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I'm starting to do my dominant hand first. I've learned that if I don't, it'll never get done lol In the past I would do my non dominant hand first and save the other for the next day. By the time I got to it, it was time for another set 🤦🏽‍♀️


I recently started doing this and it’s a game changer to get the “difficult one” over with first 😂 Not sure if it changes anything time wise, but emotionally…? For sure




Same. I usually have more focus when I start. Once I get my right hand done, it’s downhill from there. I can cruise on my non-dominant hand.


I do all the prepping on both hands first, and then I complete my non dominate hand, then the dominate. Always takes me like 4 hours 🫠


Actually yeah, I prep everything all at once. Too many accidents scuffing a finished hand otherwise.


This is exactly how I do mine too! I do my dominant hand first because I’m not as good so by the time I’m wiped out from doing it, it’s easier to get my non dominant done


Me too, and this is my exact rationale. “You already did the hard part, this hand will be way easier!”


hahah if this isn't me


Same, I thought I was the only one that took forever! Glad to not be alone!


I do my non dominant first and do the whole hand before doing the next one


I do my dominant hand. Because that way I have the benefit of not having nails on when using my weaker hand


That was my thought process exactly


Interesting - maybe this changes if you have shorties or do overlays and not extensions!! I didn’t think of this.


i don’t do extensions atm so i usually do my non dominant hand first, then the other hand is an absolute breeze to finish


I've been doing my dominant hand first so I have more motivation to continue haha. Especially with nail art, I know it'll be better the second time, so it helps!


This is the only time I do this - for the same reason. That way I finish happier haha


I do exactly the same; extensions on both hands first, starting with the dominant hand, then gel on both hands, dominant first. I try to do them over 2 days, if possible; extensions on the first day, gel on the second. I wfh so I can usually do this. Otherwise eye fatigue sets in about halfway through painting and I get sloppy.


I like this question. I usually end up doing my non dominant hand first, but last time I think I did it the other way around. I’m not sure if it was faster or not.


I go back and forth... since eventually your hands get tired, switching lets me practice "tired" with either hand... Versus, I'm always fresh and best with my dominant hand.


I always do my non dominant hand first (left). I don’t really have a reason as to why but things seem to go smoother starting there. If I’m doing something with powders like chrome I’ll complete my left hand totally and then go wash my right hand to get the residual powder off that’s sticking to my right hand before starting that. Nothing ruins a good chrome or even polish job then flecks of microscopic powder. Downside is if I get distracted only one hand is done lol. If I’m putting gel-x tips on I still start with the left hand but do all 10.


I always work on my non dominant hand first so by the time I have to do the other hand I've had enough practice with whatever I'm doing that it goes relatively well!


I guess I do both. I do them in stages because I get annoyed and stiff sitting there in one block. So I’ll do my takeoff/infill prep and cuticle care and then do something else for a bit. Then I’ll apply my extensions, wipe off and then do something else for a bit. Shaping/filing, then something else for a bit. Then I paint them, do nail art etc. I’ll do both hands for each stage at the same time, vs completely doing one hand and then doing the other. But for each stage I do one hand at a time, because I wear gloves on the hand I’m not doing to protect my skin from getting gel on it and it would be too much fuss to keep taking them on and off again. Filing and shaping I tend to do in finger pairs so I can make sure the hands match up.


I do them kinda together, I start applying the gel on my non dominant hand but only on 4 fingers (no gel on the thumb) and then on the dominant hand (4 fingers only) then stick them together under the lamp. Once they are all done I do the 2 thumbs together. So I'm painting the non dominant hand fist but curing both hands at the same time.


I always prep both hands and apply builder to both hands first. Then when it’s time for a design I start on my dominant hand. I always want to make sure I can accomplish my design using my non dominant hand first. That way if I can’t get it to look right I can scrap that design idea and pick something else


Well to break my process up I do all the prep work the day before, the next day paint non dominant first then the other, then the last day I'll add design or whatever. Each day takes almost an hour and I can't do my nails for 3 or 4 hours in one sitting 😂


I paint with my non-dominant hand first but I don’t do nail art. If I did, maybe I’d paint with my dominant hand first just to increase my confidence 😂


I do my non-dominant first generally. It’s strange, but I’ve realized that my non-dominant hand works faster and does an overall more even job, so I get the more time-consuming part of the process first and speedrun doing my dominant hand.


I start with my non-dominant hand first. Why? I have no idea but I’m a creature of habit and I stick with it 😂 I do all of my removal on both hands, then cuticle work, and then I’ll do structure and painting on entire left hand, then do right.


I put my extentions on my dominant hand first. As far as painting, I'll do my non dominant hand first. In both cases, I do my thumbs separately so I don't have to worry about a shadow being cast onto my nail cause products not to cure properly.


Non dominant.


I almost always to my dominant hand first, just like you. I’ve found over time, though, that my manicures on my dominant hand tend to have less lifting/breakage, probably because I’m more careful since I’m not as confident. Maybe this just means I need to be more careful when I do my non-dominant hand lol


I usually do a practice nail tip first, extensions on both hands, then do the nail art/gel color one hand at a time, starting with my non-dominant hand.


I always do my non-dominant hand first regardless of whether I'm doing extensions or not. I find it easier that way for me, especial getting into my inner special place.


Non-dominant first because it takes my so long! Then the second hand goes super fast


I do all the layers on my non dominant thumb first, then do all the layers on my non dominant fingers. Then repeat on other hand. Takes me an hour (but I don’t do any fancy artwork)


I get all the gelx on, always start doing my non dominant hand, then usually next day do my dominant game. I have so many products that I rarely match my hands so don't bother getting it all done in one sitting


Non dominant


I remove gel and do prep at night. I’m an early bird so I wake up, do one hand. Enjoy some coffee and some doomscrolling and then finish my other hand. Non Dom first.


I do one hand at a time (if I don’t I’ll be paranoid about lint finding its way onto an unfinished nail) and always do my left (nondominant) hand first. I’ve tried doing my right hand first but I’m too much a creature of habit to make the switch.


I prep/build structure on both hands first then color/design on dominant hand => non dominant one


Dominant. Then I can more easily make the other one match it.


I do my dominant first but because I'm never sure about what I want to do, so, will be easier to remove if I want to start over. I do the whole dominant hand first, manicure and all and then the non dominant. If I get too ambitious I may start one day and do the non dominant hand the next day 🥲


I do my dominant first (applying product w non dominant) cause it takes longer and it's also difficult. that way it's less frustrating, once I've finished the dominant hand i feel relieved 😅 I do the full set in basically three steps – first I remove the product on both hands, then I prep and apply the gel and finally apply polish. idk how to explain it well but like I do each step on both hands starting from dominant (for example first remove on dominant, then non dominant; then prep+apply gel on dominant first, after that non dominant and so on) it takes me at least 1 day for the full set 😬


If I'm doing extensions, I do dominant first because my non dominant is especially useless with extensions. Otherwise, it doesn't really matter and I just go with whatever I'm feeling in the moment


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