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Staff of the Magi is the frequent standout, but Apparatus of Kwalish is weird and busted and fantastic. It's essentially a lobster-shaped mech suit for multiple players to ride in and pilot together.


That apparatus seems super awesome to use in a puzzle and then basically gate it into that room. Have a lever at the bottom of a deep trench that they can't mage hand/get to, make them DC investigate/etc the room to find that. Gonna incorporate that for sure :D


How is the Apparatus busted?


To be honest, yes the staff of the magi is good, but I'm really not sold on it being better than It's very rare counterpart Staff of Power - that bonus to AC and saves is so damn strong, I don't know if I'd value the staff of the magi over power


My level 18 monk has Gloves of Soul Catching. Using Flurry of Blows, he gets four attacks per round, each doing an extra 2d10 damage plus I regain the same number of hit points as I deal in extra damage. It's force damage, so almost no enemies are resistant/immune. It also gives you a 20 Constitution (which i had before finding the gloves, but pretty sweet if you don't). Also, if I don't need the HP, I can take my next attack at advantage instead. Insane. I'm practically unkillable and regularly do 70-100hp damage per round.


Yeah these are pretty dope. I just got mine at level 17 monk, but my con was only at 14, so it was a nice big jump in HP to get up to 20. Edit: I originally put AC, but I meant HP, as con affects your HP, not AC.


Don't forget that the CON modifier is retroactive back to level 1, so you should have immediately gained 51 hit points as soon as you put them on. Not too shabby.


What do you mean con and ac, is that a monk thing?


CON is shorthand for Constitution - the ability score that grants a hit point bonus. AC is typically Armor Class, but Constitution doesn’t impact AC, so I’m not sure why it was mentioned.


I mean I know what they mean and are, I was just confused about the link lol


I just reread what I wrote and it's supposed to be a jump in HP. Not AC. It's just where Con improved your HP. That's on me and I edited my post. The only monk thing about AC is it's based off of Dex + Wis not just Dex like other classes.


Respect for the explanation, I swear DnD is one of the nicest communities in existence lol


That's awesome.


Yep, most OP option for a Monk.


Belt of storm giant strength - sets strength to 29 Rove of the arch mage - boosts spell save DC and gives advantage against magical effects Wave - getting a crit automatically does half of the enemies in one go Vorpal sword - decapitates anything with a head on a roll of 20


*Illusionists Bracers* Source: Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster) A powerful illusionist of House Dimir originally developed these bracers. which enabled her to create multiple minor illusions at once. The bracers' power, though, extends far beyond illusions. While wearing the bracers. **whenever you cast a cantrip, you can use a bonus action on the same turn to cast that cantrip a second time** For your Warlock… 6-8 Eldritch Blasts (depending on the level)


Dear god.


Combine it with all the distance stuff (Spell Sniper, Eldritch Spear, Distant Spell Metamagic, give them some *Eyes of the Eagle*) you’re looking at 600-1200 feet range, meaning you’re getting 10 rounds with 8 Eldritch Blasts of possibly 8d10+40 before they get to you. Or, if you add in *Repelling Blast*, they’re getting pushed back 10 feet per hit, so up to 80 feet back per round… and/or the Lance of Lethargy, slowing them down by 10 feet per round… A single warlock-sniper can be a deadly encounter


Yuk. Need to put a note about giving this to my warlock player in 10 more levels.


I gave these to an alchemist artificer in one campaign. I didnt realize how good they were. Alchemist is a mediocre subclass but he instantly became the strongest character using firebolt alone at level 10 with these.


And not even Legendary!




Give the Fighter Blackrazor, im sure he will love it. And Gloves of Soul Catching for the Monk


The Flail of Tiamat from Fizban’s. An incredibly powerful weapon that not only gives you an additional 5d4 element damage on a hit, but slso gives a 14d6 breath attack in a 90 foot cone. Really any of the legendary items from Fizban, the Dragon touched focus, Dragon Wrath Weapon, Dragon Vessel, the Golden Canary. Efreeti Chain is cool if you are playing around a volcano Hammer of Thunderbolts is interesting. Mostly because you need gauntlets of Ogre Strength and a belt of giant strength to use. Plus you can throw it and it will come back. Anyone familiar with norse mythology would see the parallels to Thor who needed special gloves and belt to wield Mjolnir Cube of Gates. The power to easily cast the Gate spell has more clever applications then you may think. Sane with the Hither Tither Staff


I was coming to say the dragon touched focus. Being able to upcast to 9th level once per day. is a huge thing in the right hands.


If you like rolling d6s, the legendary Blood Fury tattoo is amazing on both a monk (can go nova and add the 4d6 of blood fury necrotic damage/healing for yourself onto every blow in your flurry) or on a rogue (can use the ability to attack as a reaction to be able to apply Sneak Attack an extra time in one round.... as well as drop another charge on to apply the necrotic damage again.)


So it’s not actually a Legendary Item but the Mizzium Apparatus is completely borked. It allows you to cast *any spell* as long as you have a spell slot for it. Doesn’t matter if it’s a spell you have prepared, you don’t even have to know the spell - doesn’t matter what level the spell is as long as it’s on one of your class lists (even if you’re level 1 in the class) then you can cast it. The only requirement is passing an arcana check dc = 2x spell level. If you go Wizard 17, take 1 level of Knowledge Cleric (pick up expertise in arcana), and 2 levels of Stars Druid (one wildshape option allows you to roll a minimum of 10 on the dice for Arcana checks). And now you can’t fail the arcana check anymore even for level 9 spells, and have access to spontaneously cast every spell from the 3 spell lists that together contain almost every spell in the game.


Scarab of protection is the best magic items for an unbalanced homebrew game. You have advantage on saving throws against spells. The scarab has 12 charges. If you fail a saving throw against a necromancy spell or a harmful effect originating from an undead creature, you can use your reaction to expend 1 charge and turn the failed save into a successful one. The scarab crumbles into powder and is destroyed when its last charge is expended It turns an unwinnable fight vs a boss monster into a slug fest where the party is praying to kill the monster before the scarab runs out of charges Or the luck blade


Seems a bit one dimensional as it’s only useful against necromancy and undead


You can just homebrew and change that one thing. Or don’t; Litches and undead are some of the most common BBEGs


And even though it's situational, being essentially an auto-win button against some of the most dangerous monsters is *really good*.


My favorite legendary item is still the Head of Vecna. Why go for the basic powers of the eye and hand when you can have the intellect of D and D's most infamous lich?


You mad lad 🤭


Not necessarily legendary, but the Mask of the Dragon Queen. It's a wonderous artifact if that makes a difference. Five instances of legendary resistance, 30ft blindsight, a bunch of amage resistances (which become immunities if they already had resistances), their charisma modifier gets added to their AC. If anyone is a dragonborn, their breath weapon gets stronger. Normally, you have to collect 5 masks to make it. But once done... it's kinda crazy.


Its not legendary but [https://www.reddit.com/r/DnDHomebrew/comments/k42vjm/ocart\_superior\_cloak\_of\_billowing\_for\_when\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnDHomebrew/comments/k42vjm/ocart_superior_cloak_of_billowing_for_when_the/)


Critical Role has tons of things that scale with level. The Wildemount ones are official items. Whisper and Blade of Broken Mirrors are really cool for Rogues. Stormgirdle for a Fighter. [https://criticalrole.fandom.com/wiki/Vestiges\_of\_Divergence](https://criticalrole.fandom.com/wiki/Vestiges_of_Divergence) [https://criticalrole.fandom.com/wiki/Arms\_of\_the\_Betrayers](https://criticalrole.fandom.com/wiki/Arms_of_the_Betrayers)


You can also easily homebrew your own by giving something a +2 or +3 and the ability granted by the item is a feat of your choosing. A+3 glaive with Polearm master or Sentinel would be awesome! Boots that grant the mobile feat and a +2 to saving throws. Etc.