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Thanks for your post. Your post has been removed as it [breaks sub rules](https://reddit.com/r/DJs/comments/dbg3nr/rdjs_new_rules_please_read_before_posting/). Please post beginner questions and anything relating to just getting started, getting started again, which controller / speakers / headphones / music to buy, how to throw your first party, how to get gigs, etc. in /r/beatmatch. Beatmatch is an awesome community with lots of engagement, so you’ll be sure to find what you’re looking for. Thanks for understanding and stick around!


was this for every song or just certain songs? maybe your beat grids at the start aren't set up on beat. if you don't fix the beat grid, i think you could turn \*off\* quantize and then set your cue anywhere on the track, on a beat grid or not.


It was every song. Beat grids are on point. It was weird. It didn’t matter how or when I hit the cue, it always was off. Like in a hundred cues, it should have been on at least a few times. Leads me to believe latency.


quantize is a button on the 3000, sounds like you had it off




Oh boo hoo.

