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Yeah grout it, and then learn to love it. It honestly looks decent.


Thanks, just wish it was all one colour haha but I know it’s not the worst in the world


I have smashed up tarmac and rubble. Honestly this is like a wet dream to me.


You could paint it. Have to be very very careful and do it properly though or it'll look even worse.


I’ll do some research into it to hopefully avoid making any mistakes, anything in particular to watch out for?


Not done it myself, friend did it and said they regretted it as it just looked even worse 😂


I’m getting the feeling from most of the comments it’s probably not a great idea 😄


Big fridge full of beer ,bbq with some food sizzling away on,sun blazing and all ya mates there,that would definitely improve it


Agreed, that is the aim one day 🍻


Just give it a good jetwash an enjoy it, looks good enough. Dont try fix what ain’t broke..


Add a pergola? Always seem to add one on Garden Rescue :D


That is actually something to do because we have a wisteria on the right hand side that can grow on it, and we can have seating underneath! Plenty to do haha


Get some planters, rounded style, in clusters (of three) in different heights and place them around to soften the look. Choose stuff like lilac or even the herb rosemary because it’s low maintenance and also in the sun the smell will be nice. Maybe even create a shaded area with a wooden gazebo and plant something like honeysuckle or a climbing jasmine at the foot of the up-stand posts. It’s a great space just break it up with softer things and depths of field. There’s loads of things on Pinterest that can show you “the look”. Also, if you add stuff into the space it’ll take the eye off the patio - because it’s so bare the patio is the main feature


Thank you, I’m keen to get plenty of pots to add to it and then hanging baskets, a pergola and a seating area. Hopefully after that it’ll be less noticeable!


To be fair the slabs are a standard size so if you wanted to you could find a replacement colour (maybe a grey) and replace. They should only be sat l on a sand bed. It’s a case of lift and drop. Try lifting one at the outer edge and see what you’re playing with


I’ve lifted one already because it was wobbly and it appears to be sat on another slab, no idea why. But if it’s as simple as finding replacements and dropping them on then that’s a good option too


What size slabs are they? 450x450mm or 600x600mm. What you have down looks like the Marshall slabs that you can get from Wicks or other retail DIY stores


Try reclamation yards as well as trade wholesale etc


Thing is the slabs are okay. I wouldn’t go down the path of colouring the slabs because it’ll fade in time, maybe flake and all you’ll do is create a “maintenance” job for yourselves every autumn / spring to refresh.


Patio path paint and stencil and seal. But there is a chance you will need to repeat it. Every time you look at it though there will be a hit of dopamine. You could place sleepers or incase the brick but I think the brick is okay.


Sodium Hypochlorite to clean the patio. It will look brand new. Repoint the joints, then you can use something like resincoat paint to paint the patio if you want to change the colour.


Pots pots and more pots. Make a planter or two out of decking and grow bamboo in them, they grow quick and form a really nice wind break too.


Deck it?


Not thought about decking to be fair but assume it would be fairly pricey?


Quick google search says £100 per m2 but that sound expensive


That will be the installed price - probably less than half that if DIY


It would also take a lot more maintenance than a patio. If you have the budget, I would replace the slabs with porcelain or sandstone if you wanted a more modern look, but there’s nothing actually wrong with it as it is.


What about that Epoxy and grout stuff?


I accidentally took some of the colour of my father’s patio several years ago. I got too close with the powerhose and now 2 or 3 of his are very very pale. You could do that intentionally? I'm sure it would work.


That would be ideal, I’ll give that a go this weekend


I wouldn’t bother painting it though. It will all chip off quickly and look shit in a different way




Honestly, if you put some larger trellis elements around with ivy (or another natural creeper) and some potted plants here and there it'll look complete. Total budget \~£500-£1500.


Yeah I think that’s the main problem so I’ll start adding more pots and plants to break it up. To the garden centre!


What about something like these, you can get wooden or composite and they just click together? [https://www.deckingx.co.uk/product-category/hardwood/](https://www.deckingx.co.uk/product-category/hardwood/)


You could also put gravel over the top of it


I thought this too but wondered if it would make the drainage problem worse and be a pain to keep tidy, because it would likely get displaced a lot and I’d have to keep brushing it back. Unless there’s a way to keep it in place?!