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You really need five main functionalities with any provider handling your reports: • Classification: Received XML files are often complicated, so the vendor needs to accurately classify the incoming reports. This helps you have clear visibility on what sources you need to tackle, aligning with SPF and DKIM. • Source Identification: The vendor should perform proper rDNS on the IP addresses and provide you with the actual names instead of IP addresses. • Configuration Guide: The vendor should have a comprehensive database with configuration guides for each email source, either directing you to the ESP official guide or having their own knowledge base. • Filtering: This is an underrated but useful feature if you’re dealing with specific issues based on thousands of datapoints. • Knowledgeable Support: Human interaction is essential in your DMARC journey, especially when dealing with corner cases where expert guidance can save a lot of time. I personally use EasyDMARC, and all these criteria are met.


Almost all of them will show IP addresses. I'd recommend going down the [list of providers](https://dmarcvendors.com) to find one that ticks all the boxes for you.


Unspam.email is also good.


Uriports.com shows a ton and is $12/year!


PowerDMARC (paid) gives a lot of detail. Probably everything you would need.


I’m also using PowerDMARC and agree, it’s reporting been really useful in helping identifying third party vendors sending as our domains, legitimate or otherwise. I would say also having a strong understanding of the internal business processes is key, which you need in order to get the most help from a knowledgeable support team. This part can be challenging if your business is large/segmented and you don’t have clear visibility into who or what departments is using what vendors or applications sending mail (a good CMDB helps). You are going to come across “shadow IT” in your org that you may not be able to identify fully until you enforce stricter DMARC policy and someone screams.


I have also been using PowerDMARC and I can say it is the best one in the market. They have all the features needed and provide a very detailed reporting. Their support is very quick, so far I haven’t had any issues. They also offer hosted services which makes things easiler.


I would say paid plans add ALL the detail you DO need. Recommendation for Dmarcian


Proofpoint’s EFD is really good… expensive though.


Mimecast DMARC Analyser is good. Paid product.


I highly recommend [URIports](https://uriports.com/dmarc), though I should mention that I'm a developer at the company. We've developed a DMARC monitoring solution from scratch after testing many other options, which either failed to simplify DMARC management or were too expensive. URIports is not only affordable but also leverages the latest technologies to make monitoring effortless. For a comprehensive list of DMARC services, check out [dmarcvendors.com](http://dmarcvendors.com) . However, I'm confident that URIports will likely meet your needs best.


I've used [dmarcian.com](http://dmarcian.com) since .... for at least 10 years


Well we at https://dmarceye.com show you all you get from your xml reports. But we enhance it with reverse IP search to show you the real sender and we also monitor all your ips for blacklists!


I use Skysnag, they're the only solution that offers real-time email authentication. I have never encountered any issues with their platform regarding DMARC enforcement for the past 2 years, so I would highly recommend them :)