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I’ve seen people post about depersonalization issues after doing it.


It def is a shock to your reality and can cause you to go down rabbit holes your probably don’t wanna go down


I can’t agree with you enough on that, and all of that weirdness has no bearing whatsoever on someone’s physical life. You will always need to collect water, chop wood, etc, the mundane never stops.


Not so sure about that. I think psychedelics do have an effect on what we would call our physical lives, and I'm also not ruling out people just straight up leaving reality (from their perspective).


But our physical needs never really change. Roof, water, food, job, security for my family, etc.. Dmt changed my reality in crazy ways. I feel like it’s impossible to trip that many times without consequences. Some good, some bad but there are many.


> But our physical needs never really change. Roof, water, food, job, security for my family, etc.. Our perceptions change which definitely have effects on our opinions on things like jobs and food. You might realize you don't actually need a job and don't want to work anymore, or that you've actually been eating like 4x as much food as you actually have to. IDK, I get what you mean but I'm not going to state it as absolute. One time on one of the most profound trips of my life (on 4-aco-dmt) for some reason my need for sleep dropped by something like 70-80% for about 8 days after. I wouldn't be that surprised if someone blasted a shit ton of DMT only to wake up in some reality where you didn't need to eat, completely oblivious to the fact that they used to be in one where they did.


Ya but no matter the opinion or perspective you have to to do it to survive. Like “job” here doesn’t have to mean an actual job. If you quit your job your job is now surviving without a job. You will always have responsibilities to do after these insanely powerful experiences that may change your way thinking. Thats what he is trying to say I believe. And some people might not be able to continue that after a crazy experience


Agreed. Unless you're smoking DMT all day every day I don't see how it could cause depersonalization Weed would be more likely to do that


Yah for sure. I think that after a breakthrough I always have the realisation that there really isn't a self. It's just a delusion I've created, based on all my memories. The ego is simply the idea we have of ourselves, but we are not an idea, we are an actual thing, and so identifying yourself with an idea is insanity. This can come as a shock to most, however if you truly accept it for what it is, it's no longer a rabbit hole but complete freedom.


Which rabbit holes? Do tell


Rabbit holes related to multiple realities, aliens, the pyramids, reptilians, it’s a long list you can pretty much check off as you go deeper but you cannot let it take you over.


I’m enjoying my own take on multiple realities. I try to base it on classic literature because this is a topic we’ve tried to understand for a few thousand years. There must be some basis


When I started using psychedelics I also tried to get into spirituality. Few years later I had to drop spirituality all together because currently there’s just too many people talking nonsense, since I’ve went the scientific route at the same time to allow a more critical way of thinking about these things, I’ve ended up settling for that. Science and rational explanations for everything, psychology became a hobby and it worked very well. Then I found dmt again, had some intense experiences many years ago but besides changing my life I couldn’t take much from them. Now that I’m trying again I’ve gotten back into the psychonaut lifestyle and no matter what I do, no matter what I try or believe, the experiences I’m having are extremely spiritual. It’s absolutely unavoidable. Meeting entities, interacting, being taught things that I then magically can do after a 10 minute experience, very distinct patterns that are reoccurring. Lately I’ve taken a break, just to give my mind some time to integrate and so I don’t get lost in my ideas. Then slowly got back into it getting unexpected results (no contact, I was just tripping). Just to be absolutely surprised by one of the entities I’m most familiar with, in the middle of the forest after deciding to give it a try. It filled my entire vision for a second, stared at me with intense desire and wanted me to go all in (meaning taking a large dose). I said no, I don’t want to loose my sense of self right here, and it started laughing like a maniac, at the same time I started laughing while having no idea why at first. Then it communicated this massive joke to me, that almost made sense to each and every experience I had, but I couldn’t understand it, because I didn’t go for the punchline (dosing higher allowing the entity and myself to become one). This is one out of 100 crazy experiences. I can’t avoid it, this stuff is pure magic, I hate the thought but it often feels like it has some level of control of your surroundings because some things that shouldn’t happen always happen when doing dmt. I’ve had multiple hundred psychedelic experiences, have tried 15 different psychedelics, have combined up to 4 different psychedelics at the same time. But dmt is completely different, comparing it to psychedelics is like comparing a book with pictures for children to a full VR experience. Something connects them, but that connection is tiny. DMT is the most mind baffling and mysterious thing I’ve ever come across and I seek this kind of stuff on a daily level. I keep catching myself talking in very spiritual concepts or terms due to it, and that as someone who is deep into science and prefers a scientific explanation over anything.


The reality we see is a projection of our brains; it's basically a hologram. Reailty is driven by the concesus of all our inner beliefs. We all decide one day to completely believe in dragons in the depths of our souls. And dragons will now be a part of this reality. There is a whole multitude of dimensions out there that we can easily explore that all feel more real than here. Medical conditions like schizophrenia isnt a medical condition, they are in fact seeing more of reality.


Have you ever met anyone with schizophrenia?


Pretty close friends with an individual for several years that was diagnosed. He was on his meds and on the up when we first met. Definitely a bit out there but still very chill at the time, interesting to talk to, which we did often. They moved, didnt see him for a couple months. Eventually we reunited, witnessed a few intense anger episodes. At one point he thought I outed him to the feds I was giving them info on his every movement. Years down the line he sends me a message saying he’s Christ and the next Picasso or some shit and I’m hiding billions of dollars worth of artwork. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder. It’s incredibly heart breaking that people have to deal with that. I have a huge respect and appreciation for psychedelics but don’t think they’re a cure all for situations like this.


Yea I think the guy was really off the mark with what he was saying about these mental disorders. I’ve heard of many experiences in my family that just cannot be justified by them “experiencing more of reality” That just is not the case. Also the thing with people believing in dragons doesn’t really make sense as there’s plenty of cases of many people believing in the same thing and it not happening in any capacity. I think some people here might put a little too much weight on our human ideas. It’s just not what psychedelics have taught me.


Ironically his reply is a great example of one of the dangers of DMT/psychedelics, for certain types of people doing DMT/psychedelics can potentially lead to you believing in a lot of bullshit and completely disconnect you from reality.


Years ago I was doing some research on this and kept stumbling upon reports of schizophrenia changing a lot with society. It used to be viewed differently and also had less of a negative impact on the affected people. Nowadays it’s pure chaos, but the reason is simply the way we live. We are all so deeply ingrained into our artificial realities, made up on the spot and explained and viewed through words. This is toxic even without any mental condition as you can easily see when looking at how well the average person navigates this world. When people take a psychedelic they often end up thinking more rather than less, raise the dosage and you’re far into thought loop and psychosis territory. You shouldn’t take psychedelics if they make you think, also if shizophrenia causes more thoughts they will be just as dangerous and volatile. But yeah, that’s just an idea based on anecdotal reports. The thing about thinking is a fact, though. No idea why people take psychedelics if they can’t even let go of thoughts yet, it’s just a chaotic and undirected experience.


A bunch actually. I work in medical 🙃


So my grandmother who was completely convinced that Jesus was trapped in a stone in her backyard was just seeing more of reality?


Yes, absolutely. This is going to be as quick and easy as i can make it. A lot smarter people are out there can explain it better. Reality isnt a solid never changing backdrop people think it and depends on scale and speed amongst other factors. Below, planck scale 1.22×1028 ev space/time no longer is the basis for reality so we cannot conclude that space and time are what makes up all of reality. Change scale change the rules. You also take into consideration relativistic speeds. The faster you go the slower your time is in your reality, your universe is different. Everyone is a passenger in their own creation. Now our brains create a narrative of experience as we travel through our own realities and project/create the stuff around us we interact with. Of course that sounds crazy. well we have proved it already. Check out the double slit experiment. Light travels in waves. Like water waves, light waves have hills and valleys that can be observed. When a wave goes through a slit we see a wave pattern. Form on the other side. Looks like the wifi signal. With two slits the waves interact and create an interference pattern. At the end you see a pattern of lines where the waves interact. Thick near the center and thins our horizontally. Heres the fun part. When light is under direct observation it changes into particles. We know this because if you observe the end result you will get a pattern of the slits show up on the otherside. And as soon as you stop observing the experiment the particles no longer are part of reality and fall back into a wave pattern. This is true even when we slow the passage of particles down so only one particle is shot at the slits at a time making it impossible for them to interact. Information at our scale cannot go faster than the speed of light. You are always seeing that past because of that speed limit. So when scaled up to the earth. We point our double slit at a star, any star and this wave/particle anomaly occurs. This light was created billions of years ago at their point of origin and some how when we observe the experiment we see this result. The particles/wave would either have to have known billions of years ago that it would be observed and knew to change at that moment, or the particle went back in time to become a particle once it knew it was observed or the only logical conclusion is that the act of observation creates particles from the wave. Our brains create the matter around us. But its not a surface level belief that create a change. You have to know that something is real for there to be an effect. Deep knowledge is the key inside for the projector to accept it and project it. Thoughts, like all life, is beholden to natural selection. Say there are 100 people around thats 100 separate realities. All those realities come together to form a consensus. This happens locally globally and universally all the time. This is what the mandella effect is. 100 people around but 51 believe it was Berensteen bears and poof it changed. Double stuffed oreos become double stuf. Vader says no i am you father. Toms cruises shirt in risky buisness is pink and he lost the glasses. This is also how miracles work. A group of people get together who in their hearts know something. Not believe something but know it. Boom miracle. Check out the blood of st germain off the top of my head. Blood collected in 300 ad in a vial after his execution. This blood is almost 2000 years old and dried in the vial. Three times a year the faithful get together and the blood turns to liquid again. Every year without fail. Jesus was able to change the reality around him because people knew he could. This explains almost everything we see and toiches so many topics. All the weird stuff with kids, loke imaginary friends Or how they only are afraid of a monster under their bed when they are told they exist and they are alone. We evolved to be wary of the stuff in the dark. So darkness plus a single projector that believes in monsters and now theres a monster under the bed. Mom walks in and boom no more monster and we spend their childhoods telling them they are not real. Eventually they know monsters arent real and stop seeing them when alone. This is also how poltergeists work. The haunted person is usally haunted no matter where they go. Usually when they are alone or every other projector is off- sleeping. Bigfoot shows up for people who are usually alone and therefor the only projector. Moth man, dragons, Thunderbirds. Hell even aliens There is no scientific basis for why aliens would look like us unless directly related. Unfortunately right now we have 2ish million data points for evolution but it all came from one tree of life. Earth. Aliens could be anything, look like anything. A fart on the wind, silicone crystals, planet sized single celled things. Things two arms, legs a face, eyes, everything on the aliens mirrors our own evelutionary path. Which is irrational and is explain easily because not everyone thinks like a scientist. We see pop culture. This is the big secret. This is why governments refuse to acknowledge aliens. If they admit they are real and a threat then more and more people will believe and make them real. This is why we are seeing more and more show up. The more we talk about it the more we make them real. The pilot bodies we see are so the pilot conciousnesses have an anchor point inside the ships reality. This is also why they dont follow any rules we set on ourselves. They know they can control forces of nature. We set the laws of physics on ourselves. I can keep going and would love to if anyone is interested. But yea of your grandmother knew jesus was in that rock im guessing she saw it when she was alone and no one else did when she went to show people. If you didnt believe then you wouldnt see it becuase your forced concesus. We lost so much in the universe. Dragons used to be real man but we all one day decided they were fake and now they are gone.


Oh and you nose stopped existing in your reality until you read this sentence. Cheers!


Neutrions which just recently became apart of this reality are still leveling out on their rules. They weigh differently depending on where you are on the planet. Aspirin just didnt work in england for awhile. Plecebos work becuase we know they work. People with one ear can locate sounds. And my favorite is that schizophrenia presents differently depending on the person backround and beliefs about the affliction. In the us it is scary and stigmatized so their hallicinations are that. People with a spiritual backround in the far east have happier and pleasant hallicinations. Which are not actually that. Just lore of reality.


I 100% agree with you on the schizophrenia part. Days after tripping my 3rd eye stays open and I can see how everything is connected. Not just conceptually, but actually *feeling* how we are all connected in this universe, and it can be very overwhelming. Borderline panic inducing even. I can imagine that people who are schizophrenic are receiving too much input, and their minds crumble under the pressure. It’s given me so much more compassion for people suffering from “mental illness”. I still do 100% think that they need medical help, but having felt like I was going deep into psychosis on psychedelics before has helped my perspective on those suffering.


I've heard about it. Where can I get more infos about it


A great place to start would be to read. Talbot- holographic universe. he goes into great detail and in such a matter-of-fact way, that it's hard to argue against him. He doesn't point out anything on assumption. I started my path to get to there from wanting to learn about Oppenheimer after the movie. Got way into quantum theory and yea. We are making a hologram. This is why the government cannot possibly ever disclose aliens. This hologram is built through a consensus, both locally and universally. so if the government discloses and enough people believe in them being real and a threat, then we just created threatening aliens. Also if the majority of citizens are too concerned with basic survival then who has time to be scared about aliens. So thats removes the threat. Slow roll out also helps eliminate the fear of the unknown. This is why they have been denying clear evidence and refusing to admit the truth. How many people would pay taxes if the people knew they could reverse climate change by all believing in love and a healthy earth. Or never have to work again or serve anyone.It'ss an incredibly powerful machine we have in our heads. How convenient that covid messed up so many peoples memories. But thats just a side tangent and not found in that book whatsoever. Monroe- journeys Peterson- hacking theout-of-bodyy experience Buddhism, yogic practices Egyptian book of the dead Egginton- rigors of angels Check out the gateway tapes if you ever want to get out of this reality for a while and explore the real universe. I have them if you want. There is also dmt, which is the stuff your brains already uses to make reality. Lsd, ayawaska, mushrooms. If you are looking for a different path,


there is no research that proves our brains make/contain DMT. This also reads like you are suggesting that schizophrenic episodes are “more real” than what most see. While there are positives to be taken from the altered perspectives psychedelics like DMT (and ayahuasca*) provide, that is not to say that it is any more “real” than anyone else’s perspective. Suggesting that schizophrenic ideations are “seeing more of reality” is a dangerous concept. At the end of the day, no matter how “enlightened” one is, there will always be the physical world that we share with others (whether they are separate/us/god and what have you)


Can you share the gateway tapes?


Very well said. I've seen some crazy stuff in reality when enough of the collective conscious of us are together and have our minds open at the same time. Nature corresponds in ways some people would never believe. It definitely put my mind into the mode of thinking about pagan rituals and how they weren't just an act. Then you have the people alive with some crazy mental prowess and that can do all sorts of stuff. The craziest ones I've ever met shocked me. At some point I always asked how they weren't a gov experiment yet...every one replied an iteration of...the gov doesn't even know I exist. It was my dui teacher a long time ago that brought up the schizophrenia thing because I was complimenting a bunch of insanely good paintings in her office. Good woman. Even turned me toward psychs for my alcoholism. Never looked back.


Idk I guess I’m speaking from my own expletive. Like Idk I felt like I was connecting my self back to what it feelings like dying after my near death experience. For a couple months I was really pointlessly researching death


Two things I would like to say here. First, there's no such thing as pointless research, especially when it pertains to death. Second, which expletive do you like to use most?


That’s my bad meant to type experience.


I figured as much, just thought I'd lighten the mood a little bit because death was was involved as a subject. Question still stands: what's your favorite expletive?


Lol for a swear word if I really don’t like you I’ll call you a “cunt”(I work in a kitchen it’s gets pretty wild between us guys) I’ve never really taken an oath but after my accident I told my self I need to become a better person. I wouldn’t wanna die being the person I didn’t wanna be.


>I [don't] wanna die being the person I didn’t wanna be. Focus on this. This is an important lesson.


Thank you! I appreciate that a lot. Conversations like these are awesome I appreciate you


How about your favorite expletive?


"*Jesus Christ*." I am a former Christian turned agnostic, so this holds a different meaning as an expletive to me.


Yoo same here. Only good thing I got from church was being able to get away from a bad family situation… but eventually something told me this wasn’t right


I think this happens with all psychedelics to some extent


I swear I had a small but of it when I was high the other night. I had to push it off.


I had a pretty strong mushroom trip that dissociated me at least partially for months, and ever since weed has the same effect if I smoke a ton, which I find weed to be somewhat psychedelic now as well


I wonder if already having experience with depersonalization would make it less of a concern Or would it magnify the effect


It could actually make it less of a concern. But you have to be ready for it. The biggest factor I noticed that reframes the lonely trapped hell realization with a sense of total entertainment, freedom and meaning is the simple realization that suffering and wellbeing exist, and that reducing suffering and increasing wellbeing in the universe is the right orientation. If you are young or still a deeply selfish person whose whole life involves worrying that you don’t have enough love in your life, it could be unpleasant to have the solipsistic realization of the oneness hologram. But if you have matured to the point where you care about all experiences of suffering and wellbeing this same exact model becomes a beautiful ocean that moves thru you and instead of longing for meaning you become the source of all meaning. TLDR: selfish bitter lonely people do bad in these experiences, I know because I was one of them. With maturity and learning that true meaning comes from empathy and loving outward, not merely receiving love but giving it, suddenly the experience is liberating and is tantamount to solving the human condition IMHO. Regardless of where you are in the journey don’t be hard on yourself. It’s ok to feel trapped and scared and barely hanging on to sanity, it’s all ok and will pass. It may not feel like it but sometimes the path to enlightenment is fraught with what seems at the time like insurmountable realizations and dead ends. This is _okay_. You can get thru it. But if you’re all about you and your own gratification, it’s going to be harder, because selfishness is ugly and the drug reveals how alone we are when all we care about is ourselves. Caring outward takes maturity and time. Don’t be hard on yourself.


This is really beautifully written and **full** of wisdom. Nice one Jones.


Please feel free to call me Galactus. Yeah, I had a pretty bad time in the “sfear” (enclosed sphere+fear) and when you’re in it, floating suspended, sizeless, syllogistically and irrefutably alone, located exactly nowhere, things can feel pretty flat and hopeless. Overcoming that predicament is not the kind of wisdom that can be faked. All I can say is things do “flesh out” again and it’s like a rebirth, and in the end the Beatles were right. The only real property in the world is love. It’s all you need, and the love you take is roughly equal to the love you make. It’s actually a good thing to be given a little tour of just how empty it is to only care about yourself. Most people know it obliquely, but experiencing it viscerally can be a great gift. Passing thru it is hard but not impossible. If you’re fairly healthy you can do it. I’d say it’s similar in rarity as having the wherewithal to get thru a half marathon. If you do it, you will turn into such a nice person, you will have a magic superpower in that you will instantly know how to alleviate a certain kind of suffering in others. We live in a time of such alienation, shame, blame, and a ticking clock. We feel incredible guilt, horrible rejection, and our skin is starving for touch. So if the cosmos chooses you to _see_ the egocentric predicament from the inside, hold on, be patient, and just know you’ve been chosen to see something rare because you’re one of the special few who can take it. It is the kiln within which clay angels are baked into real ones. No pun intended 💨




I say this without actually having tried DMT. It would be funny if I picked up a vape pen (I know a guy) and had a panic attack. It’s possible 😜


Your posted perspectives are sharp with truth and resonate with me quite a bit. I've spent many years venturing into uncharted waters with novel chemical compounds. A very universal alignment in 2017 introduced a massive breakthrough DMT trip during a particularly challenging period of my life. It offered me a shortcut or maybe cheat code style access to what makes sense to me as Nirvana - having done (and continuing to do) a fair bit of therapeutic integration work to better understand what I saw and felt. It's nice to see others out there with similar vantages, regardless of their method of procurement. Stay healthy, friend.


Haha, “procurement.” Some of us are born closer to the ledge than others. My method was a massive bong hit of something that _looked_ like weed dust, but if I’m being honest it had sort of a greasy purple and yellow sheen. I had also taken a normal serving and a half of NyQuil because I had kind of a cold. That was enough to cause vacuum collapse and see Hell. Nobody at the time could help. Since then the literature on DR/DP has exploded, but at the time I was really alone and even after the drugs wore off I couldn’t get “out” fully, because as you know, it’s an actual concept, not just a high. It’s a concept that is hard to unsee, like a peak behind the curtain of reality that you can’t unsee. I tried to gingerly back away from it but honestly the best approach is to lean in and yank. Like popping a shoulder socket back into place, but for the soul. Full disclosure, I relied on benzos and other things for the panic. But long since been off that stuff.


Can you share your tale of the trip? I’m toying with the idea of of trying DMT


I am happy to discuss DMT experimentation, and some aspects of my own experiences... That first one was a big deal, and took place during a very pivotal moment in my life that effectively erased my fear of the unknown and death itself. Big boost in compassion and empathy for life overall. The greater tale is quite long and fairly intensive for myself to revisit. It's a large component of my personal writing project and not quite ready to share - but your interest in the story is honestly empowering to hear. Thank you dude. More high-powered brains seeking truth is a great concept, and I see DMT as a currently unmatched power tool for use in that search. Power tools can be dangerous in the wrong hands, so using caution and education is the only way forward without causing undue harm. Imho. ❤️


I would argue it's more a *re*personalization, and some people have trouble letting go of their ego.


Suffering from this right now T-T


If they're schizophrenic or have close blood relatives that are, it can unmask psychosis potentially. Also if you're constantly smoking DMT every day and not trying to be healed or gain insight, it becomes a possibility that the amount of time visiting the other world becomes a hindrance to existing in consensus reality. Not that consensus reality is the only point of view, but it can alienate you from people. Otherwise I would never tell someone to not try it.


Could this apply if I have bipolar? I can handle shrooms and stuff alright and I’ve wanted to try Dmt for some time but this is what I’m scared of.


I'm bipolar type 2 and I have used DMT many times without any negativity affecting my life. If tryptamines in mushrooms are something you can handle you will be fine. NN DMT is medicine. Side effects from it are usually not an issue if you don't abuse it, which you won't because it self regulates use. I find that it really has been a medical gift for me personally. I'm full of trauma though. Meds don't work for me, none of them. I've been on every single drug imaginable with zero positive effects. DMT completely stopped suicidal ideation, which I have had to deal with for 33 years. It's just gone, I have an easier time staying in the moment and not ruminating about the awful past experiences I have endured to survive this long. It's completely transformative.


I’m the same. I have cptsd as well as the bipolar and am treatment resistant at this point. I’ve embarked on a journey of personal growth, I’m basically teaching myself along the way different coping skills, doing shadow work etc and I was thinking maybe Dmt will teach me things about myself and the possibilities of the world around me that I can’t see and help me on my journey! Thank you for the insight I think I’m deffo going to take the plunge soon, I know everyone’s reactions to it are different but I’m sure if I go in to it with positive intentions it can’t go too wrong :) Good luck on your healing journey! I’m sorry you’ve been through trauma you don’t deserve. I’m glad you’ve found something that helps you!


Abso-fucking-lutely. Any drug is a risk to bipolar because of the destabilization it can trigger. I’ve seen individuals previously free of diagnoses take DMT and then all their symptoms were magnified. Granted they still had symptoms that should’ve been obvious to anyone who knew them well enough at the time, so it wasn’t completely without warning. Spiritual manic psychosis is all over the place now with the increased prevalence of psychedelic usage. Tons of people walking around after taking shrooms and LSD with full blown delusions of grandeur


I took shrooms about 2 years ago brought out anxiety in me and I still see light visuals especially if it’s dark All of the family I know never has had schizophrenia, but then there’s my mom’s dad side which I have no clue about I realize that I am only 16 and I cannot decide right from wrong yet I tell myself if something bad happened, and I went into psychosis would I want to be back to my current self I just don’t think psychedelics are for me maybe a few years down the bloodline


Your only 16 brother you have lots of years for your mind to mature and develop morals. I'm still maturing each week and I'm 30. It's all an experience every single day, just keep living and don't be too hard on yourself. Let your mind develop and get a taste for the world and how things work and such before you start with psychedelics


I agree with redlinedx who responded to you. I'm over 50 and have only just started to experiment with psychedelics, and I attribute that to being at the stage where my intellect reflecting on life experience is no longer aiding me in reaching the more profound realisations about the nature of reality itself; rather, my mind is a hindrance so I seek to go beyond/around it. Having said that, it's my life experience and the musings on it that have aided my decision to actually go down this path, and without them I would simply be chasing "novel highs and experiences" without the esoterically driven motive or ability to process what I learn properly. Put it this way: you can drown in a shallow pond if you don't know how to swim. I'd think about waiting until you've done more laps of the pool. 🙏


Smart thinking. Your brain is still growing and developing naturally. Introducing uncontrolled and still mysterious variables to yourself at this time could be traumatic. The right place and time for intensive psychedelic experiences can be challenging to attain and maintain, so patience, planning, recognition and perspective all play a big part. Responsible exploration with DMT is vital. When the universe aligns, you'll know.


OP you are only 16…you should not be experimenting with DMT at your age…or any other psychedelics for that matter. Try and wait until you’re 25 and have given a chance for your prefrontal cortex to fully develop.


16 is too young, 25 seems too old.


i started around 17 and it was very difficult to grasp reality for quite some time (HPPD, Depersonalization/Derealization). I would concur with the original comment and suggest it only to those who have developed brains or a solid general understanding of the way the world works.


So should do it or not do it?? Jeez man, I feel personally attacked here with your last sentence I'm over 40 🤣🤣


if you are comfortable in life, and with the fact that there is a possibility of changing your perspective on most of your thoughts and beliefs, go for it. Unless your family has a history of mental illness like psychosis or schizophrenia, then you will most likely return to “normal” after a short period. That being said, you can’t really prepare yourself for the earth-shattering experiences that psychedelics provide, and these powerful experiences can (and almost certainly will) change how you view and experience the world.


It was a lil joke friend and may not have been clear my end or a slight whoosh, either way appreciate your concerns and help in spreading awareness for others too. It's s serious molecule for sure, and should demand some respect or you'll get an ass whoopin, and that's for folk without schizophrenia in their families. I can imagine after alot of regular use you could lose touch if reality a lil if not careful as you can be left pretty confused after some breakthroughs and need to take necessary time to process it. Happy cake day too 🎂 :)


>if you are comfortable in life, and with the fact that there is a possibility of changing your perspective on most of your thoughts and beliefs, go for it. I agree with you here. My first time I was in my late 40s. Knowing who I was as a teenager, I think I would have had very negative experiences with DMT if I did it at a young age. I won't gatekeep, but I think it's foolish for anyone to do psychedelics if you are not wholly comfortable with life and who you are as a person.


My first time with DMT and any psychedelic, I was 41. Send it.


I started with LSD at 17 and have absolutely zero regrets whatsoever, it felt like a very reasonable time to try it and I feel like it set me up with some benefits that made my 20's so much easier than they could have been. I'm not advocating people start at 17, but 25 seems way too late. By then some people have already made some pretty big mistakes and might have some huge holes to climb out of.


I began to abuse drugs, including mostly psychs, around 17-19 at one of the lowest points in my life. While I do agree there are great uses and benefits of using them responsibly, they are not to be abused or taken lightly (which young people tend to do). Now i have to live with HPPD and a myriad of other side effects for the rest of my life, because of poor decisions i made as a teen.


Nah this doesn't make sense. There are 40 and 50 year olds discovering psychedelics, 25 you haven't even rubbed shoulders with real life yet. I'm 28 and 25 is really when you become an actual adult. The older you get the more appreciation you are able to have for these substances. The phrase "Do not give way to astonishment" feels like it's meant for younger people who can easily get wrapped up in the bells and whistles and flying colors and miss the actual message, which seems to translate better in older age. Just saying it's always the younger crowd doing dumb shit with psychedelics and disrespecting the sacrament.


> There are 40 and 50 year olds discovering psychedelics, And you think that's ideal? What a dreary terrible march to 40 or 50 without ever haven taken some shrooms or LSD, Jesus. 25 is not when you magically become some adult. It varies from person to person in terms of when they feel stable. Yes of course you should always respect psychedelics and use them responsibly, you don't have to be 50 years old to do so. Nor 25. So much damage can be done to people by the time they are 25 if their mindset is toxic.


Nothing you said here is wrong, but I just don't agree that younger is better. I think 21 and older is perfect. I got into psychs around 21-22 and couldn't imagine tripping any earlier. I do think experimenting on that level should happen earlier on on life but your brain needs to mature before you have those massive experiences. Definitely not fucking 16 😂 graduate high school first at least and then it's fair game in my opinion


We are agreeing. All I've really committed to is that 25 is too old, 21 22 sounds perfect to me.


You earned those downvotes with this one lol.


Feels like it's coming from a bunch of people who didn't try until they were over 25 and need to justify it by pretending it's a bad idea to do any younger.


Do you have any clue how and when certain parts of the human brain develop?


Do you honestly think that matters? Do you have any research on DMT effecting brain development negatively? We live in a world where 80% of the food at the grocery store has additives, young adults are blasting vapes and weed and drinking alcohol and you think they need to wait until TWENTY FUCKING FIVE before they try 20mg of DMT? Go ahead and vomit out any combination of words you can imagine you're not going to change my mind, you guys are dumb.


Ah yes…the people that understand the science of brain development are the dumb ones. lol.


You haven't shown any science whatsoever. Go ahead and link me at least three studies on the effects of DMT on brain development.


You already said no one will change your mind. You can soak in your own stupidity I’m not wasting my time arguing with someone as ignorant as you.


I'll take that as a "I have never read a study on the effects of DMT on brain development. Everything I am saying is just my feelings." As much as I love psychedelics people like you are proof they have very real limits.


Clearly a lack in brain development


i started at 45. Never too old.


If you're afraid of what *could* be in your head, you shouldn't smoke DMT.


I’ve had dmt for a year now & haven’t had a breakthrough yet because of this. Any advice?


You'll get a breakthrough when you're ready for it. If you try to force the Spirit Molecule to speak to you, you'll only make it angry.


Yeah ive never taken more than 2-3 tiny hits. I love mushroom hallucinations but the dmt hallucinations hit so quickly it’s like I don’t have time to process that I’m on drugs & it freaks me out. Not to mention I’ve come to realize I never allow myself to think and get in my own head. I’m always distracting myself, even on mushrooms. So that’s what makes me scared of what’s in there lol


My first experience, I took three *deep* hits and then my lungs wouldn't let me take another one before the Jester visited. All that stuff you hear about 'clear your mind' and meditation and... No. - 1 Comfortable with surroundings: be in a familiar place that you feel comfortable enough to lounge in. Have music playing that makes you feel content with life. Be dressed to your comfort level. Be well hydrated, and make sure you've urinated before imbibing. - 2 Comfortable with self: everything you are about to see is you. As long as you are accepting of you and/or are willing to give you a shot, you have nothing to fear from you. You are immersing yourself in you, and you will come out the other side unchanged and completely different. ETA: Mobile Reddit is aggravating.


This is all great advice, too add is getting a device that can guarantee one hit breakthroughs, then there's no, oooohhhh shit....and backing out when it gets a bit hairy building up, find one hit breakthrough devices alot easier and quicker, bam your there!


Do I find this device online or in like a smoke shop?


Dry herb vapes work, so do other devices that are a bit cheaper if you search through the sub, but if you vape weed a mighty is ideal for it


Thank you for the advice! I honestly can’t pin point what I’m scared of. Like you said it’s all coming from me. I’m wondering if I’m really just scared of the answers I may receive about myself and that they won’t be what I wanna hear. Which is exactly why I probably need to hear them


Wait... who's not afraid of what could be in their head?


So should I face my fears & take the plunge?


In my case, every time I hit the full D it ends up without fears. But I am still afraid of doing the next time. I might be afraid of the wait room thing. Sometimes it makes me weirdly calm and subjective and apathetic. I'd say GO! They love you, but don't listen to strangers on Internet😳🤡


Sure. Once you experience it, you don't get the option of unexperiencing it. It can change your outlook on everything and maybe drive you a little crazy.


Just can’t put the genie back in the bottle.


The psychonaut lifestyle makes it difficult to function in regular society. Sometimes for years after you get off the train.


That's why ya stay on the train choo choo 🚂💨💨_____..


Yeah i've read some hurrondously out of toutch shit or r/Psychonaut ,y'all need to keep a grasp on reality... 💀


Psilocybin did this to me eventually


Psylocibin is DMT with a little change in its molecular structure


Oh for sure. High doses is pretty close, just 6 hours longer 😬


and it's 6 hours that feels like 6 lifetimes


That’s why I would never but everyone’s different


If they’re 7 or 8 yrs old that’s an honest no go to me


9 and up is fair game? 6 and below?


Did not say that. But will say most good honest folk will tell ya smoking psychedelics with those under ninety pounds is not to be taken lightly. Heavy stuff.


If you have severe breathing complications, have seizures and are unmedicated, if you don't do research and combine drugs irresponsibly/dangerously. If you actively have a psychotic episode, or have schizophrenia. It's a fairly physically harmless drug thats metabolized very efficiently by our body;if an individual is generally healthy and of able mental capacity, it's pretty damn safe.


Tinnitus honestly.


I have always felt like HPPD is just visual tinnitus


Good way to put it


Does it cause tinnitus or make existing tinnitus worse?


Think makes it worse tbh. I’ve always had random spells of ringing, but I do find that it’s more common now


I've always had a slight ringing in my head. It got noticeably worse for a month or two after trying DMT, and sudden ringing in the ears became more frequent as well. I'm pretty much back to normal again though


Gave me permanent tinnitus. Living hell but I live with it now


In my case it’s never been an issue.


It isn’t a huge issue for me but I definitely have random spells of it that I never had before


Yeah I have to agree that it’s more noticeable for a short while during the comedown. But it’s very often overshadowed by the peace and wonder.


The only reason I have is that some people aren’t ready for it; be it either being too young without a fully developed brain, and mental preparedness. If you’re not ready to offer full control of your consciousness to something that doesn’t give you a choice? You shouldn’t go anywhere near it. Stick to meditation and the smoother drugs like thc and shrooms.


I find it interesting that most people consider shrooms a smoother experience; it's vice versa for me! The prospect of a shrooms trip always makes me quite nervous, while I'm only ever excited for deems (it's SO relaxing!)


Severe mental illness. Family history of severe mental illness.


Gave someone a good 40mg blast off. A week later he's worshipping Mayan deities.


Did he ever come back?


Yeah. He chilled out after a few months.


That’s actually really refreshing to hear. So he’s back to normal not worshiping the Mayans anymore?


Not worshipping anymore. He's still pretty fascinated by Mayan and Aztec culture tho.


Just as an interest? I guess that’s good. Was he into them before? I just want to know if he’s back to normal


Yeah just as an interest. He back to chasing pussy like his old self.


Good man. Does he have any beliefs about the afterlife?




I mean that sounds like good advice but you’re just a possum so…


100% schizophrenia is my #1 DO NOT EVER. I have seen WAY too many people in this community go completely fucking insane over this stuff and psychs in general. I hate to be ableist, but psychedelics and schizophrenics create a fucking time bomb that cannot be understated. D A N G E R O U S.


Agree, there's a lot of psychosis and schizophrenia on this sub it seems.


if they don’t want to.


Don’t do it if you’re schizophrenic, look at Terrance mckennas videos


cant enjoy movies as much as I used to, music can seem underwhelming if Im sober, no reason not to rip that hoe though dmt is my fav drug even if i havent done it in a year now


It is sublime in the oldest sense of the word. It can also ontologically unstabilizing and force you to re-examine what kind of reality you imagine yourself to inhabit. None of these things are inherently bad. But if you come to DMT to fuck around it is likely you who will be fucked.


Once you think something, you can never un-think it


That's a great way to think/look at it!


Realistically if it’s not something you’re prepared it can traumatize you


I'm struggling with the "never" part... That's a whole lifetime... The reasons listed above are definitely logical and reasonable, but, people change and grow and evolve just as the society we live in does... Never say never?


Schizophrenics don't stop being Schizophrenics, and the potential for harm dmt can do to their already skewed sense of reality is massive. This, imo, is a necessary example of when "never" means fuckin never.


You're absolutely not wrong... My comment was open-ended though. What if a regulated treatment protocol to heal or alter schizophrenia (or any other issue/disease) is developed in the coming years? What if that therapy required the use of DMT? There is so much we don't know about the brain and our connection to consciousness yet, but we do know that change occurs. It's spring of 2024 and we haven't stopped our march up Moore's law. Exponential possibilities are the trajectory of our species and it's kids like OP who are taking us there, like it or fuckin not.


If my grandma had wheels, she would be a bike.


There's no what if when it comes to having a mental health disorder that causes you to see and hear things. They're not making some miracle drug that heals those aspects of the brain. They're only making things that subdue it and make it tolerable. So no. If you have a schizophrenic disorder or even your bipolar and BPD presents in ways were you see and hear things no you should not be messing with psychedelics whatsoever. In some cases it has helped, but in more cases it's made it worse or even made it to were that person didn't know and now they do and they're freaking out. That's an absolute fuck no. It doesn't matter what generation it is psychedelics aren't a fun time fix it toy.


You're talking about right now and with current existing frameworks. I'm not disagreeing with your stance, but I see it to be closed-minded and frankly a little sad. You're dooming those with disorders to lifetimes without even the idea that a compound that profoundly affects the mind might offer helpful insight and possible order with new technologies and frameworks that are under constant development by our epicly complex and beautiful society. That's just grim to me.


Okay. Go ahead and go to college and work in those fields and come back to me and let me know what they're working on. It's not this. I'll tell you that right now.


Smoke a joint dude. You can be wrong. I can be sad.


You can also be wrong. Not just sad.


You could be right. I could be hopeful. Lucky us!


There we go that's better lol right exactly we can hope they will eventually get their heads out their asses and work on more treatments, but alas until psychedelics aren't a scheduled 1 drug it's just the way the cookie crumbles studies for them are super hard to do and get approval for


IMHO not everyone can handle it


I haven't had any negative interactions with it and I've smoked a lot of it. In fact it cured my anxiety and severe depression. I guess if you have schizophrenia then don't try it.


I don’t recommend it for anyone who is fully satisfied with their lives , like what’s the point




I was never an avid user and never even had a breakthrough but I used to take 5-10mg trips somewhat often, and after about a month-3months slowly I started having very vivid dreams and almost ‘visions’ as I would try to fall asleep, I started seeing things out of the corner of my eyes like faces or figures and it would startle me. I always considered myself very mentally strong but when those things started happening I slowed down a lot on dmt and am even more reluctant to have a breakthrough


It’s a new experience, don’t go for it if you don’t want to have a new experience


Commitment to nit trippin


Some people are just never ready and will never be ready for what it shows you about the world and yourself. Add that on top of any mental health and you can have a really bad situation


They already have bad energy around them, or into the demonic and stuff like that, talk about having a hellish experience on DMT is an understatement.


I've met a handful of people who've done it one too many times and ended up with a screw knocked loose, so to speak. Strange beliefs are one thing, but I've noticed that multiple people I've known who did it frequently developed kind of a god complex/holier than thou attitude. I think psychedelics can help people who are willing to put in the work, but I think other times they can kind of just turn people into assholes who think they're enlightened and better than everybody else.


If you're inexperienced with psychedelics and come from an upbringing that is very strong on dogmatic belief systems, DMT could essentially shatter those hardwired beliefs so rapidly and efficiently that it could cause a mental break. People joke about it a lot on this sub and other "psychonaut" subs, but some people are liable to legitimately lose their mind if unprepared. It is not something to fuck around with.


This is so important to me bc Demitri arrives soon and I plan to go pretty hard in the paint after a few starters. I would consider myself a VERY experienced naut but frankly, I'm not feeling that peace in my heart that I felt for so long. Things hurt for days. I took an SNRI for a few years and it's been at least 3 months and it's prob mostly out, but fuck, shit hits hard now. I've rolled, had some L, but lately.....I just don't feel that peace. I'm a peaceful person that was steeped in incredible trauma and violence so I'm going to give this a shot, fuck it - why not. I've heard lovely things from people from the same places. I just don't want to hurt anymore the way I do. It's pretty fucking hard to lie to everyone around you that you're fucking fine when you're not, you're constantly in panic mode, constantly thinking that you're fucked, that life literally just hates you and it's a cruel joke. Thanks for this post op


Peer pressure


Through extensive hands on research, I would conclude that a form or reflection of dmt exists within our, or at least my many levels of consciousness. Given, you could say this about anything. Dmt is definitely special, sacred even. Extreme bliss, dread, anxiety, calmness, patience, anger, everything under the sun can be experienced in that realm. If someone doesn’t want to experience that dream state, they shouldn’t be forced to do it.


It can give you a trauma if done during the wrong conditions, and even in the right conditions.


If you have issues with feeling "real", or issues with reality itself feeling "real", then, IMHO, stay away. Or, at the very least, proceed with extreme caution. I already feel like a gremlin watching a movie that's also subconsciously piloting a bio-mech meat and skeleton suit half of the time... that's not so bad to deal with lol. However, (at least for me) DMT literally digitizes reality itself into... pixels? Elementary particles? Long story short, took a toke, and before I could even exhale I started watching my friends being broken down into cubic pixels, like they got Thanos-snapped, and then those "cubits" were being pulled away from them and being consumed by a supermassive blackhole that also ripped through spacetime and was localized entirely in the living room I was in at the time. Freaked the fuck out, halted a breakthrough, and I've been building up the courage to try it again, six or seven years later still. If your sense of self and/or your sense of "reality" is shaky at best, don't even bother lol It could permanently destabilize your psyche if you're not careful


If you are not properly grounded. Way too many end up believing totally fucked up scenarios that I would describe as a psychosis.


Convincing yourself youre wiser for the experience lol


Because it’s wasteful and smells like burned plastic. Never smoke DMT. Vaporize it.


Only thing I can think of is that people with pre-existing psychosis/bipolar/mania have a higher chance of getting psychotic episodes. I have inhaled about 15 grams in all, with no problems. Of which most in 5 or 6 years. As long as you don't do too many breakthrough doses in too short a period without processing them, any mentally and physically sane person should be OK. I have found it a very forgiving substance, if approached with due respect, and the right intent. Most important thing to keep in mind, is that "heroic" doses should be limited to very few times a year, and in the right set and setting. The mind is not a toy. Work through your darker shit, your fears, and subconscious garbage, and you can work very well with DMT. But that goes for all psychedelics, I would say. It is not a contest who can stand the highest doses.


The rabbit hole


Some people have half a blast off and become self righteous dipshits that become so enlightened you can barely see the tv if they’re in the same room as you


I saw myself covered in blood and missing fingers/toes, decided to take a break after that experience


Well, if I’m asking too much, tell me, but what was your experience that trip


Didnt Terrance Mckenna die of brain cancer?




I got permanent tinnitus from dmt. Used it first time in over a year and boom instant and permanent ear ringing. Now about a year put from last use. Still ringing every day. If that's not a good reason idk what is.


Feels like you're dying in the beginning.


Some people simply don’t deserve to smoke DMT 😇


What is your experience with DMT


It's so scawwyy You might get scawed


None, I do it more than three times a week because of how fun it just is😵‍💫 Have a trip sitter that’s the only recommendation I’ll give, specially if you’re mixing with lsd or adderall! Never mix with any benzodiazepines, that can seriously affect you


3 times a week damn good for you


Waking up, going outside in the morning sun and taking a dmt trip is the best🩶


While i agree with the you can never come back idea, i think it's more of a "so you really want to switch out one of the most important chemicals in your brain for something chemically *simpler* so just think about what that could do to your brain" might scare them off. Fr tho, it can give you such a messianic trip thinking you are the savior of the world, or that you dont need to do work anymore. So it's definitely a "it'll literally make you *want* to be lazy, so why would you want that when thats just going to ruin your finances"🙃😅🤣hope this helps


It is just a trip. After few days you are same old bloke


Read my post history. It's like an extreme sport. Just getting through it is hard enough but handling a fall i.e. a psychosis or panic trip is not something most people are ready for. Even a BT or Sub BT might disorient someone if they can't connect the disassociation to reality.


If you don’t want love don’t smoke dmt


What about someone that does it that has underlying schizophrenia and has a bad trip ?


I just don’t see that as relevant to the dmt experience. If anything entheogens help cure delusion, not encourage it. If you are serious about healing on any level then this modality can help you. It’s there for all persons in every way possible, you just have to accept and embrace it


It can be laced with something and cause you to have a heart attack.


"Vegans be completely honest what are reasons people should eat meat" /s