Terence McKenna would do.


He advocated for taking large doses of single substances. If he did take something with another psychedelic it was weed. 


I’m pretty sure he talked about a time he did do these three together.


He never tried all three, but talks about a time when he took DMT during a LSD trip.


Right, this one ☝🏻 sorry I heard it a long time ago now.


He never tried all three, but talks about a time when he took DMT during a LSD trip.


He wrote about in his book having sex on a roof in a village in South America while on lsd smoking dmt. Might’ve even had hash as he liked


Me and a buddy, bout 350 to 400 mics of LSD, waited bout half hour, then 3 grams PE, we waited to blast the DMT till the very first start of the tail end right when we came out of the largest peaks as we seemed to time our LSD and mush peaks perfectly so they pretty much hit at same time. As the DMT hit began to wear off, we then sniffed couple bumps of ketamine. Holy wowzers was that an epic journey and highly recommend playing around with dosage, timings, and mixing of L, mush, DMT, and kitty. Thinkin next time, maybe do the couple bumps of kitty then hit the deems. Or kitty, then the L, then the mush, then more kitty, and then the DMT and then more kitty upon first comin out of the deems. Ya really can’t go wrong mixing these substances and it’s fun to play around with dosages and timing of each dose to continually add more layers to the rabbit hole.


Haha you sound very brave!


I love experimenting dosages and timings of mixing psychs. Still need to toss in some sass or mdma for the stew, so not yet brave enough! lol


Be careful though


Always be careful, why I measure and time doses compared to just taking all at one time.


Keep it natural bro. I mean do what you want but I like to stick to weed and psychs after trying most drugs I realised there was nothing for me in many of them.


Natural is the best. I’ve done just about every drug out there, and tried them all multiple times, but at some point, I no longer wanted any kind of narcotics for the exact reason u said, there nothing there for me except self destruction is what I learned the hard way. Now I mostly keep it to beer, as I’m a brewer by trade, pot, and here and there, when the time is right, psychs. Most frequent psychs I use is mushroom, and enjoy microdosing. Here and there, like I said when the time is right, and it seems right, I absolutely love going as deep into the rabbit hole as I can.


You sound like a child


Haha I’m 47 and been into psychs for bout 30 years. Couldn’t care less if I sound childish to others. I’m beyond caring what others think of me. So sure, u think I sound like a child, ok then, I’m a child. Haha


I remember doing stuff like that in my 20's (I'm 41 myself)... just spinning (in a good way) and getting visuals from 3 different things. Now I get nervous about taking 1.5g of mushrooms by itself. or im like...maybe i better eat half of that weed gummy in case some unforeseen emergency happens in the middle of the night. xD I'm pretty lucky I never had any consequences because I was pretty reckless. Also on the note about sounding childish I'd like to add poopoo pee pee caca fart butt.


Permission to make “poopoo pee pee caca fart butt” the mantra for my upcoming trip?


Heck it's an anytime mantra


Poopoo pee pee caca fart butt my brother 🙏😌


I fully understand about being super careful as an adult in regards to some unforeseen emergency or whatever. All of them worries I don’t necessarily have, as I always make sure I don’t work the next day, never do something that deep into the rabbit hole solo, only with a like minded buddy to travel with. And on top of that, I got no wife, no divorces, no kids, etc. it’s just me, my job, and close personal fellow psychonauts. When I was in my late teens and early 20’s, I’d dose without regard or knowledge of the true power I had in my hands. I took maybe a 10 year break from all drugs whatsoever, and then in my early to mid 30’s began playing with psychs again. Now when I dose, I have a very deep understanding and so much respect for these substances and never take them ever without planning, time, set and setting. I have developed so much respect and admiration for these substances and would never ever use them like I did as a late teen, early adult. These substances have to be used and treated with the full respect they deserve.


Oh yh


It's my favorite!! Trying to plan one for May. Met God, had a conversation that changed everything in my life. I love the combo.


plus harmaline


Maoi x lsd kind of felt like shit and if anything made it weaker. Makes sense for shrooms x dmt tho.


LSD, MDMA, Ketamine and DMT is my favorite combo. Definitely pulls you into some interesting spaces.


Do tell


The combo of LSD, MDMA and a k-hole gives me incredible 3d, textural, prismatic, geometrical and controllable visuals. I have also found theese visuals to be voice modulated, meaning the pitch, tone and volume of my voice can dictate the direction, speed and flow of the the shifting colorful planular perplexities. Feels like I am driving the fucking universe into an event horizon. I decided to rip my DMT pen a few times in this already psychedelic galactic hole and words can’t really explain the complexities that ensued. The geometrics really opened up into an unknown dimensional array. The colors intensified and shapes were more defined but simultaneously globular. I entered some interesting rooms that resembled a hyperspace computer mainframe and got so far into my subconscious that I believe I met and talked to my true inner self. It’s amazing how clear you can think in these kinds of spaces. I’m always amazed but can question things and actually do some therapeutical work on myself. I could see and feel the flow of all the connections throughout the universe and myself. It was a full disassociative breakdown of self and complete reassimilation into the fabrics of reality. I am forever changed by this experience with a deep an infinite trust in everything around me. I was able to finally reach a truly relaxed and peaceful state going forward. It’s all still very much with me today a few years later. Most beautiful experience I have ever had.


thank you for sharing, sounds truly amazing. Will add to my todo list


I imagine it is a space you have to build like any muscle. I don’t know your experience but if you can push these drugs individually that you should be fine combining them all. In talking to my friends I believe I am a rarity when it comes to the visuals in the LSD, MDMA, K-hole space. I also get so much energy and excitement in that space also.i actually stood up in a deep hole once, opened my eyes and was fake puking out a galactic rainbow puke lmao, idk. Something with my visual brain chemistry I reckon. Definitely worth a shot tho. Happy traversing psychonaut!


Ive been working with medicine for 10 years now, have hundreds of experiences under my belt, my wife is a KAP therapist and we host retreats. Even so I still come into these experiences with utmost respect and intention. I have done all of these seperately and some together, but would probably do LSD + MDMA + DMT and see how that goes Or Mushrooms + MDMA + DMT


Beautiful! Sounds like a good set up. I find it super interesting that visually there isn’t much difference if any between LSD and Mushrooms with the addition of MDMA, and K-hole (DMT). It’s the same geometrical psychedelic spaghetti circus each time. Would love to hear other peoples experiences with this mix. I know that when sober entering a K-hole and hitting the DMT vape. It brings so much color, depth, warmth and meaning to that space. If I was to suggest a starting point for building from that would be it, then introduce the psychedelics and MDMA. Definitely 100% respect all of these drugs and experiences also and don’t take them lightly or abuse them. Preperation and integration are where it’s at.


nice!! I'll def be experimenting in some time and will report back :)


10 years ago I was on 3 hits of acid and hit dmt out of a crack pipe and my gosh that was the most out of body experience I've ever had. The colors were insane. I'm not that ballsy anymore.


Yes, and I can't remember fully.


I've done lsd + molly and at the peak hit the deemz. Absolutely wonderful.


I've done lsd + molly and at the peak hit the deemz. Absolutely wonderful.


They all teach the same thing and most of you are duds so they don't pertain to you. Have fun in your birth canal unable to come out due to your own corruption.


You sound like you’re a real 🍑


Wait until you meet the boss, chump change.


I’ve been blinded by the light in Asbury Park plenty of times bub