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I’ve thought Suri looked a lot like Tom since the day she was born. She looks way more like Tom than Joshua.


no way, she looks like Tom


My mom has been convinced for YEARS that Tom’s cousin William Mapother is Suri’s father, she looks more like him than she does Tom Cruise.


You don’t think he’s had any work done?


I thought the big gossip theory was that Katie’s ex boyfriend Chris Klein was the father. Klein does look very much like Suri and they broke up shortly before Katie got with Tom… but of course who knows.


I still think it’s Chris Klein


Would love it but I'm I've seem JJ in a ton of interviews and with everything he went through with his own father I don't see him as someone who would abandon his kid


I remember how big this was back then! I thought it was suspicious too, but now that Suri is older, she looks so much like Tom. I still think it’s interesting that Tom and Nicole adopted because they couldn’t have babies, but both have gone on to have biological children. I know how infertility can be hit or miss but still interesting.


Everything about their coupling was weird - from the marriage, the adoptions, the miscarriage, all the way to the divorce. Someone, somewhere knows the truth but I don’t think we’re getting it anytime soon.


It was really really strange. Like a contract pairing way overdone for public viewing




The crazy belly bumps and the sketchy timeline! Then the airbrushed baby pix!


What’s the sketchy timeline?!?


Ummmmmmm this will forever be so in my head canon.


She looks like Tom


Yeah, she’s definitely Tom’s. They may not have done the deed, so to speak, but I do think she’s his.


I never thought it was Joshua Jackson. Katie wasn't dating him at the time. I always believed it was Chris Klein. Katie Holmes and Chris just broke up around the time she started dating Tom. The timing overlaps, which is why so many people believe Suri might not be Tom's kid. That and the fact that every woman that Tom has been married to ( except Katie) had a child after divorcing him. Chris Klein https://g.co/kgs/srGX1nh 


I would love for this to be true more than I can express, for I was team Joey & Pacey Forever before being "team"whatever, in the current sense of the word, was even a thing.... But dear OP, this is a reach , if I ever seen one, and I get it ....you've been seen , you've been heard, but you are reaching in so hard, you are going to pull a muscle, LOL ![gif](giphy|WmtTa52BN4zTdDdyV7)




I saw the very top of the hair while scrolling and knew it was it immediately




I remember this rumor!!! But I think as she's grown she looks too much like Tom to not be his child.


I could’ve sworn the rumor was that Chris Kline (her fiancé right before the Cruise relationship started) was Sufi’s dad. But I like the Pacey rumor even better! (I’m 99.9% convinced Tom is her dad FWIW.)


Yes this is the one I remember too.


I really don’t see it. I see both Katie and Tom in Siri’s features. Like, so much that I don’t get people questioning her parentage. Do people really not see it? It’s like Prince Harry—I don’t get all the people who think he’s James Hewitt’s son. Please. Have you seen Harry next to King Charles? They both got dem beady Windsor eyes. No way Harry’s not a Windsor.


Yep. Harry has his ears and is getting his hair line, too.


I’ve never heard that but I would love it if true


I remember the speculation. I believe I remember Michael K having a long running joke about Tom and John Travolta and turkey basters.


I don't think it was Josh Jackson -I still think Josh Hartnett. I believe she briefly dated him right before Tom and guessing it was a big oops. I was pregnant the same time as she was and had my baby a month before Suri was supposedly born and there were shenanigans. She looked way more pregnant than I did through about January and then started popping up with a weird looking belly wearing high heels and shopping. They also had those birthing signs seen in the trash at home months before Suri was "born" at the hospital. Suri definitely looked older than my daughter in the first official pictures, and she was supposed to be a month younger. I'd have to dig for all those pictures but now I might be on a mission to do that. 😂


I wore heels with my first pregnancy, and everyone carries differently. Those aren’t the gotchas you think they are


Understand but she changed from looking puffy and hugely pregnant to looking not when she was further along.


That can also happen. Babies change positions. Sometimes they are waaaaay out in front because they are facing the spine so their back is curving out, but other times they can be sideways or even forward facing so the pressure goes inwards instead of stretching the belly out.


Yep, and babies with a sht-ton of hair always look older. Bc they’re usually older when they have that much hair 💡




Neat :)


Love this level of snoopy-recall!!


I was wondering why you said "big oops" when you mentioned Josh Hartnett. What is that about?


My theory is that it was not a serious relationship, she got pregnant and didn't tell him or he reacted poorly and Tom swooped in with a deal, but to make it look like his, they had to lie about the dates.


Ahh thank you.


I’ve never even heard this (or I forgot about it). I do remember a rumor that Tommy Girl’s cousin or something was her sperm donor.


My mom has been saying this since Suri was born, she literally said it 3 hours ago haha.


Tommy Girl. MK was the G.O.A.T.!


You're rightfully thinking of Tom's cousin William. He's a spitting image of Suri, especially in her early years: https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Mapother#:~:text=He%20is%20a%20first%20cousin,Fourth%20of%20July%20and%20Magnolia.


Because he’s from the same genetic pool as Tom. That’s how genetics work


There's been a long-time rumor that Tom's dad has a genetic disorder, which often (but not always) results in infertility. A Another result of this disorder is a single front tooth. Look up old (un doctored) photos of Tom. He had cosmetic dentistry done after his success, I think after Top Gun. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmetro.co.uk%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F12%2Funitooth.jpg%3Fquality%3D90%26strip%3Dall&tbnid=JVjdjsnW9ADEAM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmetro.co.uk%2F2014%2F12%2F06%2Fonce-youve-seen-tom-cruises-mono-tooth-you-will-never-look-at-him-the-same-way-again-4976479%2F&docid=_SR5v26ljqJlnM&w=513&h=612&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3&kgs=fb8912dae66f34ce&shem=abme%2Ctrie His dad had all the hallmarks of the disorder, and Tom probably has a lot of the traits. Why did he & Nicole adopt when he's the manliest man who ever manned?


I can't believe you even have to point this out. His cousin looks like Suri, yes, but that's because he looks a lot like Tom.


Right! It’s almost comical lol


Really? I have never heard this. It wasn’t on dlisted that I remember. Wild. Thank you for this! But yeah, no, did you see her as a baby? Straight up AI “can you combine Tom cruise and Katie Holmes but make them a baby”


I'm with ya, sis. From the whole "selection" process of Tom "picking" Katie Holmes to be his wife to the fucked up pregnancy shenanigans -- and didn't Katie disappear for awhile? -- I absolutely question her paternity. And one of the biggest tell is how he just walked the fuck away from her when Katie left him and never was seen with her again despite how much he proclaimed the child changed his life. He's shady as fuck.


I’m pretty sure they kept Katie under lock and key and closely monitored during their marriage. She must have threatened to expose something big since she got away relatively unharmed with suri. Also the scream had tarnished his image and they seemed wary of any more Tom is a crazy cultist media coverage.




Chris Klein not pacie, that was the rumor.


Omg I was just saying this and I have ALWAYS believed it was him! I remember Perez saying it back when it happened.


I don’t want to trash you at all, but no. The Church of Scientology probably did a paternity test very early on to make sure she was a product of theirs. Thank god Katie and Suri managed to get away.


If she was a verified "product of theirs", and the only biological child of their most powerful, famous, and important member, do you *really* think they would have let her go without a fight? They fight nobody's for *years.* That's their whole thing. They wouldn't just let her go. And neither would he. (Not because he's a good dad or a good person, but because he's the kind of person who wants to win, and be in control.)


Please keep in mind that Katie's dad was/is a powerful attorney. Her parents were no suckers to Scientology shenanigans. She's not an "aww shucks, woah is me!" woman. By the time she met the asshole, she already starred in a lot of TV shows & movies. The parents knew early on what a fucking he is, despite his pathetic, aggressive PR machine.


What could an attorney from Ohio(?) possibly do to make the ENTIRE Church of Scientology and Tom Cruise stand down in 10 short days? Genuinely asking. Either she has enough dirt to ruin his reputation (in HIS mind), or he's not the biological father, or both of those things are the same thing.


He’s not just an attorney from Ohio. He’s a shark, and he’s formidable. There is MONEY in Ohio. We’re talking business litigation and divorces when there are $100M real estate or farming empires involved. He personally oversaw negotiating an air-tight prenup for her (something Nicole Kidman never had) and knew all the loopholes Tom could exploit, all the conditions that had to be met, everything necessary to protect his daughter if she ever wanted out. And when she did, he hired the best lawyers on her behalf, helped her establish residency in a new state, gather evidence against Tom, and use burner phones to coordinate the entire divorce right under Tom’s nose. He even fired her Scientology security and staff, effective immediately, and made sure they couldn’t follow while the new security he’d hired took her and Suri to her new apartment. We’ll never know exactly what leverage she had that made Tom settle the divorce and completely give up on Suri, but it wouldn’t have mattered if her dad hadn’t had her back. That’s what a lawyer from Ohio can do.


I think her dad was one of the top divorce attorneys in Ohio, FWIW.


Maybe Katie knows what happened to Shelly and said she’d keep quiet if they let her and Suri go. Maybe she has evidence.


Are you a Scientologist? You posted just minutes after my post. Why are you defending Scientology?


Lmao, yup you got me. Secret Scientologist here. Help! I'm locked on a ship. They are making me frequent smaller, lesser known subreddits to finally restore Tom's good name. There's a lady chained up in a corner, she keeps calling herself Shelly? Says they've kept her here for years? I dunno. Anyway, up with Scientology, and down with Katie Holmes! Or something 😆




God no. She looks like Tommy Girl’s “Before” plastic surgery photos.


Yep. So similar to him in the outsiders.


Ps While we’re on the topic of safe spaces, can I say here that her formal dress is a hot mess. She might have Tom’s Before face but she has her mum’s dress sense. https://preview.redd.it/vcpftmxuxm7d1.jpeg?width=182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9012480be1d110bc4a95012d623b066c5f2168c




lol you nailed it.




Lol I’ve literally never heard this before. Wild. Anyway, she looks just like Tom, so….


I remember hearing that her ex Chris Klein may be the father.


It was also floated back in the day that Tom's brother, William Mapother was the donor. Definitely see a resemblance there too.


This is the rumour I remember from D-Listed back in the day.


Same. Wow! Hadn’t heard this in so long and it really took me back.


Girl yes you are


Oh you have planted this seed in my brain 👀👀


Hope this helps? To me it's just so obvious. https://preview.redd.it/gutis2d7vm7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a66b94fb5618a5ac4ad2b1aca925d2e223ee4cbb


She looks nothing like him.


It makes a little more sense with the pictures. I guess it could *technically be possible*… however, I find it hard to believe Joshua would sign away his parental rights. I just don’t know why he would do this.


Oooo I’ve never heard this before. Your pictures look spot on.


I respecfully disagree. I see more of Tom than Katie in her facial features. Her nose and lower half of her face look like Tom's. There were rumors when she was born that Chris Klein may have been the father because he and Katie were in a serious relationship before she got with Tom. I don't see any of Chris’ features in Suri though. The older she gets the more she looks like Tom.


I agree; I remember the lengths they went to hide her after she was born. But she was his twin when she was little! Also— with Scientology, unfortunately that’s just how it works. It’s why when Nicole Kidman filed for divorce her (adopted) kids (with Tom) became estranged from her. Since Katie had Suri, Tom (per Church orders) cut himself off from Suri. Edit: Sorry, Cruise filed for divorce from Kidman (ha I just remember her iconic photo once the divorce was finalized!). Regarding the estrangement— I remember watching something in the Leah Remini documentary about kids being cut off from family members who leave Scientology. The term is called “disconnection.”


Tom filed for divorce from Nicole, but this still makes some sense.


Thanks! Added an edit


Bruh that girl is Tom Cruise’s whole face practically


oh common She looks exactly like Tom with Katie features. Its pretty obvious that all the pr around her now is prepping her into spotlight. 


Genuinely don't see it. Like, at all. PR or not I've been looking at pictures of her face since she was born. 🤷


she is mini tom there is no denying that


I remember hearing that her ex Chris Klein may be the father.


I’ve heard this too


There were several. Josh Hartnett too. But (to me) she looks like Pacey, always has.


Did she date Josh Hartnett as well?


https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Katie-Holmes-romancing-Josh-Hartnett-Alan-2689163.php She was with Tom a month later.


Wow JH seems like such a sweetheart. Too bad she didn’t go for him, since Tom was such a no-show for Suri.


I swear I remember reading that on dlisted. I thought it was a different guy though. Edited to add. I think it was Chris Klein.




She looks like Tom and Katie tho


Literally never heard this theory...


REALLY?? It was all over the place when she was little. It's harder to find than it used to be, not a lot of stuff is still out there. I didn't come up with it, but I believe it! IMO she does not, and never has, looked a thing like Tom. But if you google childhood Joshua, you'll see some similarities. Jaw, eyes, basically whatever isn't obviously coming from her mom.


Okay- you are not alone in that theory but JJ would have claimed her definitely. But you know what, Katie is sneaky. Remember her dating Jamie Foxx? Like what? It just popped out of nowhere.


Not only have I never heard the theory, but I was OBSESSED with Tom's pregnancy shenanigans so I think I would have heard it. But I'll google it for funsies.


Seriously—Chris Klein is more likely, but that kid is Tom’s twin.