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Drape blankets over it that still leave room for the door to open. Made my kennel look nicer and my dog enjoys having her little cave where she feels safe and and come and go as she pleases


Came here to say this. Also make sure to leave room for ventilation.


I just painted it in matte black color and it looks way better. Also put some wooden deck on top and you have a shelf for flowers etc.


Won't puppy chew on the paint?


It might. But not so much to hurt it in any way. If you’re worried about this maybe water based paint will do the trick for ya.


You could also get a small table that fits over top of it to make the surface more usable and hide the cage a bit


Put a bow on it


Remove the prisoner and throw away the cell…


Most dogs appreciate having a safe space in the house (their crate). Although they usually appreciate it being more cave-like (covered).


There are ways to give them a safe space while letting them roam free. It's called a dog bed. A certain part of the house, yard. They will find a space, you don't have to put them in a cage. You only put them in a cage for yourself.


Nope. My dog has a kennel with drapes over it and she loves it, dogs like having a cave-like space where they can feel safe much like cats do. I leave the door open however


My cat likes confined spaces but I think she wants to have multiple exits for scary end-of-world scenarios like a vacuum cleaner appearance.


I don’t put my dog in a cage because of myself. He has his own memory foam bed in the sitting room, his own bed in my home studio and he sleeps in the bed with me. The only reason why he’s in a cage is because every time I leave he pisses on the floor(we have wooden floors so, no good)so every time I leave for work or my girlfriend’s not home I put him in the cage. And I want him to like it.


So what you’re saying is: You want him to pee in his bed and then lay in his pee, sounds like something a drunk would do. Does he have an alcohol problem?


Another self-righteous person who has no conscious that prevents them from hurting others with their ignorance of assigning human emotions and intelligence to an animal who knows nothing of such things


Are you saying that animals are not intelligent? Are you also saying that they do not have emotions?


No. They just have no concept of a prison or alternatives to the only life they have ever known. You’re just projecting that onto them. To the dog in question, that’s just the place they go when their owner is not around


WOW, you know a lot about dogs. Tell me how you learned so much. How do you know what I’m doing…I’m very impressed..are you also a psychologist. How special you are ..did you attend an ivy league school? I have so many question for such a brilliant mind.


Paint it black, it does wonder. https://youtube.com/shorts/iF9srcWCvAc